A Well Laid Plan Ch. 02


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"Uh, okay." The conversation trailed off in a flurry of mutual lip sucking while Jan freed her arms from her dress and I freed my ankles of my shorts and boxers.

That had been the first time in many, many years that we had gotten it on without already being totally naked. Ever since we were first married, I had insisted that we always sleep in the buff, whether that be at home, her parents, my parents or in the home of a friend. I can't even remember the last time I fumbled with those devilish hooks on the back of her bra. And here we were, both recovering from a great climax with me still in my shirt and Jan still wearing her sandals.

I was getting in some overtime play with her tits and Jan was diddling with my dong, trying to coax it into a renewed erection, when the phone rang. I was content to just let the damned thing ring, but Jan couldn't resist discovering who it was. Like a moth attracted to a light, she abandoned her efforts with my slowly awakening cock to answer the call.

"Hi, Lisa!... Not much, just talking with Sam... Dinner? Hmmm, I suppose.... Okay...When do you...? Well, okay, we'll be over in a few minutes. What should I bring? You sure? Maybe I could whip up...Okay. Well, how about a bottle of wine? Two bottles? Sure. Red or white?... Okay. You sure you don't want me to...okay. We'll see you guys in a few minutes."

Guess I'll never figure that woman out. She never once looked my way the entire time she was talking to Lisa. If she had, she would have seen me shaking my head, 'no'. We had better things to do. Besides, the last thing I thought she would want to do tonight was to get together with Bill and Lisa. After all, I was under the impression that at the very least, she was having major regrets for the girls' Friday night escapade. Go figure.

"I thought you were upset?" I ventured.

"You forgive me?"

"Look, I had a wonderful time with Lisa. You had a good time with Bill. Right?... We all decided, one way or the other that we'd... do it. Personally, I'd like to do it again sometime... provided we're all in agreement before hand. No more tricky games or anything that could be construed as tricky. We'll be straightforward with each other. Okay?

"Now, do I forgive you? Jan, there's nothing to forgive, except for getting a little ahead of schedule. Frankly in the grand scheme of things, what difference does an hour make?

"Thank you Baby. I was so worried that I might lose you. Losing you, that's one thing I never want to happen."

"You're stuck with me Jan. Now com'ere."

"They're waiting for us."

"So? Let them wait."

"Sam! I told Lisa we'd be right over. Bill put the steaks on the grill. Now, put your pants back on and get a fresh shirt." Jan grabbed her sundress and headed off to do a quick primp, leaving me holding myself on the sofa.

Ten minutes later, I sat on the sofa clad in a new pair of shorts and a fresh shirt, barefoot as it didn't seem necessary to wear shoes of any sort for a casual dinner with Bill and Lisa. Cobwebs began to attach me to the furniture. "I thought you said we had to hurry," I called out.

Jan's soft voice floated down the hallway, "Be there in a minute!"

Five minutes later, she appeared wearing the same sundress she had on earlier, with a neat coiffure and a freshly painted face. Actually she didn't look all that much different than fifteen minutes ago, except her hair wasn't mussed and she was dressed.

"Where are your shoes?" she asked.

"I don't need any shoes," I replied.

"Sam, go put..."

"No! I'm fine. Let's go."

"Get two bottles of red."


"Whatever, Sam. Just get it, you're making us late!"

I didn't argue. What would be the point? With a bottle of Shiraz in each hand, I led the way to our good friends' and neighbors' home, cutting through the backyard.

One glance at Bill and knew I was overdressed. He too was barefoot, but shirtless also. Thankfully he had swimming trunks on. Lisa had her white thong bikini on, the one she wore to entertain me the night before, except she also sported a white sarong made from a gossamer-like material that offered a very good view of what lay underneath.

"It's about time you got your sorry ass over here," greeted Bill with a grin.

"What can I say? We got delayed," I replied.

"Help yourself to a brew unless you want something stronger."

"Beer's fine," I replied as reviewed the selection in an icy tub.

From behind me I heard Bill's voice, "How about you, Doll? Can I get you something?"

There was no answer. I turned and saw that Bill had Jan in a lip lock, one hand squeezing her ass while the other roamed across her back. Breaking his embrace with my wife, he declared, "Ooooweee! That's my kinda woman...braless and no panties!"

Immediately Jan turned a bright shade of red while Lisa castigated him for embarrassing her. Amused with himself, Bill turned to the manly task of putting the steaks on.

Disregarding the open groping of my wife, it was much like many Sunday dinners before. The girls went off to yak it up while Bill and I swilled beer and watched the steaks burn, except that there was an air of expectation about. Expectation... that's not quite right. That implies a degree of subtlety, and as always, Bill was somewhat less than subtle.

"You guys want to mix it up tonight?"

"I don't know. Jan's kind of... uh, moody. I just got her settled down, and I..."

"What's her problem?"

"She feels guilty. I told you that there was a problem."

"Yeah, but she seems to be over it."

"Maybe, but..."

"Relax, Sam, she's fine. Damned near drove her tongue down my throat when I rubbed her ass." He paused to play with the sizzling meat. "Hey, we won't make it an all nighter. I gotta work manana. How 'bout you?"

"Uh, oh yeah. A week on the road and now I'm behind."

"Wanna play a round of golf this week? Say, Wednesday afternoon?"

The change of subjects caught me unawares. How do you mentally, in a single bound, go from discussing a wife swap to golf? All this time I thought it was Jan's specialty to deliver me a disorienting whiplash while I tried to follow her train of thought, but Bill was right up there with her.

"Look, golf's fine, but I don't know about..."

"How do you like Lisa's outfit? Gives me a hard-on. You know, she's wearing that for you... wants another go at your pecker," he laughed. "Oh, here they come."

I turned to see the girls bringing out plates and bowls of food. As they completed putting the finishing touches to the patio table, I got a good look at Lisa. She did look stunning in her see-through outfit. Gave me a hard-on too. Then they approached us. Once they were close, Lisa's radiant smile turned to a frown. A fraction of a second later, she flung her glass of wine into Bill face!

"Hey! Hey! What the hell? Stop! Damn it, stop!" protested Bill as he warded off a flurry of slaps to his head. "Damn it! I said stop!" Bill took a few steps back and made a little distance between himself and his fuming wife. "Jesus, woman! What's got into you?"

"You, you big oaf!"

"What? What did I do?"

"You know damned good and well what you did!"

With wine dripping down his chest, Bill held up his hands in front of him. "Gimme a hint!"

"Friday night! You made her! You made Jan..."

"I didn't make her! Yeah, I fucked her! That's no secret! And she fucked me. That was the idea, wasn't it?"

"But, you didn't wait!"

"Wait for what? A message from Zeus? A directive from the White House? It was pretty damned clear what you two had in mind."

"You were supposed to wait until seven."

"What's that got to do with it? She wanted it, I wanted it, you wanted and Sam wanted it. Am I not right? We were in agreement! Damn! I knew you'd come up some frigging bullshit! Look, I made damned sure that I got it right! Remember? I asked you point blank. We were talking about fornication! Then, before you left the house to go screw Sam, I told you I wasn't waiting!"

"The rules were we'd wait until seven...in case someone changed their mind."

"Nobody changed their mind! You didn't call. Sam didn't call."

"What about Jan? You didn't give her a chance..."

"I did too, but she was too busy bouncing Miss Kitty up and down on Willy! Jesus!" The roaring conflagration that was consuming everything on the grill diverted Bill's attention. "Damn it! Now look what you did! You're making me burn the steaks!"

Bill deftly moved the meat to one side and turned the gas off. "Guess they're ready. Hope everyone likes well-done," he grumbled.

We moved to the patio table where an uneasy peace prevailed between Lisa and Bill. Contrary to Bill's fears, the steaks weren't too overcooked.

"Look, what done is done," I remarked as I savored a piece of meat. "We're all adults and we all made the same decision. Hell, I agree with Bill. Really, what difference does a few minutes make? We all had a wonderful evening, so let's not spoil it by splitting hairs."

"I'll drink to that!" chimed in Bill.

"As I see it," I continued, "the problem was we hadn't all discussed it previously. You two may have, but Jan and I... we talked, but we hadn't made that decision together. We made the decision separately, and that was the problem. Jan felt guilty when she and Bill didn't follow the rules..."

"Rules? Rules to screw? No more stupid rules!" glowered Bill. "From now on it's buck naked in the hot tub! That's the new rule!"

Blowing off the interruption, I trudged on. "As I see it, basically we have two choices. We can accept what happened Friday night as a one-time affair and move on, never to venture there again..."

"I don't like that idea," declared Bill. "It won't work."

"Oh, it would work, alright," shot Lisa. "It'd work or I'll cut your balls off!"

"Like I said, we have two choices. The other choice is to..."

"Do it again!" interrupted Bill. "I vote we do it again!"


"That's what you want too, Lisa. You already said so."

"Look," I began again, "it will have to be an unanimous choice. There can't be any morning-after recriminations or regrets."

"I vote we do it! So does Lisa! How about you Jan?"

Jan looked down at her glass of wine and then up at me with a faint smile on her face.

"We can't let something like this tear apart our marriages or our friendship, so we have to come to an understanding. All of us. For one thing, we can't violate our mutual trust."

"What in the hell are you talking about, Sam?" queried Bill.

"I mean, we can't be doing it behind our backs."

"Doing it behind our backs. I'd like to see you do that, Sam. Sounds kind of kinky."

"Bill!" admonished his wife. "This is nothing to joke about!"

I forged ahead. "I mean, we don't do it alone."

"I want to do it with Jan!"

"Bill! Quit being a horse's ass! You're making this difficult!

"Hey, I'm just stating my preferences, Lisa. Hell, I don't want to do it alone."

"God, you can be such a jerk sometimes!"

"Okay, admit it, I do jerk off sometimes," he quipped. "Is that a crime?" For that one, Bill received a kick under the table.

"Just shut up, Bill. Let Sam finish, for god's sake."

"Hey, I'm..."

"Shut up!"

An awkward silence fell over the table. Lisa, somewhat confident that Bill would keep his mouth shut for a few minutes turned to me, "You were saying, Sam?"

By that time I had lost my train of thought and was loathe to go on. I muttered, "Fuck it," in frustration.

"No, please, go on," urged Lisa with a warm smile and unmistakable twinkle in her eye. "This is important."

I took a sip of my beer and tried to regroup my thoughts. "What I was saying was, if we decide to do it again, we have to have an understanding, some rules..."

"Fucking rules," mumbled Bill. Under Lisa's withering glare, a sheepish expression came over him and mercifully he fell silent.

"We only do it under full knowledge of each other. In other words, we don't sneak off for a solo quickie. If we do it, we do it together."

"You want to watch me do her?" asked Bill. "Okay by me!"

Lisa pinched his arm. "He means he won't sneaking over behind your back or behind Jan's back. It also means you won't sneaking behind my back or behind Sam's back."

"Hey, I wouldn't do that."

"You had better not, mister. Not if you want to keep your privates!"

"Okay, okay. I'm very fond of Willy and the boys." Bill looked over at me with serious look. "Let me get this straight...so there are no misunderstandings. We swing as couples or we don't swing at all."

"Yes," I answered.

"Hell, that's simple enough," stated Bill. "Why didn't you just say so?"


"How about it Jan?" he asked my wife. Jan remained peculiarly silent.

Lisa rose from her chair and moved in behind me. Stroking my head, she purred, "That sounds like a good plan to me."

Jan looked over at me and then up at Lisa. She smiled, but didn't say a word. Suddenly and quite unexpectedly, Lisa's top dropped into my lap. Moments later, my neck was surrounded by the soft warm flesh of her breasts.

Through the glass tabletop, I could see Bill slide his hand up my wife's dress. Jan closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. "How about it, Jan?" he asked again.

Her head bobbed.

"Is that a yes?" he softly asked.

That's when she slumped over in her chair. Passed out cold. Janet never was much of a drinker, but the combination of a few glasses of wine with the Xanex she'd taken earlier really did her in. Much to everyone's disappointment, the evening was over.

Bill helped me carry her home and put her to bed. I let him undress her and ogle, but we left it at that.

"Is she going to be okay?" Bill asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah. I guess. I'll have watch her tonight."

"Okay good buddy. If you need anything, just give us a call."

"Thanks, Bill. Sorry about this."

"Hey, maybe next weekend."

"Who knows? I don't think she heard or understood a word of what we were saying."

"Well, you two talk and get it straight. I think you know how Lisa and I feel about it."

"Can't make any promises."

"I know," he replied with a sigh. "You still good for golf Wednesday?"

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silentsoundsilentsound9 months ago

Someone needs to kill Bill and Sam is just a stupid pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Bill is nothing but a fucking PIG.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 2 years ago

One of the dumbest storylines ever. Bill is a horndog, as is his slutty wife, Lisa. Sam is just plain stupid and doesn't see what his pitiful wife really wants is a good marriage. Sam just doesn't see that Jan doesn't want to "swing".... All the characters are very predictable, with no redeeming qualities. So far this sad tale of "swinging" is just plain bad. 1/5 stars

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Weak, useless.men married to willing whores.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

sorry group

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

sick couples no real marriage between them.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 5 years ago
Confused Sam?

Sam seems to be confused most of the time. He's always letting Bill make the decisions. By Jan's reaction, What makes him think she wants to do it so soon again? And what makes Sam so sure Jan wants to do it with him again? Had they been getting it on behind Sam and Lisa's back? She sure acted like she did. Why isn't Sam trying to find out whats wrong with Jan? Why did he need to seduce her so bad when she was trying to tell him why she was feeling the way she did? Actually, Sam doesn't seem to be all there. Nice story, but? Same thing. No ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The whole thing from the beginning was domed to failure.STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

SAM SHOULD have divorced her

GoodhueGoodhueabout 9 years ago
Sam is One Dumb Shit!

Can't this guy see the signs that Jan wants out of this bullshit situation before it goes too far?! This kind of story frustrates the piss out of me in that I feel like smacking this asshole Sam and saying ,either stop this shit or you'll lose your wife!

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
I normally don't call the men in the stories wimps, but Sam is definitely a wimp!

I feel like Sam should get kicked in the dick. His wife is silently suffering and he is too busy trying to be diplomatic with his asshole of a best friend. After all of this shit he should stand up and say that the swapping days are over. Period. It is obvious that this path will eventually destroy his marriage and his wife. He needs to decide that his marriage is more important than his friendship. I wouldn't let Bill anywhere near my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Total shit of a story by a total shit of a "writer" !

Why people like this don't believe in euthanasia ??

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Two dickheads

Both thinking with their dicks - what's next the wife in a mental insitution while the husband screws her friend

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
The worst shit of the ages.

Totally talentless Pomy's mental excreta !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
You got to be a swinger to love this

This was really fun Jan enjoys all this but later feels guilty She needs reassurance & she needs to stop the xanax If she came to me I'd have given her a piece of my mind & sent her home without Xanax .That was fun & sounds real Thanx for all the fun Please write more if you get together again

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