A Werewolf in Office Clothing


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"I'll be foine," now Gareth could hear the accent which wasn't normally evident in Col's voice. Reassured, he stepped back from the car. "Take the lipstick off, I should," now Col was definitely laughing. Annoyed, Gareth wiped a hasty hand across his mouth as he backed away into the office.

As soon as Bryony let him into her bedsit, Col started trying to shove her towards the sprawling untidy pile of quilts and pillows of the low futon she hadn't bothered to make up into a neat sofa. He was whining and pawing at her, snuffling at her eagerly. But Bryony wanted to know more about him first.

"Sit down!" she said in a firm clear voice. "I want to talk." She gripped her hands on the sides of his head, looking intently into his yellow eyes. He fidgeted restlessly in her hands. She saw his eyes darken to the mere caramel colour of longing, away from the hot yellow of lust that lit them if he thought he was in with a chance.

He made a discontented and resigned whimper, stepping back from her, looking about him at the armchair, the wooden folding table and chairs in the kitchenette, the untidy futon bed made up with clean white sheets. He sat down on the floor and tilted his head at her.

"Do you want ... a cup of tea?" He grinned at that as if he knew she'd hesitated over whether to offer him a bowl and put it down on the lino of the kitchenette where it wouldn't matter if he splashed it as he lapped it up.

"No m'darlin'," he said. The Irish burr was soft in his red panting mouth, "but you get yourself one if you want to."

She sat on the low futon bed and looked into his caramel eyes. There was so much she wanted to know about him but her first question was the typical one of the insecure young woman who has never realised how pretty she is. "Why do you like me?" His red mouth had opened in the grinning silent panting laugh, she said: "Any of the others ... they're so beautiful, wouldn't you rather .... Do you really want to be with me?"

He tilted his head at her, the yellowish eyes seem to soften and darken with an affection that was even stronger than his panting lust. "You're the one," he said. "If I wanted a trophy I'd put it on my car bonnet. I like a bit of meat on the bone myself." He snuffled his laugh back in his nose, his eyes were turning yellow again as he cast them over the sweet curves of her body. Bryony's mouth pursed. It wasn't very romantic but he would never be the kind of man to waste time whispering sweet nothings. "C'mon," he whined in the husky intensity of physical desire which can't be faked. He started to get to his hands and knees. "I want you."

"Is it the collar?" she asked. "If I take that off ...?"

"Sort of," he interrupted hurriedly. He was still on all fours, crouched hopefully. "If I'm feeling strong emotions and I'm not wearing it, I'll change."

"If ... if you leave it on we can ... and you'll just be a man?" she asked.

Col sat back on his haunches at that, he turned his head and regarded her from the caramel eyes. "Yes, my darlin'," he said softly. "If I leave the collar on, I'll just be a man. Would you rather do it like that?"

Instead of answering, she leant forward to ask, "Were you ... bitten?"

"No no," he said softly. "That's not how it works. You can't catch it. Nobody seems to know. Mebbe it's in your family. Me Uncle Patrick .... I think he was one. They never would talk much about him. But me brothers, there's nothing but human to them."

"You don't talk about your family," she said hesitantly.

"I've no family any more," he said with the lupine grin that made her breath come short and her knees feel weak and willing to spread wide. "When they found out, they kicked me out."

Her gentle face was full of a useless pity. He shook his head of thick dark hair impatiently aside, his yellow gaze going off away from the soft sorrow in her brown eyes. It had felt like so long and he had found her at last. He had been circling round, hunting her down patiently. He didn't want to waste any more time, he wanted to sink himself deep inside her cunt and fuck them both happy.

"You haven't got anyone except us in the office?" she asked.

"No no," he said hurriedly. He grinned the lolloping lupine laughter at her. "I've the pack ... I mean some friends. It's why I decided to stay here. I tried London but it's mad there, all the Alphas fightin' to be top dog. I came here thinkin' I'd just live alone. Christa spotted me in the pub one night, she knew what I am -- well, she's been married to Rex long enough to know the signs. He's the pack leader but there's no fightin'. He's like the Dad we never had," his eyes softened, he sat back more peacefully, the puppy came back into the set of his shoulders. "Christa makes us look for jobs where there's people," he explained. "I'd rather be with Rex in forestry -- outdoor life, but Christa says we must go and try to meet people, find someone," his eyes lifting shyly to her were the soft caramel colour.

She could imagine the older woman who started picking up the signs, cautiously extending a motherly hand to the frightened young cubs she noticed; youngsters rejected by family and scared to make friends, potentially lethal and unable to understand, desperately lonely without the companionship of the pack for which they had an innate craving. They accepted the older Alpha as the pack leader but it was she who brought them under his protection, who soothed their ruffled fur and made them feel loved, who rolled her eyes when they moaned that they'd had a dodgy kebab and that was why they felt ill. Bryony could picture the woman packing them all in her husband's four-by-four of a weekend, driving them out to some place where there wouldn't be sheep, letting them all leap out the vehicle to run off wild and play-fighting before she took them home, tired and happy, their panting breath misting up the windows, to feed them up for the week ahead.

Col was hesitantly continuing, "Christa says we should get out and have some fun," his lolloping grin was apologetic, she understood that he had sometimes had wild 'fun', "but she says if we ever make anyone cry not to bother coming home to her unless we want to be a hearthrug," he snorted and panted with laughter. "She says to us, 'You'll know when you meet the one.'"

"How do you know?" she couldn't resist asking.

"Oh y'know," he became awkward and twisted his head about. His eyes had gone not yellow but amber: the bright yellow lust was clouded with the strong dark skein of affection. "When you meet someone and you want to ... but you don't just want to screw them, you want to be their best friend."

She laughed and slid off the futon bed onto her knees on the floor. She held her arms out to him. He came snuggling into her embrace, butting his head of dark hair against her shoulder.

"I'll leave the collar on," he said in his growly grunting voice.

"Give me a kiss with it on?" she asked, "but I'd rather ... have it off."

She felt him tense up with pleasurable lust at that, he started pushing at her with his body, thrusting up against her. Her arms were full of his muscular eager body, she ran her fingers luxuriously up his back and into his hair. His head was coming up round for her kiss but then he pulled away and stuck his hand in his pocket, pulled out a handful of condoms which he chucked onto the bedside table. She lifted her gentle brown eyes to him, he grunted in some embarrassment, "You don't want puppies, do you? Fuck's sake, make sure you get one on me before I change because you'd have the divvil of a job afterwards!"

She smiled acquiescently but what she thought was that she wouldn't mind -- if they were his puppies. On the other hand she hadn't known him that long and although she really really liked him, who knew what you might catch off a playful werewolf? They could have a long boring talk about how risky he might be -- or they could get the condom on and get on with it.

He was coming thrusting at her to offer her his kiss. Since he knew he would be getting the animal satisfaction he craved, the prospect of a kiss had become more enjoyable. He pawed at her shoulders in the red dress but not as insistently and his mouth clung to hers. She held his head firmly into her pressed mouth. She was the one, she would always be able to bring him to heel.

She was pulling the buttons out of his shirt and easing the white cotton off his broad muscular shoulders, rubbing her fingers over his tummy and waist so that he started giggling and kicking with one foot. She pulled his belt out the buckle and shoved at his trousers and boxers, pulling them down.

He felt ashamed and was about to say that he'd have a longer cock when he changed but she was fondling the thick squat man's cock in his boxer shorts with evident pleasure and excitement. He started to reach for a condom, she caught his hand and then began pulling and pushing him at the low futon bed. Hesitantly, he let her push him to sit on the edge of the bed, trousers and boxers halfway down his hefty thighs, naked muscular torso rising above her. She lifted a face to him in which the brown eyes were glinting with naughty fun and stooped to put her mouth to his cock.

He was grunting and fondling her head, playing with her hair while saying softly: "Ah, fuck me, fuck me!" in whispered expletive, his accent rounding out his vowels: "Jaysus!" he hissed. "Ah, foock me!"

The rank smell of the wild woodland was at its strongest here and she sniffed it greedily as she sucked on his cock. The thickness was satisfyingly large to wrap lips around, she ran her tongue over the smooth head which was emerging from the hood of his skin, thinking how pleasurable it might be some time to have him as a man. She had little experience but she realised his penis was shorter than most, she was very willing to exchange length for girth. He was grunting and thrusting more urgently and his hands starting to grip on her head, she wanted more than just this so she insisted to pull away in spite of his pleading moan. She gave him a look and he dropped it with only a little grumble.

She was reaching for the buckle of the collar but he pushed her hands away. Fair's fair, he was kicking off his trousers and boxers while pulling at her dress, dragging the red dress up over her head. He tugged it off and went to take off the little red ankle boots with the jingling chain. She saw his stocky naked muscular body stiffen. His fingers were fondling the red leather and the little chain as he unzipped the first boot. He picked it up in his mouth and started looking up to her with his yellow eyes dancing in hope. Bloody Hell! typical. The most expensive shoe in her small collection and he thought she was going to play tug-of-war with it! She just knew he was going to sniff it out and chew it if she ever left it lying out of the box. Why couldn't he have picked on the scruffy slipper sticking out from under the futon bed?

"Drop it!" she said crossly but he had let the little boot fall to the floor before she had finished the words.

If she had ever wondered about any appeal her body might have, surely the greedy desire in his amber eyes ought to reassure her. He was whining softly and urgently as he ran his eyes over the breasts filling the E cups of the lacy white bra. His hands were reaching to cover and press on her breasts then they slid down lingering over the tucked curve into her small waist to tug at the matching knickers with the cheeky little red bows on either side.

He had pulled off the knickers and was playing his fingers in the brown hair around her sex. She was panting more than he was now, her legs parting to his caress. He slid his fingers into the straps of her suspenders, putting his face down, stooping to sniff delicately at her. He could smell the rich complex mix of sweet and salt that was her creamy juice. He dragged his hands lasciviously over her thighs round to her plump curving buttocks. He lifted them, putting his nose down to catch a dark faecal whiff from her arsehole, he licked his lips and turned his attention back to her cunt.

She felt him open out the red hood of the labia to expose her clitoris and vulva. She was already pulsing soft and creamy for him. As his tongue came lapping at her clitoris she quivered with joy, panting and moaning. His flexible skilful tongue slipped down to the opening of her cunt, expertly he licked and poked at her sensitive sex while sniffing enthusiastically at her.

It was starting to be too much for her, she wanted to grab his head and shove his tongue, his face into her cunt! He knelt suddenly up away to reach for a condom. She sat up on the bed. The second he had the condom on, her fingers went to the buckle of the collar to pull it undone, she shoved her mouth onto his mouth creamy with her sweet-salt juice. He was kissing her while, as the collar came away, she saw with wide eyes looking over his shoulder the fur bursting out in a line down his back, rippling like dark flames all over his body. His mouth was lengthening in the kiss, turning into the hairy snout pressed into her mouth. Her fingers gripping the smooth hard muscles of his back were suddenly sunk in a tufty mix of harsh hair and soft underfur. It was his winter pelt: thick, dark and glossy.

His eyes had remained that cloudy amber, he hadn't gone completely into the wild. There was some web of affection cast darkly to catch back the full force of his lust.

She threw open her legs in eager anticipation, lying back to look up into the wolf's amber eyes with the dark grey rim, the snout, the red mouth open and panting, the long tongue hanging out between the yellowish teeth.

Instead of coming to lie over her, he was scrabbling at her body with what were neither quite hands nor paws. He was whimpering desperately. Suddenly she understood, she turned quickly over onto her front, lifting her backside to him. He was yelping softly now as he placed his forelegs either side of her, she paddled her legs wider for him to stand between and with a thrill she felt his cock press to her vulva. A rapid thrust and the long cock of the werewolf was sliding right up in her, deep up into her cunt, a cry of pleasure burst from her lips, he thrust up and hit a spot she had only read about, never had touched. Her eyes went wide and she started grunting like a little pig under him. Her senses were whirling like fallen leaves in the wild feelings flowing out in her cunt from his rapid thrusting up into her onto that spot. She was squealing like a happy little pig, he was barking with excitement and fun, thrusting, thrusting and suddenly it all seemed to whirl back to that spot. She was keenly aware of her vaginal muscles clasping his shaft, his shaft thrusting deep into her, his paws, hands, paws on her hips. She cried out his name, Cu-hullin! the last syllable coming out in a frantic whispered scream. He was coming to her call, thrusting into her hard, gripping her hips towards his haunches, a long howl broke from him as he thrust and pressed into her that last long time.

When she woke in the morning the winter sunlight showed her the smooth sculpted muscular curves of the supremely fit man lying in her bed, his strong arm tucked under her to scoop her soft body in to his side. Was it just one of her dreams? falling asleep curled into the thick soft warm fur. Her eyes wandered to the bedside table and she saw among the condoms his collar. She gave a thrilled grin of anticipation.

He was stirring, his eyes opening: yellowish happy, like caramel. He turned his head to look into her eyes and smiled, putting his muscled leg over her sexy curving legs. His eyes were going brighter yellow.

"My best friend," she said softly, reaching out to tuck a caressing hand in the thick dark hair of his head. His mouth had been lifting into his grin but it softened back in the smile at that, he turned his head contentedly into her hand and then put his head forward for her kiss.

As their lips parted, she said, "better put this on," stretching out over him to the bedside table so that her big breasts lifted up into his eyeline and he quivered, the blood starting to pump round his body to his cock, the adrenaline making the hairs prickle all over him.

His head turned, the expression in his amber eyes with the dark grey rim regretful but obedient. Then he grinned his lupine grin as he saw she was reaching not for the collar but for a condom.

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MistressMissy08MistressMissy08almost 5 years ago

I found this story fun. It made me smile to see the warewolf have a frolicky side. I enjoyed the feeling of love and utter acceptance of the leading lady. Thank you for sharing your thoughts,time and talent with me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Half human half wolf...isn't that a dog?

I really enjoyed his dog like features as I think that a where wolf, being half human and half wolf is actually a dog, as dogs are half human half wolf too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
i'am glad

I"am glad to see there is someone out there who can tell such a colourful and viberent story,but and I only have one. Maybe col could have made up for what he lacked in penial length with the use of the useual K9 tongue length .Other than that I loved your captivating , discriptive and sentual combination .I will look forward to see what elce you have locked away

cheers jm

sheabluesheablueabout 10 years ago
Well, that was unexpected!

And fucking brilliant! Seriously a hilarious and sexy take on the werewolf story. I'm in love with these characters and can't wait to read more. I don't get the confusion between dog and wolf, they are closely related as it is? Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Damned clever

A most interesting tale;

Thank you, Duchess.

Big Hug


NaokoSmithNaokoSmithalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Cheers guys! Thank you for the lovely comments on this early werewolf story of mine. I have got great editorial support since the days this was branded 'depraved filth' on Amazon (LOL, the downloads have been pouring off ever since!) so I hope the writing is tidier. I am still myself very fond of the characters and the story. I really appreciate having some fellow fans of a different take on the paranormal :heart:

MrPezmanMrPezmanalmost 11 years ago
Wonderful read

I enjoy a good werewolf tale, and I think you did an amazing job with this one. I wouldn't mind finding a woman like Bryony myself!

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69almost 11 years ago
Not your usual run of the mill werewolf tales - and that's excellent!

I enjoyed how Col was not the "usual" were, being short and squat with a short cock. Something that disturbed me was the "faecal whiff" as he was going down on her, but I thought - even in non-human fiction, it was quite hilarious to get that reality of being a human being when fucking! Keep writing will you! I like it! 5 *

NaokoSmithNaokoSmithover 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Wow thanks for this. Great to get a vote of confidence in this very different genre from someone who's used to my opaque writing style.

I dashed this story off rather quickly, mainly as a laugh because I wanted to see if I could write a werewolf story that has safe sex in it. I haven't seen anyone yet say that bit didn't work, which is good news!

I'm working on some more stories about Col's pack. I'm taking more care about those ones and looking for help with the grammatical errors, finally I've realised how much a good editor can do for your story. I really welcome feedback about what worked and what didn't which I can use to hone the new set of stories. (I must have a think about the dog/wolf thing.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I wasn't sure how your slightly detached tone was going to work in the contemporary setting, but I enjoyed it just as much as the fantasy settings. I was wrapped up enough in the story that I didn't note grammatical errors (and these usually stand out for me!). My favorite part of the piece was the bits of dog-like behavior that seeped into human life. However, you are also saying Col is wolf; please make it clear which, so as not to break your own spell.

NaokoSmithNaokoSmithover 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I am really grateful for the critical feedback. I know you're right! I've been writing for a little while and not quite sure about my work but I've managed to get some feedback now that made me realise my writing style is opaque. When you've written the story and read and re-read it multiple times it's hard to tell if there are problems with it. You'll be glad to hear I've got an editor for the stories I'm writing now. Really big thanks for this honest feedback.

drews_lette11drews_lette11over 11 years ago
Jury still out

this was good story but it was really hard to follow. It kept jumping from one thing to the next without any real transition. Grammar was deplorable, could barely make out some of the sentences or what in the world you meant. Don't get me wrong, it was an interesting story, but please, next time you write a story, find an editor and flesh out more detail in the story BEFORE you post it. Its hard to enjoy a story when you can barely follow it.

NekoParksNekoParksover 11 years ago
More please, Ms. Smith...

I love your story--sexy and funny. At least this man's best friend can walk himself. As to the bestiality comments, I say: what's a little fur between friends? LOL!

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 11 years ago
I like this.

You get 5 stars.

NaokoSmithNaokoSmithover 11 years agoAuthor

Now JonATaylor, I'm sure you know that bestiality is not permitted on this site! This story is just a (para)normal bit of fun ;)

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