A World-Class Brothel Pt. 02


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"But you wouldn't do that, not to your own daughter?"

Mae looked away.

"Mae, for fuck sake. She's your daughter."

"I must do whatever is necessary."

Eddie looked at her darkly. "Then I'll push her to ensure she succeeds."

Mae smiled at him affectionately. "I was hoping you'd come to that decision darling. I'm just surprised you reached it so quickly."

Eddie scowled, "You did warn me how she could react when threatened. With a tough-ass mother like you I don't blame her."

"That's the spirit Eddie, now who would you like to live in this suite and to act as your personal assistant? You are free to change girls whenever you wish. If you like we'll review the day shift and night shift tomorrow, or on video if you prefer. Or should it be Dimples?"

"Dimples, every night?" Eddie said, losing some color.

"Very wise, she is a bit of a power house which is why the robust guys who return rebook her. Well, let's look for your companion tomorrow."

"Wait, I have a face and figure... can't remember her name. Dolores' daughter."

"Maya Cruz?"


"Oh Eddie. She's Billie's closest friend."

"Which is probably the reason why I like her rather than why I want her."

"I advise you against this Eddie."

"Why, I'm not worried? Billie has more or less rejected me as a favored person and that leaves me free to choose my next partner. She acted against me in a fit of personal desperation connected with insecurity. I reckon you'll find she'll simply accept Maya's association with me, ignore me and carry on her relationship with Maya as if I did not exist. Blood is thicker than water, as they say."

"But they are not blood related."

"I know, but they live and act as they were."

"Yes. Oh Eddie, this is unusual for me, I don't know what to do."

"How advanced educationally is Maya?"

"She completed high school and her mother insisted she go to college but she refused. However she did a two-year on-line course in elementary business administration."

"Then that's good enough for me. Please offer her the job as my PA and advise her I have no problem if she wishes to continue working in Hosting from 3:00 in the afternoon. I'll not require her to sleep with me but in time perhaps she'll ignore the absence of an invitation."

"Do I tell her that last bit?"

"No, of course not."

"Very well, I find that acceptable. I won't force her to work with you."

"I wouldn't expect that but please tell her of your concerns about possible reaction from your daughter, with whom I am out of favor big time. If she doesn't want to come to work with me then assign someone else. I'll need another desk in here over in that corner. I mean please Mae."

"Certainly sir."

"Mae, I really did mean it as a request and I did manage to tack on please."

"Don't grovel Eddie. I prefer you with a bit of bite and so will my daughter when she comes to her senses. Silly bitch."

"That's no way to talk about your daughter."

Mae laughed and said sorry sir. When Mae was leaving Eddie bounded over and holding her shoulders kissed her on both cheeks, European style.

"What was that for," she said, coloring slightly, holding the last cheek that was kissed.

"For having faith in me," he said. "Tell me Mae, in some respects am I the son you never had?"

Mae turned white and pulled away, and walking away snapped, "Damn you Eddie. You know too fucking much."

Eddie stood frozen, mouth open in surprise at the reaction his quip had invoked.

* * *

Maya sat, back straight, sipping coffee while listening to her mother's best friend and the woman she admired deeply.

When Mae finished Maya said she would do anything Mae asked, so she would be Mr Lawson's assistant.

"No dear, you don't understand. I have told you the position is open to you and have said your acceptance could make Billie angry. I want you to decide yourself, without any feeling of pressure from me, whether you wish to take the position or not. It doesn't make any difference to me as I shall simply relay your decision."

"Does it mean I must sleep with him if I accept?"

"Not at all. In fact it was made clear to me that it was not a requirement and as I told you he said you would be free to carrying out assignments via Hosting from mid-afternoon if that was you wish."

"Doesn't he desire me?"

"If you are interested in the answer I would suggest you ask him at an appropriate time."

"Then I accept his offer and please convey to him I am not available to him sexually unless I decide otherwise."

"I shall convey your acceptance Maya and nothing else as nothing else is part of the position he is offering."

They sat and chatted briefly about other things and as Maya rose to go she said, "Aunt Mae, do you think he desires me?"

"I would think so."

Maya smiled and said she thought so too because she had seen him look at her on both occasions they had met. "It also answers my question, why me?"

"Exactly," Mae smiled. "Men do find it difficult to hide the desire in their eyes when they are interested."

They laughed, kissed and Maya departed.

Maya arrived home at 6:30 when her client had finished with her to find her mom very keen to talk.

"Mr Lawson called and we had a long chat. I didn't know he was back. He's such a lovely man compared with some of the scum attracted to the resort."

"Scummy men pay the biggest tips and often have the biggest tips," Maya said and they both laughed and that make it difficult for Dolores attempting to lecture her daughter not to be so disgusting.

"What did Mr Lawson want?"

Dolores said, "He's invited you to breakfast with him on the terrace of the VIP restaurant in the morning at 8:30."

She was astonished to learn that Maya had accepted an offer to work for him, what it involved and that it had no connection with sex.

"Well I never, he sees merit in you."

"He knows me slightly having met me here briefly and I said goodbye to him on the day he left. Mae must have told him that I had some knowledge in business administration and did your accounts."

Maya then told her mom about how Mr Lawson's appointment had enraged Billie and she took to him.

"So it wasn't an accidental trip that sent her to hospital for almost two days. He hit her?"

"No, don't say that. Aunt Mae spread the lie to protect Billie. Billie took to Mr Lawson screaming with a heavy candlestick and Aunt Mae foot tripped her and she fell, hitting her head on the carved dinning room sideboard."

"Well I never. Women are such liars."

"Do you think I've done the right thing in accepting the role?"

"Yes of course."

"I mean do you think Billie will take it out on me, even reject me."

Mae said of course not, that Billie was not that petty and she and Maya were dear friends. "I would advise you don't allow him to ball you within Billie's sight or hearing until she gets used to the idea."

"Mom, I have made it quite clear I accept but sex is not part of the package."

"You fool, he would be among the pick of the crop. You like sex."

"I do, but social sex is different to work sex. He'll only get to fuck me if I choose to allow him."

"Well, come to dinner. Thank goodness you left that option open. I don't mind saying I could go a few rounds with him myself."


* * *

Maya chose her prettiest underwear to go under her dress that was short enough for her to reveal a good eyeful of either her bra or panties if she chose to do so. She was interested to find out just how interested Mr Lawson was in her. She couldn't help herself when she arrived at the breakfast table and he stood, greeted her warmly and made no effort to move in to kiss her. He appeared surprised when she said, "You may kiss me if you wish, as that's not having sex." But he was nowhere as surprised as she was, unable to believe she'd just said that.

She later attempted to encourage him to find her less attractive by saying her mother was half Spanish and half white American and her father was half Italian and half white American. It completely backfired. He grinned and said his father was half Scottish and half white Australian and his mother was half white Australian and half Italian. "The Spanish and Italian mixing with the non-Latin European bloodlines explains why you are so beautiful."

She was so thrown by his unexpected comment she almost removed the top off her finger cutting a fresh peach.

"Wow, your fingernail just deflected that knife blade to avoid a nasty cut. Here let me slice the peach for you."

"It was so embarrassing," she told her mom that evening. "He sliced the peach and then fed each slice on the blade directly to my mouth. I was ready to crawl under a rock."

"But you didn't?"

"No, and as you said last night he's a lovely man. His smile is warm and he looks after himself well, his facial skin is almost as good as mine and his eye contact is not confused and lingers without the slightest evidence of lust or threat. He was just like a big brother."

"I would think what he wants to do to you darling is something a lovely brother does not normally aspire to do to his sister."


They laughed and in moving off to join the family Maya confessed, "It's not half what I want to do to him."

They cackled about that and refused to tell the others what was the joke other that it was something one didn't discuss over the table when having dinner.

After eating and the rest of the family dispersed, Maya outlined elements of her work as Mr Lawson had explained to her over a long breakfast.

"So that's why he's been lured back, it's not for Billie's benefit at all?"

"What do you mean mom?"

"For almost three years Mae has been dreaming her big dream about undertaking a major expansion and then along came Eddie with his big array of ideas, filling the gap that so far she'd not found the person to launch herself with into a multi-million-dollar development scheme."

"There are plenty of people around who could do that, real experts. He's only just turned twenty-six mom."

"I know, he's young and he's relatively inexperienced but he has the ideas, indicates he has the passion and equally important he is someone Mae feels she can trust, and there aren't many people she knows in that category."

"Of course, that's it. He has the ideas and the courage of youth to match up with her experience and money vault. It's her big swan song to endow Billie."

"Very astute darling. Mae also has picked him for Billie's husband, someone who is strong enough to keep Billie on track."

"You believe that?"

"Yes I do. The stresses and strains of the project will throw those two together more than it bursts them apart. Mark my words. So don't hang about playing coy for too long if you want bedroom action with him. I can tell you he's in a trap to be sprung and the outcome is already known by Mae and now also by you and me. No matter how expertly you wriggle your ass under and over him darling he's Billie's trophy and there's nothing you can do to prevent that happening.

"But why Billie and not me?"

"Because Mae saw him first and set out to nail him once she was satisfied he has what it takes."

Tears forming, Maya asked, "Why did you have to spoil my romance with him. Why didn't you allow me to find out?"

Dolores found a stray tear to wipe away. "Because I love you darling. I much rather see you miffed now that to be really hurt much later."

Crying now Maya said, "Then he's lost to me."

"Not altogether darling. My thinking is Billie will always remain your close friend and you'll emerge as his friend and Billie won't resent that."

"I (sob) don't know (sob) what to think."

There was only one answer and Dolores delivered it: "Then do nothing until you know what you think darling."

* * *

Maya called "Come in" in answer to a knock, and Billie swept in, smiling a little grimly.

"Mom told me you are working in here as his personal assistant. Are you fucking him?"


"Why not?"

"Because he hasn't suggested it."

Billie's mouth fell and she sucked in air and went to Maya and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I can be such a bitch at times."

"I'll make no attempt to lure him from you Billie."

Billie laughed and said cheerfully, "If you want him, you have him darling. I had the one so-so night with him and that's me finished. I don't want him here but mom was unyielding and said either I learned to work with him or she'll leave me out of the equation and that would make me a one-legged CEO. I've decided to cooperate because he won't be here forever."

"I'll fit in with whatever you want Billie. But if you say he'd for the taking I could be interested. Okay?"

"Okay indeed. I'll look around in time but at present I'm out of it. Remember if you see me around him it will be business or just relaxing with a guy I have to work with. Want to go to a movie over at Foxton Flats and late dinner Saturday?"

"Sure, I'd like that."

"I'll be in touch. Look after him or mommy will want to know about it."

Eddie entered the apartment fifteen minutes later and closing the door turned and said, "Billie has been here."


"I recognize the perfume."

"She wants me to go to the movies with her Saturday night and then a meal."

"Aren't you working nights?"


"May I ask why not?"

Maya played with her necklace and looked a little uncomfortable. "I've advised Dimples I'm not available as a host while I'm working for you."

"That wasn't necessary. If you are available I'll only work you harder."

"Good. May we talk about my duties now?"

"Sure, I was intending to brief you fully but first I want to be fully briefed about this operation. Grab your hat and sunglasses and we'll go."

As Maya went to grab their hats he took a call. They were walking down the stairs to ground level when Eddie said, "That was your mother inviting me for dinner tomorrow."

Maya flushed and said she could strangle her mother.


"She's embarrassing me, she knows you are my boss."

"As a matter of fact she's pleased I'm back and I said why not come across for a drink but she said since I cancelled out the last time she invited me to dinner why don't we have the drink at her home followed by dinner tomorrow and I accepted. What is wrong about that? She actually likes me as a guy although I don't believe she has designs on me."

"What my mother? Are you kidding? She's old enough to be your mother. I should be the one... Oh God," Maya said, slamming a hand over her mouth. "What am I saying?"

"I guess that you want to sleep with me but perhaps are too embarrassed to discuss it because you have no intention of charging me."

"Who told you that?"

"I am quite capable of figuring out some things for myself, even when it involves a female. For your information my salary package includes four free hosts a month and a 60% discount on any excess of that number in that month. It may also interest you to know I have decided I would much prefer having you as a gift and not as a host simply because it's the type of relationship I've decided that would sit better with me and rarely have I paid for sex and then only indirectly. If that's not what suits you then it's too bad for me. I would only continue to wonder what it would be like being with you."


"Yes, since that early afternoon I first saw you in your mother's house. You are a fine looking young woman Maya and you rather excite me just looking at you."

Maya appeared to be almost panting. "You are my boss, so should you be talking like this to me?"

"This whole resort is built around fucking Maya apart from those who have retired or semi-retired from such activity. I know that, you know that. So there we are, we are in open dialogue about it."

"You're rushing me."

"There's no rush. Take you time, make your decision and act when you are ready."

"Promise me you won't say a word about this to my mother?"

"I promise," Eddie said, waving out to Dimples arm-in-arm with a short fat guy. "If she hasn't already done so, your mother will be advising you to snaffle me as soon as you can before Billie resumes her interest in me."

"Why do you think my mom would say that?"

"I believe all mothers want what's best for their daughters. I certainly think your mom is smart enough to know that Mae wants to stitch me up with Billie if the spoilt brat deems to dismount from her high horse."

"Don't you like mothers?"

"Of course I do. They're usually fabulous people and I have one myself. My mom is a tough cookie and ran a catering kitchen of up to eighty women for years for my father so is an expert on women and over the table at nights I'd hear all about her female workforce, the problems she faced and the solutions she worked out for herself. I learned a great deal about women from my mom or mum as we call them in Australia."

"She sounds a character. My mom would probably like her."

"I would think so too. Your mom has invited me to dinner tomorrow for some reason and my guess it's not about you."

"What is it then?"

"Maya, I said I know a lot about women. I didn't say I know everything about them."

"Thank god for that."

They laughed and for a moment something flashed between them and then it was back to business.

During gaps between inspections of facilities Maya told Eddie about fees. He knew about that of course and it had been in his report he'd filed to his employer in Geneva. The minimum booking with a hostess was one hour for $500 but most guests took the four-hour special for $1500 or the 7:00 to 7:00 special of either all day or all night for $2800. A very popular option for a male and female couple who were guests was to secure either a male or a female host for twenty-four hours for $2800 including meals delivered, a modest complimentary bar and three changes of bed linen as required.

The medical center was open around the clock with a minimum of one security guard and one qualified nurse on duty and Eddie had already met the resident doctor. He was most intrigued with the sex party facility although it was not in use. Guests paid $350 each to enter from 9 p.m. and were welcome to stay until closing time at 2 a.m. The building was round with a wide pit at the center. Guests had the choice of sitting and imbibing and just watching or choosing when to go into the pit to find someone or others to team up with. Most participants were guests although some guests did pay for a host to accompany them.

"The later the hour the more action-packed it becomes," Maya laughed. "I've only watched it on in-room TV on channel 16. You are billed $100 after a three-minute test view but for the one hundred bucks you can watch until the center closes. It's disgusting really but the best part is watching people faking orgasms. Some of them look so comical. We have security guys wearing protective clothing and carrying rubber batons and handcuffs. They look very burly so a single warning to behave is enough for most people and no one minds those raving on drugs or excessive alcohol being marched off because they can become such a nuisance."

They looked across to the BDSM Room. "Do you want to go in? It tends to look more ghastly than it is? At this time of day there will be more genteel people there, such as wives for the first time in their marriage using a strap-on on their husband."

"Er, just give me an idea of what goes on and the charges."

* * *

After lunch Eddie briefed Maya about the development proposals he had in mind.

"Mom and dad will be interested to hear about this."

"Good, I repeat this briefing tomorrow and hearing it again will benefit your memory retention. I've only given you main points. Your job will be hunt out resources and assist to get everything on to the computer. We'll need aerial photographs, ground photographs and then we will call in survey people to check boundaries."