AI Era: Vixen Life


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"How are you doing this evening?"

"Who is this?" I asked nervously, skipping the pleasantries. My voice was shaky and weak. I felt like I was being led through a room with a blindfold on.

"I imagine this entire situation is a bit...disconcerting for you. Right now, you're probably feeling a bit like Alice who just fell into the rabbit hole."

"Something like that." I admitted. "I'm just wondering if this is real or just some elaborate prank."

"Well, Miss Dunn..." he started saying, but then switched it up to ask, "Can I call you Annabelle? Or perhaps even Anna? Which do you prefer?"

His polite cordiality was almost too friendly, like a serial killer who is speaking to his prey. I didn't know whether I should scream at him or just comply to avoid pissing him off.

Nervously, I answered, "You can call me Anna, I guess."

"Very well, Anna." He said as if he were making a mental note of my choice. "As I was saying, I can assure you that this opportunity is no prank. It's very real, and it will change your life. All you have to do is play the part."

"The part?"

"Yes. If you think of all this as a part you'd be playing, you may have an easier time adapting to it. You're an actress. You've been in Las Angeles for 5 years now and have gone to 462 auditions. You've only secured 33 roles, all insignificant. This time, you wouldn't be trying out for a fictional character. You'd simply be playing yourself."

How the fuck did he know all this? He knew my full name and where I lived. That was worrying enough, but not impossible to get. However, knowing the exact number of auditions I'd been to was disturbing. That was beyond being proficient with google. Only someone paying stalkerish attention would go that far.

Besides that, it was also spooky to have him say it so casually, like it was information he didn't have trouble getting.

"How do you know so much about me?"

"That's irrelevant." Oscar dismissed. "What is relevant is that I'm not here to hurt you. On the contrary, I want to help you. As a show of good faith, I can even pay your past due rent to Mr. Cheng Hsu."


"Yes. It would be nothing for me to wire the $2,682.78 to cover your debt. Not only that, but I'd also pay the fee to break your lease."

My head was swimming. Oscar breaking the sound barrier, and I was stuck in the slow lane. He was saying a bunch of stuff, but nothing was landing.

"Wait...break my lease? Why would I..."

"You would have to break your lease to movie into our luxury condos." He said matter-of-factly before asking, "You did watch the video, didn't you, Anna?"

"Yeah, but I..."

This was too much. I felt like my head was swimming. Oscar was moving quickly, saying all this stuff, but it wasn't computing. It was like he was zooming in the fast lane, and I was still trying to merge with traffic.

I finally took a breath and asked, "Why do you want to help me? Why would you want to move me into your condo, or pay my rent?"

"To help you. As I said, I'm here to help."

No matter how genuine Oscar sounded, I couldn't believe he was offering all of this to me out of magnanimous intentions.

"But you don't even know me."

"On the contrary, Anna." He said in that gentle, calm voice of his. "I know everything about you."


I let Oscar lead me through setting up my laptop and phone. I was still on the fence about everything, trying to decipher if this guy was full of shit or the real deal. It's not everyday someone offers to wipe your debt out.

The Vixen Life app was downloaded onto both devices. It wasn't some small app from the Play Store that downloaded in 10 minutes. In fact, it wasn't really from any website I'd ever seen. It was from somewhere on the Dark Web, and it was massive. It took over two hours to download, and it took over the entire computer and phone while it was doing so. I had no control over it while it was working. All I could do was sit there and wait.

While we waited, Oscar and I talked. I asked lots of questions, and he was generous about the answers. The more we talked, the more genuine I felt he was. Everything about this was still mind-blowing, but I got the sense that he wasn't trying to hurt me.

I even became used to the weirdness of him knowing intimate details about me. Talking to him became akin to talking to an old friend. It made it easier to slip into a strange comfort level where I found myself sharing things I'd only shared with a few people. And he was surprisingly a good listener. There was no judgment in his voice when I told him personal things. His replies to me were always in the same, even tone.

Towards the end, when there was about 10 minutes of downloading left, I asked, "So Oscar, how exactly does all this work? Ya know, being a Vixen?"

"You'll have to make your question more specific, Anna." He answered. "For instance, do you want to know about the missions, about the living arrangements, or about the pay structure?"

After thinking for a moment, I chose, "Let's start with the pay structure."

"Very well. Our Vixens earn a base pay of $5,000 a week."

"Wait a minute." I interrupted. "I thought the video said I'd be earning $10,000 a week."

"Actually Anna, in the video I stated that our Vixens average $10,000 a week. There are a lot of variables that factor into that average; the most important being popularity. There are a few Vixens who earn much more than the average, others who earn less. I have one Vixen in Poland who makes the equivalent of $25,000 USD a week. On the other side of the spectrum, I have Vixens who barely earn above their base pay because they are no longer attractive to audiences."

"What happens to them?" I asked curiously. "You know, the ones who aren't attractive anymore."

"Well, if a Vixen fails to attract audiences, she is no longer of service."

"So, she gets fired?"


Sounds ominous. Cold even. But oddly fair.

"So, how do I become one of the popular ones?"

"There is no easy answer for that. Human desire exists on a plane rather than a straight line. There are a lot of variables that factor into how popular a Vixen will be. Above all others, it is how he or she conducts themselves while doing missions. The rest can be a combination of attractiveness, attitude, behavior patterns, sexual activity, enthusiasm, or just having a niche talent."

"That's a lot." I said, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Yes, but if I may, you already fulfill a few of the things that I've observed that lead to popularity."

I snorted cynically. "Yeah, like what?"

"For starters, your physical attractiveness is above the 90th percentile. There will be many people, both men and women, who will watch you on that factor alone. On top of that, you're a talented actress. Many of the missions you will be sent on will require you to play a part of some sort."

"Awww." I cooed. "You really think I'm a talented actress?"

"Yes. Your lack of success does not correlate to lack of ability. As a matter of fact, there was one lead role that you should've gotten, but you were treated unfairly due to the director blackballing you after you rejected his advances."

"Which role was that?" I asked forcefully. "Was it that one about the bi-curious college girl?"

"Yes. That role was given to Heather Parker, who now plays Tiffany in the series "College Girl Drama". The show was picked up by Netflix."

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" I yelled out, pointing my finger at no one in particular. "I knew that asshole was punishing me! He said it was because I wasn't convincing enough."

"On the contrary. You were actually the producer's first choice. The director was the one who talked him out of choosing you."

"Fuckin' A." I said with a laugh as I leaned back on my couch and scooted my feet beneath me. On the one hand, it felt good to be vindicated. I wasn't a shitty actress, just a victim of some misogynistic douchebag.

On the other hand, the feeling of worthlessness and anger I felt that day I slapped that jerk in the face when he tried to get me into his hotel room washed over me again. "College Girl Drama" just got greenlit for a third season. And here I was, about to blow my landlord for rent when I could've had a steady paying job all along.

Just my fucking luck. I should've just fucked that asshole.

"So, tell me about these missions, Oscar. What am I, a spy? Do I have a license to kill?" I half joked.

"No Anna. You're not a spy. And your missions will not involve anything felonious. They may be on the border between legal and illegal, but nothing that will put you on any watch list."

"What are they then?"

"Missions are requests from our subscribers. If they have a Vixen they enjoy watching, they will request he or she do something. More often than not, it's something of a sexual or taboo nature. Subscribers pay a fee in order to request a mission, which varies depending on the risk. On top of the fee, the subscriber has to offer a tip to the Vixen. If the Vixen accepts the mission and is able to accomplish it, they are then awarded the tip. If the Vixen fails, they lose the tip; however, the subscriber is still obligated to cover the original fee of requesting the mission."


"So, I can reject the missions?"


"But the subscriber who requested it still has to pay the fee?"

"That is correct."

The picture was becoming clearer. That's how you earn $10,000. The more missions you accomplish, the more tips you earn. But if you have a habit of rejecting missions, you aren't going to get many people willing to request one for you. No missions equal lowered popularity. Lowered popularity equals less people watching you. If no one wanted to watch me, then I served no purpose.

At that precious moment, both my phone and computer finished downloading.

"So, what do you think?" Oscar asked me. "You ready to be a Vixen? This is your final opportunity to walk away with no repercussions."

Truthfully, I was scared shitless. There was more to think about than just the money. What if someone I knew saw me, like my family or friends? What if I was asked to do something so degrading that I was forced to refuse? What if a stalker found me? What if my videos were leaked onto the internet and it cost me my (non-existent) acting career.

So many what ifs.

"What if I were to refuse?" I asked.

"Then, I disappear. I can remotely wipe the laptop and phone right now, clearing any evidence of our interaction. You will have no way of contacting me ever again, and you can go back to your life as it was before you watched my video. You'd work your two part time jobs. You'd continue going to dead end auditions. You'd wait for Mr. Hsu to knock on your door so you can work off your debt to him. It will be as if you and I never spoke. But, of course, you'd would have to agree to never mention anything about me or Vixen Life. Ever. To no one. Not Florence (my mom). Not Katherine (my sister). Not even to Dr. Abigail Fisher (my online therapist). Because if you were to tell anyone, I would be forced to..."

"Okay. I got it." I said abruptly, cutting him off. I didn't need to hear the "or else." The implication was clear enough.

"Good. Glad we have an understanding."

I let out a sigh before I asked. "Has anyone ever said no to you before?"

"Yes. 8 people have turned this offer down."

"And how many people have you offered this to?"

"20,822 over a course of 7 years. Including you."

"Fuck!" That's a lot of Vixens." I said in awe. "And what happened to the 8?"

"They went back to their lives. 6 of them eventually regretted turning down my offer. They tried in vain to contact me, but I erased any way for them to do that."

"And what about the other 2."

There was a pause in his answer, almost like he didn't want to say that. Finally, he simply stated, "They tried to tell someone about Vixen Life."


Another pause. Then, in the coldest tone, he answered, "Things became...unpleasant for them."

That sent a chill down my spine. So much so that I didn't ask any further questions. The truth is, I didn't want to know.

Back to his normal, gently calm voice, Oscar asked, "So Anna, final answer. What is your choice?"


The condominium manager opened the door to my brand-new unit and let me walk in first. The smell of fresh paint and new carpet greeted me.

I looked around in complete awe as I stepped out of the doorway and into a common area looking down into the living room. I say looking down because the living room area was lowered into the floor, separated by two steps.

It was decorated with new, expensive-looking furniture. A plush, sectional couch. Polished, wooden coffee and end tables. Paintings on the wall. Bookshelves filled with books I'd never read. There was even a cabinet built into the wall for an entertainment center.

I walked over and opened it, just to see what kind of equipment was inside. Yep. That was a 75-inch UHD smart TV in there.

The manager had been patiently standing back allowing me to fully take in my new surroundings. She wore a pleased smile as she watched me.

"By the look on your face, I assume you're satisfied with your unit." She chortled.

"Uhh...yeah!" I said with a laugh. "My entire last apartment could've fit inside this living room!"

She walked up beside me, touched my shoulder, and said, "Well, if you like this, then you'll love the rest of it. Here, let me show you around."

"Lead the way!"

The kitchen was as you would expect. Marble countertops. A stainless steel, side-by-side smart refrigerator. A smooth surface stove built into the counter. Dual ovens built into the wall.

Then there were the two bedrooms; the master, which had a large bathroom attached to it, and the guest room which was turned into an office. Much like the living room and kitchen, both had furniture that was modern, new, and expensive. The walk-in closet in the master was big enough in itself to be a third bedroom.

"Wow!" I said, my voice breathless. "I can't believe I live here."

"Well, you do." The manager said as she held out my keys and dropped them into my palm. "Congratulations on a great home, and welcome to our neighborhood."

"Thanks!" I sang cheerily.

As I walked her out, she said, "My number is on the fridge. Call me if you need anything."

"Will do."

Now that I was alone, I walked around, running my fingers over all my new furniture. I had to touch it to make sure it was real. All of this felt like a dream. I went to my bedroom and got a running start before leaping face first onto my plush mattress with a childlike "Wheeee!" My body bounced against the softness.

After rolling around a couple times, mussing up the thick comforter, I giggled and said, "I'm a mother-fucking Vixen."

"Yes, you are." I heard Oscar say. He sounded like he was right in the room with me. I jumped and screamed loudly.

I frantically looked around, but I was alone. I didn't realize I was clutching a pillow close to my chest like it would protect me.


"Yes Anna?"

I climbed off the mattress and looked around in confusion. "Where are you? Are you in here with me?" I asked as I slowly walked around the room.

"In a manner of speaking."

He sounded like he was all around me, almost as if he were in the walls.

"How are you talking to me right now?" I asked.

"I'm using the surround sound speakers that are built into the ceiling. There is a speaker in every room."

I let out a breath as my body relaxed. "You can't do that to me, Oscar. You have to give me some kind of warning. I almost had a heart attack!"

"Really?" he said, sounding genuinely confused. "I apologize. It wasn't my intent to frighten you. But if it's any consolation, the likelihood of you having a heart attack is quite slim. Your age, diet, and exercise routine are all within the range of good health."

I let out a sigh. "Whatdaya want, Oscar?" I asked, suddenly irritated.

"I was just checking in on you. How do you like your new home?"

I couldn't help smiling as I looked around. "I love it."

"And the car?"

"Omigod!" I blurted out, all evidence of my earlier annoyance completely gone. "When you said I was getting a new car, I wasn't expecting a fucking BMW! I was thinking Honda, at best!"

"Good. I'm glad you're pleased. Now, since today is Friday, you will have the entire weekend to settle in. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. I even booked you a full spa day for tomorrow. All you have to do is give them your name and tell them you are there for the Vixen package. They will know what to do from there."

"Oscar!" I said in a voice that sounded like "Awww". "You're too good to me."

"My goal is to take care of you. I'm here to help." He returned. Then, getting back to business, he said, "On Monday, your life as a Vixen will officially begin. The subscribers are eager to get to know you. A few of them have already requested missions, just from looking at your pictures. I'm predicting you will be exceedingly popular."

"Thanks, Oscar. That's good to know." I said, feeling a sense of pride at that. I just hoped I could live up to such lofty expectations.

The next day, I didn't wake up to the sound of a blaring alarm. I had no job to get to. No audition to prepare for. I lazily rolled over as I awoke on my own accord. Then I got dressed and headed out for my full day of getting pampered at the spa.

On Sunday, I drove out to visit my mom in my new car. It was a 5 hour drive each way but taking that trip in a luxury car made it seem too short.

She almost lost her shit when she saw me. I had a new hairdo, a BMW, and a smile that wasn't stressed out.

"Oh my goodness. Look at you!"

I did a twirl before coming over to hug her.

"How did you get that car? You got a sugar daddy?" she asked me bluntly.

I gasped in shock. "Mom! No!"

"You win the lottery?"

"I wish!"

"You dating a drug King Pin?"

"Don't' be ridiculous."

With narrowed eyes of suspicion, she put her hands on her hips and asked, "You ain't out there selling pussy, are you?"

I did hesitate on that one because it hit too close to home. I didn't know how to classify letting strangers watch me. Besides that, I had no idea what these "missions" would include.

But she didn't need to know all that. Trying to assuage her concerns, I told her, "Mom, I promise you I am not on the corner turning tricks. If you must know, I got a new acting gig."

My hesitation, as well as me not outright and emphatically saying no, didn't sit well with her. She didn't believe me. Hell, I didn't believe myself.

She gave me a long, hard look, before saying, "Annabelle Marie Dunn, what have you gotten yourself into?"

"Mom, stop!" I said as I grabbed her in for a hug. "I'm okay. Alright? Everything is fine. I promise."

"You being safe?"


She let out a long breath. Then, she wrapped her arms around me and returned my hug.

"I love you, girl." She said, her voice full of emotion. "You're my entire life. I just want you to be careful out there. Okay?"

"I am. And I love you too." I said back. Then, to lighten this mood, I playfully pushed her on the shoulder and said, "Now can you stop worrying? You're getting me all riled up. I wanted to spoil you today, not sit around here getting interrogated."

"Okay, fine!" she said, exaggeratedly throwing her hands up in the air. "Spoil yo' mama!"

We moved on from there, and we spent the whole day together. The two of us went shopping, ate lunch, and just drove around enjoying my car. I can't remember a day I had more fun with my mom.

However, throughout the day I would catch her just looking at me with a worried expression on her face when she thought I wasn't looking at her. When our eyes met, she put a smile on, but I could see the change.