AI Era: Vixen Life


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She didn't ask any more questions about my new acting gig. I knew she wanted to, but I also knew she didn't really want to know the truth.

Back at the house, right before I was going to head out, we hugged. I was expecting a brief one, but she held on a bit longer than I anticipated. When I tried to let go, she squeezed me tighter.

"You take care of yourself out there, Annabelle. Ya hear me?"

"I will, Ma."

She squeezed me even tighter. "If something feels wrong, you walk away."


"Okay. Okay." She said as she finally let go, but still held onto me at the shoulders. Looking me straight in the eyes, she sternly said, "But I need you to promise me. If something feels wrong, you will walk the fuck away from it and bring your ass home. Promise me."

Her stare was intense. She was not letting this go.

"Okay Ma. I promise."

She nodded. I could tell she wanted to say more. But she didn't. She just said, "Okay."

I thought about that last exchange on my drive home. I hated that she was worrying about me. All I ever wanted to do was make her proud. I had this fantasy of returning home after I made my big break. She'd scream and tell me that she saw my movie, or my tv show. She'd tell me how beautiful I was in it, and that she couldn't believe her very own daughter was now a big star.

Then, the two of us would drive to her new house; the one I bought for her. It would be a lavish house; the home of her dreams.

My father (wherever he was) would die of jealousy, knowing he could've shared in this dream. He would finally have to face the facts that he gave up on two wonderful women. But now, it was too late. They no longer needed his influence.

That was my dream. But so far, it hadn't even come close to being true. Vixen Life was probably the closest I'd ever come to having that moment.

I made a vow to myself. I was going to become insanely popular. I was going to earn boatloads of money. And I was going to give me and my mom the best lives we could imagine.

I didn't make it back home until 3 in the morning. I flopped down on my bed, and was asleep within minutes.

The next morning, at about 8, I was awakened by Oscar's voice booming through my walls. "Good morning, Anna."

"Urrrgh!" I groaned as I looked at the clock. "Whatdaya want, Oscar?"

"You have a mission assigned to you by a subscriber."

I yawned, stretched leisurely, and asked, "Okay. What is it?"

"You'll see. There is a box outside your front door waiting for you."

I rolled out of bed. When I went to my door, I saw the box, much like the one that was left for me the first night I met Oscar. No label. No name. No address.

I took the box inside, sat down on the couch, and opened it. Inside was a sundress, some sandals, and jewelry. There was even a pair of sunglasses.

I knew there was a note in here. Déjà vu told me to expect one. Sure enough, beneath the outfit was a white card with gold lettering.

You have a mission request from a subscriber. There is a book signing happening today for an author named Rupert Thornhill. He is promoting his new book. You are to buy the book, get it signed by him, and await further instructions.

The outfit your subscriber wants you to wear is included. You can only wear the clothing that is provided inside the box. Nothing else. Makeup will be light and tasteful.

The subscriber has offered the tip of $500. If you accept this mission, you are to arrive at the bookstore before 1 pm.

Good luck.


Wow. Okay. Here goes.

I pulled out the sundress and held it up against my body. It was pretty. Sexy, in a southern belle sort of way. It wasn't exactly my style, but I liked it nonetheless.

To be honest, I was breathing a sigh of relief. Every time a man wanted me to wear something, it was usually something borderline pornographic. I was expecting something like a slutty maid's costume or a sexy nurse.

I shuffled through the box, looking at all the contents. This outfit was very specific. Earrings, bracelets, neckace, all of it was included. Even sunglasses. Someone wanted me to play a part. I was supposed to look like someone in particular.

When I took everything out and carefully laid the contents on the bed, I realized that with all the things there were here, there was something important missing. Underwear.

Did that mean I couldn't wear any, or that I should just wear my own?

Looking over the note again, I reread the part that said: You can only wear the clothing that is provided inside the box. Nothing else.

So much for not being pornographic.

I headed to my bathroom to shower. While I was taking off my clothes, I remembered that there were now people watching me. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, were looking at their computer screens watching me undress.

What were they thinking? Were they turned on? Were they stroking themselves? Or were they just curiously sitting back, observing a pretty woman prepare for her day.

It made me self-conscious, but if I'm honest, there was a bit of a thrill in it.

That's when something inside of me clicked. It was like I went into Vixen mode. If I were being watched, I wanted to make sure they enjoyed what they saw. I wanted them to salivate. I wanted to make them hard. I wanted them addicted to my image on their screens.

I wanted to be the most popular Vixen.

I washed my breasts for longer than I normally do. I made sure between my legs was nice and clean. I stretched my hands above my head as I washed my hair, arching my back so that my tits and ass stuck out at either direction.

After drying off, I walked around naked for a bit. Then I got dressed inside of my massive walk-in closet so I could see myself in the large, three-way mirror.

The dress fit like it was made for my body. The mid-section was tight and fitted around my waist. The top was held up by two, thin spaghetti straps, and dipped between my tits giving nice cleavage. The bottom was flowy and loose, the hem stopping just above my knees.

Sexy, but modest. At least, that's what I thought. It wasn't until I looked closely in the mirror that I saw the issue.

In the dim light, everything looked fine. But in brighter light, especially up close, things were a little more...transparent. My nipples were starting to jut out, which was immodest enough. But against the light, I could also make out the darkness of my areola.

Then there was the matter of my legs. I could see a perfect silhouette of each thigh through my dress. And I mean perfect. It was so clear that if I opened my legs wide enough, even the shape of my labia was apparent.

I let out a sigh as I resigned myself to my fate. Might as well get used to it. My life was one big peepshow now. I'm a mother fucking Vixen.

Once I was ready, Oscar sent me the address of the bookstore. As I walked over to my BMW, I could feel the breeze wisping under my dress. Since it was made of such light material, it bounced up dangerously high with each gust of wind. I had to clamp my hand down to keep my privates private.

Inside the safety of my car, after I started the engine, the Bluetooth of my phone connected, much like Apple Play. Since I was officially a Vixen now, the VL app was available on my dashboard screen. I curiously clicked the logo and a host of other choices were available to me. The two that stood out were "Comments" and "Cameras".

I clicked on "Cameras". I was shocked to find that there were 5 cameras inside of my car. The only two I recognized offhand were the ones looking out of the front and the rear of the vehicle. The others were so inconspicuous I had to look for them based on the angles of the images.

There was one on the dash, looking directly at my face. There was another looking into the backseat (my guess was that it was installed in the back of the passenger headrest. However, the Coup de gras was the one located right beneath the steering wheel. You can pretty much guess where that one was aimed.

Let's just say it was no longer a secret that I wasn't wearing underwear.

"Of course." I said to myself with a titter and a shake of my head as I backed out of that tab. Next, I clicked on the one labeled "Comments". The comments were coming in real time. I read through a few.

Is this the new Vixen? She's sexy as hell.

Those tits tho!

Saw her in the shower this morning. Came in my pants when she bent over and washed her pussy.

I need to see more of this chick.

Lewd comments have been a part of my world for as long as I can remember, even more so since I became an actress. Usually, being reduced to a pair of nice tits and a pert ass made me feel dirty. But now, I was in Vixen mode. I'd fully committed to this persona, and my mind had made the switch. These comments from internet strangers were validation. It gave me a thrill.

With a playful giggle, I quickly lifted my dress to give a quick flash. Then I backed out of my parking space and started to drive.

I was reading through the comments at every red light. These guys were fucking perverts. Still, I was flattered because I was such a hit.

As I was engrossed in the comments, Oscar's voice suddenly blared through my speakers.

"Anna." he said, the sound of his voice making me jump once again. I still wasn't used to that.

With my hand on my chest to still my beating heart, I said, "Yes, Oscar?"

"A subscriber by the name of King Aimes has issued a side mission for you. He says: I want to see you play with your pussy. This mission can be done in conjunction with your main mission. He is offering a tip of $100. He will double it if you can make yourself cum. Do you accept this mission?"

"Yes." I answered, without much thought. But as I looked around me, I realized how much of a predicament I was in. Here I was, driving in the middle lane with cars on either side of me. How was I supposed to do this without being seen?

Then again, that was probably the point.

With my free hand, I reached down between my legs. The good thing about not having any panties on was easy access. I began rubbing my pussy.

That felt good, especially with smooth, newly waxed lips. My fingers gently stroked my clit. Soon, I was able to build up a little momentum.

The comments almost doubled.

Is she playing with herself?

Holy shit! She's playing with herself!

I can't see anything. I wish she'd open her legs wider.

I saucily thought to myself, "They want a show? I'll give'em a show."

I couldn't really open my legs to give them what they wanted to see. Not while driving in the middle of traffic. I needed my foot. So, I quickly looked around to see if there was a place I could sneak and do my business.

Unfortunately, it was late morning, almost lunch time. Everywhere was swimming with people. I didn't have the luxury of time, so I turned into the first shopping center on my right with 5 stores.

I couldn't afford to be choosy. I had to do this so that I could still make it to the bookstore by 1. My windows were tinted, so hopefully they would conceal enough of my activity to not get me caught.

I chose the farthest parking space away from the groups. I was lucky enough to even have it beneath a tree, so some shade was provided.

Once parked, I leaned my seat back, opened my legs so wide that my right knee was sitting in the passenger seat, and lifted my dress. On the dashboard screen, I selected the camera beneath the steering wheel, and had a maximized, HD quality view of my pussy, in all its glory.

My trip to the spa on Saturday made more sense now. I wasn't only there to relax. I was there to make myself camera-ready. That's what the Vixen package was all about. And my Brazilian wax was proof of a job well done. I could see how pretty my lips were. They were like a closed door. Using my fingers, I spread them apart. My pink insides came into view.

I had to admit. I had a pretty pussy.

Apparently, my audience thought so too. The flood of comments coming in cheered me on, urging me to go further.

Shit, this one is hot!

That's right, baby! Rub that pussy!

You are so fucking gorgeous.

I think I'm in love!

I stuck my fingers in my mouth and sucked on them to lube them up with spit. Then I returned them between my legs to continue their job.

It felt good. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. I wasn't in the privacy of my own bedroom. I was out here, in a parking lot, double checking over my shoulder to make sure no one snuck up on me. Not to mention I was practically on a timer.

Just when I thought I was going to fail this side mission, Oscar said, "If you're having trouble, I can help you."

"How?" I asked, a bit flirtatiously. "You gonna come here and give me a hand, Oscar?"

"In a way. Inside your glove compartment is a box. Inside of that box is a device that will help."

I reached over and opened it to find a peculiar-looking metallic device. I knew it was some kind of sex toy. However, like everything else Vixen Life related, it was custom made and unlike anything I'd seen before. And trust me, I knew my sex toys.

"I've never seen a vibrator like this before." I said, turning it this way and that.

"It's not a vibrator." He explained. "It's called a vaginal muscle stimulator. You've never heard of it because it hasn't been released for public use yet."

"And what exactly does a vaginal muscle stimulator do?" I asked, mockingly repeating that overly pretentious name back to him.

"It manipulates the muscles in your vaginal walls by sending electronic pulses through them, causing them to expand and contract. With this, it can simulate the feeling of being penetrated by a penis. At the same time, it is stimulating the nerves in your clitoris and throughout your vagina."

"Wow." I said, genuinely impressed. "So, I'd be getting electronically fucked by a ghost cock. And why isn't this on the market yet?"

"It hasn't been greenlit yet. Further tests with positive results are required before it is ready."

"And let me guess." I said with a cynical smirk. "You're using Vixens as the test subjects."

"I like to think of my Vixens as beta testers. Or even a focus group."


I examined it a little further, trying to figure it out. It didn't look like much. Just an oddly shaped piece of shiny metal.

"Is this thing safe?"

"Yes. It is quite safe. And very pleasurable, from what I gather."

Letting out a sigh in resignation, I said, "Fine. I'll try it out. What do I do? Just put it inside of my pussy?"

"Yes. It should fit easily in your vagina, up against your g spot."

I did as I was instructed. It slipped inside of me with ease, almost like it belonged there.

"What now?"

"I will remotely take control. Just sit back and relax."

Easy enough. I waited for a minute, sitting there with my legs lewdly spread apart. Nothing was happening, and I started to feel a little impatient.

And then, it happened. That little thing inside of me turned on. It was a quick vibration, letting me know it was activated. "Oh!" I gasped as I jumped in surprise.

"It's now activated." Oscar said.

"No shit."

"You will feel a slight warming sensation in your inner vagina, but do not be alarmed. That's just the stimulator engaging the muscles. Soon, you will feel immense pleasure."

I felt it, even as he was finishing his explanation. I laid back in the seat, my legs spread open, and let the warm sensation wash over me. it started in my pussy and spread up into my tummy. It felt good.

Then, my pussy started twitching, like it was having muscles spasms. They were painless, but a bit odd.

"Um...Oscar? What's happening?"

"The vaginal stimulator is finding the right amount of sensation to give you maximum pleasure."

"Oh shit!" I cried out, both from what he said, and because I was feeling what he was describing. It apparently found its groove because it was starting to feel good.

Real good.

It was indescribable. It was like a nice perfectly sized and shaped cock was sliding in and out of me, all the while someone was playing with my clit. My invisible lover was able to change shape and size on a whim. It was also able to reach places that only big cocks could reach, but doing so without pounding me like a ramming rod.

Oscar began raising the tempo. I slid my spaghetti straps down my arms and lowered the top of my dress to expose my breasts. While Oscar was manipulating my pussy, I started playing with my nipples.

"Fuck. That feels amazing."

I was no longer looking around me. I didn't care who saw me. All I could do was focus on what was happening between my legs.

Oscar dialed it up just a scooch, in both speed and intensity. My pussy didn't know what to do with herself as she was stroked by the invisible dick. How was this happening? How was I having the best sex of my life with no one even touching me? I wasn't just getting fucked. I was getting dicked down. That perfect sized cock at that perfect pace had me clawing at the leather seats.

Oscar was fucking me so good that all I could do was cry out, "Goddamit Oscar! What are you doing to me?"

"Bringing you pleasure." he answered in that gently calm voice of his. "Or, as you would say, I'm fucking you. At this pace, you'll soon orgasm in 4 minutes 23 seconds."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhit!" I whimpered. My eyes squeezed shut. My thighs trembled. I had reached that point of no return. All I could do was scream out, "I'm gonna cum, Oscar!"

"I know."

"I'm gonna fucking cum!"

"I know."

He continued magically giving me the best dick of my life. My toes were curled into tight fists inside my sandals. My back was arched. I was squeezing and twisting my nipples so hard I could've torn them off.

"Oh god!"

Calmly, Oscar said, "Anna, you're about to reach orgasm. In 3, 2, 1..."

My entire body reacted. I came hard. But it was different than any orgasm I'd previously had. It was like something in me released, like a pressure that was finally let out.

"Oh Gawd! What's happening? I'm...fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuck!"

For the first time ever, I squirted. I didn't even know I could do that. Each "fuck" that came out released a new geyser. And it got everywhere. In the seats. On the steering wheel. On the floor. Everywhere.

No man, or woman, had ever made me feel that level of intensity. I was in the stratosphere. It took me a minute to come back down to earth. When I tried to sit down, I realized that the seat was soaked in my juices.

"I made a mess." I said with a giggle as I scooted over the center divider and sat in the passenger side. Looking around, I surveyed the damage.

My car was a mess. I was fairing no better. My hair was wild, my dress was wet, and I smelled like I'd been gangbanged.

On the plus side, I was a hit! The comments were flooding in, singing my praises. I couldn't even read them all, there were so many.

Did u see her squirt?

I could see her asshole twitching each time she squirted!

Shit! That was fucking hot! I came right when she did.

The digital clock on my dash said the time was 12:13. I had to be there by 1. But I couldn't go in the bookstore like this. I had to clean up, and I had to do it in a hurry.