Amanda's Training Ch. 01


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Amanda had completely forgotten about Michel until Mary mentioned her. When she turned to look at her companion, she saw that Michel was standing directly in front of the other young man, and, just like her own, her arms were clasped behind her back and her breasts trust forward. However, as distinguished from Amanda, Michel was holding her pose on her own, and, even from a distance, it was evident that her nipples were already being put through their paces. With studied precision, the young man was tracing the disks of her dark aeeolae with his fingers, circling her distended nipples but not touching them. Her face reflected her growing frustration, but she made no attempt to relieve her torment. Instead, she voluntarily stood stock still with her shoulders drawn back so that her breasts would be positioned to give her tormentor unrestricted access to his target.

Under more normal circumstances, Michel's complicity would have shocked Amanda, but, as the exposure of her own breasts testified, there was nothing normal about these circumstances. Moreover, she was fascinated by the response of Michel's nipples. With each circuit of the fingers around their bases, her nipples seemed to grow more rigidly erect in what looked like an attempt to deflect the attention to themselves and away from her aereolae. When Michel's mentor determined that they had reached their maximum size, she told the young man to step aside. She reached into one of her pockets and withdrew a circular disk of flexible plastic. The diameter of the disk was more or less the same as that of Michel's generous aereolae. Near its center, the disk had been perforated to create an opening which was filled with triangular, inward pointing shards. Carefully positioning the disk so that Michel's nipple lay under the perforation, she gently pressed the disk until it was flattened against the aereola and held in place by the collar of shards through which Michel's nipple was forced to protrude.

When Michel's right nipple had been collared in the same fashion, Mary asked that Michel be brought over so that Amanda could inspect more closely what had been done to her companions teats.

Would she have the discipline to tolerate the same torment of her own nipples? As she were reading her mind, Mary explained to Amanda that the regimen prescribed for her nipples would be somewhat different.

"Michel's nipples are already at an advanced stage in their training, whereas yours are still novices and therefore require education before they can be expected to perform like hers. We will begin by finding out how they respond to John's fingers. It is my guess that they will blossom nicely but will not achieve the length of Michel's and will not retain their length when he stops. If my guess is correct, they will require some assistance and will have to be introduced to remedial techniques which will help them learn how to enhance the pleasure which they can provide to you and others. These techniques are not cruel, but, in order to be effective, they must be rigorous."

While Mary was talking, John started working on Amanda's nipples. He began by gently grasping their pink stalks between his thumbs and forefingers and, by modulating the pressure he applied, alternately stretched them from their moorings and pressed them deep into the succulent flesh of her breasts. Watching his hands manipulate her breasts, Amanda realized that she was experiencing the same delicious sensations that a cow must feel when a farmer prepares her udders for milking. Even though Mary continued to hold her arms, she found it increasingly difficult to remain still and, oblivious to the lewd display she was presenting, made her hips undulate while rubbing her inner thighs against one another. Mary chided her for her lack of decorum.

"Amanda, you must curb your carnal instincts. Your nipples are being educated, and there is nothing wrong with your enjoying their education. However, at the same time as your nipples are receiving instruction, you are to learn to communicate your pleasure in a manner which will be aesthetically pleasing to the person providing that pleasure. If you had observed Michel more closely, you would have noticed that her face never lost its composure and her body expressed its gratitude through the controlled flexing of her abdominal muscles. While John works on your nipples, I want you to practice equal control and concentrate on expressing your excitement in an equally aesthetically pleasing fashion."

Heading Mary's words, Amanda attempted to obey her instructions. Standing with her legs pressed together and straightening her shoulders, she drew in her breath to expand her chest and contract her waist. At the same time, she allowed her lower belly to balloon in a pleasingly rounded but firm contour. Maintaining this posture while having her breasts milked required a level of discipline to which Amanda was not accustomed. At first the required effort distracted her, but soon she discovered that it was forcing her to focus on her body in a way which actually intensified rather than diminished the effect of John's fingers. At the same time, her facial features relaxed into a smile which reflected the satisfaction she felt and the pride she was taking in the presentation of her figure.

John continued for about five minutes, and during that period he had succeeded in bringing Amanda's nipples to a state of excitement that they had never attained before. Amanda would have been more than happy to have him to continue indefinitely, but Mary decided it was time to move on. Releasing Amanda's arms, she handed John a tube of skin lubricant and a pair of small nipple pumps. Apparently familiar with the procedure, John spread a thin layer of lubricant over each of Amanda's aereolae. He then positioned one of the pumps over her right nipple, pressing its flange into the lubricant while squeezing the bulb. With some concern, Amanda watched as he made sure the pump was properly seated, and she gasped when he released the bulb and she felt her entrapped nipple sucked into the vacuum created by its release. The pressure which the pump exerted on her nipple was mild, but it was insistent and impossible to ignore.

After he had installed the second pump on her left nipple, Mary led Amanda over to join Michel. Along the way, Amanda was disconcerted by the bobbing motion of the pumps attached to her nipples, but, remembering Mary's admonition, she strove to maintain her poise, walking with shoulders straight and her head held high. Totally immersed in her own experience, Amanda had been unaware of Michel's existence ever since she had witnessed the incarceration of her nipples in their circular plastic prison.

Amanda found Michel seated cross-legged on a cushion. Like those of a meditating swamy, her hands rested with their palms up on her knees and spine emerged straight as a ramrod from her pelvis. However, on closer inspection, Amanda saw that her pose differed from that of an Oriental practitioner of meditation. Hanging from the ceiling were threads to the ends of which had been attached large feathers. These had been carefully positioned so that, as they were stirred back and forth by the gentle breeze produced by strategically placed fans, they would graze against the tips of Michel's nipples. By adjusting her pose, Michel easily could have avoided contact with the feathers. However, she made no move to do so. On the contrary, with her face composed and her eyes closed, she appeared to welcome the incessant stimulation that the feathers imposed on her turgid nipples. When Amanda looked to Mary for an explanation, the answer she received did little to assuage her fears about her own fate.

"As you can well imagine, it requires enormous self-control for Michel' to keep her nipples available to the insidious caress of the feathers. Because of their collars, the normal circulation of blood to and from her nipples is restricted, with the consequence that they have no choice but to remain fully erect and excruciatingly sensitive. On the other hand, there are rewards for her dedication. First, even though, and maybe partially because, it borders on pain, she is deriving erotic pleasure from her plight. Second, she knows that her nipples will be improved by this form of persecution. Indeed, as I said earlier, it is this sort of exercise which is partially responsible for their size and ability to stay erect for protracted periods. Now it is time for you to begin developing Michel's discipline and reaping the rewards which it can bring. "

Mary fetched a cushion just like Michel's, placed it a few feet in front of Michel, and helped Amanda assume a pose similar to hers. If it were not for the pronounced difference in the bodies, their placement would have produced a mirror image. However, Amanda's body was far more succulent and Michel's far more limber, with the result that their juxtaposition dramatized their differences. Michel was all sinuous lines, Amanda was all smoothly rounded curves. This difference was particularly apparent in the regions of their breasts and their tummies. Except for their rampant nipples, Michel's breasts could have been mistaken for highly developed pectoral muscles, whereas there was no such ambiguity about Amanda's conic shaped orbs with their little pumps glued to their tips. As for their bellies, Michel's was a flat plane interrupted only by the dip in which her navel lay. On the other hand, Amanda's lower belly swelled in a hemisphere which rose out the indentation at her waist and descended into the shadowy V at the junction of her legs.

After studying her charge for a minute or so, Mary disappeared briefly. When she returned, she was carrying a small pouch attached to three straps. Kneeling, Mary passed the longest of the straps around Amanda's waist and fastened the other two around her thighs. She then adjusted the straps so that the pouch lay in the deep hallow surrounding Amanda's bellybutton. Once it was there, Mary opened the pouch and withdrew a short, blunt, cylindrical metal plug which she inserted into Amanda's navel and secured in place with short strips attached via velcro locks to the straps which she had previously installed. Finally, using a pair of electric wires, Mary connected the plug to a battery inside in pouch. Seeing the Amanda's incomprehension and growing concern about the purpose of these preparations, Mary reassuringly patted Amanda on the tummy while explaining the reason for the presence of the electrified cylinder pressing against her bellybutton.

"You look very lovely seated as you are. The generosity of your figure is wonderfully complemented by the smooth texture of your complexion. However, the image you present would be even more appealing if it contained a hint of tension. The female figure is at its most beautiful when it is clear that its beauty comes at a cost.. In former times, corsets were responsible for producing the requisite stimulation, in our modern world, whale bone has been replaced devices like the one which I attached to you. It will cause you mild discomfort, but that is a price which you should be willing to pay for the pleasure of knowing that your body is being presented to its best advantage."

When Mary stopped speaking, she reached inside the pouch and turned the switch which completed the circuit between the battery and the plug embedded in Amanda's navel. As soon as she did, Amanda felt a distinct tingling sensation deep inside her navel. In response, subtle but clearly visible waves passed over her belly as her abdominal muscles contracted around the intrusive plug buried in their midst.

Pleased to have created the effect she desired, Mary approvingly ran her hands over the undulating surface of Amanda's stomach. Satisfied, she prepared to rise after squeezing the bulbs to refresh the pressure that the pumps were exerting on Amanda's nipples. Amanda herself had mixed feelings about her new situation. At the same time as she found the sensations emanating from her navel hard to tolerate, she found them strangely erotic and knew that her body's reaction to them was increasing its sexuality. Thus, she greeted with conflicting emotions Mary's announcement that she would be required to remain in her present state for twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes sounded to Amanda like eternity, and she doubted that she could stand for that long the dual torment which was being inflicted on her. However, after a few minutes, she discovered that she could distract herself from her own plight by communing, albeit silently, with her companion. Seated directly in front of her, Michel had opened in her eyes and was now staring at Amanda. On her face was a look that expressed both admiration and amusement. Unquestionably, she admired the aesthetic manner in which Amanda's figure was displayed just inches from her own. At the same time, she was amused by Amanda's obvious ambivalence about accommodating the devices which were partially responsible for the appeal of her pose. Having been imprisoned for over nearly half an hour, Michel's own nipples had swollen so that they now extruded through their collars and had acquired a lived red hue. However, after frequent subjugation to this type of ordeal, Michel had learned how to not only tolerate but even extract pleasure from having her body forced to endure the impositions that her training imposed on it. Nonetheless, remembering her own introduction to the school's methods, Michel could easily imagine the turmoil inside Amanda's head. For Amanda, Michel provided a source of inspiration. For one thing, she was impressed by Michel's sleek frame which had a beauty which derived from its natural tone and had no need for the sort of artifice that was producing the contraction of her own abdominal muscles under the layer distinctly feminine layer softness which covered them. Secondly, she knew from the sight of her distended nipples that Michel's nipples were under far greater duress than hers, and she wondered whether she would ever be able to maintain equal equanimity if hers were to receive similar treatment.

By the time that the prescribed twenty minutes had past, Amanda had learned to tolerate and even derive a perverse pleasure from the discipline her body had been forced to maintain. On the other hand, the incessant stimulation of her navel combined with the pressure on her nipples left had drained her, and she was greatly relieved when the plug and pumps were finally removed.

After releasing them, Mary and Michel's mentors applied lotion to their charges, with particularly solicitous care to their hard worked nipples. Then, knowing that both girls needed time to recuperate, their mentors led them back to Amanda's bedroom and suggested that they take a nap together before lunch. In her state of exhaustion, Amanda had no qualms about sharing her bed with the another girl. In fact, shortly after they were left alone, she and Michel resumed the position which they had assumed on the bench in the sauna, but this time they took much greater liberties with each others bodies. Snuggled against Michel, Amanda reached a hand between them and stroked Michel's firm torso. In return, Michel ran a hand over Amanda's rounded stomach, examining its texture by probing with her fingers until they encountered the hidden musculature beneath its surface. Warming to their task, both girls allowed their hands to drift lower until they delved into the warm nests between their legs. There they performed the service for the other which each of them had performed for herself, bringing her companion to orgasm before succumbing to their exhaustion and falling into a deep sleep.

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