Angel Ch. 02


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He had expected to be sucked off, and Lionel was quite disappointed when Angel did not put his cock back into her mouth. His disappointment changed to elation, however, when he realized he was in for an even greater treat. After turning away to a sitting position and peeling her stockings down and off, Angel got to her feet, went to a chest of drawers and took out condoms and a plastic bottle of Aqualube. She had impulsively bought them from the neighborhood pharmacy the previous day. Angel walked backward over to the bed, and handed him the bottle and packet, while she knelt in front of his knees again. Angel believed that Lionel's seeing her erect clit, which was anatomically identical to his cock except for being much smaller, to be the other least erotic thing that might happen at a time like this.

Still kneeling, she watched while he opened the package and removed a condom in its foil wrapper. Deftly, he tore the wrapper open, took out the rubber disk, placed it on the tip of his cock and easily rolled it onto his wet shaft. Angel was glad it was so simple, because she wanted to be able to do it in the future. She thought it would be much more erotic, and more pleasing to Lionel or any other man, if she was able to prepare him for any fucking they would want to do.

"Lie down on the bed here, Angel, and I'll get you and me lubed up." Lionel's voice was husky from his arousal, and he was breathing hard, because he was as eager as she. He moved to the end of the bed so she could climb on easily.

Still wearing her knickers and keeping her back to him, Angel climbed onto the bed and lay face down with a pillow under her belly. She shoved her hands into the waistband of her knickers to keep her clit clear of the elastic while Lionel was removing her last garment. As soon as Angel was in position, she felt the backs of his fingers against the soft skin of her hips and, a second later, felt the knickers being pulled around her ass, down her legs and off around her feet. Completely naked, Angel reached both hands back and spread her cheeks so Lionel could apply the lubrication they would need.

"You have a really beautiful pussy," he told her.

It wasn't flattery on his part. He regarded Angel as one of the loveliest women he had ever even seen, and easily the best looking one he had ever seen naked. Her pussy, in particular, was a thing of great beauty, pink and creamy white and soft and smooth, with the delightful pink hole in the middle. As he started applying the lubricant, Lionel wondered just how he had come to be so lucky as to be on the verge of fucking someone and something so wonderful.

For the second time in her life, Angel felt the neck of a plastic bottle being twisted and inserted into her pussy, followed by the cool gush of its contents. She shivered with delight when the thick finger of Lionel thrust inside her and carefully spread the lubricant as far in her pussy as it could reach, and all around the edges of the hole that he was about to start pleasuring. When he withdrew his finger, she knew he was preparing his cock, and her hands continued holding her pussy open.

There was silence for a few seconds before Lionel spoke. "Wouldn't you rather lie on your back?"

Angel thought she had heard correctly, but she twisted her body and turned her head enough to look at the man who had just made such an unexpected suggestion. "On my back?"

She couldn't imagine how that would be practical or even possible. Her therapist had told her the normal position for her to be in while having sex would be face down, as she was then. The other time she had been fucked, the man had lain lengthwise on her back, and it had worked quite well. The fucking had worked well, at least. She was aware that face to face in the missionary position was the most common way men and women – natural women – had sex, but she thought it wouldn't work with her, because of her clit. Even if the man wasn't repelled by the sight of it standing up erect, it and her balls would be in the way when he tried to lie on top of her.

"Yes," Lionel answered. "We can put the pillows under your hips to raise your pussy, and I can play with your clit so we cum at the same time." He also liked the idea of being able to watch Angel's succulent naked body as she moved under him, but he decided against mentioning that.

The concept was something totally new and unexpected. Not only might a man not be repelled by her erect clit, he would actually be willing to touch her there. Earlier, when Angel had sucked Lionel's cock, she had enjoyed watching the look of bliss on his face, and it had been the same with her only other sex partner. It should be even more fun to watch his face while they were fucking, and it would last longer. Still having some trepidation, Angel took the pillows from the head of the bed and under her waist and handed them to Lionel while she turned over onto her back.

He seemed to ignore her erect clit when, with Angel raising her ass from the bed, he slipped the pillows into place under her. For her, the position was an unaccustomed one, as was the view she had, looking up her body and seeing her hard clit swaying from side to side, and Lionel's smiling face above that. It looked as if he knew what he was doing, so Angel listened to his directions, and did what he told her.

"Now, hold your pussy open for me like you did before. Yeah, like that," he added when Angel reached both hands under her body to spread her cheeks, and he moved in closer, guiding his cock with one hand.

When the blunt tip pressed against its target and Lionel moved it slightly, seeking an opening, Angel moved her fingers to the puckered edges to better provide one. Still holding his cock in one hand, he moved the tip, placing it between her fingers, and gave a strong thrust into the tiny hole she was creating. The head wedged into her, and Angel moaned from the sudden eruption of pleasure that washed from her pussy through her entire body.

"Did that hurt?"

No! No! It feels wonderful. Don't stop." There had been a very small amount of pain at first, but it was immediately overwhelmed by the incredible pleasure.

Lionel didn't want to stop, but he would do anything he could to avoid causing Angel any kind of pain, or giving her anything but the best time he could. He was aware that sometimes some skin can be painfully caught or pinched but, as long as nothing like that was happening, he would continue easing his cock into her. Lionel gave another firm thrust forward. Angel was tighter than he had expected, but almost an inch of his hard shaft squeezed into her, eliciting another moan. From the smile on her face and the way Angel's eyes were closed in bliss, he knew for sure it was not an expression of pain, and was elated that his cock felt so good to her.

Everything about what they were doing felt good to Lionel, and he expected it to continue feeling good for a long time before their climax. The tightness of Angel's pussy was squeezing his cock the way it hadn't been squeezed in a long time, maybe ever, and the view he had of her was a delightful one. Her beautiful face was a mask of pleasure and her lovely breasts swayed enchantingly. He knew how to make it even better for her, which would make it better for him too.

"Angel, why don't you lift your legs and put your feet against my shoulders? It'll feel better for both of us."

She tried to raise her legs to do as he suggested, but it was difficult from the position her body was in. His cock was deep enough in her pussy that he no longer needed to guide it, so Lionel reached his arms under her knees and raised her legs to let her ankles rest against his strong shoulders. Angel giggled slightly when she felt the thick hair on his chest tickling her calves. She wouldn't have believed it possible, but she really did get more pleasure from the new position, especially when Lionel smiled at her and placed his hands on the fronts of her thighs.

It felt even better when, pulling against her legs for leverage, he drove more of his shaft into her. Not only did its thickness stretch the entrance to Angel's pussy and the adjacent love channel, the head of his cock was starting to massage her prostate gland, which she had come to think of as her rear clit. She moaned loudly and her body writhed from the intense pleasure Lionel was already giving her, and his cock was still less than half-way inside her pussy.

The Aqualube was working perfectly, and the heat of their bodies was converting it to a slick, thin liquid. With another strong thrust, most of Lionel's shaft was imbedded in her, and he followed that by easing it out, pausing briefly, and slowly plunging it back into the T-girl's tight pussy. The sensation of his cock burrowing into her was so wonderful that Angel fucked back to meet it, taking it all the way inside herself, until Lionel's pubic hair tickled the soft skin inside her buttocks.

"Uh! Uh!" she whimpered from the incredible pleasure, which mounted rapidly as he continued his long, slow strokes, with Angel thrusting her pussy back to meet every one of them.

After just a few minutes, she could feel her clit throbbing, and Angel knew she was almost ready to cum. She tried to reach out for it, but had difficulties from the angle involved, especially with the way the extreme pleasure was making her body thrash from side to side on the bed. Lionel saw her, realized what she was trying to do, and moved one hand over from her thigh to gently hold her clit.

"Let me do that, Angel."

He started driving his cock into her pussy faster, while stroking her clit at the increased speed. More and greater waves of joy swept through Angel from her clit where he was caressing her, added to those that continued to wash over her body from where his cock was cramming her pussy so full. Like a sudden giant tsunami, a feeling of absolute ecstasy overtook her, rising up to inundate her entire body, and she climaxed, arching her back and giving an incoherent, shout of total bliss, as her semen gushed all over Lionel's hand and her own legs and belly. It was, by far, the greatest orgasm she had ever had.

The pace of the cock plunging in and out of her pussy slowed back to where it had been, but Lionel didn't stop. Neither he nor Angel wanted to stop, but she did apologize for spraying her semen all over his hand.

Lionel smiled. "It was my pleasure, Angel, and I can easily wash my hands. I'm glad it was so good for you, and I hope the next time you cum, we'll cum together, and it'll be even better."

"Do you think we can?" Angel fervently hoped so. She had always been told that was what a man and a woman should try to do. She and Lionel set out trying to achieve that pinnacle, fucking slowly, with long strokes deep into her pussy.

Already, just a few minutes after her momentous orgasm, Angel's pleasure was already building up, as if to accomplish the goal they had set. Every time Lionel drove his cock into her pussy, and Angel fucked back to meet it, it felt as if he were stretching her open for the first time. The Aqualube was entirely liquefied and, although she was as tight as ever and his cock was quite large, there was no friction as it plunged in and out cramming her full and caressing her rear clit. His hand still lightly held her front clit, and they both knew it was becoming stiff again, but he hadn't started stroking her yet.

"Oooooo! Oooooo!" Angel moaned from the incredible pleasure, which was growing to be more and more every time Lionel's cock surged into her. "Oh, my God, that feels so good."

It continued feeling good for a long time. Lionel slowly stroked into her, delighted that his cock was giving Angel so much joy, because he was getting just as much from her. Everything about the lovely T-girl and what they were doing for each other was the best in his experience. This went all the way from his view of her beautiful face and sexy body as she pitched and rolled from side to side in front of him, to the way her pussy squeezed and released his cock as he plunged it in and out. He could feel his own climax building, so he started slowly stroking Angel's clit.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" Angel whimpered, as the incredible pleasure Lionel's cock was giving to her pussy was increased by what his hand was doing for her clit. "Faster! Faster! I'm ready to cum!"

"Me too!"

Lionel did what Angel wanted, driving his cock into her faster, and she responded by matching the increased pace. He pumped her clit up and down at the greater speed, until it started jerking in his hand. Sighing loudly, he felt his pleasure welling up from all his extremities and concentrating in his groin. Almost like an explosion, he climaxed, ejaculating into his condom. He continued for a few more thrusts, squirting out more semen, until he was through cumming.

The cock surging into her pussy and the surprisingly soft hand rapidly stroking her clit pushed Angel over the edge at the same time. She thought there was an abrupt swelling of the big shaft deep inside her, and she heard Lionel give a loud gasp, just as her clit exploded. Semen gushed from her, once again covering his hand and her legs and belly. A second and a third spurt added to the sticky mess, as Angel and Lionel did what they considered the ultimate, cumming at the same time.

After their wonderful mutual climax, Lionel, not as young as he used to be, had to lie down for a few minutes. Wanting to keep his cock, which had given her such a massive amount of pleasure, in her pussy for as long as she could, Angel turned on her side to face him and let her legs slide down until he was between them. They smiled at one another, not knowing quite what to say, until she broke the silence.

"Lionel, that was just fantastic. You may never know what a really wonderful thing you did for me today."

"I'm glad it was good for you because it was nothing short of terrific for me."

"Anyhow, it answered my question about whether I was a woman or not." Even with her own semen smeared all over the front of her body, Angel felt her femininity more at that moment than she ever had.

They lay in silence for a few more minutes, until Lionel's cock softened and slipped out of the place where it had given and gotten so much pleasure. A few minutes later, he slid down to the foot of the bed and stood up. He thought Angel might have been sleeping, because her eyes were closed, and he didn't want to disturb the sweet and lovely T-girl. He was mistaken, though, and she opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

He smiled back at her. "I have to get back to work, Angel."

She understood that completely, and got off the bed too, still naked. Her pussy was a bit sore, but not as much as it had been the night her virginity was taken. Angel didn't mind. The soreness when she moved reminded her of what a wonderful time she had just had with Lionel. She hoped there would be more like it in the future, although her feelings toward him were no more than affectionate. She liked him, a lot more than she had a few hours earlier, but there was no infatuation as there had been toward George Parker and his brother before that.

Lionel flushed his condom down the toilet, washed his hands and got dressed while Angel covered her nudity with a bathrobe and sat on a chair in the kitchen to wait for him. When he was ready, she walked him to the door, where he turned to face her again. After checking and seeing nobody was in the hallway, they shared a close embrace, and a long, warm kiss, with both their mouths closed. They were very good friends, but no more than that, at least not right at that moment.

After closing and locking the door, Angel lay back down in bed, to rest from her exertions. A huge smile creased her face as she thought of what she had done that morning. Lionel was a real man, and he recognized her as a real woman. If Mike, from last night, and Brian from the day before didn't realize it, that was their loss. They were just rough, ignorant young twits who had foolishly rejected some of the best fucking they would ever have a chance at.

Angel smiled again when she thought about how Lionel had responded to her. She thought of herself as having been something of a wanton, throwing herself at him like that, but it had worked out for the best, and she had absolutely no regrets over it. Once she had rested a bit, she would need to shower again, to wash off all the semen she had smeared herself with from her two great climaxes and the Aqualube that was dripping from her pussy and down her legs. When that was done, she would need to remake the bed with a clean bottom sheet. After that, she would go on the shopping spree she had been planning earlier, but it wouldn't be a matter of comforting herself. Instead, it would be a celebration of her femaleness.

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you had as much fun as Angel and Lionel did, and expect to have in the future. I like writing stories on Literotica, but I like it a lot more when I know that people are reading and enjoying them, and I appreciate it when readers take the time to express their opinions by voting. Like most authors on Literotica, I practically live for feedback from readers, either public comments or email to me. Such feedback, whether praise or criticism, helps me to write more and better stories, and I respond to it whenever I can.

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ChameleonfunChameleonfunabout 4 years ago

Absolutely fantastic. Happy endings, wow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very nice

Glad she got release

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Nice and easy

The story read well, and was quite exciting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


Boxlicker101Boxlicker101over 8 years agoAuthor
More Angel

So far I have 12 chapters written about Angel, totaling over 100,000 words. I have been going through a dry period lately, but I expect to eventually have about twenty chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So horny

One of the best stories I have read about t-girls, loved it, please write more.

ComodineComodineover 11 years ago
Sweet angle's Angel ♫

Written as an adventure, the series of ups and downs feelings (of the hero), his discovery of sex with innocence and mixtures text between first and third person, past and present over the slow enjoyment of Angel, if I say : it has been a really hooked on reading with feelings and pleasure, it would be an understatement.☻

Because the language of Shakespeare is not mine I'm sure to lose some niceties of an English writer (as well you forgive my mistakes)☺

Thank you for continuing your masterpiece.♣

Un montòn de cariños y besitos ♥

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
i love it

you story makes me want a t girl more and more and i pray to God to send me one, i think i would prefer a t girl than a regular girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I liked it

I really enjoyed your story. Honestly, going through it as far as Chapter 2 made me think that if I had ever met someone like that and liked that person very, very much, a relationship with that person would be a joy. Unfortunately, I grew up during the 50s and 60s when that wasn't going to happen no matter what nor would an interracial relationship happen either.

Thank you very much.

blondetvbabeblondetvbabeover 16 years ago

Hi George - here is my new myspace page: -

blondetvbabeblondetvbabeover 16 years ago

My Darling George

Thank you for writing such a wonderful biography of me - your friend - Angel Jones. You really have an understanding of what it is like to be a young transsexual and I value our friendship hugely. I would like all your readers to know that I am a real person - your friend - and your biggest fan. Readers can reach me at:

Angel Jones


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
pleasantly surprised!

It was an idle curiousity that got me to check out this series, and I must admit that I was very pleased by what I read; the build-up, the depth of characters, the intriguing premise that hooked me in tighter... I started out sceptical, but my confusion abated as I started to empathize and gain insight into the character's identity, and cheered support as she faced her struggles. Hopefully she will learn never to mess with married cheaters again, and find for herself a source of true happiness that will last her a lifetime! Very entertaining story, thank you for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

great story loved ever bit of it well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
great story

enjoyed this story very much hope there is a lot more to come.

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