Ann: A Love Story Ch. 85


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"Thanks Dad. Happy Thanksgiving, to you too," I replied.

He turned his attention back to Ann, who was standing there with her hands on her hips like she was disappointed. "I'm sorry, dear," he said, apologizing like he'd done something wrong. Then he did what all guys do when they're standing face to face with a woman that appears to be upset. He tried to fix things, saying, "You can go back to bed if you want."

Her eyes smiled sweetly, her head tilting a little to the side as she leaned in, standing on her toes as she kissed my father on the cheek. "That's okay. It's a little too late now...I'm already up. I'll just have to make the best of the extra time I have."

She stunned me...and my dad, when she opened up her long red robe and let it slide gracefully down her shoulders, catching it effortlessly with her hands. She neatly folded it, holding it out to him as he stood there with his mouth gaping open. "Can you give this back to Mom?" she said as she stood in front of him, proudly displaying her sexy body in the lingerie she'd worn for me all night.

At least her landing strip was covered just like the night before. But she was standing there in one of the sexiest outfits I'd ever seen her in, less that two feet from my father, her nipples hardening in front of his eyes, both of them in plain view through the sheer material between the black stripes of the bra. He took in her beautiful body almost by instinct, before averting his stare towards the wall.

"Uh...sure, Ann. No problem," he stammered as he tried unsuccessfully to get past her in the hallway.

She touched him gently on the arm once again, making him stop as she looked into the bedroom at me. "I guess I have time to take care of you after all, baby. Why don't you meet me in the shower in a couple of minutes and I'll see what I can do to make that big thing go down," she said in her sexy voice. "You don't mind, do you Dad?"

"Uh, no sweetie," he grinned.

She kissed him on the cheek again, giggling as she headed into the bathroom, closing the door.

He looked and me, and all I could do was shrug and smile. He grinned back at me before turning and yelling down the hallway.



Ann was humming happily to herself as she sat on the lid of the toilet, rubbing lotion all over her long, smooth, sexy legs. I opened the shower curtain and she glanced up at me with a contented smile.

"That was wonderful, Neil. I didn't think I needed to cum again so soon after what you did to me last night...but I was wrong."

" just came three times, thank you very much," I said as I grabbed a fresh towel off the shelf of the little armoire to the left.

"Hmm...why, yes I did. And so did you."

"What? No I didn't."

She rolled her eyes up in my direction, and then she slowly parted her legs, showing my load still leaking out of her reddened pussy.

"Well, it seems like you did. Geesh, Neil, there's really no point of doing it in the shower if I have to take another one after we're done," she said in a mocking tone.

"Funny...I've never had any complaints about that before."

She finished rubbing in the lotion and stood up, putting her arms around my neck, kissing me. "And I'm not complaining now, baby. I'm just stating the facts. You're hung like a horse...and you cum like one too."

"I'm not hung like a horse," I said, shaking my head.

"Perhaps not, but you're just what I need...forever," she said as she turned around and looked at the beige seat of the toilet, a generous glob of cum left behind. "But you have to do cum like one," she giggled, before bending over at the waist and licking it up, her perfectly formed ass just inches away from my now growing cock.

She moaned as she made a production out of what she was doing, unaware that my shaft was back to full size in seconds from watching her savor the remnant of my last load. My hands touched her cheeks, and in on quick jab, I buried my cock inside her well-used cunt, making her squeal.

"Neil...Oh my we ARE going to be late!"

"Should have thought about that before you started acting like Anna," I growled as I grabbed her hips and started slamming my cock deeper and deeper inside her.

"Damn that Anna!" she moaned as she lowered her head, grabbing the sides of the toilet to hold on. Parting her legs to give me more room, my balls slapped up against her clit like they had in the shower. Looking over her shoulder, she bit at her lower lip, her eyes telling me she wanted fucked harder. So did her words when she admitted, "She is such a fucking slut!"


I was sitting on the floor of the bedroom, my back against the wall, legs stretched out as I watched Ann drying her hair, hurrying to get ready so we wouldn't be late. But that was already a foregone conclusion. I kidded her, telling her it was okay to be fashionably late. But she was worried we were going to slip past that, heading for rude. She had me call her mom, and I knew everything was fine...but that didn't stop her from feeling rushed.

"DAMN that Anna," she playfully scolded her alter ego once more as she ran a brush through her long, curly hair, the dryer whirring as she styled.

"I was thinking about how she should be blessed. I'm going to give her special thanks today."

"I'm sure you are," she said with a laugh, coming out of her self-imposed frustration a little bit. "But seriously, she's such a slut."

She blushed as she saw my dad walk out of his bedroom. But if he heard her, he didn't say anything. He was too busy whistling, the smile that was plastered on his face almost getting stuck in the hallway from being so wide.

"Well, you don't look like one," I smiled as I glanced back at her, looking at the dress she had put on; one that was very conservative for her. "You look pretty tame to me."

"I know, I know. I shouldn't let my mother affect me like this," she said, looking at herself in the mirror. I could tell she wasn't happy with what she wearing, but I understood. Still, she felt the need to tell me. "You don't understand my mother and holiday's Neil. Have I told you about the camera?"

" have," I laughed. It was more of a warning, really. She'd told me, several times, about how her mother took endless pictures, saying that family didn't get together often enough, so she wanted memories in between. "Maybe we should give her some of the photos from our trip."

"OH...God...can you just imagine! I still can't believe she let me come over HERE!"

"How did that happen, anyway?' I asked as I sat on the floor in the hallway, waiting for her to finish getting ready.

"It's a long story," she said as she turned off the dryer and unplugged it.

"I asked her to," my mom said as she walked out of her bedroom just like dad had, although looking a little flushed. Waving her fingers at me, she smiled. "Hello was your trip?"

"Hi was okay. I certainly liked the ending. Thanks."

"I had nothing to do with that part," she grinned as started to head down the hall.

"The hell you didn't," Ann said with a laugh. She stepped over my legs, running to my mother, hugging her tightly. "If it wasn't for you, last night would never have happened Mom."

"I could say the same to you, Anna. And not just about last night. The last hour," she giggled...surprising us by calling Ann by her given name.

I looked at my mom, and did a double take as she walked down the hallway humming.

"Oh my God...what did you DO?" I said to Ann.

She got down on her knees and kissed me. "It's not me, baby. It's us."

Ten minutes later, we were in the backseat of my dad's car as he drove the four of us over to the Franklin home for Thanksgiving. Ann and I were each holding a dish that my mom had made, and mom was holding another one on her lap in the front seat. I looked over to Ann, who smiled confidently back at me...and that put me at ease. I still wasn't looking forward to seeing her brother, but that little moment helped.

Dad was driving, which meant the three-minute ride was going to take at least twice that. And that had my mother beside herself.

"Hurry up Darren! We're already late as it is."

"As I recall, I was the first one ready."

"No you weren't. I was up and ready three hours before you were. You see all this food, don't you?" she said, holding up her big casserole bowl of scalloped potatoes.

"Funny...pretty sure I was outside first, waiting on the rest of you," he kidded.

"That's because you called me back to the bedroom, and..." She looked over her shoulder, seeing Ann, who flashed a knowing smile.

"You had to shower again, didn't you Mom?" she said with a giggle.

" did you know?"

"Because, I did too. It must be something about those Thomas men."

"That's right," mom said as she wrinkled her nose at dad. "You Thomas men are all alike. Always making a big mess for the women to clean up."

Ann giggled, thinking about the inference that mom was making.

"Mom," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Well it's true. You better get used to it Anna. If Neil's anything like his father, it's not going to change when he gets older."

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked, hoping the subject wasn't what I thought it was.

"You...and your father. You both...well, you know...A LOT!"

Ann giggled and said, "Are you talking about how much they shoot?"

Mom blushed, but she didn't shy away from the subject. Instead, she turned and said, "Yes, sweetie. They both go off like a fire hose."

"MOM!" I snapped, my mouth falling open in disbelief.

"I'm just being honest, honey. That's how your fiancée talks about sex all the time...why shouldn't I?"

"Well, the HELL would you know how much I...WHY would you know that?"

"I'm your mother, Neil. A mother always knows."

Dad chuckled and said, "She's got you there, son. You can't beat THAT logic."

"That's not logic. That's crap. She doesn't know...well, she didn't know until Ann said something."

"PUUULEEEASE!" she said, rolling her eyes. "When you were in high school, you'd go through a box of Kleenex a week."

"I had allergies!"

"All year round? Neil Antonio Thomas, who are you kidding? What you apparently don't understand is that, one, all boys masturbate, and two...all mothers know that all boys masturbate. Truthfully, I'd have been a lot more concerned if you didn't. But just so you know, more than once I've found a handful of tissues wadded up that you missed or forgot about."

I looked at Ann, who was holding her hand over her mouth as she laughed hysterically.

"This is all your fault," I said, pointing at her.

" is it MY fault you didn't destroy the evidence," she replied, her eyes watering from laughing so hard.

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."

"What did I do?" she said, pointing at herself.

"You turned my parents into two horny teenagers, that's what," I said, somehow forgetting those same parents were sitting in the front seat of the car.

"Oh, we've always been like this, dear," mom answered, leaning over to kiss my dad on the cheek as she patted his leg...far too near his crotch for my comfort.

Dad laughed and said, "Your Mom's right, Neil. All Ann did was help us feel more comfortable about it. We don't have to hide who we are anymore."

"Great...really looking forward to seeing that displayed at the Franklin's today," I said as I sat back in my seat, confused by everything.

"Aw, Neil...don't pout," Ann said as she put her hand even closer to MY crotch, rubbing my leg back and forth, brushing her fingertips against my balls. "My parents have opened up too...but I'll behave today."

"Uh...I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about them," I said, nodding towards the front of the car.

"Don't worry, Neil. We'll behave too," mom nodded. "Can you believe we're even talking like this Darren?" she asked, like suddenly we weren't there in the back seat.

"I still can't believe last night," he laughed loudly.

"What happened last night?" I asked, before saying, "WAIT...don't answer that!"

Ann giggled and said, "It's not that big of a deal. They had sex while I waited for you to come home. You already knew that. Besides, it's not like I haven't heard a couple having sex before."

"Well, it was a first for us. Darren and I don't usually go to bed with a guest in the house with that in mind."

Dad chuckled again. "Yes we have. You've just never actually announced to the guest what we were going to do...not to mention being so brazen about it."

"I thought it was sweet," Ann said with a smile.

"Well, I didn't want to be rude. And truthfully, after the day we had, I didn't want to be quiet, either," mom shrugged, again providing me with too much information.

Ann spent the rest of the short drive to her parent's house explaining how it came to be that she ended up and my parent's house for the night in the first place. She got a little help from mom recounting the details, along with the obligatory side commentary from dad, adding his humor to the mix. And I sat and listened, becoming more amazed by the second.

Ann told me that she and my mom had had a conversation earlier in the week. Mom was apparently worried that she was spending too much time making plans for the wedding, and that she was starting to become irritable...especially the last few days leading up to the Holiday. So, mom suggested that she needed a break, which was a polite way of saying that she needed to get out of the house and away from her mother for longer than just a few hours.

Ann and Jean had actually been getting along very, very well. Much better than she thought would have been possible. But that didn't mean they didn't have the occasional disagreement; it was bound to happen from time to time. Still, while there weren't any major things taken individually, they began to build up. Ann had told me every time I talked to her on the phone that things were fine, and they were, overall. But the wedding added a lot of stress to the new relationship they were building together.

It started one day when that stress was higher than normal. Ann walked down the local Dairy Queen to get away and have a nice lunch by herself. Instead, she bumped into my mother, and they ended up having a delightful time together. That started a trend where Ann would get away from time to time, meeting my mom for lunch, or coffee, or...whatever. It gave them a chance to get to know each other better, and it helped Ann, because she could unload.

So, when my mom saw Ann becoming overwhelmed at a wedding get together on Wednesday morning, one of many planning meetings she'd been invited to, she pulled her aside and told her that she needed a longer break.

Ann sighed and said, "So, she said she was making me leave the house. It was time to get away for more than just an hour or so."

"And just how did you do that?" I asked my mom.

"I had a little talk with Jean. I told her that with her having to plan Thanksgiving dinner, and get the house ready and everything, and with Ann dealing with all the wedding things...they could both use a break from each other. So, I told her I was going to take Ann with me for the rest of the day, and we'd see her on Thanksgiving."

" did she take that?" I asked, suddenly worried that it was Jean I needed to be nervous about instead of Alan.

"Actually, she took it great," Ann said with a laugh. "I think she was glad to get rid of me."

"Away from you," mom said cautiously. "She loves you Anna...but you have to remember, you moving back home is not a small change in her life. Not to mention that it's Thanksgiving, and that your wedding is just ten days away...well, nine now. It's stressful for both of you."

I looked at Ann when mom said that...and Ann looked at me, her eyes wide and we both started laughing. "Holy shit," I said as I thought about the wedding being so close, forgetting I was with my parents.

"Holy shit is right," my Dad laughed. "That's why Jean was okay with Ann spending the day with your mother...the PMS in that house has got to be at an all time high!"


"Yeah...that's why it's been so tense, Neil. My mom and I are kind of on the same cycle right now. You know how I get sometimes...and I'm about to start my or tomorrow."

My mouth dropped open, suddenly thinking that I'd already had all the fun I was going to have on my extended weekend, and it was really just getting started. But as I looked at my dad's eyes in the rearview mirror, I could tell he was grinning. His reaction to that bad news struck me as odd...and perhaps a little mean.

He saw the dejected look on my face, and he shook his head. "Son...what day is it?"

"Thursday," I said sarcastically.

"Neil...what day is it?" he repeated, his eyes telling me he wasn't going to accept a second snotty reply.

"It's Thanksgiving, Dad."

"That's right. And that's what you should be doing right now. Giving thanks."

"Uh...for what?"

"Well for one, you should be giving thanks to your mother for allowing you to spend the night with Ann last night...and this morning, for that matter. She didn't have to. She told Jean that Ann would be sleeping in the guestroom. And you should also be thankful that Ann's starting her period this weekend."

"And why in the world would I be thankful for that?"

"Because, it could have happened next weekend... on your wedding night!"

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AllosaurusRexAllosaurusRexover 12 years ago

Keep it comming, more soooooon please

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