Aurora - The Femdom Domain Ch. 01


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"Mistress Dreamseer, I wouldn't normally intrude while you-"

"Yes, what it is?" Ushani prompted.

"I bring good news. Another shard has been found."

The Queen's eyes opened wide. Her tone shifted from boredom to keen interest. "Good. Where is it?"

"It was excavated in the highlands between Lithuin and Erandell. I'm told it's a big one."

"Excellent. Send another detachment to provide additional security."

"I'll inform the Lightbringers right away. It will be brought to Lucian with all haste, your grace."

"Well done. If that's all for now, then go. Thank you, Yllyeth."

"Your Eminence" she said with a bow. The fire-kissed conjurer turned and made a swift exit.

Ushani took a long sip from her chalice as she stared into the gleaming heart of the crystal. She set the drink aside on her table gimp and leaned back into the plush leather. Ten lifetimes worth of memories descended on her as the events leading up to the Cataclysm replayed in her mind. They were followed by flashbacks of her long rule, ever since. Despite all she'd accomplished, the same questions continued to assail her. Although she was stalwart and unfailingly resolute in her mission, in Ushani's darkest hours of contemplation, slivers of doubt managed to creep in.

Had she done the right thing? The wizards of the previous age had grown too powerful and arrogant, but even they were hesitant to use the crystal. That's why it had been shattered thousands of years ago and its pieces dispersed across the land. But as the War of the Magi raged on, growing apocalyptic in scope, its use had been considered once again. They were still reassembling it, piece by piece, when Ushani beat them to the punch. She seized the crystal and with the help of her fellow sorceresses, used it for her own ends.

Back then, the Sisterhood of the Guiding Light were nothing but glorified assistants to the archmages of Noctem. They were rarely allowed to achieve their full potential. The best training, the most powerful spells and abilities, everything that might help them excel above their masters was denied to them. That power was lorded over them and for most women, becoming a mage meant sexual servitude to the men of her order.

Ushani changed everything with one well-timed gamble. The world was better now, but it hadn't all gone according to her plan. When she and her sisters charged the crystal and Ushani's vision turned it into the Matriarch, not all of her wishes were granted.

The whole point had been to make men irrelevant. To lower them to a status where they could be enjoyed as playthings, but also cast aside and disregarded entirely if women chose. Women and Futanari could enjoy a life of peace and sexual bliss while men watched on, in chains, until they disappeared entirely. Her mental instructions to the crystal had been clear, but her utopia had not come to pass.

In a cruel twist of fate, men were now more crucial than ever in a woman's world. Their prowess with magic was greatly diminished, but their value for breeding was priceless. They now held the key to reproduction, which is why it was even more important to take that power away. Foolishly, many kingdoms throughout Aurora let them walk free. Not like here, in Lucia, where the effect of the Matriarch was most powerful. Here, all men wore collars and even the strongest slave's mind eventually broke under the hum of constant magical conditioning.

Ushani looked down at her boot-licker, still obediently lapping away at her shiny black leather. Her gaze of smug superiority sank into a frown of forlorn bitterness.

Why? Why had the Matriarch not carried out her wishes in full? Did the crystal have a mind of its own? Or was it simply not powerful enough with its form still incomplete? After centuries of study, it was largely still a mystery. Ancient texts alluded to it falling from the sky ages ago. Even the mightiest of mages throughout history had been unable to understand it completely and harness its full power. Many attempts had resulted in disaster, but that wouldn't deter Ushani. She would get to the bottom of it, eventually.

The Queen of Lucia and Headmistress of the Guiding Light had all the time in the world, thanks to the Matriarch. It fed her power and prolonged her unnaturally long life in perpetuity. She had so much time and so little to do with it, outside enjoying the finest wines and indulging her sadism with whichever slaves caught her eye. Her order would continue searching, gathering shards and unearthing arcane knowledge until the time was right to change the world again.

* * * * *




Aden backed away steadily, hefting his training staff in a flurry of desperate defensive maneuvers. Mistress Nightwind was always a step ahead of him, directing her next attack in the direction he least expected. She forced him to hurry his blocks, lest a painful blow slip through his guard and strike him.

Her offense came in skilled flourishes. The tip of the staff whipped at his head, arms and torso. Aden felt the difference in the floor as he stepped off the training mat. He grew nervous, knowing he didn't have much more room to retreat before running into the wall.

Zara grinned, keeping him on the defensive until her pupil overextended himself and left an opening. Mistress Nightwind dodged Aden's weak attempt at a parry and sidestepped him. She thrust the bottom half of her staff under his thigh and swept Aden's leg out from under him.



Aden was on his back before he knew what hit him. Zara stood over him, pointing the blunt end of her staff at his throat.


Aden winced in pain before replying casually. "Thanks. Next time, tell me what you really think..."

He held out his hand and Zara seized it in her strong grip. The veteran dark elf warrior pulled him to his feet with ease. Her look of stern disapproval morphed into a grudging smile. Her cold exterior usually melted when Aden turned on the charm.

"You need to take this seriously."

"I am. I'm just better with a sword."

"We already practiced with sparring swords. The outcome was no different. Besides, you shouldn't rely on swords. They're sidearms. Real warriors use two handed weapons."

Zara planted the end of her staff into the floor and held it beside her body proudly. With her cocked head and slight lean, she looked like an amazon showing off her favorite spear.

Even in her sparring gear, Mistress Nightwind was a sight to behold. She stood at 6'3 and her body was a curvy, statuesque column of well-toned muscle. On the color spectrum, her skin tone registered somewhere between pale blue and light gray. Her shoulder-length pale blonde hair, light purple lips and magenta eyes stood out in remarkable contrast to her flawless skin. Her thin, pointed ears tilted upward, giving her a menacing look that was typical of her kind.

The training robes she wore were plain, but even when they sparred, her massive thighs were forever saddled in thigh-high leather fighting boots. Likewise, her forearms were locked in protective leather vambraces, leaving her hands free to wield any weapon skillfully. The loincloth hanging from her waist did little to hide Zara's non-combat weapon. The dark elf mistress-at-arms was huge down there, even by Futa standards.

"I didn't come here to be a warrior."

"No, but Leilana wants you trained in combat arts. At least well enough to defend yourself."

"Why? Who's going to attack me in Lithuin?"

"No one, probably. But it's not impossible someone could try to abduct you. And what if you need to leave the city some day?"

"Then I hope a sexy elven warrior will serve as my bodyguard" Aden answered with a sly grin.

The compliment registered on Zara's face with a flash of surprise and embarrassment. Flattery was one of the few weapons that was effective against the skilled fighter. Her eyes darted away from Aden briefly as she composed herself. She coughed nervously before getting back on topic.

"We need to improve your foot work. That's the main reason you're not getting any better."

"Okay. How do we do that?"

"Good question. You seem to have two left feet. I'm thinking we should put you in a dress and teach you the basics of dancing."

"Wait! What?!? Why a dress?"

"To help you get in touch with your feminine side. You'll learn to move gracefully faster that way."

Aden snickered. "Oh, yeah, I'm sure that's it!"

"You doubt my methods?"

"I've read this book before! It's called 'The Teacher's Barely Disguised Fetish.' You obviously have a thing for feminization!"

This time Zara grew flustered and indignant. "What?!? That's ridiculous!"

"Oh yeah? Then why did you give me that makeup kit last week?"

"That was...." Her hesitation made it obvious he was onto her. "A reward for perfect attendance! A little blush and guy-liner goes a long way, you know! It'll help any boy look his best."

Aden sighed and gestured with his practice staff. "Are we done for now?"

Zara relented. "Yes. I suppose that's enough for today. With combat training, that is. Let's head back to my office. We can work on your other training with the time we have left."

* * * * *


Aden's lips stretched around her massive shaft of soft, Futa flesh. It surged down his tongue, rammed through his uvula and dove into the spongy nirvana of his throat. All he could do was stare at Zara's thrusting body as her wide hips surged forward and withdrew in steady rhythm. Tears leaked from Aden's eyes, rolling down his flustered cheeks and dripping from his face. They joined the thick mixture of saliva and elven semen slopping from his mouth with every frenzied fuck.

When fully engorged, Zara's gargantuan schlong turned a pleasant pink color, reflecting the massive amount of blood trapped in its veiny girth. This was equally true of the giant, fleshy grapefruits hanging below her schwanz. They rocked back and forth, smacking Aden in his cum-slathered chin with every blissful invasion of his warm, wet maw.

Mistress Nightwind had been at it for a half hour, standing in the center of her office with Aden kneeling at her feet. Her hands were tight in his thick, blonde hair, pulling his face down her colossal cum cannon with fast, steady slurps. She'd already dumped two fat loads of Futanari jizzum in her student's welcoming mouth and was currently working toward number three.

"Mmmmmmmm! That's a good throat sleeve! SO GOOD, ADEN!!! You've been practicing with others, haven't you? Thirsty slut!"

He murmured around her thrusting phallus, but it came out as nothing but incoherent, sloppy gibberish. Aden's knees were raw against the cool, stone floor. His arms were snug behind him in the triangular black leather arm-binder. He was naked, aside from Mistress Spellsong's chastity cage; completely powerless to resist Zara's endless oral assault.

The dark elf's impressive, round ass bounced as she stuffed Aden's mouth relentlessly. Her nipples hardened, her nerves danced and her groin tingled with the growing need for release. Mistress Nightwind's hips flew into a frenzy as her her massive scrotum clenched and the constant thwacking and slurping of Aden's mouth-pussy built to a crescendo.


Zara buried her quivering cum tube as deep in his maw as she could manage. Even with the rigorous training she and the many other Futas of Lithuin had imparted on Aden, his mouth only reached the halfway point of her behemoth, bulging love muscle. Zara's body quaked as she held Aden's hair in an iron grip and thick Futa spunk spurted forth in luscious strands.

Her plump elven funbags quivered as Zara grunted and screamed in delirious pleasure. Aden's arms pulled within the sweaty leather prison confining them. His legs and torso squirmed as another course of pungent dark elf girl cream siphoned into his already stuffed insides.

Aden's normally flat stomach took on the beginnings of a bulge. Waves of thick white goop escaped his bottom lip, sliding to the ground as she filled him to overflowing. Only when her giant balls stopped seizing did Mistress Nightwind pull her jizz-drenched length from Aden's mouth and allowed the poor boy to catch his breath.

"Mmmmmm! YES! That was amazing! I need to sit down..."

Even for one with thighs as strong as Zara, it was time for a break after a full half hour of standing face-fucking. She walked the short distance to her office sofa and collapsed on its surface. Her sweaty, grayish skin meshed with the plush brown leather, creaking sumptuously as she made herself comfortable. She caught her breath as they both rested for a short while.

Eventually, Zara snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground in front of her splayed open legs.

"Over here, slut-boy. You're not done yet."

Aden shuffled forward on shaky knees. He couldn't believe Mistress Spellsong had gone to such lengths to stretch out his ass for Zara and the sex-crazed warrior wanted nothing but oral. It felt like a cruel joke. Despite her recent discharge, Mistress Nightwind's cock loomed ahead, jutting upward in its full, rigid state of arousal. She stroked it up and down, watching Aden's caged dick hang uselessly as he inched toward her without the use of his arms.

For Zara, the combination of bondage and forced chastity made training his slutty mouth infinitely more enjoyable. The only thing that would make it hotter would be tarting him up in a dress, catboy accessories or a full rubber bimbo suit. That wasn't the kind of thing Leilana usually went for, but Zara had no plans to ask permission. Her half-sister might be the bigwig on campus, but Zara was a fully credentialed instructor now too. They would both enjoy Aden how they liked, and if Lei-Lei had a problem with it, she could sit on a dildo and spin.

"I'm looking forward to the upcoming break. We're going to have so much fun together."

Aden's expression grew worried as he realized the conflict this posed. "Lady Zara. I'm afraid I already have plans with Mistress Spellsong. She invited me earlier today and-"

"I know" the big woman interrupted as she continued to stroke her prodigious prick. "We'll both be taking care of you during the break. It's a perfect opportunity to give you some advanced training. Sometimes, the task is too big for just one Mistress."

Aden's sperm-glazed lips hung open in genuine surprise. As far as he could tell from the brief interactions he'd seen them have, Leilana and Zara didn't particularly get along. They were always sniping each other with snide comments and trying to one-up the other whenever they had the chance. As he stared up at Mistress Nightwind, he realized with sudden clarity that her and Mistress Spellsong's facial features were strikingly similar. Was it possible they were related?

"Alright! Back to it, cocksucker! Two more and I should be satisfied."

Thick pre leaked from the fat mushroom head of her bloated missile. As close as it was to Aden's face, he could feel the raw heat radiating from her veiny length. The pungent musk of her nethers filled his nostrils, clouding his mind and making his mouth water in anticipation. There was just something about Futa cock and their luscious nougat cum. The more he ingested, the more he craved it.

Without further instruction, Aden lifted his mouth and slid his lips over her hot, drooling tip. He pushed his face down her phallus, moaning as her sticky length burrowed through his warm, fleshy walls. Zara smiled and took fresh hold of his head. When Aden hit his gag reflex, her hands took over, dragging him further down her meaty python than he would've gone on his own. Zara delighted in the gagging Aden suffered for her pleasure, coaxing ever more sloppy noises from his mouth and throat as she drilled deep and clogged his oral passage.

"That's it! You're a much more promising sword swallower than a fighter, that's for sure. You may or may not become an adept mage, but that's secondary. You're already excelling where it matters. Isn't that right, my sweet bottom bitch?"

Aden grunted and coughed around her cock as streams of frothy spit and pre leaked down her shaft. He struggled in the arm-binder as his eagerness to please Mistress Nightwind transitioned to a prolonged act out of his control. His face slurped up and down her girthy pole, plowing further as she pushed and pulled her new cum-dump to his limits and beyond.

"Oh, I know. You're hungry for more. Don't worry, golden boy! You'll be throating my whole cock soon enough. I guarantee it."

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onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader4 months ago

may aden bring balance to the force.. its clear that the empire is in charge at the moment haha

NotmanenoughNotmanenough7 months ago

Verry well writen storry.

I just think chastitty doesn't work on the setting given the raritty of male, they should be impregneting women on tge most efficiant schedule to counter act the lack on manpower.

kwiksilver9kwiksilver97 months ago

Fantastic first chapter. Love this world you have created, can't wait for even more fucking!

jp3711ncjp3711nc7 months ago

I hope for some more

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So hot!

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