BabySitter and the Visitor

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She received an unexpected visitor while sitting.
2.8k words

Part 17 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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It was just another baby-sitting gig. The kids were asleep and my time was my own until Marie and Brad arrived home. Knowing that I'd be sitting around bored and glued to the tellie I'd brought my sewing with me. I was trying to sew a decent gown for the prom. So far it was turning out quite well, not that I'd worry if it became a fiasco. My mother had promised to buy me a proper gown if I stuffed this up. She just wanted me to make a proper attempt at designing and creating my own gown and, as I said, so far -- so good.

After an hour or so the dress had reached a point where I thought it wouldn't hurt to try it on, just to make sure that all measurements were correct. I stripped off and slipped into it.

It fitted very nicely indeed. A bit of a nuisance was the fact that my bra straps were showing. It was a gown, after all, and I'd made it close fitting so that it didn't require sleeves or shoulder straps. I would need a strapless bra but that would be all. I manoeuvred my arms out of the bra straps and tucked them inside the dress, giving me a better idea of how the dress would look. (I should've brought the strapless bra with me but I plain forgot.)

I was about to take the gown off again when I heard a door bang and a voice calling for Marie. I hastened off to see who the hell was in the house. Barging into the front room I found a man standing there, looking slightly surprised to see me.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked. "Where's Marie?"

"More to the point, who are you and what are you doing here?" I demanded.

"I asked first," he promptly replied and I sighed.

"I'm Amber, and I'm the babysitter. Brad and Marie have gone out for the evening. I don't expect them back for a couple of hours. Now will you please answer my questions?"

"How ya going, Amber. I'm Neil, Marie's brother. I was driving past, saw all the lights were on, and decided to drop in and say hullo. Babysitter, uh? Odd. I'd of thought you were older than someone who does that sort of thing."

"I am. I'm eighteen, but in the current financial climate you do any job that lets you earn a few dollars."

"Fair enough. Ah, one last question. Do you always wear ball gowns to babysit? Not that it's not a nice gown, but I'd have thought a little inappropriate for babysitting."

I had to laugh at that. Totally inappropriate.

"I'd go along with that," I agreed, "but the kids are asleep and I'm working on this gown as a sewing project. I'd just reached a point where I thought I should it on for size."

"Well, from where I stand it looks pretty good," he said. "Turn around so I can see it properly."

He twirled a finger and I obligingly did a slow three sixty, pleased to get an impartial opinion. I was a little surprised when I found he was a lot closer when I finished my turn.

"Not bad. Not bad at all," he observed, "but I suspect that it may be a little loose just here."

With that he hooked a finger either side of my décolletage and pulled down. As he pulled his fingers also slipped inside my bra and with no straps to hold it in place both the top of the dress and the bra went sliding down, spilling my breasts and settling around my waist.

"You certainly have enough here to fill the top," he said, his hands cupping my breasts, "but maybe you should get a better bra -- one that lifts your assets a little."

The rotten man bounced my assets a little to indicate what he meant.

I hastily slapped his hands away, using my own hands to cover my charms.

"How dare you. You had no right to do such a thing. Marie is not home so please leave."

"Yeah, okay," he said, nodding his agreement. "Prom dress?"

I nodded. It was certainly supposed to be.

"Ah, that explains it," he said, sounding satisfied.

"What explains what?" I demanded, confused.

"Prom dress. You make the neckline just loose enough so that the boyfriend can slip his hand inside or even pull the top down. It's an old trick. My own girlfriend did the same which made for an interesting prom night."

"No such thing," I said indignantly. "It just so happens that I'm not wearing the proper bra with the dress right now. With the proper bra on that wouldn't have happened."

"If you say so. Hmm. In that case if you're not intending to lose your top on prom night it would be a shame not to have someone admire your charms while they're on display."

While I was trying to work out what he meant he reached over and took hold of my wrists, drawing my hands away from my breasts. I tried to pull my hand free but he was holding them firmly.

"Very nice," he said. "You should definitely consider having the boyfriend lower the top. I'm sure he'll be enthralled."

I was trying to think of the proper words to describe him when he leaned down and kissed first one breast and then the other, much to my surprise. Surprise, nothing. It was a total shock, especially as the kisses weren't kisses so much as nibbling on my nipples. I could feel them puckering up, my breasts feeling as though they were swelling.

"Just imagine if you were in his car when he did this," he said, his hands covering my breasts again. "Do you know what would happen next?"

"I'd slap him silly?" I suggested, backing away from him. Wrong move because I'd forgotten where we were. The couch was right behind me and when I tried to step back I banged into it and sat down, quite involuntarily.

"Don't be silly," he said, settling down onto the couch himself. "He'd just do this."

'This' was him pressing against my chest, forcing me to lie back on the couch.

"And with you lying back like this, this just naturally follows."

This time he just hauled my dress up, bunching it around my waist. With both top and bottom bunched around my waist I was effectively wearing a wide belt and that was it. Apart from panties, panties which I was horrified to see were being towed down, coming right off, and leaving me effectively naked.

"Just what the hell are you doing?" I half screamed at him. "Just leave me alone."

"Stop fretting," he replied, calm as you please. "You've probably got your maidenly knickers all in a knot thinking I'm going to rape you, but I'm not, so calm down."

Oddly enough it hadn't even occurred to me that he might try to rape me. I guess that shows what an innocent I was. It also irritated me that he thought I'd think like that.

"I thought no such thing," I said in icy tones. "I assumed that you were just being your obnoxious male self. I have had boyfriends and know how obnoxious they can be, but none of them come close to touching you."

"Ah, that's fine. It means I'll stand out in your memory. A man likes to know that a girl will find him unforgettable."

What do you say to male arrogance like that? I couldn't think of anything so didn't say anything. I just tried to push him away from me because his hands were wandering around, touching me in places where he most certainly shouldn't.

"Will you please leave me alone?" I snapped, pushing at his hands for the umpteenth time.

"All in good time," he said, but I was relieved to see that he was rising to his feet.

My relief changed to consternation when he calmly undid his trousers and dropped them, along with his undies. This quite naturally revealed what he'd been hiding under his trousers and it was a substantial amount.

"What the hell? You said you weren't going to rape me," I protested, trying to cringe away as he settled back down on the couch.

"And if I said it, it's true," he replied, hands reaching for my breasts yet again.

"Then just what are you doing?"

"I'm seducing you," he replied.

"No you fucking aren't! I'm telling you no and I'm not changing my mind."

"We'll see," he said, my opinion obviously not counting for anything. He released my breasts and took hold of my ankles. What followed was a complete mystery to me. I mean, I've had other boys try to part my legs so that they could gain access to areas where I didn't want them gaining access. All I had to do was be firm and hold my legs together. I never had to force them together or anything like that. Just have them next to each other and not let the offender move them. Easy as.

So why did I find my legs parting easily as he moved them? He just held one ankle still while lifting the other and pushing it well to the side, revealing everything I had, especially as there were no panties to spoil his view. I couldn't understand it. I was telling myself to close my legs again but they weren't moving. Then I wasn't able to close them because he was lying between them, his erection already brushing against my vagina.

"Don't you dare," I half wailed. "Don't you fucking dare."

"Dare what? This?" he said, a big smile on his face.

He made a little adjustment and his cock started pushing into me.

"Yes, that," I snapped back and him, and he promptly laughed.

"There, you see? I knew you'd say yes sooner or later. Now just relax."

"What the fuck are you talking about? How can I relax if you're trying to fuck me?"

Even as I said that I could see and feel his cock sliding into me. I gave a yelp of protest as I promptly became an ex-virgin, a very large cock determinedly making its way into me.

I didn't stop protesting, being all, 'ah, stop it', and 'don't do that', and accusing him of rape and telling him he was hurting and describing how I was going to castrate him with a fork, and it would be a very blunt fork. For his part he just kept smiling and pressing further into me, stretching me and forcing me to accommodate him, and there was a lot of him to accommodate. (Like I said, I'd had boyfriends and they were only too willing to show me their erections, whether I wanted to see them or not. Sometimes I did, I'll admit, but that's as far as I'd ever gone. This one, however, was one for the books.)

Despite what I told him his cock wasn't really hurting me. It was making me feel very strange, unusual sensations being generated by the rub of his cock against me, but it all felt very natural and even, dare I say, nice and exciting. Hell if I'd admit it to him, though.

He didn't stop pushing until his cock was fully inside me. I'd been starting to wonder if I could even handle it, he stuffed so much into me, and I was a little relieved when he finally achieved his aim. That done he just held himself firmly inside me, giving me a chance to adjust to it was my guess.

Finally, apparently satisfied that I was ready for the next step he started pulling back, almost (but not quite) pulling right out of me. He stopped at the last moment and then to my shock he banged fully back into me with great haste, with me giving a shocked, "Woh," as he drove home.

Again he pulled slowly back and this time I was expecting his return thrust. This time I wasn't going to be startled by the way he came charging back in. This time I'd keep my mouth shut. Good intentions on my part, but poor execution as I still found myself exclaiming the same, "Woh," as he drove home.

He did this a few more times and I found it frustrating that I couldn't help giving that startled cry each time he thrust in. Damnit, I knew it was coming so I should have been able to keep my mouth closed but no, it was a case of thrust and, "Woh."

I should point out that what he was doing wasn't distressing me. Quite the opposite, to tell the truth. Every time he thrust in my whole body seemed to come alive, pushing up to meet him. You could even say I was having fun. (Unwanted fun, of course, but fun anyway.)

Then there came a point where he didn't thrust strongly back into me. He pulled right back, paused, and then slid smoothly back into me. It was indescribable. I wanted to sigh as he slid into position but a sigh proved a lot easier to control than those startled yelps. That was just the start of the main game. He started sliding back and forth, carrying me away in a swirl of physical feelings, not worrying about anything, just letting him do what he wanted. It was truly blissful.

He kept that up for what seemed like ages with my arousal steadily building. Everything inside me was on fire, my nerves seemingly becoming tightly coiled, an explosive release bound to happen at any moment.

"Amber," he said in soft honeyed tones. "I know you didn't really want this so if you like I'll stop now. What do you say?"

Stop? At this point? What was he talking about? I wasn't prepared for him to stop just yet. He had to finish this. I gave him a horrified look at the suggestion.

"Keep going, uh?" he murmured, and I found myself frantically nodding.

"If you insist," he said and that wonderful feeling persisted as he kept sliding in and out, in and out.

There was a subtle difference now. He was moving slightly faster and the tempo was slowly increasing. I was gasping as I did my best to move with him, fire flowing through my veins. Then he seemed to give a convulsive jerk and I exploded, the wildest sensations tearing through me. I screamed softly, struggling to understand but not wanting it to stop.

I slowly came down from my climax, feeling slightly stunned.

I shook myself and did my best to glare at him.

"You raped me," I accused.

The rotten swine had the gall to laugh and deny it.

"Not really," he said cheerfully. "I offered to stop and you insisted I keep going. Seduction, like I said."

Now that I thought back I remembered that, but that didn't count, surely?

"That doesn't count," I protested. "Up to that point it was rape."

"Up to that point it was foreplay and then, having obtained consent, I got serious."

He was wrong, I was sure of it. Both morally and legally, but there was nothing I could do about it now. What was done was done.

"Go away," I said firmly. "I'm going to have a shower and get dressed. When I come back out I want to be greeted by your absence."

I scrambled off the couch, my gown falling back into place and giving me some covering. He reached over and lifted a cushion of the couch, turned it over, and put it back in place. Hiding the stains from what had just happened, I realised, blushing. I bolted for the bathroom.

He was gone when I came back out and I promptly checked over my gown. At least those shenanigans hadn't damaged it at all, although I might have to make the neckline just a little tighter to discourage wandering hands. (Or maybe not. I'd think about it.)

Marie and Brad arrived home a couple of hours later. I collected my pay and was ready to depart.

"Oh, before I go, Marie, your brother, Neil, dropped past to say hullo."

"Um, I don't have any brothers, Amber. What did he look like?"

Puzzled, I described Neil as best I could but Marie and Brad just looked blank.

"I have no idea who you mean. What did he want?"

"He just said he was driving past and decided to drop in and say hullo. When he found you weren't home he went on his way."

"Probably a wrong address. Since we weren't home he didn't realise."

Marie and Brad just shrugged the matter off. Me, I was left wondering who the hell it had been.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Like many others, I lost my virginity at my HS prom. 3 guys got me drunk and all of them fucked me after making me suck their cocks

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 2 years ago

this was fun great writing

Omart57Omart57almost 2 years ago

Another good story, Ashson! You never fail to entertain!

jkthekatjkthekatalmost 2 years ago

Well I enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Typical babysitting rape fantasy which seems to be this writers(?) main theme. Almost makes ya think he's writing from experience.

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