All Comments on 'Backstage Romance Ch. 06'

by ikhneumon

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TimothyMTimothyMover 12 years ago

After the seriousness of the previous chapter, it was such a relief to start off with the fun of Scott teasing Jeff. So much for Jeff's conviction of his own acting ability concerning how he feels about Daniel. And then he has to deal with Kelly, he, he. The nice reward for both guys and all of us is the hot sex at the end. I really admire your ability to come up with a totally new way for them to enjoy each other.

randaltrirandaltriover 12 years ago
First class writer

You are doing a wonderful job portraying both the relationship between Jeff and Daniel and the workings of the theater.

talismaniatalismaniaover 12 years ago

This is such a lovely story. I'm really enjoying the romance and the way it simmers, then boils over. :)

canndcanndover 12 years ago

I really want to know what Kelly said to him! And I hope Daniel will let us and Jeff in on his past. Please don't keep us waiting. The story is going really well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

more, more, more please!

GobletHolly182GobletHolly182over 12 years ago

your sex scenes are so hot. it's really romantic how attuned daniel and jeff are to one another, both in general and in bed. great chapter, thanks!

cliffgirl08cliffgirl08over 12 years ago
Better and Better

I'm glad that the theater troupe didn't cause problems for Daniel and Jeff. I began reading and thought they would scare one of them away. Nice chapter.

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