Because of You


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"I won't wish you good luck, but I do hope you find whatever it is you're looking for. Maybe there's a guy out there that's willing to go along with you going dancing and being a slut. But it's not me, not by a long shot. Go to hell Marsha Ann." I walked out leaving her sobbing at the table.

Billy Ray had tried to talk me out of leaving, but understood why I couldn't stay. He wished me luck, told me I could always come back and gave me my last pay check. He shook my hand and turned back to his office; I believe he had tears in his eyes too. Judy hugged me and kissed my cheek and told me to let myself heal and then come back to them; she definitely had tears in her eyes.

Having already said good bye to Jesse and Jared and packed my stuff in my truck; I stopped and spent a couple of hours with Mama and my sister and left some money for her. They both knew what Marsha Ann had done and didn't try to talk me out of leaving.

"As I hugged Mama good bye she said, "If you run from trouble or problems you can get away for a little while but every time you look over your shoulder there they are; waiting for you. Go ease you mind for little while, but you can't run away forever." She kissed me on the cheek and went back into the house.

I promised to call or write them as I traveled around. Then I pointed the nose of my truck west and started driving. I had decided to leave Texas and get out of the oil business. Didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do, but that last check Billy Ray gave me would keep me going for a few months. That check was for three months salary and a sizable bonus.


Because of you

I find it hard to trust

Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid

So back to where we started, I just turned 30 and am unemployed looking for somewhere to lite. Because of my last check from Jones Oil Company, I had enough to keep me going for four or five months if I didn't spend like an oil sheik. I headed west with stops in Van Horne Texas where I spent a couple of days. My next layover was in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After the eight or so hours on the road I was ready for a good meal and a nights' sleep. I wasn't in any hurry so I spent a few days as a tourist. The Sandia Peak Tramway was a peaceful ride up the mountain and a great view of some beautiful county. I sampled the Tex-Mex menus at several cantinas and just relaxed for awhile.

I decided to go to California. I had never seen the ocean and a little fun in the sun might just be the thing for this ole boy from Texas. When I got to the Pacific, I was suitably impressed; pictures and movie doesn't do it justice. I kicked around the beach for about two weeks, watching the waves. Mostly I watched the beach bunnies in their little tiny bikinis. I may be emotionally dead and didn't want to get close to anyone, but I sure did like looking at the lovelies on the beach and in the water front bars. While I was on the beach, Billy Ray called to tell me that the divorce was final. I was legally a free man.

A lot of people don't realize that there are several oil fields in California; Signal Hill, Santa Fe, and Huntington Beach just to name a few. In the early 1920's California was the number one oil producing state in the country. I talked to a couple of people that Billy Ray had told me about and got a job with one of the companies. No, I was not a driller or a rough neck, but I did inspections and preventative maintenance on the all ready producing wells. I thought I better make some money instead of just depending on Billy Ray's last check.

I worked and knocked around the L.A.-Long Beach area for several months. Southern California is beautiful, has a great climate, and some of the most beautiful girls in the world; however it's not Texas. There's just something about Texas that draws people home; even to the flat plains of the west Texas oil fields. I decided that I had run away for long enough and needed to start for home. There was no timeline but I was headed back to Midland.

Leaving L.A., I headed east on I-40 to Flagstaff, Arizona and then turned north to visit the Grand Canyon. It takes more than one day to see the Canyon and appreciate it, so I spent four days there. I made the hike down into the Canyon to Phantom Ranch, spent the night and hiked back out the next day. Tough hike, but well worth the effort.

I retraced my route back to Flagstaff and spent the night. The next morning headed back west I drove to Laughlin, Nevada which is on the Arizona/Nevada state line. Laughlin has several casinos, and is like a mini Las Vegas. I knew this was backtracking a little but Laughlin might be a good place to spend a few days; it was lively, loud, and full of people enjoying themselves. Maybe I could be like them instead of thinking about my ex-wife.

I spent a couple of days exploring the different casinos; I saw a few of the floor shows, and tested my luck and skills at Texas Hold' em. My first boss Butch and the boys on that first rig must have taught me well, I won a small tournament that I entered. Aside from the cash prize, I won a seat in a much bigger tournament starting the next night.

Not a small thing that seat, the tournament had a $500 buy in with a first place of $10,000. I really didn't think I could win, but if I could make it to the last twenty players I would finish in the money and get my entrance fee back. Plus it took my mind off of Marsha Ann.

Again the lessons taught to me by Butch and the crew proved valuable. I didn't win but I did place third and won $3000. The casino wanted publicity pictures with the top three finishers and the casino manager. I hit the jackpot again; the manager was a friend and former class mate, Ron Nichols. After the pictures Ron invited me to have dinner with him in the VIP room.

We had a good time playing catch up. Ron wanted to know what I had been doing. He asked if I had gotten off the oil rigs and what I was doing in Laughlin. I questioned him about the same things ending with how he became the manager of the casino.

"You know I took Hotel Management and Business Administration at school and after a training and breaking in period, the company sent me here to Laughlin," Ron explained. "Now what's your story and don't leave anything out."

I told Ron about my job with Jones Oil to answer his question about getting off the oil rigs. The rest of my sad story concerning Marsha Ann was told to him over more Jack Daniels than I should have had. By the end of my story, I knew I was in no shape to drive and Ron got me a room at the casino hotel. Ron did say he hoped Marsha Ann rotted in hell or something like that. It's good to have friends. The next day we met for brunch and continued our old home week.

"What are you plans now, Jason?"

"I haven't thought past the tournament last night. Don't really know what I want to do now, but this traveling around is getting old in a hurry. It's fine to do on a vacation but not as a life style. Not for me anyway."

We talked for most of the afternoon and after I had a chance to rest for a couple of hours we went to dinner, again in the VIP section. Ron arranged for a couple of lovely young ladies to join us, just for company you understand. It was nice to look at some scenery that didn't have trees or mountains, but I wasn't interested or ready for anything more than a dinner companion. The ladies were not professionals, they were a couple of Ron's playmates and he was willing to share with me. Like I said, it's good to have friends.

Ron and the ladies left me at the bar after dinner and went on their way. I had one more drink, left the bar and went to the VIP poker room. I didn't need to start looking at the world from the bottom of a bottle, even if it was a Jack Daniels bottle. I watched the games for a few minutes and then sat in on a hold' em game with a $2500 buy in. I was playing with my winnings from the tournament so the buy in didn't dig into my bankroll from Billy Ray's check or the money I had saved from my job in California. After about two hours I decided I to quit and cashed in my chips. I added another $8000 to my bankroll.

I went back to the bar to get one more drink before heading to bed. Sitting at the bar was Julie, one of the lovelies that had joined Ron and I at dinner. She smiled at me and accepted my offer of a glass of wine. We had a very pleasant two hours of conversation until we were the only ones left in the bar. She suggested that we get a bottle of wine and adjourn to her room to continue our talk.

The next morning I woke up next to her in bed. She was lying on her back totally nude and was stunning. The little noise she was making was so delicate that I don't think you could say she was snoring. I can't say it enough; it's really good to have friends. After showering, I kissed her good bye as she lay in bed. Julie told me she enjoyed our time together and invited me to come back. I was going to meet Ron for breakfast before I left. This wasn't a relationship just two healthy young people enjoying each other.

Ron and I were eating as I told him about Julie. "She's just what I needed to begin repairing my ego. Very nice girl."

He just laughed and told me it was her idea to wait for me at the bar last night, "I think she liked you from the first. Answer a question for me, will you?" Ron continued without waiting for my okay. "What the hell are you doing? The Jason I knew would never run away like you did. The Jason I knew would have stayed and rubbed the bitch's nose in what she lost. If you let it, all this shit will just follow you around. Talk to me buddy."

I looked at Ron for a few seconds and then started to laugh. "You sound just like Mama," I said when I stopped laughing. "She told me about the same thing; your problems will stay on your ass until you turn and meet them head on. I didn't know you were that smart Ron."

We both laughed and talked as we finished breakfast. As I stood up, Ron asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to take a friends advice and go rub Marsha Ann's nose in what she threw away. I'm going home and get on with my life. Thanks Ron, if you're ever in Midland give me a call. You're a good friend."

Pointing the nose of my truck east, I started my drive back home. I would go to Billy Ray when I got home and see if my job was still available, after all I had been gone for almost a year. If not, I could get a job as a rough neck or driller on one of the oil rigs and look for a chance to improve my life again. I could stay with Mama until I found my own place. Repeating history I guess. Maybe so, but I was done running away.


When I got to Midland I went to Mama's place first and she invited me to stay with her for as long as I needed to. The next morning I was sitting on the hood of my truck in front of Jones Oil when Billy Ray got there. I had already been inside to see Judy and she promised not to call Billy Ray so I could surprise him.

He was on his cell phone when he pulled up in his Cadillac and not really paying attention. Billy Ray shut down his phone and climbed out of his car taking about three steps before he saw me. He was so cool; there was no shouts of hello or grabbing my hand to shake it or even a smile. An outsider would have thought that these two ole boys had just seen each other a short time ago.

As Billy Ray passed me on his way into the office, he said, "Care for a cup of coffee, Jason?" I nodded and followed him to his office. Judy already had the coffee on his desk. She smiled at me, sort of shook her head and smiled at Billy Ray's reaction to my return. Judy patted me on the shoulder and closed the door as she left.

For the first time Billy Ray showed some emotion. "Damn, I'm glad you're back son. The timing couldn't be better."

"Well, I'm glad the timing of my return meets with your approval Billy Ray," I told him.

"I need to get you up to speed on what's going on with the company because you have to take over the whole shooting match in four weeks. You'll have to run it for about three weeks after that."

There was my answer about my job still being open; no question that it was. "What'da mean run the whole thing for three weeks? What are you going to be doing?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I can't very well take the business with me on my honeymoon, now can I boy?"

"You're getting married?" Stupid question, why a honeymoon if there was no wedding.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that? Yeah, I'm gonna marry Betty Sue Volmer in a month and be gone for three weeks after that. Maybe longer, don't know for sure."

"Isn't she the widow woman that owns that café over on Front Street? When did all this come about?"

Billy Ray explained it to me. He and Betty Sue had been dating, sort of on the sly, for about seven months. She sold the café and her house and was going to move to San Antonio but he wouldn't let her go. Billy Ray told her, you might as well marry me and stay here; you know you'll just be driving back and forth to see me anyway. He did admit that it wasn't the most romantic proposal but it worked.

"I rented your old apartment after Marsha Ann pulled out and Betty Sue's kids can stay there while we're gone. Their old enough to look out for themselves."

"How old are her kids, Billy Ray? How old is Betty Sue if she's got kids that can take care of themselves? For that matter how old are you?

"Let's see, Kelly is about 25 and Jeff just turned 19. He's going into the Air Force in three months so he won't be around much longer. The kids can manage in that two bedroom apartment until he leaves and Kelly can stay there after that if she wants to. She broke it off with some guy in Austin after she caught him in bed with her roommate and decided to come back home.

As far as Betty Sue I guess she's about 45 or so and I'm of legal age and know what I'm doing." Billy Ray laughed at his joke about his age. "Oh by the way, I need a best man, you up for the job?" He laughed again at the surprise on my face and took it for granted that I would say yes.

Billy Ray had been married for 30 years to Molly but she had left us due to a cancer a couple of years ago. It was good to see him happy and involved in something other than Jones Oil for a change.

My second day back at the office, Billy Ray brought Betty Sue around to introduce her to the guy that was making it possible for the love birds to take an extended honeymoon. She was friendly, funny and intelligent and it didn't hurt that she was a damn good looking woman. She may have been 45 but she could have passed for 35 in broad daylight and much younger by candle light.

We had just finished the pleasantries of nice to meet you, how are you, good to finally meet you and such when her daughter came into the office. "Jason, this is my daughter Kelly, Kelly this is Jason, Billy Ray's right hand man," Betty Sue introduced us.

I'm afraid I didn't make a very good impression on Kelly. I just stood there and didn't say anything; I finally nodded at her and sat back down behind my desk. For a guy that was supposedly dead inside and had no interest in women, I sure was stunned by Kelly.

She looked like a younger version of her mother but wearing boots and jeans. Long auburn hair, corn flower blue eyes, and tall at about 5' 10", of course two inches of her height was the boots she wore. Kelly was athletically slender, not thin but toned to just this side of muscular. She, like her mother, was very friendly, funny, and intelligent.

Kelly turned to her mother and said, "If we're done with the wedding plans for now, Jeff and I want to go out to the ranch and do some quail hunting tomorrow morning. Is that okay?"

Betty Sue replied, "Sure go ahead, but be back by evening, I have that meeting with the preacher and I want you there. You know how he riles me up sometimes and with you there I won't kick his ass out the door." She got a thoughtful look on her face, then smiled and said, "Why don't you take Jason with you guys?"

My objections about just being back to work, my hunting equipment was in storage, and not having the right clothes were pushed aside by Billy Ray. He said that I wouldn't have much time off for the next couple of months so take advantage of this lull before the storm. Billy Ray went out to his Cadillac and brought in his shotgun and some shells and solved that problem and told me all I needed was some jeans and boots and I was all set.

"I guess I don't have a choice here. Kelly if you don't mind I would like to go with you guys," I told her.

The next morning very early Kelly came to my mama's place to pick me up for the two hour drive to their ranch. "Jeff decided not to go so it's just us. That okay with you Jason?"

I nodded and off we went. The drive was pleasant and we learned a lot about each other. No prying or deep discussions, but just talking among new friends. We had a good time that day, at least I did. I developed a respect for Kelly. She did everything with a grace and ease that I found fascinating. I found myself watching her instead of hunting for quail.

Kelly got her limit of quail and I only got two, but I had a great time. On the drive back to town she and I talked mostly about the upcoming wedding and Billy Ray. Kelly liked him almost as much as I did. Though the wedding was the main topic we did learn several things about each other and found that we had a lot in common. She was an outdoor type of girl that liked to hunt, fish, camp, and ride horses. I enjoyed the same things.

She dropped me off at my mama's and as I got my gear out of the truck said, "It was fun Jason, let's do it again soon." Kelly honked the horn twice and drove off to the meeting with the preacher.

I hit the ground running and for the next four weeks I learned much more about the oil "bidness" than I had ever done before. By the time Billy Ray got married, I thought I could handle the day to day operation as long as an emergency didn't come up. Billy Ray told me that his future bride told him that he could phone and talk business for an hour a day but not on the weekends. It was a big concession from Betty Sue but she understood that he had to keep up on what was going on.

During my "training" period, Kelly and I would do something together at least on the weekend. We would go fishing or hunting or take all day horse rides on the Volmer ranch. Sometimes Kelly would meet me after I closed the office and we would have dinner. I was beginning to think that being a hermit as far as women were concerned may not be the best course of action to follow.

We talked about a lot of things on our drives to and from the ranch and our nights at dinner. I told Kelly about my busted marriage and the reasons. She told me about the ex-boyfriend in Austin. Kelly wasn't really broken up over the guy; they had only been going together for six months or so. But she really was pissed off that the ass cheated on her with her best friend. We both had baggage I guess, but mine was a bit heavier I think.

The wedding day came and I had never seen Billy Ray so nervous. A man who could negotiate multi-million dollar oil leases was literally shaking in his crocodile skin boots. I gave him a shot of Jack Daniels to calm him down while we waited in the church vestibule until we took our place at the front of the church.

Betty Sue was stunning in an ivory colored dress; it wasn't a wedding dress but was very formal. Kelly was her maid of honor and came down the aisle before the bride. She was wearing another formal typed dress but in a deep blue; the color brought out her auburn hair and blue eyes. I know that the bride is supposed to be the most beautiful one on her wedding day but in my mind Betty Sue had stiff competition in the beauty department from Kelly. Jeff walked his mother down the aisle.