Chastity Experiment Ch. 01

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Hot college friend tricks me into a 30 day chastity contract.
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Let me tell you a story...

A story about when everything sexual changed. It began as a harmless experiment, but the consequences were more than I had ever imagined. It all seemed so innocent, so pure, but in the end it became much more than that.

Back in college, I had known a particular girl, a girl named Holly. She was extremely cute in that obnoxious sort of way. She liked to wear short skirts, boots, tights, little corset tops, too much eye liner, and considered herself the most "alternative" person in any group of people. However, everyone tolerated her because she was, in fact, so friggin' cute. She could get away with anything. And it's this power that she used to get to me.

One day, out of the blue, she asked for me to meet her alone at a Village Inn near campus. Intrigued by the clandestine nature of her request, I happily met her after my morning classes were completed. She arrived as usual, in a short little pleated skirt with black tights and tall boots.

Unknown to anyone else, I had a huge fetish for tights/hosiery/pantyhose, so it was a little distracting hanging out with her alone sometimes. I had tried to tell her about my hosiery fetish several times, but always fell short of the truth, too embarrassed and too unwilling to put myself at risk. Anyway, let's move on with the story.

"So, I have I huge, huge, favor to ask you," she asked. Let's name her Laura.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked, sipping my soda and pulling a couple books out of my backpack.

"Well, I need help with a special project I'm doing for my psychology class. I sort of need a volunteer victim for my most recent sexual study," she said, playing with the straw in her drink.

A sexual study? Hmm, I could like this...

"Well, okay, what sort of volunteering am I doing?"

Holly scrunched up her face in the cutest way a girl can, and started to explain her experiment to me. It sounded completely crazy.

"Basically, you'd be giving me complete control of your sex for one whole month. You'd need to keep a journal of the experience while I offer the objective observation. My theory is that the longer someone's ability for sexual release is suppressed, the more willing the subject is to do otherwise non-sexually related activities. Also, I don't think there's been an experiment like this done before, so you'd be the first and I might be the first undergrad to get published!"

I mulled over her proposal. Basically, agreeing not to masturbate for a month? Hmm, I could "agree" to this, especially if it meant more alone time with Holly.

"Alright, let's suppose I agree to be your male volunteer for this little study," I said, watching her closely. "What then?"

"Well, just a few little logistical things. You'd need to sign a waiver agreeing to my study, a waiver which also says you're volunteering to wear a chastity device during the study."

I nearly coughed up my water. A what?

"Excuse me? Did you say a chastity device?"

"Well yeah, you think I'm an idiot? Any guy can say he's not masturbating, but need some assurance. I researched it online and it shouldn't hurt. It might be uncomfortable if you get aroused, but it won't be painful. You'll just need to get used to it."

This was spiraling into some pretty unknown territory. Unknown to Holly, I was kinky guy into bondage, light pain, and a few other things, but wearing a chastity device? For a month? The idea sounded a bit scary.

"I will have the key the entire time. In fact, I'll even put it on my necklace so you can feel better about me being able to let you out in the event of an emergency."

"I just, I don't know. This is all a little much," I said, unsure what to say.

"Well, if you do this, I'm sure I could talk my professor into giving you some honorary credit for participating. It would certainly help your GPA, wouldn't it?"

She was right. Although she didn't know it, I was dangerously close to the margin of losing my scholarship. I was hovering around 3.75 and if I dropped even a hundredth of a percent, I wouldn't be able to afford college. An extra little bump would be extremely helpful.

Holly's big doe eyes weren't much help either. I would have gotten down and licked her boots in front of the entire restaurant had she asked me. What was a month? It'd be over before I knew it.

"Okay, you got yourself a victim," I said. "Ugh, what have I gotten myself into?"

"Oh, don't worry, it'll be fun! Sort of," Holly said, giggling.


After an hour of trial and error, I finally got the chastity device Holly provided to fit just right. The base ring wasn't too tight it cut off circulation to my balls, but tight enough I couldn't slip anything out. The spacer kept the cage just close enough to my balls to keep the blood flowing, but tight enough to where I didn't have any hope to pull it out. It appeared to be pretty secure.

And of course, instantly, my cock attempted to get hard, but it was instantly blocked by the tiny plastic cage in which it found itself. Pulsating with each heartbeat, the pressure on my cock to get hard only made it get more excited. Was the next thirty days really going to be like this? I had already clicked the lock shut, and Holly held all the keys.

"I want to see it!" Holly squeaked on the other side of the bathroom door.

We were in her dorm room, which actually had an attached bathroom. I couldn't help but be embarrassed and not wanting to let her see me.

"Are you sure? I uh, maybe this wasn't a good idea," I said, kneeling on the bathroom floor, almost unable to stand up with the intense pressure on my cock, keeping it a small two inches instead of the normal six and a half it was used to growing. I couldn't help but grunt a little bit.

"Oh, come on, this is all part of the experiment. I have to see it, and that waiver you signed says you have to let me," Holly said.

Still kneeling on the floor, Holly entered, dressed in her short pleated skirt, pantyhose, and corset-like top, exposing both her modest cleavage and sensually pale upper arm flesh.

"Aww, poor you!" she said, stooping over and cradling my face. "Chastity looks like it'll be very uncomfortable for you! Better get used to it, though!"

"Please, Holly, I don't know if I can do this. It sounded good on paper, but this is more intense than I thought it'd be," I admitted, my cock twitching with each breath.

"Subject instantly regrets agreement," Holly said to herself standing up. "That's how I'm going to begin my journal."

Although it had only been minutes, I was surprised at how incredibly horny I had become, especially knowing Holly held the only means to me experiencing an orgasm. Without even thinking about it, I was kissing her boots.

"Please," I said between kisses, "have mercy."

Holly merely erupted in laughter. "I think you missed a spot!" she said, pushing her boot firmly underneath my chin. "Subject's true nature appears to be unhindered, extremely submissive and started kissing boots to barter for release," Holly kept on saying to herself.

"Unfortunately, I will not be releasing the subject for thirty days. He can kiss and lick my boots to his heart's content, but I assume it'll only make that chastity device more uncomfortable, although it appears to satisfy some immediate compulsion."

She was right, I couldn't help myself. Her pantyhose, her boots, her short skirt, the chastity cage, it was all just too much and I found myself obeying some baser instinct. I suppose it was the instinct to be submissive.

I inhaled the leather of her boots and worshipped them as if they were a deity, hoping beyond hope she would have a change of heart and unlock me for some rough, raunchy, dirty sex. Instead, she simply watched me as the worship went from minutes to tens of minutes to a full hour. At one point, she had grabbed her notebook and began writing notes while I followed her boots around like a lost puppy.

"You can kiss my boots all you like, but I won't be letting you out of that chastity cage," she said eventually. "This is fascinating. Just yesterday, I would never have imagined you'd be doing what you are doing now, but you take away a man's ability to orgasm and who knows what he'll end up doing? Hmm, I wonder, would you be a dear and take off my boots and give my feet a nice massage?"

Without hesitation, I unzipped her knee length boots and carefully set them on the floor, cradling her small feet in my hands. Still naked, save for the chastity device on my cock, I slowly worked my hands through her toes and the balls of her feet, listening to her moan in pleasure.

"Oh yeah, just like that," she said, continuing to write in her notebook.

Her feet were mere inches from my face, and I couldn't help but pick up the musky scent of sweat and pantyhose, further causing my cock cage to twitch uncomfortably. In fact, I was fidgeting so much, Holly finally noticed.

"Gee, I ask you to take my boots off and now you can't sit still? You got a thing for feet or something?" she said, suddenly lifting her foot from my hand and pushing her toes against my nose.

I sat perfectly still, inhaling her scent while enduring the intense pressure from the cock cage, precum dribbling out and onto the floor.

"Oh my God! How long have you had this fetish," she asked.

"A long time," I said, unable to lie to her.

"Why didn't you ever say anything to me? I could have been torturing you since freshman year!"

"I don't know, I figured you wouldn't be into it."

"Psh, why do you think I wear tights and pantyhose all the time? This is great! Unfortunately, this means your thirty days are going to be torture. I didn't know you had these other fetishes going on, I figured you were just a straight laced sort of guy and this chastity thing wouldn't be a big deal. But now I know better!"

"See? Can't you find someone else? It's been over an hour and I don't know if I can handle this for even a day, let alone thirty."

"Too bad, you signed the paper. Your cock is mine for thirty days, and I'm already getting some great data. I mean, look how open and honest you're being with me after only an hour of chastity. This goes beyond sexuality, this touches on personal identity. I could write a book about this crap!"

She lightly kicked my cock cage, causing a spasm of intense pressure, but no pleasure. Then, she pushed me on my back with her feet and rested them on my face, allowing me to smell and lick her pantyhosed feet while she continued to write in her notebook.

"Now, be quiet while I work," she said, resting her heel in my open mouth while laying her other foot across my nose. All I could smell or taste was her feet in pantyhose, which of course caused constant erection attempts by my cock that were instantly extinguished by the tiny plastic cage holding my cock prisoner.

"I guess you just really need to think about how you're going to deal with that cock cage day and night for the next thirty days, especially with me around constantly teasing you with my hosiery and boots. I don't plan on making this easy for you. In fact, I think it'd be fun to see you kiss my boots in the middle of the student courtyard, wouldn't you agree? Psh, you have no free will anymore, not with that cock all locked up. I have a feeling you'd anything I ask, especially if there's a chance to smell my pantyhosed feet afterwards."

She was right, I was descending into a level of submissiveness I hadn't explored before, a level of total and complete obedience beyond reason. All the while, I could feel the cock cage constantly keeping my manhood in check, keeping it from getting erect, keeping it from getting any pleasure whatsoever.

"We'll start with this initial thirty days so I can get what I need for my research, but who knows where it'll go from there?" Holly said in her cute little voice, allowing me to taste and smell her feet while she continued to work.

"And just so you know, you can expect to be my little footstool going forward. It really gets me going having someone at my feet. So yeah, have fun in that chastity tube!"

It was going to be a very very long month...

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4Leather4Leather10 months ago

I see it’s been a wile since you posted this storyline. Looking back I could see this happing for sure. Love the idea of what’s happing. Hope you find the time to please write chapter TWO.

Thank you

joela_99yjoela_99yalmost 2 years ago

I hope you are in good health and have chosen to stop writing for some reason.

But i like many others wish you'd find the desire to continue this great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really good, more please.

thomas_deanthomas_deanalmost 4 years ago
How low can he go

Females have bewitched men since Eve presented Adam with the apple. From the very beginning, guys will do some crazy things for girls, Here Holy, a vixen, whose short skirts, boots, tights, and corset tops turn every head, persuade the narrator to go chaste for a month for the benefit of a scientific study. Is the cause of science furthered or is the vixen simply capricious at the narrator's expense?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The story

Wow just wow that story was amazing I gave it a FAT 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
That one star was an accident!

'Meant to give it four!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Please continue

Please continue this story. I love it so far!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Locking for a keyholder

Any ladies in Florida reading this contact

I want permanent chastity

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Shows promise

I would have liked her to be more demanding in the range of his submissions.I liked that she was friendly and liked to tease-and was unrelenting.

if he was 6 inches and put into cage which only allowed him to be 2 inches,that shows a badly chosen cage.I would have liked that he was carefully measured and then the right cage chosen,with spikes(which he doesn't know about until he's locked,because the study requires that he does not erect)...and more care shown to get him into position.

All said,the recruitment was done well,but I would have liked much more of this side of things,and his dire predicament,and his having to keep the frozen peas handy etc.There is so much more that could have gone into this.

ShyDenZenShyDenZenabout 8 years ago
Nice premise

I hope you keep writing, you're a natural... And I like the subject matter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Id love to see this continued, it's a great introduction!

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsalmost 9 years ago

Sign me up too! I loved your other series. This one even starts better. I kno it's been a while but I hope you continue this series! Thanks for the great read!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Why not me?

Would love to be in his position!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


Would love to see this continue.

sapientonesapientoneover 9 years ago

Would love to see this continue.

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