Chuck and Sarah Ch. 02


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Somewhat sad she'd given up the hope for her mother and father to get together again in the foreseeable future. Time had passed and John's occupation would carry to much of a danger for her mother. Alex herself was only allowed to join them on this journey, because the former president himself had undertook the greatest efforts to guarantee their safety.

"Costa Gravas may be a democracy now, but never forget that a military junta has ruled this country only a short time ago. The country isn't that safe. Goya guarantees our security, but we mustn't be as naïve as tourists." her father had told her.

"Well Dad... As long as I don't leave the compound of the palace I'd bee safe, wouldn't I? And the bad people wouldn't attack the palace this evening, isn't it?" she had answered and hoped he wouldn't become overprotective on her. She was not child anymore.

- - -

The palace's pier was in midst a wide and deserted beach on the eastside of the island. Due to the setting sun, the beach was totally shaded. The "Renovación" lazily bobbed up and down on the waves, and Morgan could already see the layers of air shimmering in different colors. The day's heat had been replaced by a soft and cooling breeze and even the humming of the insects that dominated the daytime had vanished. Only the occasional buzzing of the power engines near the villa and the staff's calls were to be heard, and in a distance he could see a single fishing boat disappearing around a tongue of land quickly – apparently it had brought supply, staff or minor guests to the party.

Morgan knew that the Costa Gravan navy watched a three mile corridor around the villa, and the security checks, he, Sarah, Elli, Chuck, Awesome, Alex and Casey had to pass were fresh in his memory. It was only due to Goya's wish, that Casey, Chuck and Sarah were allowed to bring their weapons. He had justified his demand with not being able to imagine a real spy without his weapons.

The little bearded man was fascinated by the prime minister. On the one hand, Goya was a unthoughtful playboy and egocentric despot – there had to be a reason, why Casey had several times the order to end the president's life – and on the other hand, Goya himself had pulled all strings to make his country democratic. There had been cleanings and investigations, Goya himself – on his own command – wasn't excepted from.

This attitude to uncover everything and also to admit his own misconduct had brought Goya his countries respect and was the reason, why the people demanded him to stay in charge until a new government was elected and established. They had forgiven him his addiction to luxury like his speedboat and his collection of classic cars he had purchased for his own pleasure but that served the general public.

The collection of classic cars was also the centerpiece of Costa Gravas' museum of technology.

Morgan had accessed all files and data, and probably knew more about Costa Gravas than any analyst or expert at Pentagon or CIA.

He chuckled when he realized that, after the incident at the train to Zurich, he quite often got a lot of acknowledgment for his knowledge. He may not have a database in his head like Chuck, or was a killer or fighter like Casey or Sarah, but his ability of obtaining information and analyzing and presenting knowledge was a good reason for him to be part of the team.

With this thought in mind he smiled and looked over the ocean.

'Would she wear the rose? Did she liked my invitation to dance with me?'

He consulted his watch. Only ten minutes left till the ladies will have their entry, walking down the stairs elegantly to be lead to their tables by their gentleman.

A beholder would have seen Morgan sashaying over the pier, hitting the air and hardly awaiting to dance with Alex...

And there was a beholder...

- - -

The lizard was hunting again, and the dawn brought him a rich loot of fireflies and cicadas. The reptile's failure in the afternoon was long forgotten and it's full womb was all that mattered when it flitted over the planks of the jetty and almost stumbled over the feet of the annoying biped standing in it's way.

Without looking at all, it shooed on, slid from the balk and ran as fast as it could over the sand to the rocks framing the beach. There was one of it's caves, it spent the nights in and gathered strength to hunt every morning. The saurian almost felt the biped's gaze on it's tail, when the big creature watched amused how the lizard ran around a corner.

At once it crashed into a soft, big and unmovable obstacle. In front of it there laid another biped, surrounded by tasty flies that would be a nice supper, and didn't move – didn't even breathe. A couple of feet away, there was yet another, but the reptile didn't pay attention, because there were no flies to catch.

Now the lizard could sense the still living biped approach, running over the sandy beach. Running it's way.

Maybe the biped had seen the others feet when gazing after the reptile and now wanted to see, what's up.

As fast as it could, the saurian disappeared beneath the rocks and remembered when the beach wasn't crowded by the annoying creatures on two feet. Just the second the lizard slipped under the rocks, it heard the biped shout something like:

"Damn shit!! That's not good!"

From the cave's safety the critter heard the biped's steps stride away fast and hastily.

- - -

Devon had finally managed to catch the brawny and grim looking barkeeper's attention and ordered three drinks – and in addition had to explain to the bartender how to be made.

'Goya may be a real party animal, but when it comes to good catering, he really needs some coaching.' he cheerlessly thought and received after what felt like an eternity three drinks barely matching his expectations.

Chuck and Casey – like Devon dressed in stylish black tux – already stood aside and apparently were having an animated chat. That alone would be quite a surprise, but it seemed like they didn't discuss any "spy-stuff".

"What's up, folks? You seem to be heavily discussing something." the blond doctor remarked when he approached.

"Not at all, Awesome. It just turned out that John here has – beside the architect himself – the most intimate knowledge of this palace..."

"I had to learn the blueprints by heart more than twenty years ago... You know why..." he tried to explain.

Chuck elbowed him and gave him a warning glance. 'TMI... It's more than he wanted to know'

"It doesn't matter. Fact is, John had just told me some very interesting things about this building."

In an instant all three of them dived into a conversation about the building and it's secrets, sipped at their drinks and enjoyed the evening's atmosphere.

All three of them were recognized by several dignitarian and greeted warmly. Some even invited them for a drink and a chat after the dinner. The three of them – although officially only Awesome had saved the prime ministers life as his doctor – had got the status of national heroes in Costa Gravas, since the democratic changes had started, and the attention they got was no surprise.

The three gentlemen chatted about this and that until it was time for them to gather at the foot of the stairway and to wait for the ladies to have their big entree, about half an hour before the dinner starts. Of course Elli and Sarah were the dinner partner of their respective partners and somehow Morgan managed to be Alex' dinner partner. A fact, Casey wasn't ok with at all, despite himself leading the prime ministers beautiful and gorgeous daughter to her place.

"Has anyone seen Grimes since we came down here?"

Casey looked around, a bit confused because he was the first to register the bearded morons absence.

"Well... He told me, he'd go for a walk, and will be back on time for the ladies entree, to pick Alex up"

A ringing bell interrupted Devon's explanation.

"Ok... Showtime dudes. Switch on your best smile. Our ladies rely on us being awesome." he said instead. "And I think, Morgan will be here any minute."

The men took their positions at the foot of a long, downwards broadening marble stairway and waited for their ladies to appear.

The first was the Costa Graven minister for family affairs, she would be the prime minister's company for the evening, and he had already offered her his arm and guided her towards the bar. Right behind, there was the former dictator's daughter Theresa. Casey greeted her with a perfect kiss on the hand – which Devon registered with a surprised and Chuck with an amused look. Hooked into Casey's arm, she let him lead her to the bar, where they would get to know each other a little better.

A few moments later – after some other female guests had their entree – Elli appeared on the stairs and almost fell into her husbands arms when she tripped over her floor-length dress' hem. The burgundy dress hugged her curves and perfectly suited the deep red rose she had pinned in her, on the one side put up, on the other side loosely over her shoulder flowing, dark hair.

Sarah, who graciously cuddled into Chuck's embrace, looked amazing in her appealingly low-cut azure evening gown, and the rose she had pinned right above her heart was a delightful contrast. Chuck's hungry gaze indicated that the look worked perfectly.

Alex was looking for Morgan ever since she stepped onto the stairs. She had chosen a shimmering dark green silk gown, ending right at her ankle, and accentuating her green eyes and her red hair. The rose, Morgan had given her, was woven into the silken scarf she wore around her neck, and rested right above the junction of her collar bones.

Kind of nervous she tried to keep her poise, what worked out pretty well considering that she hadn't wore a gown since her prom night.

Just as she wanted to ask, where Morgan was, his wiry and cheeky presence forced herself through the first row, and he grabbed her hand right in time for her not to have to wait. His other hand was already waving towards Chuck, Sarah and Casey to come close.

He took a securing look around, gazed at some waiters, intensely watching the bartender and turned to Alex with a afflicted expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry Alex... I wanted this evening to be perfect."

He kissed her gently but apologetic on the cheek and turned towards Casey, Sarah and Chuck before Casey even could realize him kissing his daughter.

"Down there on the beach are the bodies of a security guard with a bullet in his head and the real barkeeper with broken neck, almost half a dozen of the waiters over here are not what they seem to be... And I guess no one of you is armed?" he uttered a little breathlessly.

"I know where your gun is, dad..." with these words, Alex dashed upstairs, before anyone could stop her, wiggled her way between some of the ladies of the society walking downstairs and disappeared out of sight.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think, we're in big trouble now, aren't we?" the little man assumed.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a waiter, standing just a few feet behind Casey, pulling his gun out of his jacket. Obviously he had overheard their conversation. Courageously he jostled Casey and pushed him into the waiter. Within seconds Sarah had disarmed the alleged waiter and knocked him unconscious with a sharp blow at the temple.

"A military issued weapon... Damn." Morgan looked at Casey "At least it looks like a Costa Gravan military gun, if you can rely on our recon." He nodded at the senseless man, who's pulse Sarah was checking.

"This guy's wearing a dog tag." He handed the Marine the gun. "We have the advantage on our side. They don't know yet, we've discovered them."

He pulled at the man's collar and a tattoo became visible at the side of the neck.

"According to DEA and CIA intelligence, this is the tag of an unit named "Black Wolfs" or "Lobos Negres". The members were dishonorably discharged after Goya announced the change. He had imprisoned most of them after it turned out, they traded drugs for weapons. The local clandestine service and Langley think they had planed an overthrow – looks like we now really know."

He looked at Chuck.

"Look at the tattoo, Chuck... I bet you'll flash."

Chuck flashed and just nodded... Besides the Intersect he also had read the files at castle out of curiosity.

Casey looked at Morgan with an expression of utter amazement and surprise – but just for a second, then he looked at Elli and Devon. They approached and stood where they would totally block any view on the attacker on the ground.

"Elli, Devon... Go and find the chief of security and tell him what's up. We need back-up asap. He should get Goya out of here – low-key – and bring his men into position. At the wall in the back of the patio... The mirror is a hidden door you can use to get out and save the prime minister. Stay with him, so you'll be safe too. Maybe we can end this before it had begun. It's our advantage, the entree is still on." With that the two doctors left immediately.

"Sarah... Take Morgan with you and make sure, Alex is safe up there. Please take care of both of them."

Sarah understood both, what Casey tried to say, and that he plead instead of ordering, and just nodded briefly, purposefully standing up slowly and without attracting attention – quite hard considering her beauty – walking behind Morgan upstairs.

"You stay with me, Chuck. We can try to balance the situation a little bit. Maybe we can uncover and take out some of them, before the party really starts."

Just when Sarah disappeared out of sight, the first shot was fired.

- - -

Sarah spun Morgan out of his forward motion, when he turned on his heels and instinctively tried to run downstairs again.

"Stay here! Chuck and Casey know what they do." She met his gaze. "We have to safe Alex and protect her. She isn't one of us and can't protect herself. In addition Chuck and I have our guns in our suite, and that's this way." She pointed down the hall.

After Morgan had – reluctantly and with a weak feeling in his guts – finally turned back, Sarah risked a look towards the stairs. She herself was worried and cared much for Chuck – and also for Casey.

"They'll be fine!" she bolstered herself and focused on the task at hand.

She already had slid off the golden strappy sandals because of the hindering four inch high heels and now was following Morgan. After a few steps they already met Alex, carrying Casey's TranqGun in one hand and a nasty big combat knife in the other.

"I've found these in dad's bag and thought we could use any weapon we have." she explained and wanted to hand the TranqGun to Sarah.

The blonde just passed the gun to Morgan.

"Morgan, I know you can handle a TranqGun, don't you?"

She had played the NES with Chuck and Morgan often enough to know that Morgan was a excellent shooter – as long the gun had no recoil.

"You'll keep the knife for now, if you can handle it..."

Alex tightened her grip on the knife and nodded. "I've worked in a kitchen long enough to know how to handle a knife – besides my self-defense-class"

"... and we'll now go and get Chuck's and my guns from our suite." Sarah finished.

While Morgan secured the door, Sarah got her and Chuck's TranqGuns, glad that Chuck finally accepted the "30-feet-rule", to always keep a gun within reach.

A low ripping and tearing caught her attention, but it was only Alex... shortening her dress with the combat knife to gain more moving space for her shapely legs. Her high heels laid behind her on the floor, and she nodded towards Sarah's hiking boots.

"I'll get my boots from my room, so I don't have to go barefoot like McClane."

Despite the urgent situation, Sarah had to chuckle. This young woman was a fast learner and thought ahead.

'No question, why Casey is so proud of her... and Morgan had fallen for her.'

She could hear their voices at the door and seconds later she heard Morgan securing Alex on her way to her room.

The CIA-agent followed Alex' example and ripped quite a part of her gown off – Chuck would have been delighted to see how much of her beautiful legs came to sight – and grabbed her holsters with throwing knifes. She strapped them on her thighs, checked her TranqGun and when Morgan returned with Alex, handed him ammo for his TranqGun.

"We have to be very careful... Could you see how many of them there were?"

"Unfortunately not, but I guess about half a dozen I registered."

She cursed under her breath but got herself together, remembering who was with her.

"At least there were no more gunshots."

Just when they prepared to go downstairs again – still without knowing how to get there undetected – Alex sensed the lizard. The small reptile had just disappeared into a narrow crack in the apparently massive wall. When Morgan tugged at the crack, it opened to a full-fledged door.

"Hmm... Seems like this house really has it's secrets." he murmured.

- - -

It reveals much about prime minister Allejandro Goya's attitude and common sense that he already took leave of his current conversational partners, when Elli and Devon approached with fast pace and stern face. He waved his chief of security over when the Woodcombs arrived.

They explained the current situation to the prime minister and the chief of security with short, but insistent words, and Goya himself took the task of convincing his top bodyguard that the two doctors had his unlimited trust.

Fortunately the former dictator was wise enough to follow the suggestion to seek safety and not to try being a hero, like some people maybe would. Right now his security team's – including Elli and Devon – advice was undisputed and obviously the best way to survive.

Nevertheless both the former president and the guard were very surprised and almost shocked to learn about the secret door in the wall, that would provide a safe escape. Especially the chief of security was pissed because he didn't knew about the hidden door.

Marquez, the chief of security, unnoticeablely arranged for the head of state and his two guests to meet with two of the bodyguards right at the secret door, who would cover their escape. He himself and the nine remaining guards would, added to the two dozen members of the military security securing the perimeter, oversee the room. After he positioned them strategically all over the patio, he wondered how to distinguish the assassins – to him, that's what they were – from the harmless guests and staff. He had checked all the personnel files, but he couldn't remember all of the 142 faces occupied with maintenance, housekeeping, catering, music and all the other civilian branches of the party.

Breathing a sigh of relief he watched the door close behind the prime minister, the two security officers and his two guests, and decided to learn everything about any hidden door or passage in this palace as soon as possible.

'Now for the assassins... Who might...'

It was just this moment, a loud bang put silence like a heavy blanket over the party, and all conversation suddenly died.

- - -

Behind the door, in a narrow corridor, the two guards immediately stood before the politician in order to protect him – even with their own lives. The light falling through the big one-way-mirror onto Elli's face showed her fear after the shot.

"Elli... It's John, Chuck and Sarah, we're talking about... They can take care of themselves... And of us too, if necessary. You know how awesome they are, don't you?" Devon could see Elli's skeptical face.

The security guards rushed them to keep going.

"You know yourself the best how they had dealt with any danger and risk. We have to focus on not getting into the crossfire."
