Chuck and Sarah Ch. 02


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Elli couldn't neither share his confidence nor ignore the panic on his face. Although he tried to hide it, her husband was as worried and scared as she was.

Goya's face turned to stone when he saw the man he hated and feared the most entering the patio with an assault rifle over his shoulder. But he couldn't do anything to change the situation. He heard clearly the words, the man – the leader of this bunch of assassins and insurgents – spoke, and was tempted to put his own and all the others safety on jeopardy only to storm through the door and fight his enemy. But he also was aware of the risk that the hostages would get killed because of his action – including his own daughter, who had dropped behind the bar and now hid there, motionless.

This bastard wanted him, and as long as he thought, he'd get him elicit by holding hostages and keeping them alive, the hostages would be safe. Goya could have screamed from frustration, anger and fear for his daughter, but besides all he was a reasonable man and stayed silent.

"Come on... We have to move on... The prime minister has to be protected. Our colleagues will handle the situation."

The older of the two guards looked at Goya.

"Don't worry, excellence... Your daughter isn't in danger as long as she stays there. Maybe she's even safe because no one would expect her being there."

The look Goya gave the guard was full of doubt, but he realized the man being probably right.

At the double the civilians followed the politician and his guards through the narrow and fairly dark corridor, until they reached a steep stairway. On it's downward end – deep in the shades and hidden from their gaze – a low and rhythmical swoosh arose.

"Seems to be an access to the ocean." Devon stated and started his descend.

"Where will we get to, when we follow this stairs?" the younger guard asked.

"No matter, where this stairs lead us... It would be far away from them..." he patiently explained, pointing down the corridor towards the ballroom in the atrium. "... what means, into safety."

The other stairway, leading upwards, overseen and clouded in deepest darkness, remained unregistered behind, as they slowly followed the stairs downwards.

- - -

Surprised by the shot, the fake barkeeper jumped and bumped into the bottles with liqueur that were stashed in front of the big bar mirror, when he tried to pull his gun. A clattering rain of broken glass crackled from the bar shelf to the floor, when he stepped out from behind the bar – just the second Theresa had ducked behind the counter. It was just a fluke he didn't see her.

Chuck and Casey saw a man's reflection in the mirror over the bar. A man in an uniform with an AK 74 over his shoulder and a gun in his hand, entering the patio through the door and with an almost gentle tone exclaimed:

"My name is General Ignaćio DeVilla, commander of the new Costa Gravan revolutionary army. Lay down on the floor and you'll not have to suffer any harm. I just want to talk to the imperialistic marionette, that unlawfully decorates himself with the title "prime minister", wasting the peoples wealth."

Right behind him, two soldiers in uniform dragged one of the military police officers, that were securing the area, into the patio and let the corpse fall on the marble floor. The two revolutionizers pustoned a salute and stepped back, assuming their position on both sides of the door, joining two other soldiers already securing the entrance. The moving curtain next to the door remained unseen.

The trail of blood made pretty clear, where the first shot had went to. In order to gain attention the most efficient way, General DeVilla had executed the MP-officer right in front of the patio doors. So he made his point and wanted to choke any thought of resistance.

Chuck and Casey shared a short glance and communicated with low-key gestures, then they laid down like the others. Casey looked over to his date and signalized her with a short nod to stay where she was and keep her head down.

On the General's sign the intruders disarmed the nine plain clothes guards that were left and also took their walkie-talkies. The guards were tied up in an easy to secure corner beneath a huge painting of the island, right across the wall, the prime minister had disappeared through with Elli, Devon and the two guards.

The assailants spread out all over the room and DeVilla continued in his dark voice.

"It's very nice you've all already gathered here. This relieves me from the necessity of having to drag each of you from your rooms. Nevertheless I'll take the freedom to block the stairs... No one of us is keen on any surprises."

Three men with assault rifles stood at the foot of the stairs and observed the room and the stairs.

"Where is Marquez?" Chuck mouthed to Casey.

They hadn't seen the chief of security since the assault had started, and he hadn't been arrested and tied up with the rest of the security.

Suddenly there was a clicking noise from one of the guards radios, and a cheerfully carefree voice was heard.

"He Lobo... Marino's talking."

One of the captured guards let out a silent groan, but no one paid attention.

"Wanna laugh? Can't tell this to anyone but you. I've seen a black and green snake, you have to see. She's at least 24 inches long, only her head it about nine or ten inches. She's probably highly dangerous so you should hurry, or we'll never get her out of the henhouse. The prime minister will be pissed, if something happens to the rooster. The rooster is still out there on the perimeter on the run with two chicken and two young cockerels. Who knows what will happen when the snake gets them."

The voice became more serious.

"You can also tell the housekeeping that ten of the two dozen marble columns were overgrown with climbers, five were toppled over, and the remaining nine are turned upside down and totally moldy. That's way to much for the four foreign gardeners, even if they wouldn't be already occupied with the floral decoration in the ballroom. That's a total mess here. The prime minister would have sent us to the north pole if we were that incompetent. Something has to be done here."

The radio went silent and DeVilla waved four uniformed men over.

"Goya really gets neglectful. Back then, he'd cut our throat if we were that undisciplined. He seems to become weak."

He pointed into the night outside.

"Please invite the chatterbox to join us... And hurry up before he starts wondering, why no one is answering."

Chuck and Casey shared a look and hardly could stifle a grin. The chief of security was worth his gunpowder. He had just informed the navy units, cruising before the Costa Gravan shore, that the palace was attacked, all communication was interrupted and immediate response and support was needed. Above that, he also had identified the intruders, revealed their number and reported about the whereabouts of the prime minister and the military police officers and soldiers in the area. He also had confirmed that the security agents inside the building were disabled and mentioned the four foreign agents, ready to support and intervene when possible.

"Doesn't look like DeVilla had sensed anything." Chuck mouthed. With his head he pointed at the armed men and the tied guards. One of them even tried to get rid of his ties, apparently revived by his superior's voice. The assailants inside the building would be outnumbered, once the guards could be freed, counting in Chuck, Sarah, Casey and – like Marquez already did – Morgan.

Casey just nodded and his face was one single question: 'Any ideas?'

- - -

The two security guards pressed against the rock face next to the exit just outside the spacy cave the stairway had lead into, and took a look around. They had to exit the cave one by one because of the opening that only had less than five feet in diameter. That was the reason, the opening remained undetected for so long.

The older of the guards resolved to suggest in his report that the area should be scanned and examined and all caves and passages should be measured and charted in order to increase the security.

Together they helped Elli getting out and received their supreme superior, who was pushed out by Devon. Eventually Devon also had left the cave. They took a closer look around and tried to figure out where they were, when they heard the voice.

The two guards of course recognized their superiors voice and immediately understood the meaning of the words.

A little over 60 yards away, two corpses laid on the rocks. The one in a military police uniform, it was his radio, the voice came from, and one, with a bow-tie and a apron, was once the barkeeper, Morgan had chatted with. Goya took the dead military police officer's gun and instantly felt a lot better, because he could contribute to their safety.

"It's all right... The navy will understand the radio call and send support." the two guards explained to the civilians – although the prime minister used to be a soldier before he became "El Presidente", they considered him a civilian they had to protect. They also explained the meaning of the radio call to them.

"Well... So you two can go back and support your colleagues and we will be safe and warm waiting here for support. I don't think, we're in any danger anymore." Goya suggested, and made it sound like an order. "I think you were needed in there."

"With every due respect, prime minister... We have to decline your suggestion, because we're responsible for your safety."

Goya just wanted to burst, but Elli put her hand on his arm.

"Allejandro... Your men are right. We've hardly found cover and can only hope for support and rescue."

She looked uncomfortable at the two dead bodies and then again caught Goya's gaze.

"You mustn't risk anything now. It would be utterly stupid to try to be a hero. I totally understand you worry for Theresa and all the others, but in there are a couple of people busy doing what they can so no one of us has to be a hero – or a martyr for that matter. Let the men do their job, Allejandro."

Involuntarily Goya had to smirk, because she was right. Even under the circumstance of them all being in present danger, he couldn't avoid remembering his words to Casey. He was right about the women in the "wider family Bartowski" and their attitude.

"You are right, my love." He turned to the two guards. "What now?"

- - -

It wasn't really a corridor but a stairway, Sarah, Alex and Morgan were facing, when they had opened the wall across Sarah's and Chuck's suite. Dusty, cobwebby but obviously not run down. Morgan stepped as first on the small platform before the stairs and felt around for the light switch. There really was a switch – an old turn-switch, out-dated for at least thirty years. A dim light glow down the stairway, when he turned the switch. Dim, but bright enough for them to see the stairs turn into a very narrow corridor with a silent whooshing at it's end.

"We should check it out, just to know if it could be of any use." Sarah suggested and lifted her gun. "I'll take the lead, you'll cover our back and you, Alex stay close with me... Be careful, we don't know how solid the stairs are."

They slowly sneaked down the – surprisingly firm and solid – steps, after Morgan had closed the hidden door enough to not be visible – hopefully.

"Seems like there hasn't been anyone here for the last decades." Alex remarked, and Morgan replied: "As far as I know, Goya had used this palace only for his guests ever since, without spending much time here, except for some weekends. Probably he didn't knew about it at all, and unless someone had turned the house upside down, most likely the old secret passages were long forgotten, when Goya made his revolution back in the 70s."

"I hope, no one of you is afraid of spiders." Sarah said and pointed at the walls.

"This would explain the lizard presence here. It's more or less his personal pantry." Morgan murmured uncomfortable. He wasn't afraid of spiders, but he also wasn't a explicit fan of them.

"Sshh... I think I've heard voices." Alex slid quickly past Sarah and pressed her ear at the wall. "Yeah... I really can hear a voice. Sounds like a walkie-talkie."

Sarah leaned at the wall next to her and focused listening to the radio call, Marquez had sent the navy.

Meanwhile Morgan had stepped at the wall, a couple of feet away from the women. He had found something, he would be amused of under other circumstances.

"There are peep-holes." he whispered and pulled the cover aside.

The whole atrium was before them. A patio encased by three walls and closed by a wall of windows and doors, right across the broad marble stairway. At the other side of the room, there was the huge mirror, the prime minister and the Woodcombs had escaped through with their two bodyguards, at the wall. At once he realized the big painting being reflected by this mirror was the "wall" he and the women were hiding behind.

'Could this be?' crossed his mind.

He looked closer. Apparently all guests and staff were laying on the floor – he even could spot Chuck and Casey, communicating with tiny gestures – watched over by the soldiers of the "Lobos Negres". Then he saw it. In a far corner there were the nine guards tied beneath a big painting...

'Wait a minute... They aren't there... They are here!'

Morgan got confused by the reflection for a minute. The tied bodyguards were only a feet away from Sarah's and Alex' knees.

He looked for Alex and Sarah and saw that Sarah obviously had the same idea. She and Alex searched the wall for some hinge or some other device, the huge painting could be moved with. When the mirror was a hidden door, why not the painting too?

- - -

"Jago, Manuel, Enrico... Any trace of our little chatterbox yet?"

One of the Lobos, DeVilla had sent after the unknown guard – not knowing it was Marquez – sat on a rock to rest for a moment.

"Negative... Nothing yet."

"Nothing here either."

"No sign of that guy."

"Probably he's sitting somewhere and hadn't even realized something is wrong." the answers came from the man's radio before he finally answered.

"He also isn't here at the pier. I'll check the area, but I bet, he's sitting in the bushes and smokes. If someone finds him, keep him!"

When he wanted to stow his walkie-talkie away, his head was pulled up and to the side, and his neck broke with a dry snap.

Marquez dragged the corpse to the rocks and took his radio and weapons.

'Minus one... It's at least a start.' he sighed.

Taking a deep breath, he checked the gun, put it into his waistband and again checked his own gun, glad he hadn't to compromise his position by shooting.

That's, when he heard the voices.

- - -

The older of the security guards just wanted to go past a boulder, when he suddenly was pulled forward and got slammed to the ground. Laying on his back he looked at the wrong end of a 9mm P.A., and heard his partner pull his gun, aiming at the attacker he couldn't see, because he was hidden behind the bolder.

"Put your gun down, Ramirez. You can't hit me from this angle, and the shot would draw the wrong guy's attention. It's the same with you, prime minister"

When the two recognized Marquez' voice, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get up, Garcia." turning is head he added: "Everything ok with you and the Woodcombs, prime minister?"

"We're fine. We're back here."

After Marquez had helped him up, Garcia led him to Ramirez and the civilians and explained how they got to the beach.

"You're right, Garcia... We'll really have to map all the secret passages."

"I'd suggest you to talk to Col. John Casey. I believe he knows most, if not even all of them." Devon remarked, glad to have one more ally.

"You really think, the navy got the message and understood the meaning? Will they send some help?" Elli wanted to know while the three security men divided the ammunition, Marquez took from the Lobo, among them and the prime minister.

"The commanding officer sat next to me at school when we were children, we know each other forever. I'll bet, right now some undersea swimmer and other units were on their way. He and I always got along each other well and I'm sure, he'd understood my message. Besides "Marino" is a code word, setting the navy into action. But they will need about twenty minutes to land, and they will be met by severe resistance. We'll be forced to intervene much earlier for DeVilla isn't a patient man."

He gathered the group closer to the rocks and out of any sight.

"Let's summarize. Since the first shot there wasn't any more... That's good. Colonel Casey and agent Bartowski are in the atrium, unarmed as far as I know. The agents Walker and Grimes..."

Involuntarily Elli had to chuckle when she heard Morgan being called an agent.

"... are with Señorita McHugh upstairs at the first floor in or near by their suite. The prime minister and you two are safe here, and a part of DeVilla's men is out there after me."

He sighed. "The security guards inside the room are put out of action, I can't do anything about it. But what I can do is to use the secret passage to get inside and check the situation."

Marquez rose and looked around. "You'll be safe her until the support shows up."

By now it was pitch dark and only the palace's lights illuminated the perimeter. Marquez returned to the soldier, he had killed and took his flashlight.

"Nightvision would be nice right now." he sighted and again searched the corpse. With a hopeful look over the sea he returned to the five people, who were relying on him.

"The arriving support will lead you into safety. If you could show them how to access the secret corridor, our chances of ending this mess without much loss will increase dramatically. Be careful."

With this words he entered the cave and was out of sight.

- - -

Chuck first thought he had erred, but when he watched again, he saw he was right. The huge painting, the tied guards were lying before, actually had moved a bit, and now he could register tiny movements going on among them. He looked around, but apparently he was the only one to notice.

"Hey... Psst... Casey..." he hissed as loud as he dared without risking to get caught.

He nodded towards the painting and looked at Casey intently. A brief twinkle and a nod made clear he'd seen it too. If the mirror was a secret door, why not the painting too? He looked at Casey querying and was rewarded with another nod.

Chuck was aware that most of the things dashing through his mind were wishful thinking; nevertheless he also accepted the possibility of the nine bodyguards being freed right now, and that behind this picture was both support and an opportunity to rescue the hostages.

Frenetically he reflected, what he and Casey could do to distract the soldiers – and especially the General, who was walking around impatiently like a caged tiger, and was biting the end of his cigar – from what went on beneath the painting.

It was an advantage neither the General nor his troops had an eye for the tied security staff, whose faces already showed a mixture of anger and tension.

Probably the Lobos didn't consider the guards a potential threat any more... If Chuck was right with his assumption, there would be a hell of a surprise.

Chuck's flow of thoughts was interrupted by DeVilla's voice, who obviously had a delayed idea.

"The three of you... Check the upper floor. We want to make sure that no one misses this party."

The three soldiers who secured the stairway slowly climbed up, and as far as Chuck could tell, only five intruders were left – including the General. Unfortunately they were all armed to the max and neither he nor Casey had any weapon or distracting item within reach... Or did they?
