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Cindy looked at Rusty and he put his arm around her saying, "I'll do whatever you do okay?"

"Do you think like they do? I mean about preferring to be nude and all of that?"

"Yes...well I mean I don't have a wife or significant other, but as for me, I enjoy being naked too."

"Then I think we should join them."

"You okay with that?"

"Silly as it is, I'm nervous, but yes, I'm okay with that." Zack and Bonnie watched as Cindy and Rusty stripped and then sat back done and again right next to each other with him taking her hand in his.

Bonnie acted like this was the way the world really was as she said, "It has always struck me that people weren't created with clothes so where did all of this modesty come from? The faithful believe that we were created in God's image. That we were pure. So why is it that we are forced to hide God's creation? Are we so ashamed of ourselves? Is that what made us decide that seeing another person, man woman or child naked, is a sin? See, none of that makes sense to me. I'm sure men of the cloth could spout pages of quotations from the bible, but the bible can be made to say just about anything as far as I'm concerned. Here we are totally naked and talking and looking at each other. "Rusty your hard cock looks utterly delicious, but is me looking at you and saying that a sin? I say it isn't and that's why I'm so comfortable like this." Before Cindy could say anything Bonnie added, "But going to a nudist colony doesn't work for me. That's still a form of hiding. If I could have what I really want, it would be to go to the mall for example and shop naked. I'd stop and pick up produce, or talk to somebody I know. I'd wear shoes because my feet are sensitive, but that's it. Wouldn't that be awesome Cindy?"

"I'm sure it would be, but I'm having trouble even imagining that. I agree with what you say, but it will take me time to truly adopt your philosophy."

"I'm sure it will. Rusty honey I already know how you feel and I love you for it."

"I'd be crazy to disagree. Here I am looking at two beautiful and naked examples of womanhood and I love and appreciate both of you."

"Sorry about the soap box, but now I feel better for getting that out of my system. Cindy, tell Rusty and Zack how you dealt with Kevin. I think you handled that so very well."

Cindy repeated her story about how she tore into him and then showed him a few of the photos. "Oh shit," Zack said, "I wondered if you'd go through with that."

"I could hardly wait."

"How did that go?"

"Most of the time he sat there with his mouth open. When he did speak he made a fool of himself."

Bonnie interrupted saying, "And Zack, the last photo he saw was that very sexy one with your cock right at Cindy's entrance. I love that photo. Rusty, I don't know how you managed to get such a great shot of that, but well done."

"Thanks Bonnie."

"Oh wait, you haven't seen it. I'll get it for you," and she ran to their bedroom and came back with the now framed photo of Zack's hard cock and Cindy's glistening pussy about to join.

Rusty and Cindy looked at it together as Bonnie said, "Isn't that just totally hot. I mean pure raw artistic sex. I'm thinking about hanging it in the living room in fact."

"Wow," Rusty said as he stared at it. Then looking at Cindy he said, "You're lips are so perfect Cindy."

Cindy was still stirred up from having Bonnie teasing and touching her earlier. On top of that she had Rusty right next to her and his cock insisted on pointing upward so she could see his shiny smooth cock head. Then he bathed her with compliments so she half whispered, "I'm glad you like it so much Rusty. You make me feel so sexy."

"You are so sexy." Their evenings plans were being laid and Bonnie was going to give all of that one more nudge.

"Cin, show us your pussy honey. I agree with Rusty and I'd love to see your lips open up for us."

Cindy's face flushed instantly. It was going to take her a long time to get used to her new friend, and as much as she wanted to be like Bonnie, she wasn't sure she could ever be that straight forward. She moved forward in her chair until she had room to open her legs and then slowly opened them farther until her moisture showed and her lips formed that perfect butterfly. Bonnie knelt down, and in front of Zack and Rusty she touched Cindy's pussy with her fingers as she said, "I'd give anything to have my pussy be this perfect." Then she bent down and kissed it before moving back.

Zack was next to pay his respects to her now puffy pussy lips. His fingers touched her lips and then went between them to get his fingers wet before he touched her clit. "I still can't believe that my cock was touching you and we came so very close to making love. Honey I wish you could have been there to see that moment."

"Do it again for me. Is that okay Cin?"

"Oh god. Yes, it's okay with me." She moved to the floor and as soon as she was on her back and her legs were spread, Zack moved his cock close to her and then Bonnie guided it for him.

"God Cindy this is so hot and sexy. Can you feel his hard cock push against you?"

"Oh yes, that feels good. What a sweet torture."

"Zack honey you have permission to enter her, but just for a minute." A second later Cindy gasped softly as his cock eased between her lips and kept going until his balls were touching her. He didn't move for a second because he wanted to enjoy the sensations before he pulled out. Then slowly as he could, he pulled back until his cock was free and coated with her juices, and then he quickly went to her depths. Bonnie allowed about a minute of that, so that meant that Zack had to withdraw when he was about halfway to giving Cindy his cum, and Cindy was at the door to her orgasm. Cindy moved slightly and watched as Bonnie almost swallowed his cock and then said, "Your juices are wonderful Cin." Cindy's mind was so busy wishing for release that she all but missed what Bonnie had told her.

It was only a second later when Cindy kissed Rusty and asked him, "Honey please make love to me. It was only a minute after that when Rusty took over where Zack had left off and the two of them lost mental contact with Zack and Bonnie. At last, Cindy was getting a proper fucking and Rusty was up to the task. They didn't last very long at all, so as they rested from their intense orgasms, they watched Bonnie and Zack see to each other's needs. Zack and Bonnie didn't last much longer than Rusty and Cindy had lasted.

Cindy surprised herself because she felt so natural and at ease with the others. She hadn't even known them very long and here she was naked and made love to Rusty right in front of Bonnie and Zack. She really was quite proud of herself. Before she went home, she asked the others, "How is it that the four of you think so much alike."

Bonnie answered that saying, "Well it was the six of us, but the woman that Rusty was seeing went a little crazy and tried to screw everybody, man or woman, and Ray's sweet lady was killed in an accident about...well close to a year ago. Anyway to answer your question, it's not really surprising. It's because we all think so much alike that we're such good and close friends. It's interesting that we were able to find each other, but we did and we're so happy life has turned out like it has for us.

Chapter Nineteen

It was all Cindy could do to give Diane time Saturday morning to wake up and have her coffee before she called. "Di I need to talk to you and soon. Oh and without Charlie."

"You okay?"

"I'm fantastic, but I have so much to tell you."

"I take it you had a very nice dinner with Bonnie and Zack last night."

"And Rusty."

"That's fantastic! Okay how about right after lunch?"

"I'm too excited to eat lunch, but that works."

"I can't wait to hear what you have to tell me." Cindy picked at cleaning her apartment, more to help time pass than anything else.

Diane arrived wearing a big smile and her eyes were dancing. "Quick Cin, tell me everything," and then they embraced and Cindy held her close and firm as she said, "Oh god Di, so much has happened and my life is changing in the most fantastic way."

Diane released her hold on Cindy and moved back enough to look into her eyes. "You look so excited and happy and I could even feel it when we hugged each other."

"I'm not even sure where to begin. Let's get some iced tea and get comfortable. How long can you stay?"

"A while. I could call Charlie later and have him come over later and that might buy us another half an your."

"Let's do that and I'll try not to drag this out."

"Just don't leave out any details."

"Di, what I'm going to tell you first is so wild and so new to me, and I'm embarrassed to tell you. But I want you to know the whole story and I just hope you'll understand and not condemn me."

"Will you stop worrying about me or Charlie condemning you? Charlie told me before, that as long as you don't kill anybody, no matter what we'll still love you."

"Bonnie and I almost made love last night."

"Wow, now that's one way to start a story." Cindy tried not to talk fast, but her mind was running fast and she wanted Diane to hear all that she had to say before Charlie joined them. Diane was turned toward her enough that she could watch Cindy as she opened her soul. The tea was quickly forgotten and the sweating glasses formed puddles of water on the coasters as Cindy went on. "Cindy, stop and take a breath because I have some questions."

"Sorry but..."

"I understand, but so much has happened for you that you and I might never have enough to get this all talked out. We'll just have to talk more later."

"I'm sure we will, and probably a lot of times."

"So you were perfectly comfortable just stripping with Bonnie."

"It was as easy as you and I being naked together. Totally natural and liberating. Being naked like that takes everything right down to basics. I put my real self right out there for Bonnie to see. That helped to eliminate pretenses. It's pretty hard, at least for me, to be less than open and honest when I'm as nude as the day I was born."

"I'm sure that's true. So tell me more about...what you and Bonnie did. I mean before the guys got there."

"Like before, we explored each other. I get the impression that, though Bonnie has been living her lifestyle for some time, she's never really been as close and...well as intimate as she is with me. It's like we're learning and discovering together I guess. The perfect example of that was when, as I mentioned a minute ago, we explored each other's inner lips. She pulled mine and...god when she tasted me and...and my clit...well all of what I told you...

I was amazed that I would do that, but it all felt so good."

"And when you did that for her?"

"I loved it. I've never done anything remotely like that before of course, but beyond that I was infatuated with how she felt when I explored her. Her warm soft lips when I pulled them and to feel her hard nub with my tongue, all of that was great. She made me stop because she said she was getting too close to an orgasm."

"My god you really have changed so much."

"I know and it's going to take me a long time, if not forever, to sort it all out. But...Di, I'm adopting Bonnie's philosophy of life. Being naked so much and being open with others. Well with a little discretion when it's called for of course."

"So if what you're saying is true, why are you dressed now?"

"I need to find out what you think if that would make you uncomfortable."

"So you're not wearing a bra so I assume you're not wearing panties."

"You're right, I'm not."

"Cindy, I have no problem with it if you'd rather be naked right now."

"Would you join me?"

"Sure." Cindy was naked in seconds and Diane was as well a minute later. Diane looked down at herself and said, "So you and Bonnie were naked and then you took turns exploring each other."

"Yes, like you and I did that day, only more thoroughly."

Cindy could tell that Diane had something on her mind so she just looked at her and waited. It was only seconds later when Di asked her, "Would you like to explore me...thoroughly?"

"I'd love to, but let's go to my bedroom."

Cindy and Diane's life was about to have another very new and perhaps disturbing experience. Diane went first and then Cindy lay next to her and let her hand rest on Diane's belly as Cindy looked down at her. Di smiled up at her a little nervously until Cindy kissed her softly. "Are you okay so far Di?"

"My heart is racing and I'm as nervous as a virgin, but I'm, I'm great." Cindy bent down to give her another light kiss before going down to taste and explore her friend, but that kiss lingered and then Diane's arms went around her and pulled the two of them together in a deep tongue sharing kiss. When they broke that, they stared into each other as Diane said, "Oh my god Cin, what are we getting ourselves into?"

Cindy's voice was soft as she said, "If you'd rather stop I'll understand, but I'd rather not."

"No, I don't want to stop," and she pulled Cindy down for another kiss as Cindy's hand slipped down toward Di's mound. Diane tipped her pelvis up in an invitation for Cindy's hand and a second later fingers were exploring her outer lips. Diane all but held her breath as her eyes closed and Cindy's fingers continued to tease. In a whisper, Diane said, "Cin, put your finger inside of me please." Cindy was soon feeling the inside of another woman's wet pussy for the first time.

The two women were going to do their best to make love. Cindy brought her hand up and as Diane watched, Cindy sucked Di's juices from her finger. "I want to look at you and taste you," Cindy told her as her hand once again went back down to Di's pussy.

"Please Cindy, touch me and taste me."

Cindy moved down and for the next several minutes Cindy pulled on Di's inner lips, tasted her best friend and kissed and tongued her clit. It wasn't long before Diane said, "Oh god honey, you're going to...I'm going to climax."

"Yes, do that for me Di, I want to watch you have an orgasm." Cindy increased her efforts with her fingers and her tongue. It would take time for her to learn what worked best for Diane, but at the moment she could do no wrong. Diane couldn't keep her body still as her climax neared and then with one long moan she flew into her orgasm as Cindy watched her.

Cindy moved back up to lie close to Diane and they shared a soft kiss. "Di, I loved watching you just now, and I love the thought that I could do that for you."

"I can't believe what just happened. Thank you Cin, thank you, but now like you, I have some thinking to do. I never, ever could have seen me being a part of what we just shared." She took a deep breath and was trying to decide if she could ever do that for Cindy.

But that problem was solved when Cindy said, "Maybe we better call your hubby."

With her problem solved at least temporarily, she smiled and sat up saying, "Yes, I think we better."

As they returned to the living room, Diane asked, "So have the others seen your pictures?"

"Only Bonnie, but I'm eager for Zack and Rusty to see them. Well and Ray too when he gets back from out of town."

Diane dropped onto the couch again and tasting her now less than cold and now diluted tea she said, "So if Bonnie were here she's likely be naked."

"Very possibly. Not at first, because she hasn't met you, but she'd be very comfortable with that."

"Can you imagine poor Charlie if she did do that?"

Cindy laughed and said, "Oh that poor man would come unglued." Then with a more serious look and tone of voice, she said, "Di, I have to tell Charlie about the new me. I don't ever want to keep secrets like that from him, unless you don't want me to do that."

"I'm fine with that. But then he'll hope that you get naked."

"I will if you'd like me to...well rather if you don't mind."

"You really are going to follow through with this aren't you."

"I really am."

"Then I think you should show him your photos too."

Cindy's cheeks flashed pink as she smiled and asked Di, "Do you remember those pictures? Do you remember how completely exposed I am in them? The shots of my open pussy, and of Zack's cock nearly entering me?"

"Oh god that's right Okay, let me think about this for a second. Could I see a few of them again?"

"Sure. It will take me a minute to set up, so relax. One more thing though. If he's going to see and hear about the real new me I think you should be naked with me. Would he freak out with that?"

"Well there are no men here so I'm sure not. But you better have your talk with him before any of this happens."

"For sure. I just want to be certain that you've thought about him seeing all of me and very intimate photos."

"Cin, I'm okay with it. He's studied you so much that he has your body memorized anyway."

"Now you're making that up. He has you with your nicer breasts and darker complexion and all."

"And my bigger butt and heavier legs, but thank you."

"I really am anxious for you to meet the others."

"We'd like to and whenever you can make that happen is good for us."

"Oh my god, I just had the most evil thought."

"Oh no, tell me."

"What about, after you and I have talked to Charlie and he's seen the photos we...what if I invited them over here?"

"That would be great, but what's so evil about that?"

"With just a suggestion from me to Bonnie, she'll strip naked in front of your wonderful husband."

"She wouldn't."

"Of course she would, she'd rather be naked anyway. That's her. She totally believes that it's silly to work so hard and spend so much money to cover up something as unique and wonderful as the human body."

Diane laughed at her own words as she said, "She hasn't seen mine."

"Want to do that?"

"Yes, but we have to get a few pictures of poor Charlie as he tries to hide his erection and not be caught staring."

"Fair warning though Di, you've never met anybody like Bonnie. I still can't decide how to describe her. I just know she is who she is and she wouldn't want anybody to ever apologize for her."

"I wouldn't want you to. Okay, call Bonnie. she'll be naked and you'll be naked, right?"

"That's my plan if I don't lose my nerve. But Di, don't feel like you have to join us. Each of us has to make their own decision. Besides, you don't know how Charlie would feel about you being naked in front of Zack."

"That's true. I'll just have to wait and see...and to see if I'd even have the nerve to do that. It's easy to sound brave right now, but later..."

"Later could be a whole different issue. Just don't force it. If it wouldn't be pleasurable for you then don't even consider it. You could even feel a lot of regret later."

"That's true. Okay, call her and find out if they can even join us later."

Just about the time Cindy was thinking they weren't home, Zack answered the phone.

"Hi Zack. Listen is Bonnie right there?"

"She's in the house somewhere. I'm in the garage at the moment."

"Oh. Well I'll ask you and then you can call me back. Would you and Bonnie like to come over here later so you can meet my friends?"

"We'd love to, but let me check with her. She'll call you back in a few," and he hung up and went in search for his wife.

Ten minutes later Bonnie called and said, "Hi, it's me and we'd love to meet them, what time?"

"Here's the deal. Charlie will be here shortly and Di is here now. I need some time so the three of us can have a serious talk. I'm going to tell him everything about me. About the new me."

"Are you sure you want us over there after that?"

"We're sure. Bon...I'm going to show him the photos too if you don't mind."

"Why would I mind, it's your body he'll be drooling over."

"I mean about Zack and Rudy, and all of that."
