Coming Home Ch. 06


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"I figured."

"I mean, I never... not while you girls were growing up..."

"Of course not."

"But when you came to me, this last summer... it took me a while to come to terms with it, but... it works, between us. It feels right."

"Yeah." She smiled.

"I love Kim. She's my daughter, just like you are..."

"And your daughter desperately wants you to fuck her brains out," Kerri said, surprised at the crassness in her tone. Kim was going to be out of the shower any minute, and she didn't have hours to try to delicately work this out with him.

He laughed in surprise. "Kerri!"

"Sorry, but it's true. And, listen. If you're worried about me feeling jealous, or freaking out... I've thought it over, and I'm okay with it. I think maybe, the three of us might work as well as two of us did. If, well..."

"If what?"

She shrugged. "If we all three were together."

He looked at her, perplexed. "What are you saying?"

She tucked blonde hair behind her ears. "I have one more thing to tell you. Last night, she and I talked about forming a little conspiracy. How the two of us might get together to seduce you."

He lifted his eyebrows, but looked pleased at the thought. "Really."

"Really. And we had some pretty good ideas, too. But I think she was way too afraid to go through with any of them, because she didn't know how you'd react. So was I, for that matter."

"So, what are you saying?"

The water downstairs cut off with a muffled bang. Time was up.

"I'm saying that maybe... if you want... we ought to hatch a conspiracy of our own," she said. "And we don't have a lot of time to do it, so we'll have to work fast."

He gave her that familiar grin that she loved so much, disbelief leavened with affection. "You already have some fiendish plan in mind, don't you?"

She grinned. "Of course."

"All right," he said. "Let's hear it."

# # #

Kerri barely managed to get back downstairs to the kitchen before the bathroom door opened with a billow of steam. Kim emerged, wrapped in a towel, her damp hair falling around her shoulders.

"About time, creep," Kerri said. "Use up all the hot water, why don't you?"

"Thanks, I will," Kim said, and stuck her tongue out, then disappeared into the bedroom to dress.

Kerri showered herself -- briefly, since her sister really had used up the bulk of the hot water. By the time she finished, Kim was already in the kitchen, watching Dad cook breakfast. She listened for a moment as they chatted innocently, then slipped into the bedroom to put some clothes on.

The weather made it too cold to dress very scantily, so she settled for a long-sleeved top and jeans. When she came out to join her sister and father in the kitchen, she found Kim had had much the same idea -- Kim was, in fact, wearing sweat pants and the the tiniest, tightest top she owned, a purple sleeveless top with thin straps that showed off her toned shoulders. Kim was clearly cold -- her nipples stood out against the thin fabric of her top, clearly outlined.

If it bothered her, she showed no sign.

Dad made pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and they ate at the kitchen counter, making small talk about nothing in particular. There was a subtle tension in the air, something Kerri could acknowledge but not quite place: a number of stolen glances, nervous shifts in chairs, slightly awkward silences. Kerri kept expecting her father to comment on Kim's clothes, but he didn't.

As she finished her coffee, she mulled over the hastily-designed plan she had concocted with her father, hoping that it would work. If not, the backfire could be unpleasant.

But she had a feeling it was going to be fine. Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing -- but no one was ready to play their hand just yet.

After breakfast, they retired to the living room to watch some television. Kim poured herself some coffee -- waiting until Dad's back was turned to quickly snatch down the Bailey's and add a shot -- and the three of them sat on the couch, in the same positions they had occupied the day before: Kerri on the left, Dad on the right, Kim in the center.

Kerri grabbed the remote before anyone else and started flipping through channels. Kim gave a squeal of protest and reached for it, but Kerri held it out of her reach.

"Don't hog the remote," she said. "You had it last night."

"Bullshit," Kerri said. "You got to pick that stupid dolphin documentary. Today we're going to watch something good."

Kim lunged for the remote, throwing her body across Kerri's, and she felt Kim's small breasts brush against hers. She held the remote high in her left hand and pushed Kim back with her right.

"Knock it off, runt," she said, and tuned in one of the movie channels.

"Dad, make her give me the remote," Kim complained.

Kerri caught her father's eye over Kim's shoulder. He was watching the two of them as they wrangled, trying not to show how much he was enjoying it. "Sorry, Kim," he said. "It's your sister's turn. Don't make me come over there and separate you two."

Kim gave Kerri a brief, secretive grin before backing off and flopping down on the couch again. She gave her best pout and crossed her legs, putting on a very convincing act of being huffy.

"It's not fair," she said.

"Life's not fair," Dad answered. "Just cool it. And put your coffee on a coaster. You fuck up my coffee table, I'm putting you up for adoption."

"God, you're such a tyrant," Kim said, but put the mug on a coaster next to the remote. Kerri watched Kim's face carefully as she sat back -- she was blushing just a bit. Dad's stern tone had aroused something besides indignation.

Dad began loading the dishes into the dishwasher while the girls watched television. Kerri crossed her legs and pretended to be interested in the movie, listening to the noises emanating from the kitchen. She nudged Kim once with her bare foot, and Kim gave her a tiny grin.

Then, as she heard the thud of the dishwasher door closing, Kerri put their plan into action. Deliberately, she nudged Kim's coffee cup with her toe, tipping it off the coaster. Coffee and Bailey's slopped across the table.

Kim gasped.

"Dad!" Kerri called with a grin. "Kim spilled on the coffee table!"

"I did not!" Kim shrilled. "She did it!"

Kerri watched as her father all but charged into the living room, his brow knitting. He took one look at the mess and rounded on Kim.

"God damn it, Kim," he said, raising his voice but not quite yelling. "I told you to be careful with that coffee cup."

"I was!" Kim objected. "Kerri knocked it over."

He stood right in front of her, hands on his hips, towering over her tiny frame, his crotch level with her face. Kim looked up at him, all wide eyes and pouting lips, her hands braced against the cushions of the couch. He might have been playing a role, but so was she.

"Don't try to blame this on your sister," he said. "You're in deep shit."

Kim bit her lip and, instead of cowering away from him, leaned forward instead, her hands in her lap.

Kerri watched, fascinated, barely able to suppress a nervous giggle. Kim shot a nervous glance at her, and Kerri gave her the barest nod in return, sending her an unspoken signal: yes, it's happening, and it's okay. She saw full comprehension break across Kim's face -- and then her sister instantly slipped into character.

"You're not being fair," Kim said indignantly.

"Who said anything about fair?" He reached around to the back of her head and grasped a fistful of her hair. Kim let out a gasping whimper and braced her hands against his legs. She was breathing heavily now, her face flushed.

"Well?" he asked. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"

"I didn't do it," Kim insisted, putting a girlish whine into her voice.

"That's not good enough," he growled.

"I'm sorry?" she ventured, staring up at him.

He smiled a merciless smile. "Show me how sorry you are," he said, and took another step toward her, his legs touching the edge of the couch now. He pulled Kim forward, and she took her cue and reached up to gingerly touch the emerging bulge in his jeans. Kerri heard her give a quivering sigh of anticipation.

Slowly, Kim reached up and undid his zipper, the tension on her face looking more genuine than play-acting now. He was already quite hard, and she reached in and pulled his cock out of his jeans, gasping a little when she saw it.

"Oh my god," she breathed.

"Kerri," Dad said, "hold your sister's arms for me, please."

"What?" Kim exclaimed, her voice carrying a note of surprise that wasn't faked. Grinning, Kerri scooted across the couch behind her sister and gently but firmly pulled Kim's bare arms behind her back, holding them together at the wrists. Kim looked over her shoulder and gave Kerri a look of mixed arousal and disbelief.

"I told you I'd get you back," Kerri whispered, then ran her tongue across the pink curve of her sister's ear. Kim trembled and let out a soft moan.

"Now," Dad said, tilting Kim's head back, his fingers still tangled in her hair. "Are you ready to take your punishment?"

For answer, Kim opened her mouth, and Kerri watched as he slowly slid his cock between her lips. The moment he was in her mouth, Kim's whole body quaked, and she gave a muffled, high-pitched whimper of pleasure. He began to thrust in and out of her mouth, gently at first, then more roughly in tiny increments, testing her boundaries.

Kim accepted her "punishment" with enthusiasm, her eyes squeezed shut, breathing quickly through her nose. When he began to back off, she pressed forward, encouraging him to play more roughly, until he had both hands on her head, pistoning his cock in and out of her mouth. She choked once when he went too deeply, and he pulled her head back – not too hard – by the hair.

"You ok?" he asked, suddenly full of fatherly concern.

She nodded eagerly, her mouth wet and still open, leaning toward him to swallow him down again -- but he pushed her back.

"Not now," he said. "I'm not done teaching you a lesson yet." Kim sulked a little at that, but said nothing.

He pushed back the coffee table with one foot -- it was wheeled and went easily, the spilled coffee running across the glass top -- and knelt in front of Kim.

Kerri took that as her signal and released Kim's wrists. then reached down to take hold of Kim's top. She hiked it up over Kim's small breasts, and Kim gave a soft yelp of astonishment as Kerri lifted it all the way off and tossed it aside. At the same time, Dad pulled down Kim's sweatpants -- they came off easily, slipping down over her knees and off onto the floor. Kim wore nothing underneath.

Kerri slipped out from behind her sister and now sat next to her on the couch. She put a hand on Kim's bare chest and pushed her against the back of the couch.

Kim was now completely naked, and Kerri and her father still fully clothed.

"Are you going to punish her more, Dad?" she asked, unable to suppress an indulgent grin at the game they were playing.

"Do you think she deserves it?" he asked. He put his hands on Kim's thighs and pushed them apart. He was doing his best to look stern, but it wasn't working very well. He was clearly enjoying himself too much. Something had fully awakened inside him, and he wasn't holding back anymore.

Kim, on the other hand, was trying to look distraught and not doing too well either.

"She definitely deserves it," Kerri said, and put a gentle hand around Kim's throat. Kim slapped her hand over Kerri's, but didn't pull it away -- instead she squeezed, tightening Kerri's grip on her throat a little.

"I'm sorry," Kim whimpered, her expression eager. "I'm sorry, Daddy--"

For answer, he put one hand on Kim's bare, muscled stomach and slowly pushed his cock into her. Kerri watched as he disappeared into her, one slow inch at a time. Kim's entire body tensed, and she groaned loudly -- Kim's frame was smaller than Kerri's, and his cock looked enormous going into her. Kim gasped, her fingers tightening around Kerri's hand, her eyes shut tight.

"Oh ow--" Kim croaked, and when he looked at her in alarm, quickly shook her head. "No, keep going, please don't stop, please--" Slowly, he pushed his cock the rest of the way inside her, and Kerri felt her sister's body spasm with pleasure.

He began to move with shallow thrusts, slowly deepening and then picking up speed, his fingers making dimples in her flesh as he held her tight. Kim proved very vocal, sobbing with pleasure each time he plunged into her, her teeth clenched.

The minutes stretched out. Kerri watched her father's face as he fucked Kim, savoring his expressions. He would near the edge of orgasm and then back off, slowing until he regained control of himself, then start again. Kim was in a state of complete abandon and surrender, letting him do whatever he wanted with her: legs spread wide, slim body covered with tiny droplets of sweat.

Kerri herself grew more aroused by the moment, until she realized she was far too warm in her top. She wrestled with her indecision for a moment, and then let go of Kim's throat and leaned back. She lifted her top over her head and tossed it aside, then lay back against the back of the couch long enough to wriggle out of her jeans. Naked, she sidled in close to her sister again, their bodies pressing together. Kim welcomed her by throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.

Eagerly, Kerri cradled Kim's head in her hands and tongue-kissed her, murmuring with desire, and Kim returned it passionately. Kerri kissed Kim's neck, then her shoulder, down between her breasts, then swirled her tongue around Kim's left nipple. Kim clenched Kim's shoulder and groaned.

"Harder, please, harder--" she whispered, the first words she'd managed for several minutes. Their father heard and obliged, thrusting harder and deeper into her, a low groan escaping him. Soon he was fucking her hard enough to make the couch slide back on the floor.

Kerri watched as Kim drew in a deep breath, her whole body tensing, and then a single, high-pitched wail escaped her. Kerri recognized that sound, and knew her sister had just orgasmed. A moment later, Dad's thrusts reached critical mass, and he gave a loud groan of his own. He pulled out at the last moment, and came in an astonishing gush over Kim's stomach and breasts in thick white globs. The second spurt reached as far as Kim's chin and throat, and she yelped with pleasure and surprise.

He withdrew, sweaty and breathless, rocking back on his knees. Kim was quivering all over, her chest and stomach heaving.

"You're shaking," Kerri said with a grin, taking Kim's hand. Kim nodded as she tried to catch her breath. With her other hand, she daubed at the sticky mess on her body.

"Oh my god, Kerri... Dad... I mean oh my god! You..."

"We conspired," Kerri said.

"You just... oh my god." Post-orgasm shakes had rendered Kim incoherent. She brushed wet hair out of her eyes. "I can't believe that just happened."

"Did you like it?" Kerri asked, grinning.

Kim looked up at her and just laughed, a sound of unalloyed joy. "Um, yes. I'd say yes."

Their father had recovered and now hauled himself onto the couch with an exhausted exclamation. Kerri backed up to make room, so that she and her sister lay on either side of him. Kim padded naked to the kitchen to get a towel.

Kerri snuggled up to him, kissing him with a conspiratorial grin. "So, how was that?" she asked.

"Insane," he said. "Like the both of you."

"Hey, don't put this all on us," she said. "It's not like it was my idea... oh, wait, it totally was, wasn't it?"

He grinned. Kim came back, cleaning herself off with the towel, and then flopped down on the couch next to the two of them. Impulsively, she threw her arm around her father's neck and kissed him.

"I love you, Dad," she said.

"I love you too, sweetheart." He put his arms around both of them and pulled them close. "I love both of you."

They kissed him one at a time, and then each other, before settling into his embrace.

"The only question now," he said, "is who's going to clean up that mess?" He nodded at the pool of spilled coffee, the premeditated catalyst that had started it all.

"She is," both girls said together, and they laughed.

Kerri nestled against her father's chest and grinned at Kim. Kim grinned back, looking amazed and satisfied.

So now everything was out in the open, she thought. No secrets between any of them. As far as she was concerned, nothing else mattered anymore.

Suddenly, the rest of this vacation was looking very appealing.

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hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda8763 months ago

No. Absolutely not. Don’t include other people in the original relationship

DavBooDavBooalmost 3 years ago

A brilliant start, loved it.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 3 years ago

"Coming Home Ch. 01 - 06" Mid- forties Year Old Widowed Father, Steve and Twenty-one Year Old College Senior, Kerri and Nineteen Year Old College Sophomore, Kim.

This is an awesomely, spectacularly well written and constructed incest father and daughter classic of a father and his two (2) daughters. The characterization of all three (3) principals are unique and spectacular in all aspects; the continuity details are simply well acted and easily followed. There should be some early years back ground information, i.e., the girl's (Steve's wife) mother, how Steve ended up living an almost hermit's existence (when his daughters are not there), etc.

Somewhere within the next one (1), and/or maybe two (2) chapters, I can imagine Steve and Kerri realizing they are eternally meant for each other and decide to begin a life and family, dedicated and vowed together. If Kim feels she has enough devotion to her father, she could be the third (3rd) wheel "babysitter,"

confessiontimeconfessiontimeabout 5 years ago
Excellent Writing

This series is great. I like that you touched on the jealousy aspect. It added realism to the character and the situation.

Two thumbs up!

autoplotautoplotalmost 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comment. I have an idea for a continuation, or at least an "ending" chapter, but I haven't had a chance to get around to it yet.

BobossweetnessfreakBobossweetnessfreakalmost 7 years ago
More chapters please!

I would love to see more chapters to this story. Kim goes off to college, Kerri graduates from college and moves in with dad and together they start a horse farm. In the meantime, Kim finds a guy at school she falls in love with so that leaves just Steve and Kerri in the relationship. Three ways are just too complicated.

Tungsten_RodTungsten_Rodalmost 7 years ago

Made an account just to mention a few things.

Amazing work. It is not even about smut at this point. I loved this degree of work you put into fleshing out the characters, their interaction, dialogue, and the situations they get themselves into. Couldn't turn away until I finished it all.


autoplotautoplotabout 7 years agoAuthor

@restless I thought the same thing, but ultimately decided to go for it. One day soon I hope to upload a new tale which doesn't include any sisterhood. :)

RelentlessOnanismRelentlessOnanismabout 7 years ago
I enjoyed it...

...but I'm of two minds about involving the younger sister. I can see why it makes sense but I think it might have been better to focus on the increasingly intense relationship between Kerri and her father, rather than involve Kim.

Still, it was well written and sexy.

alextasyalextasyalmost 8 years ago
i'm breathless...

my hand's been down my pants through all six chapters. awesome writing, autoplot.

thank you!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Totally fucking awesome story!! :)

Thanks VERY much for writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

From the first paragraph to the very end, what a great job. I'm going to find more of your stories so I can get off a second time....LOL

swami69swami69over 11 years ago
Really hot series!

Very well done, I like the characterization and dialogue, the playful give and take, and bringing both girls into it was a nice turn-on, too. Wow, keep writing. I like series like this one that build and grow on the initial work and keep me reading, anticipating. Very hot stuff and well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
wow, this was a fun and sexy read!!

loved it really,,,,well written for an incest tale,,,and no one did anal!! how refreshing !!!and not a lot of swearing, which never improves a story,,,,hooray!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago



AND I LOVE THE ENDING SO FAR..........................................R..........................

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