Complicated Ch. 07

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Can love ever be straightforward?
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/14/2014
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Chapter 7

For two weeks I hadn't heard from Max and then he had shown up one night at my apartment and told me about his father's death. We'd spend the night comforting each other and behaving like a couple when we were no more than fuck buddies. When Max left my apartment the next day I sensed that something had changed in our dynamic but tried not to think about what it was. I wasn't sure about where I stood with him and it was something I worked on consciously not to think about as I was determined to simplify my existence.

So instead I made my sole focus the quest for a stunning gown to wear to the annual company charity ball. I knew my current wardrobe budget wouldn't allow me to squander the equivalent of my annual wages for an outfit that I would wear for just one evening. Eloise and Deanne heard about my predicament and helped me out by getting in touch with one of their designer friends who in turn was kind enough to lend me one of her creations for one evening. So far, I thought to myself, everything was coming along like a modern fairytale.

The days rolled by and soon it was the night of the ball, which was taking place in the hotel that housed Nomad as well. In fact the food for the event was being provided by Nomad. I knew these things only because Shrini had made it point to tell me about it more than once- apparently the company had been able to secure the location for their charity ball as a direct result of Shrini's efforts.

I was expecting to make a grand entrance walking down the stairs of the ballroom in my designer gown while all eyes watched me. So I was rather disappointed to find that there were no stairs and though I managed to feel all eyes on me I suspected that had more to do with my fashion faux pas. I was wearing a strapless flowy chiffon dress with a gold girdle around the waist that accentuated my curves in the most flattering manner, and oh, the colour of my outfit was peach while everyone else in the room was dressed in either black or white.

For a split second I considered rushing to my apartment and changing into one of my basic black, evening dresses. But then I reconsidered and thought what the hell! It's not often that up-and-coming designers lend me their clothes to wear so I might as well make what I could of the situation. Plus, I told myself, with the amount of time I'd spent being naked around Max I could easily handle a ballroom filled with people while dressed.

"You look like a breath of fresh air." Shrini said appearing out of nowhere.

"Hey. Thanks?" I smiled at him and shrugged, "Sorry, I didn't get the memo about the dress code.

"There is no dress code; people just prefer to play it safe."

I laughed in relief.

"You're in black, does that mean that you like to play it safe too?"

"Nah, I couldn't manage to find a peach coloured tux in time." He said holding out his arm for me to take.

We took a turn about the room; Shrini introduced me to a lot of important people who could serve as useful contacts for me down my career path. The conversation was breezy, the mood jovial, I felt relaxed and at ease; I was having fun.

I noticed for the first time that on one side at the very entrance of the room was a long table with some items. There were some cards lying around and next to each card was a pad with a list of names scribbled on it.

"Aha, you've found the silent auction table." Shrini informed me while scanning the different lists.

"Is that what it is? I just noticed it."

"The big prize is a boat, but we all know that Svenson has his eye on that one, so you can forget about that one. The next best thing is an evening with Nomad's chef where he'll come to your place and cook a meal for you and a friend."

"Oooh. That does sound good." I said practically drooling after recalling my one and only dinner at Nomad.

"I've already put down my name. Why don't you bid as well? If either one of us wins we can invite the other person over; we'd double our chances that way."

That did sound like a good idea so I pencilled in my name and my bid. At the end of the night when they were announcing the names of the winners of the silent auction I listened eagerly, hoping they would announce my name.

As Shrini had predicted, Svenson got the boat, he was a well known corporate bully but also a genius at what he did, so everyone put up with him- it's one of those corporate slash life lessons that an asshole is actually a valuable asset to a body because of the service it provides.

"And now to announce the winner for a dinner date with Nomad's head chef is none other than Chef Williamson himself." The host announced.

The crowd had gathered closer and there was a great deal of clapping. I watched in shock as Max walked up to the host and took the microphone from his hands and went on to read the name of the winner. I wasn't paying attention as I was more focused on Max in his crisp white overalls and bright blue eyes.

Who is this man?

Why didn't I know that Max was a chef? He had handed me his card the first time we met but I hadn't even looked at it. I wondered why I'd never asked him about what he did especially since I'd spoken to him about my work several times.

No, he had asked.

I corrected myself. He had asked about my work and I had talked. I was beginning to suspect that I knew less about Max than he did about me. Shrini was beside me saying how unfortunate it was that we hadn't won. He put his arm around my waist and began to move us towards another group of people with me mechanically following him. I wasn't sure if Max had spotted me in the sea of people. I wondered what he would say or do if he had.


The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. I didn't understand why the revelation that Max was a chef had unsettled me in the manner it had. But it did, and I was preoccupied with those thoughts. Shrini must've noticed the change in my manner because he commented about it.

"I think I've had too much excitement for one evening."

"You know I think they're ready to wrap this thing up. No reason for us to stick around." Shrini pointed towards the exit, "Shall we?"

"Oh yes!" I said feeling relieved.

He left to say his goodbyes while I waited for him. The musicians had started playing a beautiful piece of string music that I didn't recognise but couldn't help swaying to.

"May I?"

I looked up; it was Max holding out his hand as if he was asking me to dance. I nodded and placed my hand within his while he slid his other hand around my waist. He gracefully stepped across the floor and I followed his lead. He held me stiffly and a little apart but even the empty space between us seemed to be charged with electricity as he looked at me. I could feel his gaze caress the curve of my breasts as if it was his hands upon my bare flesh. I shivered, he noticed and for the first time that night I saw the hint of a smile on his stern face.

"You're a chef." I felt stupid stating the obvious but my thoughts were a bit disorganised at the time.


"I didn't know."

He looked at me closely as if questioning the veracity of my statement and then looked away.

"I don't know you."

I believed I'd spoken the truth.

"I think you're right."

The words were said in a matter-of-fact manner but his expression looked pained.

We danced silently for the rest of the piece. I saw Shrini had returned and had probably grown tired of waiting for me. Max noticed him approach and he spun me around before pulling me closer to him. We were now moving away, in the opposite direction and closer to the exit. As soon as we were near the exit Max gave up the pretence of dancing and dragged me along with him. I had to practically run to keep up with his pace or risk falling on my face.

Within a few minutes we were outside in the alleyway when Max finally stopped. He pushed me up against the wall and stepped between my legs. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lifted me. Max supported my butt with one hand while struggling to unzip his pants with the other. I hastily raised my dress out of the way and prayed that I wouldn't end up ruining the dress but it never even occurred to me to ask him to stop.

Pushing my panties aside Max eased himself into me- both our bodies tensed till the moment he was finally all the way in. We both moaned when his penis bottomed out.


He was staring at me. He didn't say anything he didn't move and I didn't understand the silent question he was asking me. I held Max's head between my hands and I kissed him. I kissed him with all the passion that I felt for him as well as all the confusion he created in me.

He must've got his answer in my kiss because he started moving inside me. Not fast, not slow but jerky motions that were making his veiny cock hit all the right spots inside me. I moaned louder and bit his lip. I must've bitten hard because I was certain I tasted blood. I broke our kiss to check the damage and saw a small trickle before I felt his lips crush mine. I licked his lips and suckled on the cut to stem the blood flow making Max groan into my mouth and increase the pace of his strokes.

It had been so long since I'd been fucked by Max that it took no time for my climax to build up. Max too must've been eager for release because he was grunting like he always did just before he came. He looked at me and I nodded letting him know I was ready. Max moved a little faster and bit down on my nipple through my dress.

That's gonna tear.

"Max!" I screeched as I came.

He managed to pull out just in time and jerk off his come against the inside of my thigh.

We stood there like that for a few minutes, our panting the only sound in the quiet and dark alley. Eventually, he placed me down and helped me tidy my clothes before straightening himself. We stood there uncertain about what to say or do next.

"My date's probably looking for me."

I was the first to break the silence.

"Yes." He replied and dragged me once again with him. This time we appeared to be heading to the employee car park. He finally stopped when we reached his car and opened the passenger side door.

"Get in." He sternly ordered.

I stared blankly at him.

"I'm taking you home. Now get in."




"You'd rather have that guy take you home?" Max shook his thumb in the direction of the ballroom- referring to Shrini, I guessed.

"No! I mean... yes." I didn't want Shrini to take me home but Max's manner was annoying me.

"I mean, he was my date for the evening."

Max walked back from the driver's side of the car towards me till he had me backed against his car.

"And what were you going to do after he took you home?" He looked at me dangerously.

He lowered his face close to mine so that our lips were only a hair's breadth apart.

"Were you going to let him kiss you?"

He hooked his fingers into the top of my dress and gently tugged to roll my dress down down my chest just enough to expose my breasts.

"Were you gonna let him undress you and play with your nipples?" He asked rolling his tongue around my nipples. His cold wet tongue was a wonderful contrast to his hot breath.

I whimpered in delight.

He bent down and ran his hands under my dress up the length of my legs; he pressed his hands between my thighs and forced them apart.

"Were you going to spread your legs and invite him in?"

His tone and actions were so seductive that I wasn't really paying any attention to his words.

"Yes," I moaned softly.

"Slut!" He returned just as softly and stopped.

He was looking at me again with that annoying smirk on his face. I tried to push past him forgetting my state of undress.

"Don't you want to straighten up first if you're going to go back in?"

I stopped squirming and started pulling my dress back into place as he chuckled. He took a step back and flashed me a boyish grin.

"Get in?" This time he's asked.

I pushed him aside and got in the passenger side of the car. He muttered something under his breath, shut my side of the door and then got in from the driver's side.

I buckled the seat belt and turned my head as if I was keen on something outside the window.

As Max started the car and began to drive out of the car park I pulled my phone out and called Shrini.



"Williamson? Yes..."

"He agreed to show me his kitchen..."

"Yes, it was generous of him..."

I refused to look at Max. I didn't think I could stand to see the smug look on his face right when I was lying through my teeth because of him.

"Now? I'm on my way home- small emergency..."

"Noooo. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Just something I need to take care of..."

"Thank you for offering but I'll manage..."

"Yes, it is a shame..."

"Yes, I had a lovely time too. Thank you..."

"Sure, we can try another time..."

"Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I disconnected the call and turned back to the window. I didn't look at Max the entire way. When we reached my place I walked ahead of him. It's only when I unlocked my door and stepped in that I finally turned around to face him. I saw that he was heading back to the elevator.

"Aren't you coming in?" I called out after him as I left the door open after me and headed to my bedroom.

I heard his footsteps first outside and then on the inside followed by the sound of the door being shut.

I kicked off my heels and took off my dress, carefully laid it out on the bed and dressed into a pair of shorts and a tank- it was a warm night. I stooped over the dress to investigate the damage. Max stripped down to his boxers and came closer to look at the dress himself.

"I think I'm gonna start sending you a bill for all my clothes you damage." I said without looking at him.

"I think you shouldn't wear clothes so you don't have to worry about such things around me."

I fixed my glare on him. Seeing that it wasn't having the desired effect of blasting off his annoying expression I turned my attention back to the dress. A few minutes later I accepted that my stare wasn't helping much with the dress either, so I picked it up and carefully hung it up in my wardrobe.

In the meanwhile Max had made himself comfortable on my bed, spreading himself all over it.

"Don't hog the entire bed you big lump."

"I saved some place for you right here," he replied pointing to the tenting in his boxers.

I rolled my eyes, picked up one of the pillows and slammed it on his erection. It only had the effect of making him roll with laughter.

"Stick to cooking, comedy is not for you." I said jumping into the corner of the bed he was no longer occupying.

In a split second Max had rolled over and trapped me under him.

"I bet there are other things I could do better than comedy." The humour was no longer in his tone.

"Oh yeah?" I asked breathing a little heavier.

"Yeah," he said pushing his groin into me so I could feel his hard and throbbing dick pressed against my mound.

I mewled in a low voice.

"Fuckin' slut. So fuckin'sexy. And so fuckin'easy." He murmured his voice guttural and shaky.

He continued to rub against me through my clothes.

"You need to get on birth control soon. I can't wait to bury myself inside your tight cunt and shoot my load deep inside you and flood you. And then watch you walk around with beads of white cum dripping down your beautiful brown legs."

Oh fuck!

He wasn't even in me, but, I was ready to come. He must've recognised my expression.

"You want to come, don't you?"

"Mmmhmmm." I moaned under him.

"What'll you do for me?"

"Anything." I said without thinking.


"Yes." I shouted to convey my urgency.

Max pulled down his boxers and my shorts, and positioned himself for entry.

"Go out with me."

I looked at him in wonder.


"Go out with me." He repeated while teasing my slit with the head of his penis.


"Movie... restaurant... theatre, wherever. A date."

"Ok." I nodded and was almost instantly rewarded by the delicious sensation of Max's fat cock stretching me out on its way in.

"Aaaaah!" I climaxed even before he was completely in.

Max pulled out and took off his boxers completely. He got off the bed and dragged me by my legs to the edge so that my legs dangled off the edge of the bed. He pulled off my shorts completely and grabbed me by the ankles placing each one on each of his shoulders. In this position he entered me again. Since I was wet from my climax he was easily able to push himself in.

He nibbled on the inside of my ankles as he fucked me- one hand running up and down my thigh, stroking the soft skin on the inside while the other fingered my clit. I closed my eyes and prayed heaven was half as good. My hands pinched and squeezed my nipples through my tank. I wished I could have Max's lips sucking on them but it wouldn't have been possible in the position we were in.

I could tell from the way he looked at me that he was ready to come and was checking if I was close. I nodded and at my signal he grabbed my ankles in each of his hands and split me further open. He slammed into my tender cunt with all his might so that within a few thrusts I was screaming his name in the throes of my orgasm.

No sooner did I come that he pulled out and let his spunk spill over my bare ass. He stood admiring my semen stained butt for a little while before he finally let my legs drop. I lay there still catching my breath when Max returned with a wet washcloth that he used to wipe my inner thigh and my ass.

"Thank you." I was genuinely touched by the tenderness of the gesture.

"Personally, I think it's a shame to clean you up coz your body covered in my cum is one of the most beautiful sights ever, but," he said sighing, "... even I can see the need for cleaning up."

I couldn't help but snicker at the earnestness of his tone.

"You find that funny, do you? You little minx!" He pounced on me and began to tickle.

"Please, no. Please, stop." I giggled and tried to escape his clutches.

"Here I am forced to destroy my own masterpiece and you would mock me?!?" He continued to tickle me while faking indignation.

I finally managed to break free and jumped off the bed.

"I apologize, Don Williamson. You're right, it is a tragedy indeed. Perhaps I can stop bathing to put an end to this travesty?"

"Or, maybe I should be the only one cleaning you up?" Max offered while walking up to me and capturing my mouth in a kiss. I put my arms around his neck as he scooped me in his arms and carried me back to bed.

"So, where are you taking me for this date?" I asked him in a teasing tone.

I think he actually scratched his head at my question or maybe it just appeared that way.

"Dunno. Didn't give it much thought. I just figured we'd have a better chance of getting to talk... know each other, while we're out than in."

I thought of all the times we'd gotten frisky and more even when we were out and grinned. He must've had a similar recollection.

"I know, our track record so far would say otherwise. So maybe a really, really public place?"

I smiled at him, "Sure."

I wanted to ask him why, I wanted to ask him what it was we were supposed to be doing but I didn't. It felt simpler to just go with what felt good. And so that's what I did.

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Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenalmost 10 years ago
Rash Judgments Everywhere!!!


I don't see how Max is an asshole (with the exception of the first few paragraphs in Chapter 1, which I don't believe has been fully explained yet); maybe as I read further, I will agree. As for now, he appears to be like the majority of guys out there. He isn't committing to anything and he is enjoying an adult sexual relationship with a consenting woman. I'm enjoying your story so far, Subdued. Please continue to write!

subdued_passionsubdued_passionabout 10 years agoAuthor

I am happy to engage in a discussion about the characters after Lit updates the final two chapters tomorrow.

To those who have enjoyed the story, please make sure and vote. It encourages me to write more stories.

To those who didn't like it- I'm still going to write, fortunately this site has enough stories that you're bound to find something to suit your fancy.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Only an asshole would think Max isn't an asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Romance 19th century style

Definitely romantic, as passion is. How is the guy an asshole? There is no disrespect. She is unsure what to make of it and seems a little afraid of comitting to someone she didnt expect to be for her. Also a blatantly great sexual relationship is hard to turn into something more profound as we are used to categorize our relationships but sex that great usually isnt just sex... Go on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

love does strange things to guys.

Max isnt to bad and seems to be changing already

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

It feels like you're going to try to force a romance between these two and I don't want to read that. Max is an ass, good for sex but nothing more. This is where I'll have to stop off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

And I'm done waiting for the romance to come in this story that really should have been in erotic couplings. Max is an asshole.

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