Conflicted in Paradise Ch. 03


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"I was really worried when you made that crazy jump," Amanda said. "You might have hurt yourself! Why did Stacey have you run decoy for her?"

"I guess I was the only one available." He shrugged.

"Why did she go with you in the first place?"

"I needed her advice on something," he said smoothly. Technically it wasn't really a lie.

Amanda frowned at him for a moment, the obvious question on her lips, but she let it die without comment. The last thing she wanted to do was appear jealous at the start of their boat trip, plus she figured it had something to do with that surprise of his. She was almost dying to find out what it was, and for who it was intended, but she quickly drove that desire to the back of her mind.

Ryan opened up the engines to nearly full power, and the yacht smoothly sliced through the calm ocean. The sun was out in full force, shining down brightly on them, and there was a decent breeze which provided a very welcome refreshment from the heat. Birds circled overhead, cawing loudly.

It didn't take long for the girls to discard their clothes except for their bikinis, and a veritable parade of unblemished skin walked around and sunbathed on the boat. Loud cheers and yells came from other boats they passed, their passengers thoroughly appreciating the scenery provided for them courtesy of the teenage goddesses.

After a little while, Ryan and Damon hoisted the sails, though not without difficulties as Damon had no idea what he was doing. With the noise and vibration of the inboard engines gone, the peace and tranquility were stunning. They sailed for a few hours, until both Ryan's and Damon's stomachs complained loudly that it was well past time to eat. They all ate a sandwich lunch while leisurely sailing on.

"Ryan?" Stacey asked right as the sun was passing its zenith.

"Yeah?" he replied, looking back at her over his shoulder. He was comfortably ensconced in his captain's seat, one of his legs propped up on the dashboard, listening to Metallica.

"Can we go swim for awhile?"

"Sure. Just let me lower the sails, and we should be fine just coasting. The ocean's calm enough."

Ryan and Damon lowered the sails, slightly more smoothly than they'd gone up, and the yacht came to a nearly complete stop, just bobbing gently on the waves.

Damon quickly took off his shirt and shorts, leaving just his swimming trunks, and he dove cleanly into the water. Amanda followed suit, her dive no less elegant than his, and Ryan showed off by doing a forward somersault into the water from the top of the cabin. Siara shook her head at her boyfriend's antics, simply allowing herself to drop straight down from the boat, while Kelsey and Carynne tried to push each other into the water first, only to get simultaneously shoved in by a grinning Stacey.

"We're gonna get you for that!" Carynne laughed after she'd gasped for breath a few times and had wiped the water off her face.

"Yeah? The two of you together? Mmmm!" Stacey said delightedly.

"Come on in, Stace, the water feels great!" Kelsey said invitingly, though the twinkle in her eyes clearly showed she was planning mischief on her friend.

Ryan quickly swam around the boat, quietly climbing up behind Stacey. While she traded joking banter with her friends, he grabbed her from behind and dove back into the water with the tall blonde in his arms. Stacey's squeal was surprised and scared enough to make everyone laugh as she came back up spluttering. Joining in the laughter, she punched him in the arm a few times, right before Kelsey and Carynne dunked her under again.

"It feels good to just have fun again, doesn't it?" Amanda asked happily, nestled in her boyfriend's arms.

"Yes, it does," he said, his voice low and excited, causing her to smile proudly. She was teasing his cock without mercy, continuously rubbing her ass against it. Though he was hard as a rock, he endured it with a patient grin, which was fine by her—they'd tried to have sex in the ocean during the second night of their vacation, and the results had been less than enjoyable. She figured she could tease him now, then fuck his brains out later on the boat. With the way Ryan and Siara joined in everything without reservation, she reckoned they wouldn't have a problem seeing her mount her boyfriend.

Heck, with the way they were going at it, they might beat her and Damon to it, she realized as she looked over at them. They were basically doing the same thing she and Damon were doing, though they were being far less reserved about it. Meanwhile, Kelsey, Carynne and Stacey were behaving like little girls, continuously trying to pull each others' bikinis off while squealing like crazy and sneaking in kisses wherever they could.

After smiling at her friends for a bit, Amanda turned around in Damon's arms, and a pleasantly long time was spent in a delightful session of tongue wrestling.

Eventually the girls got tired of swimming, all of them getting out of the water. Once they were back on the boat, they removed their bikini tops, saying they were going to go sunbathing on the front deck.

"Jesus Christ," Ryan gasped at the sight of all that wonderful bounciness as he lazily tread water.

"What's wrong?" Damon grinned. "Have you never seen five perfect pairs of breasts before?"

"Not all at the same time, no," Ryan said softly. He was ogling every girl, and of course lingered on Siara, but secretly he had to admit that the sight of Kelsey's incredible tits was driving him nuts. He couldn't believe just how utterly, unbelievably gorgeous she was, and he was glad the ocean was hiding the size of his hard-on from her brother. He wasted a few brief moments in a delightful daydream about fucking her.

"Race you a hundred?" Damon asked.

Ryan shook himself out of the vision of Kelsey riding on top of him, those magnificent tits bouncing for all they were worth, and he nodded. "Right, because I stand such a chance against the fastest high school swimmer of all time!"

"Oh, come on! That was one distance! Besides, I suck at freestyle."

"Alright," Ryan sighed in surrender. "How far would you say makes a hundred? That wave over there?"

"Funny. How about we swim out a ways and race back to the boat?'


The two quickly swam out until they figured they were far enough away; then, they set off in a furious freestyle stroke. Both of them were ultra-competitive and wanted to win, of course, but in the end Damon won by almost a length and a half.

Ryan coughed—a dry, throaty warble—as he hung from the side of the boat after finishing.

"Are you alright?" Damon asked. He was barely breathing heavy.

"Yeah," Ryan gasped. "Just my asthma."

"Wow. You swim collegiate D1 with asthma?"

"That's why I only do the short distances," Ryan said, grinning weakly.

"I guess I don't have to ask you if you want to do a 400 IM then, huh?"

"No!" Ryan laughed, which just caused him to have another coughing fit.

"Jesus, man. Should you even be swimming if your asthma's that bad?"

Ryan gave him an uncertain shrug. "It's worked out pretty well so far. Most days I don't have so much trouble; it must be the salt water or something."

"Fair enough. I'm gonna go train some distances, alright?"

"Hey, before you go..."


Ryan coughed again, scraping his throat a few times. "If you're this fucking fast on a hundred freestyle, which you keep saying is your weakest stroke, how come you sucked so badly at Nationals at the IM?"

Damon stared at him for a few moments, then he grinned. "No, don't hold back, Ryan, come on. Tell me how you really feel."

Ryan laughed. "Hey, it's the truth, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," Damon said with an affirmative nod. "The thing is, that... well, both times I swam the 400 IM so well, at the State semis and the championships, I'd basically had some awesome news right before. I think that just gave me an extra boost of energy or something, because both times I felt as if I could swim right through a brick wall. I didn't have that for Nationals, although I suppose that even if I'd had some kind of magical power surge, I still wouldn't have beaten Phelps or Lochte."

"Interesting," Ryan said, a pensive frown on his face. "I guess it's possible, though I'm not a sports psychologist or anything. So what's your good news today then?"


"Well, you were swimming like you were trying to get out of Lake Havasu."

Damon chuckled at him. "I guess I might have had some good news come my way, yeah."

"But you're not gonna tell me what, right?"

"Nope. Not yet, anyways."

"Alright, man. Don't mean to pry!" Ryan said, holding up his hand.

"It's alright. You'll see soon, anyways."


After Damon went to go swim some distances, Ryan moved to the back of the boat where he hung from the diver's deck for a while, just loving the feeling of the calm ocean bobbing beneath him and letting his asthma slowly quiet down again. He was glad Siara hadn't noticed his attack, since she'd have undoubtedly demanded he reach for his emergency puffer again.

When Damon was done swimming, the two of them climbed out of the water, re-entering the boat with water streaming off their bodies.

"God! Daniel Craig's got nothing on those two!" Siara said, her voice full of admiration while she stared at their perfectly sculpted swimmer bodies. She was lying on the side of the deck closest to the rear, obviously enjoying the view.

"Yeah, they're total hunks," Kelsey agreed, raising her head to look at the two guys, who'd both grabbed a beer and had sat down on the benches, talking to each other.

Siara turned her head, giving Kelsey a bit of a surprised look. "Did you just call your own brother a hunk?"

"Yeah, why not? It's the truth, isn't it?"

"But... he's your brother!"

"So? Just because he's my brother I can't say that he looks great?"

"He readily admits that Kelsey's hot," Amanda said, coming to Kelsey's defense.

"Yeah, so what's the difference? We're both lucky to be so good-looking. I don't see why we can't admit that about each other."

Siara nodded in understanding. "Alright, I see where you're coming from."

"Besides, he's dating the hottest girl in the universe, so he's gotta have something going for him!" Kelsey joked.

"Hey! I thought we were done with those!" Amanda objected, quickly giving Kelsey a slap on her perfect bubble-butt.

"Just for old times' sake, baby," Kelsey grinned while wiggling her shapely ass.

"You're both so gorgeous, it's incredible," Siara said earnestly. "In fact, all four of you are."

"Awww, thank you!" Kelsey and Amanda said at the same time, while Carynne and Stacey threw their British friend a big thank-you smile.

"I wish I was half as sexy as you girls are."

"Oh whatever, Siara!" Kelsey exclaimed. "Look at yourself, you're stunning! Ryan can't stop looking at you wherever he goes!"

Siara gave Kelsey a sweet smile. "Thank you, love, but you're all far more athletic than I am, and he does love athletic girls."

"You sure seemed athletic to me last night, Sia," Stacey said sensually.

Siara blushed a gorgeous shade of red, causing the four friends to grin.

"Well, we're so in shape because of our cheerleading," Amanda explained. "All that tumbling and flying and dancing does make you look really good."

"Especially in short skirts, right?" Siara giggled.

"They definitely don't hurt," Amanda grinned.

"Plus those skirts really make boys take notice," Kelsey added with a roguish smile. "Which is always fun!"

"Hell yeah!" Carynne agreed.

"So are you girls going to cheer at UCLA, or...?" Siara asked.

"We're not really sure yet," Kelsey replied. "Amanda wants to, but I haven't cheered in so long that I'm not really sure I'm up for getting in that kind of shape again. It takes years to get into competition shape, and then you completely lose it in a few months! It sucks! If Amanda does decide to go cheer, though, I'll likely join her. I love cheering with her."

Kelsey and Amanda shared a big smile. "I love cheering with you too, Kel," Amanda said happily.

"It doesn't show, at all, but why didn't you cheer for so long then, Kel, if it got you out of shape? Which it didn't!" Siara asked curiously with a teasing grin.

"I was pretty badly injured in a car wreck," Kelsey said, shrugging her shoulders. "By the time I was healed enough to go back to cheer practice, the school year was basically over."

Carynne suddenly began to cry, right beside her.

"Hey!" Kelsey said, quickly turning around, putting her hand on her girlfriend. "Don't cry."

"I'm sorry," Carynne sobbed. "I just can't help it. Every time I think back to that fucking accident, I see you lying in that bed, not moving, all those tubes stuck in you, and us not knowing if you were going to live or not!"

Kelsey sat up and pulled Carynne up as well, wrapping her in a warm embrace. "Sshhh, it's okay, baby. I got better."

"I know. I was just so scared, and I missed you so much!" Carynne whimpered. She planted her face against Kelsey's shoulder and broke down, huge tears streaming down her face.

Stacey and Amanda quickly joined the embrace, all three girls gently rubbing Carynne's back and shoulders, shushing her and whispering encouragements to her. Kelsey had her cheek resting on top of Carynne's head, and she gave Siara an apologetic smile.

Siara returned the smile, then she scooted alongside Amanda, joining in the comforting of Carynne.

Carynne cried for a few minutes, until her grief finally ran out. She looked up at Kelsey with a soft smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"You didn't, don't be silly," Kelsey said, giving her a tender kiss.

"I love you, Kel. I love you so much," Carynne said quietly.

"I know. I love you too, sweetie," Kelsey replied, blinking away a few tears of her own, though hers were from happiness rather than grief. Amanda and Stacey smiled at the two of them, and Amanda let out a silent shout of happiness that, for the first time in well over two months, she could watch Carynne and Kelsey be together and not feel jealous.

"So what about you two?" Siara asked Stacey and Carynne.

Carynne shrugged. "If Kelsey and Amanda go cheer, I'll join them, of course. I love cheering with them, but I'd be fine too if we don't. I really only ever got into cheer because it allowed me to wear short, skimpy skirts in school."

Everyone gave her a surprised look, and Kelsey actually gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," Carynne grinned, wiping away the last of her tears with the back of her hand. "My old school had this stupid dress code about skirts that said they had to be like below your knees. I hated that, and I quickly realized that the cheerleaders got to wear skirts that were like a foot shorter, and they were allowed to wear them during class if there was practice or a game that day."

"You little slut. You just went into cheer for the skirt!" Stacey said.

"Hey, whatever got me the attention of hot girls or boys!" Carynne giggled. All traces of her crying fit had already almost vanished again.

"I can't blame you, love," Siara said with a trace of envy in her voice. "I just wished that my boring prep school had had cheerleaders."

"Would you have fooled around with them if they'd had?" Carynne teased.

Siara blushed again, but she quickly nodded. "If they'd been as beautiful as you four, then absolutely!"

The girls laughed happily at that, before getting closer in a giant group hug.

"I really want to thank you. You've taught me so much since I've met you, and I love it. And I know Ryan does too!" Siara said earnestly.

"Yeah, I'll bet he does!" Kelsey grinned. "Did it look like he enjoyed himself last night, Stace?"

"Mmmm-hmmmm!" Stacey hummed with a happy smirk. "I'd say so, wouldn't you, Sia?"

Siara just nodded with a big smile. "And maybe now he'll finally leave me alone about wanting a threesome!"

"He might, but I won't!" Stacey laughed, and everyone burst into laughter again.

"What about you, Stacey?" Siara finally asked once everyone had stopped snickering and giggling.

"What about me?"

"Are you going to cheer at UCLA?"

"She hasn't decided yet if she's going to—" Kelsey started, but she stopped when Stacey raised her hand.

"Actually, I've been thinking about it a lot the last few days, and I just don't want to leave you guys," Stacey said decisively.

"So you mean..."

"I'm going to UCLA with you."

"Yes!" Kelsey screamed with utter joy, jumping on top of Stacey and hugging her so tightly her ribs nearly creaked. No sooner had she let up when Carynne also hugged Stacey, her joy at the news no less than Kelsey's.

"This decision of yours wouldn't have anything to do with Ryan and Siara coincidentally already attending UCLA, would it?" Carynne smirked at her former cheerleader captain.

Stacey actually blushed, throwing a guilty glance at Siara that spoke volumes about the answer to Carynne's question.

"You're a sweetheart," Siara said, leaning in close and giving Stacey a soft, tender kiss.

"So are you," Stacey said after their lips broke contact. "And you're a goddess in bed."

"Oh bollocks!" Siara laughed. "Compared to you I'm like a newborn babe! I didn't even know you could do about half the things you did to me!"

"Well, you're a little innocent, yeah, but you're so eager! I love it!" Stacey grinned happily.

"And don't worry about that innocence," Kelsey scoffed, a giant grin on her face. "Stacey will take care of that in a few evenings or less."

"Yeah, no kidding!" Carynne agreed.

"Oh, shut up, Carynne!" Stacey gasped. "I'll agree to corrupting Kelsey, but you were already beyond perverted when I first met you!"

"Whatever! I was a sweet, charming little angel, and you know it! You're the one who made me so dirty!"

Stacey half giggled, half snorted. "Angel?! Within like thirty seconds of getting you in my bed for the first time, you had three fingers jammed up my butt!"

"You were begging for it!"

"I did not!"

"You totally did! You were wiggling it around! Wiggling means 'please jam some fingers in my ass!'"

Both of them grinned at each other before they launched into a fresh parade of giggles.

Kelsey noticed Amanda sitting off by herself a little, not really joining in, and she quickly scooted over to her best friend. "You alright, Amanda?"

Amanda sighed. "I'm glad that everyone's going to UCLA, but... I still don't know if Damon will," she said quietly.

Kelsey's eyes grew as large as saucers. "Oh God, I'd completely forgotten about that! Dammit, I am so sorry!"

"It's not your fault."

"Come on," Kelsey said, getting up.

"Where are we going?"

"To talk to him. And there better be a damn good reason for his hesitation!" she said ominously.

"Kel, we're all having so much fun. I don't want to—"

"No. This is making you miserable, and if I hadn't forgotten about it, I'd be grumpy about it too. It ends now. Come on!" Kelsey said, pulling Amanda to her feet.

The two of them quickly walked towards the back of the boat, shading their eyes at the sunlight reflecting off the beautifully glistening ocean. They found Damon gazing out across the ocean, while Ryan had stretched out on one of the benches and was apparently taking a nap.

"Hey," Damon said with a big smile when he saw the two girls he loved most in the world come up to him. His gaze lingered on their amazing breasts, though his smile faltered when he saw Kelsey's scowl.

"We need to talk to you," Kelsey said, not in a terribly friendly way.

"What about?" he asked carefully.

"Why didn't you join us on the front deck?" Amanda asked. She squeezed Kelsey's hand hard, trying to get her to ease up on her angry looks; it didn't work.

"You girls were having a great time, I didn't want to intrude. Besides, it's nice to just sit here and think for awhile."
