Daddy's Little Girl Pt. 01


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With that I picked him up, threw him over my shoulder and carried him into the house.

"Come on, let's go in take a shower and have some fun."

One thing about living in Phoenix in the summer, you never have to worry about running out of hot water in the shower. We stripped, got into the shower, turned on the cold water only, and spent the next half an hour washing each other. After I had washed his back, Bill turned me around and soaped up mine and worked extra hard on back and shoulder muscles. I could feel the tension leaving my body. When he told me, I turned around and let the water rinse down my back, my eyes were closed, it felt heavenly. Suddenly I sensed that Bill was no longer standing in front of me; just as I opened my eyes, I felt him spread my pussy lips as he ran his tongue up one side and down the other. I spread my legs as far as I could to give him as much access as I could. Soon, almost too soon, I could feel the familiar signs of my approaching orgasm. I grabbed the back of his head just as he took my clit between his lips. It was more than I could stand. My orgasm hit me like a freight train, my legs weakened and I fell back against the back wall of the shower wall.

"Bill, Oh God, that's sooooo good."

He didn't stop. He continued to flick my clit with his tongue, alternating between licking, sucking and biting it. Soon, I felt another wave fire up through my body.

"I'm cumming again."

And still he continued. Now my orgasms seemed to run together into one long never-ending climax.

"Bill, please stop you're killing me."

I had to pull him by the hair to get him to finally stop. I looked down; he was still on his knees looking up at me, smiling as the water sprayed over my shoulder and into his face. He reached around me and shut the water as I continued to recover.

"Wow Bill, not that I'm complaining but what brought that on?"

"The whole time we were riding, holding you tight, feeling your muscular body as you maneuvered the bike, it was all I could do to keep from cumming then and there."

"Let's dry off and get into bed. Give me a chance to calm down a little more, then we'll see if I can't even the score."

We didn't eat until late that evening, but neither of us cared.

Chapter 17

We returned from our next run on the eighteenth. After dropping my load, Bill and I stopped at the post office, picked up our mail and headed home. Bill had received his bank statement and his paperwork from UA. Enclosed was a list of things that he needed to bring to school and some suggested items as well. I scanned the list; there was nothing there that we couldn't fit into the back of the El Camino. So after checking in with Jim, we headed to the mall to get everything he needed. Jeans, T-shirts, linens, a walkman and head phones, assorted school supplies and other essentials were all purchased and the bags placed under the tarp covering the back of the truck. I told him not to worry, if after he was there for a week or so if he needed anything else I'd be happy to pick it up and drop it off.

We tried to get in as much love making as we could in these last two nights, knowing that we'd have to wait several weeks before our schedules allowed us to spend a couple of nights together again. We tried not to think about his sister and her boyfriend; but that thought was never far from our minds.

On Monday morning, the 20th, we received a call from Jim.

"The boyfriend just picked up the sister; I followed them as far as Interstate 10. They got on heading south. I have no doubt that they're heading for Tucson. I called my buddy, Detective Vince Holly; he'll meet you at the administration building at 2:00. Gail, he'll provide as much backup as he can, but you will have to be on your toes at all times. Good Luck."

"Thanks for all your help, Jim. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to Bill."

We packed the remainder of Bill's things into the truck, tied down the tarp, and headed to Interstate 10 around 11:00. It was a two-hour drive to Tucson and I wanted to give us plenty of extra time to meet Vince.

We rode in silence, each of us thinking our own thoughts. As far as I was concerned I hoped that they tried something today so we could get this over with and have our lives return to normal.

We arrived in Tucson a little before 1:00, stopped at a burger place for a bite to eat, and waited until 1:45 before heading to the administration building. We parked the car and walked briskly across the campus, which was already bustling with students. I kept a sharp eye out for any suspicious movements, but since I only had a general description of the Karen and Dave, I had to depend on Bill to warn me if he spotted them. We made it inside the building. I spotted Detective Holly leaning against a wall near the admissions desks. Bill checked in while I introduced myself to Vince.

Vince was a no nonsense type of guy.

"I've got two female officers outside on the campus near Billy's dorm. If these people are dumb enough to try something in broad daylight we'll stop them. You're not armed are you? I don't want any of my people shot by accident."

"No, I don't own a gun."

"Good, I just want you to walk with Billy, help him move in. We'll be there, out of sight, as backup."

When Bill was done with his paperwork, we headed outside, back to the truck, and following the map provided by the office we drove to the dorm building where he was assigned. I parked as close as I could and started unpacking the truck. We each grabbed an armful of stuff and headed for his room. Students were coming and going so we blended right in. Bill unlocked the door of his room, which was empty; apparently his roommate had not yet arrived. We made three other trips before we had all of his things into his room. We locked the room and headed back to the truck to secure the tarp and lock it up.

On the way back to the dorm, Bill stopped short. A short woman about twenty-five years old was walking directly at us. She had a smile on her face and greeted Bill.

"Hi Billy, you had me worried sick when you disappeared like that. I just wanted to come down here and make sure you were all right and see if you needed anything."

She all but ignored me. I guess she thought I was someone from the University assigned to help new students move in.

"Come on Billy, taking him by the arm, I brought something for your room, help me get it out of the car."

She began to pull Bill toward the back of the building.

"Leave me alone, I don't want anything from you."

"You're coming with me."

"No, he's not."

I stepped around Bill and before she could do anything I hit her with a right, flush on the jaw. She crumbed to the ground out cold. Before I could do anything else, Dave appeared from around the side of the building. He had a gun pointed at me.

"Who the fuck are you, bitch?"

I put my hands up and stepped between him and Bill.

"I'm a friend of Bill's."

"Too bad for you. Pick up Karen and we're all going for a ride."

"I don't think so," I said hoping that Vince or one of the female officers would see what was happening.

"Pick her up I said or I'll shoot you right here."

He moved his arm up and pointed the gun at my head. I pulled my arm around my back and held Bill close to me so he wouldn't be easy to hit. I was never so scared in all my life.

Suddenly all three officers appeared out of nowhere yelling, "Police! Drop your gun!"

Dave turned and aimed at Vince as he approached. Three shots rang out. Dave jerked violently backwards against the building and fell to the ground. Vince kicked the gun away and checked for a pulse. He shook his head to the other two officers who were trying to calm the crowd of students running from the scene. One of the females ran up to Karen cuffed her hands behind her back and made sure she was not armed.

I turned to Bill; made sure he was all right and hugged him tightly to me. We were both pretty shaky as Vince secured the scene and call for back up and an ambulance.

We spent the next five hours at the police station, answering questions for the detectives and an assistant district attorney. I called Jim told him it was all over, that Dave was dead, Karen was in custody, and everyone here was fine.

When they were through with us, Vince drove us back to the dorm. Bill and I walked up to the building noting the section of the lawn that was taped off as a crime scene. It brought out a shudder of fear in me, as I relived the events of this afternoon. I had planned to walk Bill back to his room then, drive back home. When we opened his dorm room door, we noted that the other half of the room was still empty. Noting our good fortune, I stepped into the room, kicked the door shut, and locked it. We quickly threw sheets on the bed, stripped, and jumped into bed. After some mutual foreplay, I rolled over onto my back and pulled Bill over me. He entered me easily and soon we were both cumming.

I lay there afterwards, Bill resting in my arms, thanking god that our ordeal was finally over. We both fell asleep at some point still in each other's arms.


Six years went by so quickly. Bill graduated with highest honors and stayed on to complete his master's degree. He got a job working for an agricultural research company. His area of research involves extreme drought conditions and increased food production. He's planning on going for his doctorate degree.

Me, I'm still a truck driver, making the cross country run once a week. I still love my job but miss Bill being there with me. We live together in the same small house in the desert. My favorite time is the day that I get back from the east coast. I've changed the timing on my run so that I get back a day earlier in the evening. Bill is usually there to greet me with a beer, a kiss, and that wonderful cock of his.

About a month ago, I came home to an empty house. There was a note from Bill on the kitchen table.

Welcome home, Babe, I know you're tired, but I promise to make it up to you. Take a shower and get dressed in the clothes I've laid out for you. I want you to meet me in the lobby of "The Butte".

Love, Bill

I took my shower and when I entered our bedroom, I found a slinky off-the-shoulder black dress and a pair of black high heels. The dress fit perfectly. I added a silver necklace and checked the mirror. If I do say so myself, I looked pretty good; now for the shoes. I hadn't put on a pair of heels since my Dad's funeral. I hoped I could still walk in them. The heels fit perfectly as well. I checked myself one more time; this time the top of my head was cut off in the mirror. I thought,

'In these heels I must be close to 6'5".'

I went out to the garage in slippers, carrying my heels with me and started the El Camino. I must have been a sight when I pulled up to the valet. He opened my door and stepped back while I swung my legs out and changed from my slippers to my heels. As I stood up, I watched him give me the once over, starting from the ground up. I was at least ten inches taller than he was. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my backside as I walked into the hotel.

I paused; there was Bill, dressed in a tux, walking towards me.

"Hi Babe. Wow, you look wonderful. I will be the envy of every man here."

I bent down and kissed him,

"You don't look too bad yourself. What's going on?"

"You'll find out later. Let's go to dinner."

He led me to the restaurant; he had made reservations. We were seated by the windows and had a spectacular view of the city of Phoenix all lit up at night. It was breath-taking. We shared a bottle of wine and had a wonderful meal. We danced slow and close, Bill had his head on my chest as he led me around the floor. When the music finally stopped, we returned to our table, Bill signed the check and we left the room. Instead of heading out of the hotel, Bill led us to the elevators.

"I booked a room for the night."

He opened the door and followed me into the room. I walked in as if in a trance, taking in the décor and expanse of the room and the view of the city.

"Bill, it's beautiful, but they must have made a mistake. This looks like it must be the bridal suite."

I turned to find him down on one knee, a small black box in his hand. My jaw dropped, my hands covered my mouth, and my whole body began to shake.

"Gail, my love, my life, and my strength, will you marry me?"

My tears rolled down my cheeks; all I could do was nod my head emphatically as he rose and closed the distance between us. In the box were three rings; one had a row of diamonds on the top, and two were wedding bands.

"Gail, I know that most women dream of a big wedding with bridesmaids and gowns and receptions. But I know you're not like most women; you're truly one of a kind. I felt since neither of us has any family that we would want to see and few friends to celebrate with us, and neither of us is particularly religious, that tonight we would declare our love for each other and exchange rings in our own ceremony."

He took my hand in his, and placed two rings on my finger.

"These rings are a sign of my eternal love for you."

I took the last ring and holding his hand in mine, placed it on his finger.

"This ring is a sign of my eternal love for you."

We embraced and kissed and held each other tightly as we looked out over the city. Bill took my hand and led me to the bedroom. There was a round king sized bed with satin sheets; off to the side there was a hot tub with a view of the city. A bottle of champagne stood in a bucket of ice near the tub along with two glasses.

"Let's leave the hot tub and the champagne for later; right now I want my man to make love to me."

I kicked off my heels and slipped out of my dress as Bill shed his shoes and tux. We were both naked in record time and climbed into bed.

Our lovemaking was both intense and passionate. We acted like true newlyweds, exploring each other's body as if it were the first time. After about an hour during which we both came several times, we got up and walked over to the hot tub. Bill opened the champagne, filled the glasses, and we settled into the water. We sipped our champagne as we looked out over the city. We sat there holding each other in silence; there was no need for words. When the bottle was finished and the bubbles were gone, we left the tub, dried each other and returned to bed.

I awoke around 5 am, late for me, and watched as Bill slept, thinking to myself that I was truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband. I carefully slipped out of bed, not wanting to wake him. I left the room and opened the door leading out to the balcony. I stood naked, not caring if anyone could see me, taking in the view of the central valley in the pre-dawn light. Most of the valley was still asleep; the only sounds were the low groans of the tractor-trailers as they shifted through their gears out in the distance on Interstate 10. At that moment I remembered my Dad.

"Daddy, I got married last night. His name is Bill and he's a wonderful man. I think you'd like him. He's kind, sweet, gentle, extremely smart, and he makes me truly happy. I'm still driving your route. We've found a way to live our totally different lifestyles and make them work. And we love each other very much."

At that moment, a pair of hands slipped around me and caressed my breasts as I felt a pair of lips nibble at the back of my neck and as an erect cock snuggled between my thighs.

"Hmmmmm, I see my man is up."

"Come back to bed."


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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman9 months ago

Great. A little weak with his sister's plot as he is 18, therefore an adult and not under her control. Perhaps if Bill told her his new will, including the trust, was made out to Gail, she would give up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fantastic! !!!!!

Thank you so much. Going to read pt2 now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
fun story...good read

Loved the divergence in the characters and the interesting plot...also loved the Amazon like fucking...a great fantscy

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What a good yarn,one of the best!

Not to extreme, or rude a good story line

wiz666wiz666over 11 years ago
Beautiful, just beautiful.

Nice to see this kind of story, any chance of them having any more adventures together?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This was a great read. Thanks for taking the time to share it.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 11 years ago
I too read this on another site, and still loved it all the second time.

I hope there are more stories to come.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Absolutely wonderful, best I read for a long time.

larry74403larry74403over 11 years ago

This is the best story I have rad in a long time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Story!!!

I have read this story before, on another site. When I saw it posted here I just couldn't help but to read it again. It was well written and shows that strong willed people can have fragile hearts.

mcbtwsmcbtwsover 11 years ago

Absolutely terrific story. Wonderful read. Thank you.

NormCastleNormCastleover 11 years ago

There are love stories, there are sex stories, there are erotic stories....and as when love and sex are shared together, this story is truly the best I have ever read which includes all three elements and the marriage was my hoped for ending...thank you

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