Dark Travelers Ch. 10


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Horace wandered over soon after, clicking his tongue against his teeth. "Don't fret, Andi. She merely sleeps. She'll awaken soon. I promise."

Having no other choice but to believe him; Andi nodded, cradled Anya's head in her lap, and began stroking her hair. After a moment, the girl began a soft, crooning murmur. The wizard returned the nod without further comment and turned again to regard the newcomer with interest.

"Poggy-wogs!" Sway cried, obviously pleased to see the rotund little being.

She rushed over and threw herself into the stout man, crushing him with a giant bear-hug. The dwarf stood stoically enough, but grumbled with annoyance.

"Did ye miss me?!" She chirped, raking her knuckles back-and-forth across his head roughly.

"Aye, I did. Me aim sure ain't what it used t'be, sadly 'nuff." He replied calmly, taking the rough greeting with the air of someone who has put up with it many, many times before

At this, Sway appeared crushed, "yer so mean to me. I should feed ye to th' sharks."

"We be behind schedule now, ye know. Yer late," he continued, looking a bit disgruntled.

"Ach! Don't ye start in on me now! First him," she pointed dramatically at Kael, "with his 'hurry-ups' an' 'we must get goings'. An' now ye, with yer 'we be behind schedule' an'-"

"Remember wha' happened th' last time ye were late?" He continued, giving her a stern glare.

"Oh, no. No ye don't be bringin' that up again! I did not start that fire!" She declared, pointing a finger at his face.

"Ye were th' cause of it!"

"Slander and deceit!" She railed, drawing a pistol and pointing it at the dwarf's face threateningly.

Upon witnessing this; Kirik slowly turned and gave his brother a wide-eyed, questioning stare.

Kael, rather amused, merely shrugged and said, "she's a bit strange."

"Tch! Fine." The dwarf replied, spitting. "Still though, we need ta set sail. Soon. The sea be callin' me name. An' we need ta get that girly into a decent bed. A dock ain't no place for tha' sweet lass t'sleep." Peggins told her, pointing at Anya.

Sway widened her eyes as she glanced over at the dark-haired woman. Re-holstering her weapon, she snickered. "Oh-ho! So now ye act like yer a kindly, givin' being, do ye? Where be that generosity, I wonder, when I wanted t'shave yer head? Was it there, then? No! Was it there when I wanted to buy that elephant? No! How 'bout th' time when-"

Kirik cleared his throat, "excuse me, Sway, is it?"

Nodding pertly; she gave him her full attention and pushed her spectacles onto a higher position on her nose.

"We were advised by your gentleman there-"

"Me 'gentleman'?!" She squawked, snorting more laughter. "Ye mean Pogs?! Bwaaa ha ha haaaaa!"

"Ah, yes. Nevertheless, he advised us that you may be willing to grant us transport. Is this true?"

"Hmmmmmmmm," she murmured thoughtfully. "I reckon so. But, there still be th' issue of payment. Ye see, yer kin advised me tha' ye be th' one t'bargain with. So then? What can'ee offer me in return?"

For a moment, Kirik had no answer. Then he shrugged, "I imagine it would save us a lot of time if you'd just tell me what you want."

"Aye! So it would! Hmmmmmmmm," Sway lapsed into deep thought, one hand cupping her chin.

This went on for several moments. Just as Kirik was beginning to think she'd drifted off, the redheaded woman snapped her fingers and beamed.

"How 'bout ye just owe me a favor, hm? Tis a longish journey to Wyvern Rock, ye know. I'm sure I can think o'somethin' by then."

The elder didn't like the idea of being in someone's debt. Still, what choice did he have? They needed to sail, and this odd woman was their only option for passage. Slowly, he nodded.

"Tis done, then, Kirik. We've an agreement," she held out her hand to seal the deal.

Arching a brow; he merely stared at it, puzzled. Sway's face fell.

"Pardon me, but I don't believe these two know about handshaking, madam." Horace said, smoothly. "Perhaps this gesture?" He tapped three fingers against his chest.

Shrugging, the woman merely nodded and copied the wizard. As the elder's confused expression cleared, she brightened visibly. "Ye were right, wizard! Would ye look at that! Hee!"

Kirik nodded and returned the gesture, "yes. It is done. Do we leave now?"

"Sheesh. Alright already. Everyone seems t'be in such a hurry. Wyvern Rock ain't gonna go nowheres, ye know! Gah! Well come on, then! Follow me!"

The group watched as Sway danced up the ramp to her ship. For a moment, no one moved.

Finally, Kael nudged his brother. "Well? What's going on?"

Kirik inclined his head at the youngster, "she has agreed to take us. You did very well, youngling. I am pleasantly surprised."

The juvenile held himself a bit straighter, enjoying the rare praise. "Of course I did well, brother. You're the one who trained me."

"Collect your pets and let's get going, then." Kirik replied bluntly, jerking a thumb towards the blonde girl.

Without further ado, the elder moved towards Anya, gathered her up into his arms and started to stride away; much to Andi's dismay.

"No! Please don't take her away from me!" She begged, clutching her sister's arm.

Taters whined and pranced about uneasily. Something about this whole situation was just not right. Maybe they weren't all good-friends like he'd previously assumed.

Every time his Girl got upset, it was around one of the man-things. What if they were still danger-things? Had he been fooled again? Maybe so. But...but his new friend was so very nice and even occasionally paid attention to him. He was very, very confused.

The puppy licked his chops nervously and pawed his Girl's leg, trying to soothe her.

Kirik clenched his jaw and glowered down at the girl. Kael observed this and quickly inserted himself in between the Brat and the elder.

Shaking his head firmly at her; Kael grasped Andi's arm again and pulled her well out of reach of his brother. He watched her chin begin to tremble, then proceeded to point at Kirik, Anya, her, himself, and finally at the ship. As an after-thought, he also pointed down at the puppy.

Andi watched him closely and comprehension suddenly washed over her features. They would all be going together then; was what she surmised. Tilting her head, she gave Kael a cautious, searching look before reluctantly nodding.

The juvenile's surprise was apparent. He'd been expecting another outburst of defiance.

"Hmpf," he muttered, pleased, and patted her head.

The puppy noticed this and began to wag his tail hopefully. His new friend was petting his Girl and her unhappy-smell began to fade. Perhaps everything would be ok after all.

Andi glowered up at him, rather annoyed at the head-pats, but offered no further resistance as he pulled her up the ramp after Kirik. Tots trotted along after her, busily sniffing the entire way.

Horace had been quietly observing the entire event. After the main group had boarded the ship, a secretive smile crept over his lips and he sauntered up after them; pausing only to grab Anya's forgotten knapsack.


When Anya awoke, she was in an unfamiliar room in an equally unfamiliar bed. For a moment or two, she felt wonderfully refreshed and rested. However, this feeling passed rather quickly; and she sat up, glancing around frantically.

It was a smallish cabin-like room. As she began to get her bearings back, she realized that the place was undulating gently. Hesitantly, she crawled out from under the covers and peered around uncertainly.

"Welcome back, Pretty," a quiet voice greeted.

Snapping a look behind her; Anya saw Kirik sitting comfortably on an over-sized easy chair, watching her intently. Turning, she faced him with a puzzled expression clouding her features.

"Where am I?" She frowned, then felt her heart skip when she remembered her sister. "Where's Andi?!"

Kirik's relief was almost palpable. The woman had been asleep for hours, and he'd began to become a bit concerned. Outwardly, though, he appeared as cold and detached as he normally did.

"We're on a ship at sea. Your kin is off playing with her new friend somewhere on deck." He flapped his hand towards the door.

"New friend?" Anya questioned, turning to glance at the door.

"Yes. The Sway woman has apparently decided that your sister is her new best friend." He replied, still watching her closely.


"You're feeling better, then?"

Anya tilted her head and blinked, surprised at the query. "Ah...yes, actually. I feel quite good. What...what happened to me? The last thing I remember, we were walking around the harbor."

The elder settled back and crossed his arms across his chest. "The old man set you to sleep. You've been out for quite awhile."


Kirik shrugged, "you'd have to ask him."

"Andi is here and alright, though?" She replied, fretfully glancing towards the door again.

"She is."

"You swear?"

Before he had a chance to answer, the door to the cabin burst open. Sway pranced in with Andi in tow and the puppy following eagerly after. The blonde girl immediately ran to Anya and latched onto her; hugging the woman with fervor.

"You're awake! I was so worried!" She cried, peering into Anya's face. "Are you ok?"

Anya clutched her sister and decided right then that relief had to be one of the best feelings in the world.

"Aye, Sweet. And you? Are you well?" She took a step back a gave her sister a searching glance.

"Yes, Anya. I'm fine."

Taters pranced around with joy and jumped up on Anya, showing her how pleased he was to see her. When the woman knelt to pet him, the puppy covered her hand with sloppy kisses and wiggled with delight.

Sway watched the two sisters reunite with a pleased grin on her freckled face. She clasped her hands together with glee and bounced happily.

"Yer awake! Lovely! Andi Brat was very upset, ye know. I've been doin' me best to distract her."

Anya stared at the woman. "I don't believe we've been introduced."

"Tch, yer right. Where are me manners?" Sway bowed deeply and began to shake Anya's hand with enthusiasm. "I be Cap'n Sway, Anya! Welcome aboard!"

"Er, thank you," the dark-haired woman replied slowly. She certainly hadn't expected for the captain to be a woman.

"No, no! Thank ye! Do ye know how long it's been since I had some women-folk on me ship? Now I can show off all me pretty things and have them be appreciated. Ye know how th' men-folk are; they say something is nice or pretty, but ye can tell they don't really care. Oi! Would'ee like to see my chambers?" Sway stared at her expectantly.

Anya was at a loss. The woman was remarkably friendly and outgoing; hardly what she'd originally pictured when they'd first started searching for the captain. "Ah...uhm.."

Andi giggled softly, "it's ok, Anya. She's really nice. Look, she gave me this." The girl pointed to a small charm that now hung around her neck.

Anya dutifully looked, then gasped. "This" was an attractive abalone shell pendant, with a black pearl inlaid in the center.

She turned back to Sway, "you really shouldn't have-"

Sway waved off the protest, "nah, nah! None o' that! I've dozens of similar necklaces. Tis a pittance, really. Ye want one? I've another jus' like it!"

Kirik rolled his eyes and rose to a standing position. He was familiar with women-talk, and he knew it could go on and on. Now that the woman was awake and seemed to be in good health, he'd no urge to remain for boring, pointless conversation.

The elder was very weary, and anxious to get some rest himself. Hopefully, Kael was awake so he could take his turn. Without further comment, he walked to the door and left the three females to do whatever they wished.

Sway watched his departure with an amused grin.

After, she tossed Anya a lewd wink, "yer boyfriend there never left yer side the whole time ye were out. Was a sweet sight, it was. D'awwww."

"He is not my boyfriend!" Anya exclaimed, shaking her head in negation.

The redhead appeared surprised, "he ain't? Sure acts like it."

"No. He most certainly is not."

Sway gave her a dubious glance but shrugged, "whatever ye say, Anya. So then, now that we can chat privately, how 'bout we all have a sit-down, hm? Tell ol' Sway what be goin' on here. I tried to ask the purple creatures, but th' youngun canna understand me anymore fer some reason, and th' hard ass there, " she gestured towards the door, "just stared at me. What a bugger he be."

"We've been kidnapped and forced to accompany them." Anya said staunchly, with an unhappy expression.

Andi's smile faded and she glanced around uncomfortably. She'd been able to forget her troubles these last few hours; she and Sway had actually been having quite a good time.

Also, Kael had immediately gone to sleep when they'd boarded. So she'd also been left alone. Now though, the girl was reminded of her worries and she took a seat in the armchair with a sigh.

Sway nodded, "aye. Andi Brat already told me that. Why though?"

"He needs me in order to translate some scroll."

The captain pursed her lips and arched a brow, "needs ye fer what?"

Anya sighed, and also took a seat on the edge of the bed. "It's a long story."

"Oh boy! I love stories! An' we've got some time, we do. C'mon then, let's have us some girl-talk," Sway replied excitedly, clapping her hands together and collapsing on the bed next to Anya.

The elder sister smiled in spite of herself. It was rather nice to have another woman around. Sighing, she began to tell their tale; starting with the day that she and Andi had gone to the festival.


Kael awoke and slowly opened his eyes. Two other pairs of eyes stared solemnly back at down him. Jerking upright, he bared his teeth and snarled.

The children let out startled squeals and scampered back out of reach. The juvenile rolled to his feet and glowered over at the two young ones. He must've been quite tired; it was a rare thing for someone to be able to sneak up on him, even while sleeping.

"YAH!" The boy-child shouted, dashing forward and prodding the tall creature with a small, wooden sword.

The younger brother arched a brow as the boy continued to jab and poke him, pausing every now and then to hitch up his pants. Kael's mouth slanted to the side and he shot the youngster a patronizing stare.

"Stop it, Evan. He might bite you," the little girl whispered fretfully, hanging back and wringing her hands together with worry.

"I'm not ascared of him! And if he tries anything, I'll stick 'im! YAH!" He cried again, and waved the toy weapon around with a sloppy flourish.

Kael's upper lip curled and he shook his head with scoffing derision, "lur zoht hrarlirl melitri drotz greel, lur tohnt."

Evan ignored the unfamiliar language and continued to dance around Kael; mock-attacking him without fear.

Finally, the juvenile drew one of his own blades. With a quick, practiced flick of his wrist, he caught the tip of the child's toy sword and sent it sailing across the cabin. In the same smooth motion, he brought the blade back down swiftly, stopping just as the sharp edge touched the child's face.

Kael smirked, "Lur zrita? Zan lur neel orl gramitz."

Evan's mouth dropped open and he froze. The boy's eyes crossed as he peered at Kael's huge sword, which was resting lightly on the bridge of his nose. Finally, he bounced back out of reach, but a huge grin spread across his face all the same.

"Woah!" He cried, delighted. "Didja see that, Ree? Didja see how fast he was?! Didja see how close it came to cutting me before it stopped?! Woah! Neeeeat!"

Ree wasn't as impressed. When she'd seen the two monsters coming aboard, she had run to go and hide. If it wasn't for Evan finding her and cajoling her to come out, she wouldn't even be here now.

"He's scary, Evan. We should go."

"No way! Do it again!" Evan demanded, darting forward and pulling on Kael's wrist; gesturing that he should swing his arm again.

Kael examined the two children with some interest. They were obviously human, like the Brat was. The girl-child had the same black hair and blue eyes that the boy did, and he idly wondered if they were siblings. The boy-child's awe was obvious, and the juvenile couldn't help but smile smugly. Apparently, he knew greatness when he saw it. Smart lad.

The door to the cabin swung open suddenly and Kirik poked his head in, peering around expectantly. Upon seeing his brother awake, the elder's expression brightened into one of anticipation.

"Good. You are up. Have you rested enough? If so, I also need to slee-" Kirik broke off as he noticed the two human children. He tossed Kael a pointed look, "what are you doing?"

The juvenile shrugged, "nothing. They were in here when I woke up. The boy thinks he is a fighter, though. But you should have seen the amateur way he was holding his sword. I think he's even worse than I was when you found me."

Kirik appeared dubious, "I doubt that's possible. You were awful."

Kael drooped, "by the hells you are unforgiving."

"No matter. You've the next watch. I need to rest. Get the brats out of here." He replied, waving his hand towards the children.

Ree had shrunk back behind her brother when the other monster came in. She really, really didn't want to be in here. She'd only come out of hiding because Evan had told her that the girl with the puppy was in this room. They weren't though; she really should have known better. Evan was always fibbing to her.

Evan wasn't as shy or fearful at all. He watched Kirik with the same bright curiosity that he'd shown with Kael.

"You think this one can sword-fight like him too?" He muttered to Ree, pointing towards Kael.

Kirik arched a brow and considered the young one. "Yes, I can."

The boy widened his eyes in surprise, "you can understand me, too?!"


"Neeeeeeeat! So why are you purple?"

The elder heaved a sigh, "why are your eyes blue?"

Evan cocked his head, brow furrowed in concentration. "Cause I was born with- ...Ohhhhhhh."

Kirik nodded, "it is the same for me. Now get out. I want to sleep."

The child shrugged and went to retrieve his sword, "ok. C'mon, Ree. Let's go see if there's anything to eat."

The girl nodded eagerly and followed her twin out, glancing back at the Feylak brothers with a suspicious frown.

Kael watched them leave and smirked again. "The boy reminds me of myself when I was young."

Kirik had already collapsed onto the sleeping platform. Now, he cracked an eye open and regarded his sibling with thinly veiled annoyance.

"Oh? So he gives you a headache and you wish to throttle him?"

The juvenile sulked at this. "You are such an asshole when you're tired."

"And yet you remain. If you were smart, you'd think you'd leave me in peace."

"Fine! I'm going!"

As his brother stormed out, Kirik cracked a small smile and drifted off to sleep.



Krilat krotz jhonta harlo. - Do not touch her.

Lur zoht hrarlirl melitri drotz greel, lur tohnt. -- You are holding that all wrong, you realize.

Lur zrita? Zan lur neel orl gramitz. -- You see? Now you have no weapon.

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MabthornMabthornalmost 12 years ago

It is just too funny to have the dark, brooding, bad-ass brothers surrounded by children, a hyper lady captain, a dwarf & a mocking parrot. It gives playfulness & lightness to the story, to go along with as intense eroticism & tension/worry for the girls when they are kidnapped & on their forced march. Kael is definitely showing a lighter side, too; he is growing on me.

u5969u5969over 12 years ago
just rollocking good fun!

Glad I ran into this story. As the subject

line indicates, this is a grand tall tale

worthy of a fine raconteur. My thanks!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago

I wonder if Sway will become an ally for the two women, or if her interest in them is transitory.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

the depth of the story has changed w/the addition of all the new characters. So far everyone is involved in the scroll, making me wonder if that is about include the captain and her first mate? And if so how? What's going to happen between Andi and Keal and there, for lack of a better word, relationship? And it looks like things are about to blossom between Anya and Kirk? I look forward to following their progress. I still haven't mentioned the wizard.

Next chapter please! Don't make me go back to waiting a long time between chapters. You have spoiled me, so it's your fault I don't think I should wait. I like how I put that all on you. hehe-he

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Noice :)

Sway is my fave at the moment :). I really like the story, it's fun and well written. Now I'm going to be a dick and harp on one grammatical point. When you use speech marks, the first word inside should have a capital letter. Told you I was gonna be a dick :)

Anyways, it's really good. Keep it up please.

canndcanndover 12 years ago

You continue to do a wonderful job on this story. I enjoy all the amusing conversation and characters. I look forward to the story moving forward toward their goal too. I don't think you've told us what the scroll might have on it. I have to look back to remember what they need to do to Anya to read it.

*I'd like to see you have the wizard be able to make another ring so Kael could talk too. The brothers could still talk in their language leaving the others unsure of what is going on when they do. It would go along with Horace's personality to say 'yeah I can make one, you never asked me to'.

Who are the little kids?

Looking forward to more!!! Hope we see another chapter soon!

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago
Thank you

Loved the update Kirik is still my fav.

MtannerMtannerover 12 years ago

Another great chapter please keep posting them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Now c'mon! Lets get some action with Kirik and Anya!

GinaTinaGinaTinaover 12 years agoAuthor
Hello folks...

:D Comments already! Yaaaaay!

I wanted to let y'all know that I have a Twitter account now...finally. You'll be able to read updates and excerpts now. It's probably a better way for me to let y'all know what's going on, hm?

Join me! @OoGinaTinaoO Email: Ginasyric@yahoo.com

And as always, keep the feedback coming. I <3 it.

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