Dark Travelers Ch. 12


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Taters sat at attention at his Girl's feet. After a moment or two of stuffing her face, Andi finally noticed the small dog. Swallowing a mouthful of beef, she threw the puppy several thick slices. The puppy wagged his tail furiously as he gobbled down this rare delicacy. His Girl must be very pleased with him to be offering fresh meat.

Anya ate much more delicately. After she'd had her fill, she swished her mouth out with some water and dabbed her mouth with a cloth napkin.

"Here," Sway slid a small shotglass full of an amber-colored liquid at her. "Try this. It's mighty tasty."

"What is it?" Anya asked, giving the glass a dubious glance.

"Whiskey." Sway replied, eyes alight with mischief. "You too, Andi! Have some. Ye two look like ye need t'relax a tad." She poured Andi a shot as well and slid it over to her.

Andi stared down at it, then gave it a sniff. "Ugh! It smells awful!"

"Aye, it do. Burns like hell on the way down, too," the captain replied with a giggle.

Anya grimaced, "I'm not much of a drinker."

"Ye don't say!" Sway appeared quite surprised. However, the gleam in her eyes brightened a bit.

Andi slowly curled her fingers around her cup and brought it up to her lips. Anya started to throw her a stern glare, then changed her mind, shrugged, and waved her on.

How could she refuse? Could she really blame the girl if she wanted to get a little drunk? What could it harm? Especially now? With a surprised expression at her sister's acquiescence, Andi drank the contents of the glass in one gulp.

Sway watched with interest as the girl grimaced and coughed a couple of times. "Good job! Yer turn, Pretty Anya. Then me. Don't keep me waitin' fer me turn now!"

Almost guiltily, Anya took a quick swallow of her own drink. Fire coursed its way down her throat and she gasped, waving a hand in front of her mouth. "Gah! It's terrible!"

"Hee! Ain't it? But if'ee drink more, ye get used to it quicker. Go on. Drink! Drink! Drink!" Sway tossed back a shot of her own and immediately poured another round for all three of them.

After she watched the sisters take another, Sway held up her hand and smiled, "Enough fer now. Ye two be lightweights! Can't have ye pukin' all over me floor. Pogs would hate to have t'clean it up!"

Quit soon thereafter, Andi felt a warm sensation begin to bloom in her belly and she smiled. She suddenly felt much more optimistic than she had in days. The room swam slightly and she began to giggle.

"I feel funny, Anya."

The dark-haired sister nodded and tossed her a rather silly grin, "Aye Sweet. Me too. I-I...uhm...I, erm... Oh, dear. I forgot what I was going say."

Anya tried to say something else, but her words got tangled with one another and tapered off into a fit of giggles.

Sway was observing the two with obvious amusement when the door to the meal hall opened again. Glancing over, she saw the two creatures enter, peering around curiously. Their armour was shining brightly and they appeared squeaky clean and refreshed.

Grinning, she waved them over, "Oi! Over here! Come and eat! Yer part o' the reason we have such a feast this evenin'!"

"Uh-oh. We're in trouble now," Andi murmured, hiccuping a bit.

The younger sister tried to stand, lost her balance and sat back down heavily. She appeared entirely surprised before giggles of her own bubbled up and out of her mouth.

"Hee! I fell!"

Anya's musical laughter rang out above the clamor.

As they approached, Kirik arched a brow at her behavior and started to examine her a bit more closely.

Kael tilted his head and did the same, but lost interest in her when he caught sight of his Brat. She was laughing and smiling too. He'd never seen her do that before.

Sensing someone staring at her, Andi turned to regard him. "What are you looking at?" When she recieved no response, she stood again, this time successfully, and gave his chest a sharp poke. "Well?!"

He wouldn't have been able to appear any more astonished if he'd tried. At seeing his wide-eyed expression, Andi grinned up at him and laughed again. Kael stared back down at her, nonplussed.

She'd smiled at him.

He'd never seen her do that before, either. It made the inside of his chest feel a bit peculiar.

Almost fluttery.

"What is wrong with her, brother? She is acting strangely. More so than usual."

"They are intoxicated." Kirik replied, watching the woman carefully. He turned to Sway, "I suppose you gave them the alcohol?"

"I sure did!" she said proudly. "Can ye blame me? They've had a rough time of it lately, from what they've been tellin' me. Won't do em' any harm, ye know. 'Sides, I wanted to see what would happen if I got 'em a lil' soused. Ain't they cute?"

Kirik's mouth thinned slightly, "And you? Are you drunk as well?"

"Hah! Takes more n' a coupla shots t'get me wasted! Them two, though," she jerked a thumb at the sisters, who appeared blithely unconcerned with pretty much everything around them now. "Two sips and they're gone. Hee!"

Kael watched Andi with a faint smile. Perhaps she'd been right about the drunkard. This was rather amusing.

The girl stared up at him and jutted her chin out, poking him the chest again. "You don't scare me, you know."

"What did she say, brother?" He asked, still bemused.

"She said she doesn't fear you."

Kael tilted his head thoughtfully and his smile grew into a crooked grin. He began to move towards her when a happy cry sounded from across the room.

"Kayell!" Evan had spotted the juvenile and sprinted towards the group.

"Gods..." Kael muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Hi Kayell! Look what I learned to do!" Evan twirled his sword in a sloppy circle and beamed proudly.

Kirik smirked, "You have made a friend, it seems."

"He's taken to following me around. I don't know how to make him go away." The youngling replied sourly.

"Curious. I feel much the same about you. If you do figure a way to make him leave you be, do share."

Glowering at his elder, Kael nodded at the boy and began to edge away. He made his way towards the food and snatched up a hunk of mutton; ripping into it and chewing with obvious enjoyment.

Evan pranced after him, yammering up at the juvenile Feylak as if he could understand. Kael glanced down at the youngster once or twice as he ate, appearing supremely uncomfortable.

"Are ye gonna have somethin' t'eat as well, creature?" Sway questioned, tossing back another shot.

"Later, perhaps. We don't need to eat as often as you humans seem to."

"And why is that?" Anya asked, propping her face up on her hand. A dazed smile was stretched across her mouth.

Kirik glanced down, seemed to debate with himself for a moment, then took a seat on the bench next to her.

"We are built to survive for long periods without sustinance. It is necessary, seeing as prey isn't terribly abundant where I come from. And what is available isn't easy to kill."

"Where are ye from?" Sway piped up, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Kirik tossed her a considering glance, "The Deadlands."

The redhaired woman's mouth dropped open. "No! Are ye, really?"


"How do'ee survive there?!"

"I just told you."

Sway smacked her forehead and shook her head, grinning with amusement. "Nah, nah, nah! I meant, how do'ee survive in the elements? Tis completely frozen. No cover nowheres; or so I've heard it told."

The elder paused and appeared thoughtful again. Finally he gave a shrug and continued, "We dwell inside a mountain of ice. The Great Glacier, as it's called. The elders of my elders carved several cities into it many, many centuries ago. And besides, we've evolved to tolerate extreme temperatures."

"So why are ye here, then?"

"To take back what is rightfully ours," he replied, eyes flaring briefly.

Sway's easy smile faded, "And what be that exactly?"

Kirik's expression grew cold and determined. "Everything."


An uneasy silence followed. Anya wasn't terribly surprised with the admission, though. With the way that they behaved, it didn't come as a complete shock that his was a race of conquerors.

"I still don't understand why you need me, then." She finally said. "Your people seem entirely able to do such a thing themselves; if you and your brother are any indication, that is."

"Not with things as they are currently, Pretty." Kirik reached out and slid a finger over her cheek. "Your skin holds the key. Or will, I should say."

The dark-haired sister cringed back, head still swimming. "I hold no key! You are mistaken."

He smiled rather kindly at her, but didn't offer any more explanation. Sway appeared deep in thought; her usually animated features were withdrawn and pensive. Andi, however, had dozed off; her head buried in her arms.

"I-I need some fresh air, I think," Anya stammered, rising unsteadily to her feet.

"Aye, ye look a might pale," Sway said, eyeing her with faint concern. "Don't be fallin' overboard now."

At these words, Kirik stood as well. "I will go with you."

"No! No, no. That is unecessa-"

"Silence. I can't have you stumbling drunkenly about in the dark, or falling into the water. All would be lost," he snapped, seemingly displeased with her refusal.

Her eyes shot sparks at him as she distractedly ran a hand through her hair. Glancing down at Andi, she turned to regard Sway once more. "Look after her for me for a little while? Make sure no one," here, she flicked her gaze over towards Kael, "bothers her."

Sway grinned and winked up at Anya, "Aye, I will. Ye've me word. Go on, get yer air." The captain flapped her hand at her in dismissal.

Anya nodded, gave Kirik one last mistrustful glance, then began to make her way towards the door. The elder Feylak hung back for a second, watching her hips sway back and forth, before moving to follow her.

She politely tried to move in between the tables and chairs of drunken men, when one noticed her passing by. The alcohol made him bold and he gave Anya's arse a sharp slap as she passed. The woman gasped, and whirled around immediately; rubbing at her back end.

Kirik approached, his stride still casual, then paused to glance down at the man. The pirate peered blearily back up at him with a drunken grin plastered across his face.

"She be taut, tight, n'tender, creature. Mayhaps ye'd consider passin' 'er around when yer done with 'er?"

The elder Feylak didn't respond, earning raucous laughter from the pirate's group of chums. Across the room, Sway perked up and began to watch with growing curiosity.

"Silence be consent!" The man shouted laughingly, this time slinging an arm around Anya's waist.

Kirik's eyes narrowed as he followed the movement of the human's arm. A slight crease appeared in his brow.

Outraged disgust welled up in Anya's chest. "Pig!" She cried.

The alcohol fueled her anger; she jerked out of his grasp and slapped him as hard as she could. The room suddenly grew quiet again; many pairs of eyes had turned to watch the escalating scene with interest.

"Ach! Bloody bitch!" He shouted, raising a hand to strike her back.

Kirik's arm snaked forward and caught the man's hand in his own. The Feylak's eyes began to brighten as he stared down at the him. Slowly, he began to squeeze.

Sounds of crackling and splintering were very loud in the omnious quiet. Then, the hapless pirate began to scream.

Kirik did not let go. He increased the pressure, bit by bit. As he did, the man's shrieks grew in intensity and pitch until the elder Feylak thought his throat would rupture.

Across the room, Kael crossed his arms, leaned back against the wall and grinned in appreciation. He rarely got to witness his brother teaching someone other than himself a harsh lesson; but when it did happen, it was always memorable.

Sway widened her eyes but made no move to interfere; she'd already warned her men to keep their hands to themselves. Anya belonged to the creature, after all. It was not her place to intrude, even if it was an attack on one of her own.

Anya's mouth dropped open in dismay. "Stop!" She cried.

Kirik ignored her. His casual expression had finally melted into one of constrained fury. He squeezed even harder and lifted the shrieking man off the ground; leaving him to dangle in front of him helplessly.

Blood began to drip from the Feylak's clenched fist and patter to the floor.

"Stop! Please, stop! Kirik!" Anya screamed, latching onto his arm and attempting to pull it down.

Again, it was like trying to move a stone statue. He didn't budge an inch.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Kirik released him. The pirate fell to the floor, moaning and clutching his wounded hand; if it could indeed even be called a hand anymore. It now more resembled butchered beef than a human appendage. What was left of his fingers now stuck out in impossible angles in all directions.

The elder brother gazed down at him callously, upper lip curling in contempt. "Get out of my way."

The panting, whimpering man immediately found the strength to scrabble back and cringe against the nearest wall. The entire room was a quiet as a crypt now. Without another word, Kirik grabbed the back of Anya's neck and led her out of the meal hall.

When they were out of sight, Sway finally strode over and glared down at her injured crewman.

"Didn't I warn ye? Ye colossal fucking idiot." She sighed, "Come on then, let's try an' get ye tended to."


Kirik silently led Anya up the stairs and onto the main deck. As soon as there was enough room, the older sister broke free and darted away from him. When she was satisfied with the distance between them, she stopped and regarded him with huge, horrified eyes. In spite of everything, she'd almost forgotten his capacity for casual savagery.

"How could you?" She whispered.

"Easily enough. Your bone structure is very feeble."

"That isn't what I mean and you know it! She shouted.

"Watch your tone, woman," he warned.

Anya's cheeks were flushed with self-righteous wrath, "I will not! What you did just now was terrible!"

Kirik abruptly strode towards her, closing the gap between them with remarkable swiftness. His features were twisted in frustrated anger; and he took hold of her jaw once again, tightening his grip painfully. He leaned in close and studied her for a long while; so near, Anya could feel his breaths tickle her skin.

Finally, after what seemed hours, he began to speak. "You are obstinate and headstrong. Just like your sister. The only difference is subtlety."

"I hate you," she hissed, eyes full of defiant spite.

For a moment, she thought he would strike her. But unexpectedly, he smiled. She felt his hand loosen until it was no longer painful and he started to caress her cheek. He came even closer, until his mouth was hovering mere inches from her ear.

"I wonder," he whispered, "what you will do when I finally penetrate that strong will of yours, and bring it to a quivering end?"

Anya gasped and jerked back; cheeks heating up with some strange emotion she was unable to define. His comment had thrown her completely off guard, and left her feeling vaguely threatened. She was unsure why, because his words didn't exactly invoke thoughts of pain. Watching him warily, Anya backed away until there was a comfortable distance between them once again.

The night was quiet as death as they gazed at one another.

A soft clearing of a throat broke whatever spell that held them. Both of their heads turned to find Horace watching them with a gleam in his eyes.

"Excuse my interruption, but Anya is needed down below."

"For what?" Kirik questioned.

"I don't know. Sway requested that I fetch her."

"Very well." The elder Feylak turned towards her. "You heard him, woman. Go."

Grateful for the distraction, Anya scrambled towards the stairwell. She made sure to give Kirik a wide berth as she passed, tossing him one uncertain glance as she started down. Horace hung back and continued to watch the elder brother, a small smile playing across his features.

"Leave me, old man."

"'And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty, and beauty stayed his hand. And from that day forward, he was as one dead.'" Horace intoned softly.

"What nonsense are you prattling on about now?"

"Oh nothing. Just something I heard somewhere, sometime; in my many, many years of life. It seemed apt in this situation."

Kirik turned away, upper lip lifting in a snarl, "Infuriating wretch."

"My sincerest apologies, Elder. I will leave you now." The wizard bowed slightly, and began to descend after Anya.

Kirik didn't offer a reply; only gazed out at the sea, thoughts troubled.

After a few moments, snow began to fall.

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Purplepickle6363Purplepickle6363about 4 years ago
Please come back!!

I know you haven’t updated in a long time but please do I want to know what happens!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please finish!

I love this story! So sad it’s not finished!

EllelollietteEllelollietteover 5 years ago
I need more

Oh the sadness that is an unfinished story! You are such a brilliant writer I hope you continue it one day!

bearminxbearminxover 5 years ago

I wished you had finished it

Oweary1Oweary1about 6 years ago
Come back

Or pls tell us where we can purchase it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Can't believe the author dropped this story. Easily one of the bests on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Best series ever. Your characters are rounded and admirable. I've fallen in love with your style... why'd the writing stop? Xx Hope all is well, thanks for sharing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More please!

I only just discovered this story yesterday and I am completely hooked!!!! I've been reading stories on the site for YEARS and this one is easily my favorite! I really hope you decide to finish it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Is this the end?! This can't be the end!

This story is amazing, and I've waited so long for it to be updated! Please tell me this isn't it! Your writing is awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
oh golly wonderful story so far!

I would love to see where they go from here. Haha gravy, with that wizards shopping list this story could go on for a while :)

Shanin1967Shanin1967over 8 years ago
Please don't leave us hanging!!!

I just printed dead this whole story! I need it to be finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This story was excellent. Please, please, please continue.

bigcat33bigcat33about 9 years ago

It has been a long time since I have discovered a great story on this subject. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of wonderful stories like this circulating on different websites like this one. Then there are those that are so well written that they are in a league of their own. This is one of those stories and I would very much like for it to be completed. I know the author says that this story was or is intended on being a novel. So if she has published this story I would very much like to know so that I may be able to purchase it. If it has not been published yet I would like to know where to go to read the rest of this awesome story. I hope she will continue it. I have went on this journey with Andi and Anya and would like to know the outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

If you search for Ginae Evans Adult Fan Fiction and go to Chapter 12 of the series "Dark Travelers", you will find that she did write a little more than what she submitted here. It was nice to get a little more taste of "Dark Travelers. I hope that soon she will let us know what her intentions are about finishing the series. I believe that she has posted in other social media that this series has developed into three books. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up given how woefully lacking information is. I can't but hope that eventually the series will be completed in some fashion.

blu_brat16blu_brat16almost 10 years ago

please dont leave it like this. this story is amazing!!!!

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