Dixie Ch. 02


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"You are a perfect shit, do you know that?"

He smiled and said, "I'm just looking for the same intimate thoughts and details you are hoping I'll share."

"I don't know if I can answer that honestly because I have a problem."


"No. Like I said, I've never met Chuck, but I do know you. I know what you look like and even what it feels like having your arms around me when you carefully kissed me that day. I know what you feel like in my arms and how good you are at looking into me." She took a breath then and admitted, "When I allow myself to enter the scenario that you just described, it isn't Chuck that I can envision. It's you. There, I've told you and I've also told Holly the same thing when she and I talked one day."

"Well you've managed to fluster me Linda. I don't know quite what to say to that other than, I like your thoughts."

"Okay damn it Loren, did you make love to Sandy?"

"I'll leave that to Holly to answer. When you ask her, tell her I said that I don't care what she decides to share with you."

She smiled then and said, "Well until Holly and I do talk, I think it will be safe for me to assume that you did. Okay, I won't pry anymore, but damn it, now I'll be thinking about our conversation when I go to bed tonight."

"And it was you that wanted to get into this subject."

Her voice had what he thought of as a plaintive tone to it as she said, "I know, but damn it, I wasn't expecting to see you sitting there naked."

He quickly looked down and then smiling told her, "You really scared me for a second."

"Now don't make fun of me."

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm feeling just a little awkward at the moment."

"Oh, now you've had other women think about you naked."

"Maybe so, but they didn't admit it, and on top of that, I'm looking at you the same way now."

She flushed slightly as she sat up straight and said, "Loren, now stop that. You're just trying to rattle me now."

"Not at all. I'm impressed by how calm and in control you've been. It isn't hard for me to see you naked and sunning on the Skinny Dippin'.

She stood up, but her smile persisted as she said, "Maybe we better get back to work." They met in the middle of the living room, but before they went far, Loren stopped her and put his arms around her. "Loren what are you doing?"

"Imagining what you would feel like naked and in my arms."

She didn't release her hold on him, but she quickly looked up at him and said, "Now stop that."

"But feel your arms around me. Be honest, aren't you feeling my warm back under your hands right now?"


Then he kissed her. A tender, lingering kiss, but he kept his hands on her back as she returned his kiss and her hands explored his back. His cock was hard and he was sure she knew that, but he didn't mind that thought at all. She felt so different in his arms. So different than either Holly or Sandy felt. Fuller figured, but firm and responsive to his touch and his kiss. Her breasts, he knew, would look great in a tiny bikini and he felt them against his chest. Their kiss dissolved into a warm embrace as she forced herself to tell him, "Loren we better stop this and focus on other things."

"I'll do my best, but I can't promise you anything."

They finally had the papers roughly alphabetized and put back into the file folder and Linda was ready to get away from Loren for awhile. As he followed her to the front door he kissed her again and her determination not to respond to him left her instantly. Again the kiss was tender and lingering until she pulled back and told him, "Damn you Loren, we have to stop doing that."

"Okay, you're right, and I will confess to Holly because it's all my fault."

"It is not and you know it. Tell her the truth because I'll be talking to her as well."

As she walked to her car, Loren called after her, "Thanks for the wonderful evening."

She stopped at her car door and told him, "Thank you Loren, it's been fun exciting, scary and so much more. Night," and she got into her car and left.

Chapter Twenty Five

Holly heard the garage door so she went out and greeted him with a kiss. "Hi honey, how was your day?"

"Full, but not too bad. How is your grandma?"

"I got to see her and talk to her, but I expect to hear any time now that she's died. I'm really glad I got there when I did."

"How long have you been home?"

"Oh about three hours. Loren, I spent a lot of that time talking to Linda."

"Damn, I was hoping we could talk first."

"And we do need to talk. Change your clothes and I'll meet you in the den." Her expression told him nothing. She wasn't smiling, but she didn't show anger either. Her voice wasn't any different and her words were civil and even. But he still knew that he had really screwed up and had to find a way to apologize to her and to make it up to her. He quickly stripped and put on jeans and a light shirt and went to the den.

She was sitting on the couch so he joined her, but she didn't smile or offer a kiss, so he took her hand and told her, "Honey, before I get into what happened, I want to tell you how sorry I am. Maybe better words will come to me as I confess, but I don't know how I can show you how I wish I would have behaved." He walked her through the whole evening with Linda and leaving nothing out.

"Loren you had a few hours with her and you couldn't manage go control yourself for that long?"

"I have no excuse honey. We worked hard to put the damn file back together and nothing happened. But...I don't know, somewhere along there I lost touch with reality. I take full blame for what happened. Linda didn't initiate either of the kisses."

"Loren we've been married a very short time and this has already happened, so how am I supposed to think about this? You have disappointed me so much. It isn't the kisses. My God you manage to kiss about every woman you meet. But the road hadn't cooled where I drove before you had your arms around her. Okay, I'll say this much. Linda told me that it was she that brought up the naked sunbathing and that whole area of conversation. She said she was full of questions and rather than wait until I was around she charged ahead."

"I didn't tell her that we had made love to Chuck and Sandy though."

"I know, she told me, but she knew we had because you didn't deny it. You just told her to talk to me."

"As soon as I said that, I knew that I'd screwed up."

"Did you touch her?"

"I did not touch her."

"Of course having your arms around her and your tongue deep in her mouth is touching her."

"Yes, you're right. Okay I didn't touch her between the legs, her butt or her breasts and she didn't touch me."

"Loren, this can't happen again. Not with Linda or anybody else unless we're together and you know I don't mind. And try to stay out dangerous situations like Linda put you in last night."

"Are you mad at her?"

"I'm not exactly pleased, but I forgave her. She thinks you're pretty hot by the way."

"Well she's not bad herself."

"You really didn't touch her breasts? I mean they're pretty good sized."

"Yes they are, but at least I behaved myself in that area."

"Okay, you're forgiven too, but I'm not going to leave you two alone together again."

"You can because I will behave."

"I know you mean it and I know Linda meant it when she told me the same thing, but if you two were to get together again I'm afraid you'd both forget yourselves again." That was the end of the issue it seemed and it wasn't mentioned again by either of them.

Loren hadn't talked to Gordon about his affair with Ginny, but Friday afternoon Gordon was called to Loren's office and he told Gordon he knew about the affair.

The office was quiet for a minute as Gordon's face flashed pink and Loren let him sweat for a couple of minutes. Then he said, "Okay, here's what I have to say Gordon, I know Ginny better than you ever could guess. I also know the days you two have been together. Gordon, I don't give a damn about the moral issues. That's up to you to work out, but what you're doing reflects on the company. You have a wife, a child and one on the way and all of that is at extreme risk right now. Do you honestly believe that your wife will never find out what's going on? How do you suppose I learned of it? From others of course." Gordon started to say something, but Loren held up his hand and continued. "I have to make a choice here. My primary concern of course is the company. Okay, so if you're going to screw around, do it out of town and with some woman that isn't so well known, especially in this area. I have to tell Graham of course, but I'll try to convince him to give you another chance. One more thing. There isn't a lot I can say in this area without risking slander charges from Ginny, so let me see if I can choose a few words and make my point."

Loren got out of his chair and slowly walked back and forth near the windows as he said, "It's no secret that Ginny made a try for my job. It's no secret that she did that by trying to garner enough proxy votes to force the board's hand. As you know, she failed. So rather than make statements of this or that, I'll put it as a question to you. Number one, how do you suppose she coaxed those old investors to play along with her? I'm sure you can come up with that answer. Number two, what would you do if, perchance, she told you, play ball with me or I'll tell your wife about our affair? How would you handle that? Okay enough of that, I'll finish with this piece of information. I too had a brief affair with Virginia some time back. For one day to be exact and guess what? She was counting on my proxy vote. See how that worked? I'll leave it to you to decide, but if you see her again I'll expect your resignation letter on my desk the next day." Loren stopped his slow motion pacing and just looked at Gordon sitting there. "That's all I have Gordon. You can let me know your decision tomorrow," and he sat down and looked at a file on his desk. Gordon had been dismissed to go ponder his future. The next morning Gordon went to Loren's office and said his affair with Ginny was over and he had confessed his sins to his wife.

Chapter Twenty Six

Life was just nicely settling down for Loren and Holly over the next few months.

Holly's ads in the trade magazines were generating business and they had a few referrals from satisfied clients, and Rubin had become a full time employee taking his classes in the evening. Holly and Linda were still technically in the red because of their startup costs, but they were well on their way.

Loren was as busy as ever, but he was making the changes that he had wanted and his monthly meetings with the board had gone very well. Frank's health was stable but just as Frank had said, he would never live with Virginia again.

They had talked to Chuck and Sandy a few times and there was talk of them coming to Indianapolis for a weekend, but the dates weren't pinned down. That stirred more conversation between Holly and Loren about their cruise down to Hilton Head and back. That also stirred some pillow talk and some lovemaking and they were still in bed when the phone rang. Holly looked at the bedside phone and then at Loren as she said, "It's Gwen."

Loren smiled and shrugged his shoulders and waited while she said, "Hello?"

"Holly, it's Gwen."

"This is a nice surprise, how are you?"

"Great, how is married life going?"

"It couldn't be much better. What are you doing while the boating weather is so rotten?"

"Remembering last summer and looking forward to next summer mostly," and then she laughed. "Okay, what are the chances of catching you two at home for a weekend?"

"Very good in fact, when were you thinking?"

"Next weekend would be great if that isn't too short a notice."

"We can make that work."

"Wonderful, I'll get back with you as soon as I have my flight information. Tell handsome I send my love, and to you too Holly."

"Thank you and we can't wait to see you," and Loren smiled at his wife.

As soon as she put the phone down Loren said, "You phony. Can't wait to see you, right."

"Now I meant that...sort of. But if you don't behave all hell will break loose."

"You know I'll behave. But remember, you said teasing and kissing were allowed."

Holly was smiling as she said, "See, you remembered that, so that tells me you still want to play with her."

"Of course I do. But I'll stay out of her panties."

"That's better lover, except I don't know that she wears panties or that she'll stay dressed while she's here."

He just smiled again and said, "Oh well, she'll be our guest so we have to go along with it."

"You phony." Holly reached down and grabbed his cock saying, "Just checking to see if you got hard from hearing her voice."

"If I got hard it would be because you just grabbed me."

"Sure, if you say so."

It wasn't an hour later when Gwen called again and told Holly, "Okay, here's the flight info. "We'll be there by about ten Saturday morning. We being me plus Chuck and Sandy if you have room for three of us."

"We'll make it work, see all of you then." She put the phone down and went to the computer room and gave Loren the news. "Oh my God," she said as she smiled at him. "Gwen and Sandy here at the same time. You are going to go crazy trying to behave."

"And just what about you and Chuck, hmmm?"

"I'm not as bad as you are, so I'm sure Chuck and I will do just fine."

"This weekend is going to be very interesting."

Loren left the office a little early, and after stopping at his favorite liquor store, he went out to see Frank. His apartment door was ajar, so he tapped and then called out, "Do you have time for company?"

Frank appeared from his bedroom and told him, "I have time, come in."

"Here, I brought you a present," and he handed Frank an oak box.

"Thanks," and he tipped the lid back revealing a bottle of Hennessy Cognac Paradis. "Well look at this, you remembered what I like."

"I remember you serving that one night and about six grown men were ready to beg you for another sample."

"One of my favorite drinks, thank you my friend."

"My pleasure."

"Speaking of pleasure, get a couple of glasses from the kitchenette and we'll crack the seal on this beauty."

For the next twenty minutes they sipped on the dark golden brandy and sang its praises every few minutes and Loren told Frank about Holly's enterprise.

Then Frank's face became serious as he said, "I have something to tell you Loren. I've filed for divorce."

"Oh damn, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't lose any sleep over it though. After you left me that day after telling me about what you had learned about Virginia, I hired my own investigator. As of a week ago she was still trying to find a way to get you out of your office. Can you believe that? She was so sure that she had our whole block of company stock for leverage, but she made a painful discovery a few days ago. I recently sold most of my company stock. You talk about one really mad woman. I thought security would kick her out. She left here steaming mad and carrying on like a demon."

"Does she know you've filed for divorce?"

"She does now. The accounts are frozen except for a small one that I set up just for her for living expenses. She'll have to learn to live on that until the lawyers are done fighting. Hell, living here I'm getting along great on eighty grand a year. If this place gets to me I'll get my own place and hire full time caregivers. I sure as hell have more money than I'll ever spend now."

"I don't know what to say Frank."

"Not much to say, but I wanted you to know. I don't know why, but she was obsessing about getting you out more than about getting her in."

"I think that she gave herself to me in hopes we would build an alliance, but when I rejected her she probably went berserk."

"That could be it. She was a spoiled woman right from day one, so I have to take some of the blame."

"What about her background?"

"I wondered when that would come up."

"Sorry, you don't have to answer that of course."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I met Virginia when I was in my late thirties and just starting to make decent money. Loren, she was finishing her masters and paying for it by working as a cocktail waitress and a stripper. Well and I think she had other things to keep her happy and in some money as well. What the hell I was thinking at that time I'll never know. Of course I was a little on the wild side myself at the time."

"She was good looking, great in bed and intelligent. Hell with those credentials I can see myself doing something like that."

"Thanks, that's very nice of you to say that, but I don't buy it. But I also have to say you're probably right. That's what I saw and fell for her."

"You've gone through the years doing your best, so there's no point in looking back and second guessing."

He held up his nearly empty glass and smiled as he said, "As long as the world has things like my Hennessy I'll be okay."

"If I can do anything, just let me know."

Thanks. There is one thing you could do if you would."

"Name it."

"Before you go would you pour me a double?"

"Frank, if you get drunk and fall out of your chair on your ass I'm not coming back to pick you up."

He laughed and said, "I'll be fine. I'll just go to bed early tonight and smile until I fall asleep."

Loren saw to his request and then saying goodbye, he headed home for a late dinner with Holly and talk about their weekend visitors.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Loren was up by eight and staggered out to the kitchen and there stood Melissa at the counter with her back to him. He looked down at his naked form and eased back out of sight and then went to the bathroom where Holly was getting out of the shower. "Damn it woman what's Melissa doing here, it's Saturday."

"I asked her to work the weekend because of Gwen and...oh God honey, I forgot, I'm sorry."

"Would you be more than sorry if Melissa saw me bare assed?"

"Oh no, did...what did she do?"

"She didn't really see me, but it was damn close."

She relaxed then and smiled. "Sorry honey."

"I'll say one thing, being married to you does have its adventures."

"Good, because boredom begets trouble."

"But I am allowed to talk to her right?"

"What do you mean? Of course you can talk to her."

"I've only seen her about three times so I wasn't sure."

"Well we don't need her early in the morning as a rule, and she goes home about an hour before you usually get home."

"I know. I think I'll go out and visit with her. It will be embarrassing when company comes if our housekeeper doesn't even remember me."

"You might want to shower and dress first though."

Loren just smiled, kissed her cheek and jumped into the shower.

Chuck, Sandy and Gwen arrived just after ten thirty and they spent a minute in the foyer exchanging hugs and kisses. Then as the women led the way to the living room, Chuck slapped Loren's back and they talked as they joined the women. Melissa served coffee and small rolls that she had baked earlier and they showered her with compliments.

Conversation was fast and overlapping for the first several minutes, but they gradually slowed down and took turns sharing funny comments and thoughts. Loren asked Chuck, "So the Skinny Dippin' is put to bed for the winter I assume."

"We've been down there a few times and just spent the day aboard without going out, and we've had a few days where it was mild enough to take her out for a short cruise, but we stayed in the salon or out on the aft deck because it was too chilly to enjoy the flying bridge."

"Nice that you can at least enjoy her year around."

"It is. Usually, by the time cool air arrives, we've about had our fill of boating for awhile, but we're already anxious for warm weather to return."
