Do You Want To Be A Daddy?

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After all those years, she finally wanted him.
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I hadn't seen or heard from Deserae since college and I didn't even realize that she still knew I was alive, let alone where to find me. The phone call inviting me to lunch came out of the blue and I was still wondering what she could possibly want to talk about after all these years.

It was six years since I had graduated and we had broken up six months prior to that. I had spent a lot of time thinking about her over the years, but I had never expected to hear from her or see her again.

I met Deserae at freshman indoctrination the first week of college and fell ass end over teakettle in love with her. The feeling was not mutual. It took me over two years to get her to go out with me and it probably never would have happened had I not been in the right place at exactly the right time. Deserae had just had fight with her current boyfriend and was really, really pissed at him. It was one of those "I'll show you" kinds of mad and she was in that frame of mind when I asked her, for the nine-hundredth time, for a date. She said yes and then proceeded to make sure that everything we did together was done where her ex-boyfriend could see us together.

I was in love with Deserae, but I was not stupid and I did know what she was doing and that she did expect him to be so jealous that he would crawl back to her. His response was to ignore her, date other girls, and he did it the same way Deserae did. He took his dates everywhere that he knew Deserae would likely be and he rubbed her nose in it.


Then one day he dropped out of school and was gone. We heard later he had moved to the Left Coast to go to UCLA. I expected that with him gone Deserae would break it off with me since I had only been a means to an end. To my great surprise she didn't drop me. In fact, if anything, she became much more affectionate.

Once I reached the point where I considered that she was my girlfriend I started doing some of the things that I had been hesitant to try for fear of sending her running back to her old boyfriend. First it was hands on her breasts while we were necking and she didn't fight me off. Next, the hands went under the sweater and she didn't fight me off. Then I got her out of her sweater, blouse, tank top or whatever else it was that she was wearing and she never said no, nor did she stop me when I took her bra off and played with her bare tits. No hands pushed me away when I took a tit in my mouth. No hands stopped mine as it made it's way up her leg and no protest was heard when one finger, then two and three worked their way into her pussy and in fact her legs spread wide to let them have better access.

The protest was loud and clear when I tried to get her panties off.

I was informed, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to her marriage bed a virgin. I could do whatever I wanted short of actual penetration.

"Oh great" I said, "Just have at it Bob as long as you are willing to go home frustrated and with a huge case of blue balls.

"I don't believe in frustration Bobby, I'll take care of you, just not with my pussy."

Deserae started out giving me hand jobs and after a month or so she went down on me and gave me my first blow job. I could suck her tits, finger fuck her and I could even eat her pussy, but that was the extent of it. One night I suggested we try anal sex, "That still leaves you a virgin."

"But it would still be a cock going into my body."

"What, my cock going into your mouth doesn't count as going into your body?"

"Do you like my blow jobs Bobby?"

"Of course I do."

"Then be happy with what you are getting and don't push. That's why Ryan isn't around any more; he just wouldn't stop pushing."

Throwing her old boyfriend up at me pretty much killed the evening as far as I was concerned so I took her home. Our kiss goodnight was kind of perfunctory and I guessed that we were both just a little bit pissed off at each other.

I didn't call her for two days. I was sitting in the Student Union having lunch when she took a seat on the other side of the table from me.

"Where have you been?"

"I've had my head buried in my Poli Sci book" I lied, "Trying to get ready for mid-terms. It is the one class that is killing me."

"Well don't study so hard that you forget we have a party to go to tomorrow night."

I had forgotten about it. "I'll be there to pick you up on time."

She gave me one of those looks that women are so good at giving - the one that says everything and nothing at the same time - and said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sure, just a little tired from the grind."

She looked at her watch; "Got to run or I'll be late for class." She stood up, leaned over the table and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and then ran for her class.

The party was jumping. The booze was flowing, the music was throbbing and everybody was having a grand time. Deserae was a different person that night. She danced with anyone who asked and some of the things she did amazed me. She got felt up pretty good by a lot of her dance partners and seemed to enjoy it. She engaged in a lot of what could be called "dirty dancing" and in one case she had two guys out on the floor with her, one grinding into her front and the other grinding into her back.

Four hours into the party Deserae came up to me and said, "Get me out of here sweetie, before I do something totally stupid."

"Like what?"

"Like take on somebody on the dance floor."

I know now it was the booze talking, but at the time I said, "Oh ho Bob, it looks like tonight you will get to dip your wick" and it certainly looked like it was going to happen. I hadn't even pulled away from the curb and Deserae was leaning across the front seat working my dick out of my pants. She had it in her mouth and had me off in five minutes and had me hard again when I pulled up at the local lover's lane.

We got into some really heavy necking and I had all of her clothes off of her and she had my cock in her hand and it certainly seemed to me like she was tugging me toward her. My cock was only three inches from her pussy when she suddenly she cried out, "You bastard! What do you think you are doing? Get off of me you fucking oaf" and then she was out of the car and running leaving me to stare at her back as she disappeared into the darkness.

By the time I got back to my place my mindset was "I don't need this shit" and I put Deserae out of my mind. I never called her again and I never returned any of her calls and whenever I saw her on campus I turned and went the other way. I avoided her for the last six months of school, graduated and got on with my life.


As she walked toward my table I wondered if she was dressed that way for me or did she always dress like that. Short skirt, low cut blouse and four inch heels; she certainly looked like a sex goddess and every male eye in the place was on her as she made her way toward me. Whatever she had done with her life, post me, seemed to agree with her. I stood up and put my hand out for a shake, but she ignored it, leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips. As I sat down I saw the wedding ring and I was still looking at it when she said to me, "Thank you for agreeing to see me. To be honest I wasn't sure that you would be here."

"I'm here Dee; the question is why?"

"I'll cut right to the chase Bobby. Would you like to fuck me?"

I had come to the meeting with absolutely no idea of what it was about, but I would have never, not in a million years, have expected that. I stared across the table at her stunned by what she had just asked. When I didn't respond immediately Deserae said, "It isn't a difficult question Bobby, a simple yes or no is all that is required. You wanted to at one time, the question is, would you still like to?"

I finally managed to get myself together long enough to say, "Of course I would."

"Good. You can, but there are conditions. I'll tell you the story, outline the conditions and then ask you again. I hope the answer won't be no, but I will understand if it is. I want babies Bobby. My husband and I had been trying hard for the past couple of years to get me pregnant, but it wasn't happening. I finally went to a doctor and had myself checked out and he confirmed that there wasn't any reason why I shouldn't be able to have a child.

"I went home and asked John, my husband, to go in and have himself checked out. John is a very macho man so the suggestion that there could possibly something wrong with him where the so called manly arts are concerned was just something that could not be considered. He told me that the problem had to be with me except that I already knew that it wasn't.

"One night after I sucked him off I spit his cum in a rubber and the next day I took it in and had it tested. It turns out that his sperm count is so low that the odds of his impregnating me are in the neighborhood of six million to one. He can never father a child. Even though I wanted babies I resigned myself to the fact that it was never going to happen, but John still wants an heir to carry on the family name. He keeps pushing me to make it happen and since his fragile ego could never stand the hit of finding out that he can't get the job done I've never told him about my visit to the fertility clinic.

"I want babies, John wants an heir and so I have decided to do something about it. So, here's the deal. If you would like to be a sperm donor you can donate all you want until I become pregnant."

"Somehow donating to a test tube doesn't sound all that appealing."

"Who said anything about test tubes? I believe in direct deposit."

"You are serious? This isn't some kind of a joke?"

"Nope, you can fuck me all you want until I become pregnant and then it stops."

"I suppose that some is better than none."

"Were you listening to what I said? I said I want babies, not a baby. That's plural Bobby and since I want all my children to have the same father you could end up fucking me off and on for years."

"Why me?"

"Because you resemble my husband. You are both about the same size; you both have brown eyes and brown hair and, truth be told, I've wanted to fuck you since we went together in college. What's your answer?"

"You haven't given me the conditions."

"Yes I have. There is only one. You only get to fuck me until I become pregnant and then you don't get anymore until I'm ready for the next baby."

"Then I guess the answer is yes providing you meet my conditions."

"And they are?"

"Nothing is off limits. I'll donate as much sperm as my body can produce, but not all of it will go into your pussy. I want your mouth and I want your ass."

She didn't even hesitate. She shoved her hand across the table at me and said, "Deal!"

"When do you want to start?" I asked.

"I gambled that you would say yes and I have already taken a room at the Hilton. After today we can use your place, okay?"

I could have cried. Deserae was an insatiable slut and she fucked my eyes out. And she could have been mine. If only I had been patient, willing to wait, willing to ask her to marry me she could have been mine. Well, the fact of the matter is that she wasn't mine, and never would be. But, I could have her for a while and with any luck the first couple of kids would be girls and her husband would keep pressing her to produce a male heir.

Author's note:

To forestall some of the howls of outrage that this story is bound to get from the Loving Wife Nazis (or perhaps to stir them up even more) I am including the following:

"When do you want to start?" I asked.

"I gambled that you would say yes and I have already taken a room at the Hilton. After today we can use your place, okay?"

I said yes and we got up and headed for the room she had rented. As I watched her strip down I thought about how God did indeed move in mysterious ways. I'd thought about Deserae for years and I had never really forgiven her for the last night we had been together. She had been pulling my cock to her pussy that night and then to call me a bastard and a fucking oaf when it was all her fault? No, I owed the bitch something for that, but I never had expected to get the chance for some payback. When she was down to just her heels I told her to leave them on and to come over and suck my cock.

"I hope that it still tastes as good as it did in college," she said as she went to her knees in front of me.

"Take the first load in your mouth lover, I want my first time in your pussy to last for a long time."

"Me too" she said as her mouth swallowed the head of my cock.

As her hot mouth worked it's magic on me I thought back to the events of a year ago. I still remembered the day my wife told me that she was divorcing me, "I love you Bobby and it hurts me to do this, but I want babies, more than anything else I want babies and since you are sterile and can't give them to me I have no choice but to look for someone who can."

I wondered just how long I could fuck Deserae before she asked me to go get my sperm tested.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Obviously he didn't. But, he should have run away. Run fast, run far.

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Loved the last ending, talk about come back,

NitpicNitpic9 months ago

Why didn't Bobby's wife consider adoption,if she loved him that much?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Terrible people

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

Several unlikeable characters

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

So how did she go from no sex unless we're married to I'll fuck you behind my husband back so I can have kids?

Strange change that warrants explanation...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He's an ass, but she was a bitch so it's a perfect match.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

Interesting twist well written as always no good guys

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful plot twist, I love it. Don't sweat the ones that have never written, I try to be constructive in comments and don't understand why so many just like to tear efforts apart. And I've never written ether but like a well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

First off, how did she know Bobby was able to produce without clinical proof?... second, if she was going to allow Bobby to have her all he wanted until she got pregnant how would she not be caught by her macho husband and what would he do if he caught them?... and finally, what would happen if some time down the line her husband found out the kids where not his, what would everyone do then?... a real lame story line.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Oh, that's too funny, boy is Deserae in for a surprise somewhere down the road. Well Done 5++STARS

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That's the funniest one I've ever read. Critics maybe don't realize a guy is never going to say no a hot piece of ass.

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 2 years ago

Again when it Comes to Pussy.

We Men are all The Same.

Just Cant say no to One.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 3 years ago

Well, that'll show her. Good one.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

He has al her clothes off,then she gets out of the car and starts running,naked?.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

I preferred the second ending. That upgraded your tale from 4⭐s to 5⭐s





AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I dated a girl like that .. The difference was I turned her down . I felt sorry for her husband and I knew ehr wou;d always be a cheater . I was just glad I did not marry her slutty ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great Ending

Never saw the end coming. Great revenge. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

No one had to throw her under the bus, because she did it all by herself! 😁

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