Elaine on the Run Ch. 01


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He gave up and ordered Elaine to‭ "‬put it in you,‭" ‬and he added,‭ "‬slut,‭" ‬almost as an insulting afterthought.

Elaine reached down under his hairy body and found his cock.‭ ‬It was hard,‭ ‬which surprised Elaine,‭ ‬and went against all she thought she knew about drunk men.‭ ‬She guided it to her abused pussy and he rammed it in once he was there.‭ ‬This was quick,‭ ‬he was like a jackhammer and fucked her with no style or ambition,‭ ‬he was just trying to get off,‭ ‬he was not even trying to hurt her this time.‭ ‬No real rhythm,‭ ‬either,‭ ‬he would thrust a few times,‭ ‬pause,‭ ‬rub his stubbly face against her neck then fuck some more.

J.J.‭ ‬came with a grunt,‭ ‬then his entire body grew limp on top of Elaine.‭ ‬After a few seconds,‭ ‬she heard him snoring.‭ ‬She shifted a little,‭ ‬he moved like a sack of meat.‭ ‬She had to see if he could wake up.‭ ‬His limp dick had already slid out of her so she braced her arms and legs under him and pushed,‭ ‬trying to roll him off of her.‭ ‬She grunted as she lifted him and flopped him off of her and off the bed.‭ ‬He hit the floor with a meaty thud,‭ ‬and kept on snoring.

J.J.‭ ‬was out cold.‭ ‬There was no doubt about that.‭ ‬Still,‭ ‬Elaine was not going to take any chances.‭ ‬She took the pair of handcuffs off the table and cuffed his ankles together,‭ ‬tightening them as much as she could.‭ ‬She found another pair in his pants and cuffed his wrists together.‭ ‬Satisfied he was harmless she took his pants and put them on after giving herself a good wipe.‭ ‬They were a little long so she rolled up the cuffs,‭ ‬and a little loose in the waist so she tightened his belt as far as she could then just held onto them.‭ ‬She took his shirt,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬it was sweaty and smelled like cheap cigarettes but she needed something.‭ ‬She pocketed the keys to the car and her pain pills and had to decide what to do next.

J.J.‭ ‬had to pay for what he had done to her.‭ ‬She found his gun,‭ ‬an automatic like Roy had.‭ ‬She cocked it and pointed it as his head.‭ ‬It would be so easy,‭ ‬just pull the trigger and he would be dead.‭ ‬She held her finger on the trigger,‭ ‬but could not do it.‭ ‬It was not out of any kindly feelings for J.J.,‭ ‬but more because she was afraid of being caught and she was not sure she was ready to kill a person,‭ ‬even one as despicable as J.J.‭ ‬She realized that if she knew for sure that she could get away with it,‭ ‬he would be dead.

She put the gun in a pillow case,‭ ‬along with his badge,‭ ‬wallet,‭ ‬phone and keys.‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬what to do to him‭? ‬She thought about smashing the vodka bottle over his head,‭ ‬but it was plastic.‭ ‬Elaine realized that as much as she wanted to get revenge,‭ ‬she wanted to get away more.‭ ‬Any imaginative revenge and torture would have to wait.‭

Elaine left him the cooler and the vodka.‭ ‬She added the rest of his clothes to the pillow case and took them out to the car with her.‭ ‬She left him naked,‭ ‬bound hand and foot,‭ ‬passed out and drunk.‭ ‬Let him get out of that and explain how he got there.‭ ‬She regretted it was the best she could some up with on short notice.‭ ‬She opened the car door,‭ ‬then walked back in the room.‭ ‬He was still out cold so Elaine got her small measure of revenge by hitting him in the balls a few times with his own sap.‭ ‬He did not move,‭ ‬he was definitely passed out.

Feeling a little better,‭ ‬she started the Oldsmobile,‭ ‬listened to the V8‭ ‬rumble and pulled out of the parking lot,‭ ‬giving one angry snarl of the tires that sent gravel flying as she did.‭ ‬She drove for an hour and pulled off the side of the road near a dry creek.‭ ‬She took the bag of J.J.‭'‬s things,‭ ‬shoved them in the culvert under the road then got back on the highway.

Elaine stopped at around sunrise.‭ ‬She was not entirely sure where she was except that she was several hours away from J.J.‭ ‬She had been on two lane highways and generally headed away from the moon which meant the sun would be rising in her face soon.‭ ‬She was tired.‭ ‬It had been a long time since she had gotten enough rest and most of her recent nights were spent naked and tied up.‭ ‬She had to sleep.‭

‬She pulled off the highway onto a dirt road and went down it for several miles until she found another spot to pull off in a dry wash that was hidden by cottonwoods and willows.‭ ‬She turned off the car and realized she was down to‭ ‬1/4‭ ‬tank.‭ ‬Reality began to hit her then.‭ ‬She had no money,‭ ‬no ID,‭ ‬no credit cards,‭ ‬no phone.‭ ‬All she had were J.J.'s smelly shirt and pants that did not fit her.‭ ‬She was on the run,‭ ‬any number of people were in pursuit of her,‭ ‬wanting to own her and she had a stolen car with‭ ‬1/4‭ ‬tank of fuel in a car that guzzled gas.‭ ‬This time there would be no Roy to whisk her away,‭ ‬no Amanda to meet her.‭ ‬She was entirely on her own.‭

‬She began crying and banging the steering wheel in anger and frustration.‭ ‬Why had she done this‭? ‬Why had Roy let Anna into his house‭? ‬How would things have been different if Amanda had made it to Gold Wash‭? ‬Tired,‭ ‬hungry,‭ ‬sore and frustrated she wept and raged,‭ ‬finally curling into a ball on the big front seat bench and falling asleep.‭

‬Something was not quite right,‭ ‬she thought as she drifted in and out of sleep.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬a lot of things were not quite right,‭ ‬but there was something especially odd that gnawed at her weary mind.‭ ‬She rolled over again,‭ ‬her face on the edge of the seat and gazed without seeing into the foot-well on the passenger side.‭ ‬Right at the edge of the seat,‭ ‬under it with just the corner poking out was her book.‭ ‬It was War and Peace,‭ ‬she had been reading it quite avidly before Roy came back and her life got sidetracked.‭ ‬But what was it doing here‭? ‬She knew the last time she had had it was in her room,‭ ‬it should be sitting on her nightstand.‭ ‬She thought back to her night with Anna.‭ ‬Anna had put her bag on the nightstand,‭ ‬and the book was not there.‭

‬She reached down and picked it up.‭ ‬As she did a small piece of paper dropped out and onto the floor.‭ ‬She picked that up.‭ ‬In Roy's handwriting was written‭ "‬look in the tunk.‭" ‬Elaine jumped up,‭ ‬banging her knee on the steering wheel.‭ ‬She looked for the trunk release,‭ ‬but remembered these old cars didn't have them.‭ ‬She grabbed the keys and hurried back to the rear of the car,‭ ‬bruising her small foot on an annoying root on the way.‭ ‬She unlocked the trunk and the big piece of sheet metal popped open.‭ ‬Inside was the spare tire,‭ ‬water,‭ ‬a couple of MREs,‭ ‬a sleeping bag and a duffel bag.‭ ‬Elaine opened the duffel and there was another note from Roy in it.‭

"‬Elaine,‭ ‬if something goes wrong,‭ ‬this should help you until I can find you.‭ ‬There is something I need you to do.‭ ‬Go to the place where your life changed,‭ ‬look near it.‭ ‬You'll recognize what to look for.‭ ‬Follow the instructions there.‭"

‬Inside the duffel were a couple changes of clothes,‭ ‬her hiking gear,‭ ‬a set of fake IDs,‭ ‬credit cards,‭ ‬prepaid debit cards,‭ ‬$5000‭ ‬cash,‭ ‬and a pay-as-you-go cell phone.‭ ‬She cried again,‭ ‬this time in relief.‭ ‬She was still on the run,‭ ‬but at least she had clothes,‭ ‬money and an identity.‭ ‬She was now going to be Elaine McGowan from Las Vegas.‭ ‬She drank the water and opened one of the MREs,‭ ‬eating it cold.‭ ‬She was too hungry to heat it up.‭

Rested and with food in her stomach Elaine felt better.‭ ‬She thought she could stock up on supplies in the next town she came to and camp for a while,‭ ‬give Roy a week or so to get back.‭ ‬Despite what J.J.‭ ‬had said,‭ ‬she still assumed he would,‭ ‬or Hunter would or someone who could get her life back on the unusual track it had been on until Anna knocked it off.‭ ‬But there was the matter of Roy's request.‭ ‬She knew that rationally she did not owe him anything,‭ ‬including effort,‭ ‬but he had a hold of her soul and she knew that he was still her owner.‭ ‬She would have to do it.‭ ‬She also knew what he meant about where her life changed.‭ ‬She would have to go to Goldwash and see if she could find the picnic table from there.‭

Her current problem,‭ ‬well her most immediate of many current problems,‭ ‬was that she had no idea where here was.‭ ‬Her phone did not get any reception,‭ ‬but it told her it was‭ ‬2pm.‭ ‬She dug through the duffel,‭ ‬while he had thought of most things,‭ ‬a road map would have been helpful,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬Still,‭ ‬she wasn't going to complain.‭ ‬She would just get on the road and head away from the sun.‭ ‬She should hit a town within the next‭ ‬50‭ ‬miles,‭ ‬she certainly hoped she hit one before the old gas guzzler ran empty.‭ ‬She cleaned up,‭ ‬made the instant coffee,‭ ‬drank it cold and dressed in a pair of light pants,‭ ‬a sports bra and a tank top.‭ ‬With a day pack in the car she looked like one of many hikers loose in the West during the late summer.‭ ‬The long pants also helped to cover the last of the bruises from Faybio and Anna.

‭============ Roy,‭ ‬Faybio and Leon were at the meet site.‭ ‬It was an abandoned ranch in the middle of a broad valley.‭ ‬The house and buildings were falling down,‭ ‬the glass in the windows long since broken,‭ ‬the roof sagging at an angle with pieces of corrugated metal missing.‭ ‬Trees,‭ ‬pines and bushes,‭ ‬had started to reclaim the yard.‭ ‬Once you got about a hundred yards from the house in three directions,‭ ‬the trees started.‭ ‬They had been logged once and what grew back was dense and brushy,‭ ‬easy to hide in.‭ ‬Roy knew Hunter,‭ ‬Bruce and Bligh were out there.‭ ‬Hunter had left him some signs,‭ ‬but he had no idea where.‭

The ranch may have been abandoned,‭ ‬but there were definite signs of life around.‭ ‬To the east,‭ ‬along their approach,‭ ‬there was a perfectly straight half mile long section of wide,‭ ‬gravel road.‭ ‬It was well maintained,‭ ‬clear of debris and packed down.‭ ‬Roy had found a pole with a wind sock on it taken down beside the road.‭ ‬Someone was definitely flying small planes in and out of here.‭ ‬The buyers had chosen this site,‭ ‬it was probably them.‭ ‬This place was so far from anywhere you could probably fly a lot out of here,‭ ‬but why would you‭? ‬There was nothing around,‭ ‬maybe it was just a convenient meeting place.

The flatbed was parked right where Roy wanted it.‭ ‬He had a mental picture of ranges from the truck in all directions,‭ ‬where he would be standing,‭ ‬where the buyers would be.‭ ‬If all went the way it was supposed to,‭ ‬all this would be unnecessary,‭ ‬but Roy doubted it would.‭ ‬He felt,‭ ‬he knew,‭ ‬that this was going to be another Arsenic Wells,‭ ‬but maybe without the preliminary act of making a deal.

Leon was near the end of the truck.‭ ‬He had on a wide brimmed hat and mirrored sunglasses.‭ ‬Roy knew Leon's pair cost a couple of hundred dollars,‭ ‬he wanted perfect vision if he had to act.‭ ‬Roy's eyes dropped down to the M16‭ ‬Leon was carrying.‭ ‬He held it down by his waist,‭ ‬gripped tightly and professionally.‭ ‬Every now and then he would pop it up to his shoulder and sight on something in the distance.

Faybio was on the other side.‭ ‬He wore a golf visor,‭ ‬which looked totally ridiculous,‭ ‬but Faybio swore by it.‭ ‬He carried an M16,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬at the ready.‭ ‬He had seemed much happier after the night with Elaine.‭ ‬He was always a little touchy and losing the showdown with Roy had rattled his nerves,‭ ‬making Elaine submit to him had restored his confidence and that was good for the team.‭ ‬Roy knew what had gone on in Freddie's room and had no problem with it,‭ ‬he even looked forward to watching the video of it later.‭ ‬He let Freddie have her and Freddie decided to share her with Faybio.‭ ‬Besides,‭ ‬Roy liked to keep his pretty little slave guessing.

Leon and Faybio did not have any other responsibilities except to shoot anything that caused a problem.‭ ‬Roy was the one who had to do the talking.‭ ‬All the details supposedly had been worked out,‭ ‬all Roy had to do was swap money for weapons,‭ ‬but one was never sure about these things.

There was a cloud of dust to the west and two vehicles approached.‭ ‬Roy looked to Leon and Faybio and they stepped a little farther apart from each other and the truck.‭ ‬Roy held onto a little device in his left hand.‭ ‬He had been prepared at Arsenic Wells and he was prepared here.‭ ‬Two Range Rovers pulled up and stopped a hundred yards away.‭ ‬First out were six cowboys carrying AK-47s.‭ ‬A little heavy on security,‭ ‬Roy thought and reassured himself that Hunter was out there.‭ ‬next out were three guys carrying briefcases,‭ ‬they had pistols holstered on their hips,‭ ‬two had revolvers and the other a Baretta.‭ ‬There was a lot of firepower in a small space and that did not even include the truck.

The cowboys fanned out,‭ ‬forming a half circle around Roy's crew and the truck.‭ ‬Leon and Faybio looked unconcerned and menacing,‭ ‬they could tell that they were a match for the other six.‭ ‬No one said anything.‭ ‬The three men with the brief cases took a step forward.‭ ‬Roy waited.‭ ‬They would come to him.

Leon's head exploded.‭ ‬A split second after that Roy heard the crack of the bullet.‭ ‬Everything seemed to move in slow motion.‭ ‬Faybio brought his rifle up but fell with blood spurting from his throat before he had it to his shoulder.‭ ‬Roy noted that none of the cowboys had their rifles ready,‭ ‬someone else was shooting.‭ ‬Something hit him in the shoulder,‭ ‬spinning him around,‭ ‬the controller flying out of his hand.‭ ‬So they knew about the trick from Arsenic Wells,‭ ‬Roy thought as he fell to the ground.‭ ‬Roy used to play a lot of basketball and he learned to vary his moves and tricks.‭ ‬They were still in for a surprise.‭ ‬As he fell he began counting to five.

The trees erupted with gunfire.‭ ‬A couple of the cowboys fell,‭ ‬but most of it was directed at the trees on the other side of the clearing,‭ ‬more shots came from that side as Hunter exchanged fire with the snipers.‭ ‬The three guys with briefcases dropped their cases and ran past Roy into the truck.

‭"One thousand five," Roy counted and the remaining cowboys disintegrated in a firestorm of flying metal. Roy had rigged a dead man's switch. If he let go of the controller for five seconds it would set off the Claymores he had planted. Roy closed his eyes as he lay on the ground, he knew what he would see and as much as he hated the men he just killed, he did not want to see them scattered over several hundred square feet.

The truck started even as bullets flew across the clearing.‭ ‬The three guys were trying to take it away.‭ ‬Roy made no effort to stop them.‭ ‬He knew he was bleeding,‭ ‬and he was fine with them driving the truck,‭ ‬he had more surprises for them in there.‭ ‬The truck lurched into gear and began moving down the road the way Roy's crew had come in.

The fire from one side of the clearing stopped.‭ ‬It lessened from the other side and Roy saw Hunter sprint across the clearing.‭ ‬He threw a grenade as he did and another explosion rocked the air.‭ ‬Hunter dove into the trees on the other side and for a moment all the shooting stopped.‭ ‬There was a few seconds of silence then one shot.

‭"Clear?" Hunter yelled.

‭"Clear," Roy heard Bruce's brogue.

‭"Keep me covered," Hunter yelled. "I'm checking on Roy."

Hunter came out of the trees in a crouch and ran to Roy.‭ ‬He looked at Roy's shoulder.

‭"Not too bad," he said, "we need to get you to a doctor, but the bullet went clean through. Shouldn't be too much permanent damage, as long as you don't die of blood loss first. Let me get the first aid kit." Hunter rose to go, but Roy grabbed his shirt.

‭"Wait," Roy said weakly, "stay down."

Hunter looked at him,‭ ‬nodded and yelled.‭ "‬Everyone down‭!"

A massive blast rocked them,‭ ‬shattering the windows on their SUV and sending debris everywhere.‭ ‬Bits of metal and burning hay rained down on them,‭ ‬Hunter brushed some off of Roy.

‭"The truck, too?" Hunter asked with a smile.

‭"Switch by the turn signal. I set it when we got here," Roy said.

‭"Good job, kid," Hunter said then yelled to Bruce and Bligh, "Let's get Roy and get the hell out of here. This is going to be a big fire and someone is going to notice. Let's put some miles in." The two men came out of the trees, their rifles still at the ready. "Bruce, Bligh: take one of those Range Rovers, get what's left of Faybio and Leon and stash them somewhere," Hunter ordered, he was not leaving the bodies of his teammates behind. "We can give them a decent burial later. Don't get caught, you'll be in a stolen car with two corpses in it. Clean up anything that might link this to us. I know Roy kept everything tidy, but look around the best you can. Get back to the States, I'll contact you in a day or two."

Bruce looked around at the carnage. "I hope the keys are in the ignition, because I don't want to have to dig through pockets to find them."

"If you can find their pockets," Bligh joked. "I think there's a pocket on that torso over there."

Hunter carried Roy to the now windowless SUV and loaded him in.‭ ‬Bruce and Bligh were loading Faybio and Leon into the least damaged Range Rover.‭ ‬All around them the burning hay and debris started small fires‭; ‬this would be big,‭ ‬Hunter thought.‭ ‬And this was bad,‭ ‬real bad.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A bullet for JJ.

Have to agree with Cindy. Hope someone takes him out soon. As for Elaine I believe that she is at the beginning of a new chapter. It is just now starting to dawn on her that she is nothing but a warm body to be used as others would like. She is at the total mercy of the people who are in charge. Her will means nothing. I am looking forward to Anna returning I do not believe that she is gone for good.

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 7 years ago

This is my second run at your beautiful sequel. And loving it again. Should you ever wish to publish it, and it is very publishable, makes Fifty Shades of Grey look angelic white, consider me a buyer. The only part I could not endure was J.J.'s last abuse of our darling Elaine. Hope that someone will put a bullet into that ugly head soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
great story

you are one hell of a writer. can not wait to read more. thanks again for the story

AuraPhoenixAuraPhoenixover 12 years ago

Oh my goodness! Here we go! I am excited to see where this new instalment leads. =)

beygaze1beygaze1over 12 years agoAuthor
Re: Great

Thank you, your Highness. Your support and interest is always a treat. As for Roy and Elaine, you'll just have to wait and see.....

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