Falling Down - Climbing Up


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To my great pleasure everything fit with my plans. Just as expected, Oliver had had taken a few drinks before coming to the party and didn't say "no thanks" to anything during the meal and the combination of the spiked drink and all other booze got him to feel a little tired.

It was Marianne who suggested he should take a short rest in our spare bedroom and even Rebecca thought it was a good idea. Rebecca and I assisted him in there and laid him on the bed.

As soon as I got a chance to sneak into the spare bedroom I found Oliver sleeping on the bed. Though not liking beer very much I had drank several of them and filled my bladder to its limits. Therefore it felt as a real relief when I emptied it during a well-aimed pee on the sleeping Oliver from his belt and down, so it looked like it was done by him.

Nobody had seen me either going into the spare room or coming out from there.

After a while I asked Rebecca how Oliver was feeling and when she said that she hadn't been checking on him, we went together in to the spare room.

The pee stink hit us immediately after opening the door and Rebecca began screaming in despair. I rushed back to the guests and shouted loudly to Marianne, "That damn Oliver have pissed in his pants and on the bed."

All our guests heard me and many of them went looking to see what Oliver had done. One thing was sure, that scandal would follow Oliver for a long time in the future.

At first Marianne demanded I take care of Oliver and assist him to his home but my simple reply, "Never in the hell will I touch that creep" calmed her down. One of my quests was sober and had mercy with him and drove Oliver, now dressed in an old blanket and assisted by Rebecka and Marianne to his house.

We others continued our party and had got a new laughing stock to have fun of and there was a lot of laughter because Oliver wasn't very popular among us men.

To everybody's great surprise, Rebecca returned back to the party together with Marianne.

The party went on and when saluting the New Year with champagne all couples, except Marianne and me, kissed each other. She felt humiliated and asked me "Why didn't you kiss me?"

"Why should I?"

"We are married, aren't we?"

"That's no reason to kiss you?"

The others began to be interested and listened to our argument.

Marianne replied, "If you love me, you ought to kiss me as the first thing you did for the New Year."

She got a shock and went ashen gray when I replied, "We have some more important matters to fix."

Marianne rushed to the kitchen to fix a nightcap and those guests who had heard us stared at me as they were expecting an explanation. I didn't give them any.

Instead of saying anything I went away to Lena and took her to silent corner where I asked her, "Marianne and you skipped your monthly shopping evening in December, why?"

She gave me a strange look and said, "Don't ask me, ask Marianne. She rang me and cancelled it."

I replied, "That's right, but could you please tell me if Marianne and you have ever been shopping at all during those evenings because according to the credit cards, there were no purchases done at these days. All her shopping is done one or a few days before those evenings. Why?"

Lena got furious and shouted, "Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask your own wife if

her shopping habits are so important for you to know?"

"Marianne always told me that the two of you did the shopping together and obviously you don't know anything about any shopping. I think both Marianne and you have something to explain."

Now Lena's husband had joined us and asked her, "What the hell have you done during those faked shopping's? Fucked some asshole at the GRAND HOTEL?"

No doubt that my hotel postcard to him had created some arguing in that family because she began to cry and sobbed, "I never went anywhere with Marianne, only acted as some kind of alibi for her. What she did is her business, not mine."

Lena's husband had taken several drinks during the evening why he wasn't in mood to accept any lies or excuses from his wife. He stared at her and said, "It's high time that you begin to tell me the damn truth. What the hell did Marianne and you do at these evenings out?"

She understood that the game would be over and replied, "Marianne met her lover and I usually did some shopping."

Lena's husband was a clever guy because he knew if he forced his wife to tell about Marianne's affair to me, Marianne would pay back by telling Lena's affair, if she had any, to her husband. Therefore he asked again, "Who is the man in that affair?"

She replied sobbing, "I don't know."

Now the husband got angry and shouted, "Don't dare to lie. Who?"

Lena gave up and said, "Oliver Ericsson."

I pretended to be surprised and shouted, "That damn bed-wetter, what a hell of a bad taste."

Lena didn't want to see Marianne or Rebecca so she and her husband left the party and I got busy at my bar and it was easy for Marianne to avoid me until the nightcap was served. We drank it together without any unnecessary talking.

When the last quest had left our party it was the time for "the moment of truth" both of us have been waiting for. It was Marianne who began by asking, "You didn't want to kiss me. May I ask you why not and since when?"

"You ought to known for a long time, at least during the last year, that a day of reckoning would come sooner or later. It's my painful duty to say that tonight Lena told me the truth about what I have suspected since I had my damn flu and saw how sexy you dressed for the date with your lover."

Marianne got ashen gray and asked, "I didn't notice that Lena was drunk enough to tell you any day dreams, what did she tell you?"

"I'm sure that she told me the damn truth. Your monthly shopping was a fake to give you a cover to see your lover at a Q8 cabin."

Now Marianne was worried but not ready to give up yet, why she asked, "Could you please tell me the name of this non existing ghost lover?"

"Yes I can. It was the most disgusting thing to find out. Lena told me that your lover is the bed -wetting asshole Oliver Ericsson and Lena's confession confirms what I have suspected."

Marianne screamed, "That damn cheating whore told you. Did she told you about her own lovers, did she mentioned Ralf Norrman, the old hockey player?"

Then she rushed to the bedroom. I went after her to the bedroom and shouted, "Cheating whore, get out from this room. From now you'll sleep in the spare room."

She objected, "The bed is wet in there."

I shouted, "Is it my fault that your lover is a bed-wetter. Your problem, not mine."

Marianne refused to leave but I pushed her out from the bedroom set the alarm clock to eight and went to the bed.

Though my head was aching as hell, I forced myself to get up from the bed and get some strong coffee in the kitchen. That damn Oliver had destroyed my once in a life time happy marriage and had to get his final punishment. I rang their landline phone and to my luck it was Rebecca who took the call. I told her that after she had left the party Marianne's friend Lena had told me that Marianne and her husband had an at least yearlong affair and now even Marianne had confessed it to me.

Then I rang Lena's husband and told him that Marianne got furious when I confronted her with what Lena told about her affair with Oliver and began shouting about Lena's affair with an ex hockey-player by name Ralf Norrman.

Of course it was a bit unfair to do that to Lena but she had played an active part in destroying my own marriage.

Later on it came to my knowledge after Lena confessed her cheating to her husband, he had taken immediate action against Ralf Norrman by giving him a severe beating in his own home witnessed by his wife and children.

When Marianne came to the kitchen she understood that her marriage probably and even her affair with Oliver was history. I asked her, "Did you really have such poor sex at home that it was necessary for you to fuck extra on the side? Do you love that damn creep Oliver Ericsson so much that fucking him once a month was worth more to you than your marriage?"

Marianne sobbed, "I don't love him, it was only some extra bonus sex that spiced up my love for you. You are my real love and will always be my real love, not he. With him it was only sex."

"If Rebecca is clever enough to dump that cheating asshole, you have won your bonus."

"I'm sorry for my silly mistake and beg you to forgive me. I have never stopped loving you. You are, only you are my great love. He was only some kind of excitement, not any real love. Please forgive me and let us go on with our family and children, please."

I was curious and asked, "How long has this so called bonus fucking gone on?"

"I met him only a three times and we had no sex during our first date why we had only two sex dates because you cancelled our December date."

What a lying bitch. I told her, "You swallowed my bait and skipped your so called shopping when I rang you about Oliver because you had already done the shopping in advance several days ago. You could probably saved our marriage if you even had skipped your November date when your new sexy lingerie got me suspecting the worst. Asking you for a Brandy was a simple trap. I had presumed that you and asshole celebrated some kind of anniversary which was more important for you than saving our marriage. I have checked your credit card bills about all Lena's and your monthly shopping during a whole year. The only purchase during those monthly shopping evenings is gas at the Q8 gas station out of the town. That means that your two fucking times is a damn lie, isn't it?"

I continued, "I'm 100 percent sure that you fucked him at least twelve times from November to November. Already one cheating is one too much why I don't care about the exact number, but it would be interesting to know when, how and why your cheating began?"

Marianne remained silent and began crying before she run to the spare bedroom.

She had confessed her cheating without any need for me to tell her about the recording of her phone calls or the pictures Oliver sent her. Better for me she thought that I should get my main information from Lena at our party.

Both Rebecca and Lena rang Marianne during the New Year day and it wasn't difficult to guess that those phone calls ended the long time friendship between Marianne and two of her very best friends.

Though it was I who made my cuckolding by a "bed-wetting" asshole known for public, it gave me only one choice avoid to be a laughing stock and I didn't hesitated a second for filing for divorce at the first working day the court was open at the New Year. Marianne never told me the real reason for her cheating or how and when it began.


The year after Marianne's and my New Year party was a real crap year for me. Though Marianne made several attempts to save our marriage, our divorce was final in July. She refused to answer all my questions about her affair with Oliver, and most of it will remain as an unsolved mystery for me.

To everybody's surprise Marianne and Oliver's cheating resulted in some kind of divorce epidemic because their affair caused four divorces: Marianne and me, Rebecca and Oliver, Lena and her husband and Ralf Norrman and his trophy wife.

Rebecca somehow got Oliver out from their house didn't waste much time before she began dating her boss and married him in August. Rumors said that Oliver suspected that something had happened already a long time before they filed for divorce and claimed that as a reason for his affair with Marianne but he never found any evidence about that.

When Marianne found out that it was out of question to cancel our divorce, she accepted that. I, with some assistance from relatives and friends, bought her out from our house. She bought an apartment with her money and Oliver and she moved in together, but it didn't last much more than a month before the lovebirds split up. Oliver left her after a big quarrel and the bed-wetter reputation even caused him to leave the town.

Marianne and I have shared custody for our children, who still lives in my house but spent some time at her place.

They are still saying that mom is not dating any man. But why should I care? Neither did I care or know what happened to Lena, her husband, her lover Ralf and his wife.

I didn't date anybody. Not until Christmas. To my great relief I found out there were enough single women who didn't say "no thanks" to a night with a guy like me, the few times my need for sex brought me to single bars. The truth is that I missed Marianne as hell but I'm too humiliated about her cheating to be able take her back.

It was one of my best friends who persuaded me to forget all crap at home and spend the Christmas and New Year in Thailand together with his cousin who had an extra Charter tour ticket for sale after splitting up with his girlfriend. As Marianne and I had already agreed that our kids would spend the holidays with her this year, I had nothing to keep me at home and bought his extra ticket.

The cousin was a jolly fellow and to our great luck on our second morning at the hotel, two divorced Belgian sisters shared the breakfast table with us. That was the best thing that had happened to me during the whole year because we spent all the remaining time in Thailand together with those two Belgian ladies. Though my date Monique was twelve years older than I, she was a good-looking woman with a nice slim body. To my great pleasure she even was the best cocksucker I ever met in my whole life with an ability to get me stone hard several times a night for her tight pussy.

Back home I was a really satisfied man who from now on missed the great sex with Monique much more than I ever missed my sex with Marianne. My problem was that I could never get a good job at the French speaking part of Belgium where Monique had her accountant business and she couldn't do anything like that in my country. The only thing I could do was plan and look forward to some weekend trips to her in Belgium.

But those trips to Monique will probably be cancelled forever because when I was back from Thailand a new neighbor had moved into the house next to mine. She is newly divorced very handsome female lawyer few years younger than me and with a daughter by name Johanna, the same age as my own daughter. The girls became friends surprisingly fast so for practical reasons, I invited in the girl's mother Madeleine for coffee.

She was an easygoing pretty woman and I offered to help her with all kind of practical chores in her house that resulted in pleasant coffee breaks after each job. I can't deny about been thinking a lot about her but decided to take it very carefully and only make small steps forward to find out if she cares about me or only regards me as some kind of janitor. Rather soon it became obvious that she invented some of her problems just for the coffee with me.

Madeleine must been a real high-class wife for her ex and would hardly be alone for long after her divorce. The truth is that shy guys seldom get beautiful girls laid why I at a Friday rang her at the job and asked her out for dinner at the evening but she said a polite "No thanks today" but added "We can do that some other time later" and suggested us to share a take away dinner from a new Greek restaurant at her house together with our children if I would understand that she wasn't in any mood for a real date. I accepted.

However, the dinner went fine, almost as a real family dinner and must been a quantum leap forward for me to get a closer relation with my pretty neighbor.

After the dinner when our teenagers had left us, Madeleine and I opened a bottle of wine, sat down in a sofa and talked about our divorces and hopes for the future. Madeleine had dumped her ex after the second time he hit her because she had seen too much crap caused by hitting men at her work. She stared me right in my eyes and asked me if I had ever hit my ex. I told her the truth about never hitting any woman in my whole life, not even Marianne after her cheating.

However, I told Madeleine that my ex paid a high price for her cheating what caused four divorces and got her losing her home, husband, lover, two of her very best friends and created her a reputation as a slut that caused problems with pussy-hounds trying to get a date with her.

Then Madeleine asked about my holiday trip to Thailand and if I had done anything shameful there what ought to been undone. Of course I knew what she meant but pretended not to understand and asked, "Sorry but I didn't catch your question. What should that been?"

Obviously I meant something for her because she said, "Don't play stupid. I want to know the truth about a man who asked me for a dinner date why it is important for me to know if you paid for sex with prostitutes during that Thailand trip?"

"No I didn't. But I don't deny my dating with a divorced Belgian lady there. She had dumped her ex for cheating and she was single. Please remember that happened when I was single without dating anybody here at home."

Madeleine asked again, "Do you have any plans to see that Belgian lady again."

I told her the truth, "Yes, we talked about that, but only if both of us are still out of any relation."

She gave me a bright smile and asked, "Are you dating somebody?"

I replied with my best smile, "I don't know for sure though I'm doing my best to get a lovely lady interested of a date with me and as long as I have some hope about gaining that, I'm not going anywhere to see anybody else."

"Why is that date with me so important for you? You can hardly expect any 'glory night' after only one date."

"Because it can either be the beginning of a happy dream or be the end of that dream."

Now she was very serious when she said, "I would bet some money on the 'beginning' but it will be some way to go there."

After a short silence she continued, "Though my divorce is a terrible experience for the time being, even I have a dream of sharing my life and love with a man who loves me. He must be honest and faithful to me and be accepted by Johanna and I will always be honest and faithful to him. To my surprise all kind of men seems to think that a divorced woman's only feeling is a starving for sex why I've already got many invitations about dating, even several from married men. So far I've said 'no thanks' to everybody asking for dates except two of you.

The first was a super fiasco and you Mic are the second that gained my interest. But even you and I must know each other much better before we can decide anything about the future. However, I can't deny that one of your great advantages is that Johanna likes you and I like Julia and Melvin very much. Shall we agree to be 'honest and faithful' to each other at this level for the beginning and do our best so the five of us will find our ways to know each other better before making any promises about sharing more of the future?"

I agreed without any objections. Missing a great sex weekend in Belgium was a cheap price to pay for a fair chance to get a serious relation with Madeleine even if sex with her had to wait for a while until she knew me better and sex with her could hardly be expected to be as great as with Monique. I knew several other people who had succeeded to make one happy family from remains of two split up families, why even Madeleine and me ought to fix it if both of us really wanted to do that.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Funny how all the MC's love interests had names begining with M.

The trust was gone right from the begining, but the silly ass cuck still lived in denial, but why?

All in all it was an awful story with an MC who was a bit of a dick.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No explanation for why the affair besides "adding spice". No confession. Lies. Doesn't matter was infrequent. Was for a year. They celebrated an "anniversary". No way to reconcile. No trust anymore.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

While liking the story I find the language and phrasing a little strange. That being said I do understand the author must have been raised in a different native language.

mndhanson017mndhanson0178 months ago

Yeah, if she couldn't explain the reason for the affair, he could never trust her, since she's still hiding things, choosing the lover over your husband, she deserved her pain

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

Wish he was still writing!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved this story. Great job.


26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Old Frog is an acquired taste, and I’ve acquired it.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

"Devoid of actual conversational emotions"??? ("Mightyheart")

Dude, that is psychobabble gibberish. You want sermons and moralizing, throwing up, falling on the knees, crying? That is exactly what is wrong with LW moronic clichés. Empty garbage full of dialogues people talk in mirror to themselves and never in reality with others. How many women can stand a male idiot sermonizing them? Any sane woman would leave such a situation.

Winterfrog is one of the best BTB writers that has even written for LW. Yes, it is BTB but written the right way, without psychobabble, without wimping, and without idiotic dialogues. The rest of moronic redneck BTB writers could learn something from the writers like winterfrog and papatoad instead of driveling garbage couch potato fantasies.

Most importantly Winterfrog plots are original, fresh air in comparison with regular LW swamp.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Oh crap

There's a second one. That can only mean a RAAC coming.

MightyheartMightyheartabout 3 years ago

I forgive the English. He is Scandinavian & English is not his first language. No problem.

Good part of his stories is that the Husband is proactive & never a wimp.

But the storyline is always the same. BTB.

Scandinavian morality & more a narration of events than Dialogues. Quite devoid of actual conversational emotions.

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