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I mean. Fuck.

I pulled back to catch my breath, my forehead resting on his. His dark eyes stared into mine. I think I'd pulled the bottom out from those eyes with that kiss, because his gaze was endless. I lost myself in it as I gently tugged at his hair, panting.

I mean, fuck.


The man could fuckin' kiss.

I could feel everything he wanted to do to me in the way he held back then didn't, then held back again. In the little things he did to me with just his fucking mouth. The way he stared at me afterwards, those jade irises bright and shining and ready to consume me whole.

I wanted him to do consume me. I wanted him to do every single one of those things he'd just promised to me. At once. Preferably at that very instant.

I felt him tug against my hair softly and couldn't keep the response from my body, feeling the way that sent electricity through my core, my back arching up, my eyes fluttering closed at just that smallest movement. Fuck, everything he did turned me on. Just being with him turned me on.

I fucking needed him.

Thank god he was right there. His fingers, the ones not perfectly, gloriously in my hair, started dancing down my body. I let loose a moan as they found my nipples, lingering lightly over the sensitive flesh. My own fingers bit into his back, holding on for dear life as he slowly drug me towards an edge that was all for him, brand new and dangerous and fuck did I want to go over, did I want to see what was on the other side.

"Cooper," I groaned as his hands teased my skin. He seemed to enjoy his name in my mouth, rewarding me with a soft bite against my neck that shook pleasure down my entire body. "Oh, fuck. Cooper."

His mouth was moving down, his teeth on my collarbones, then moving down to tease my nipples. His hand finally had to leave my hair, but that was okay that was fine because that meant it moved to my hip, meant his fingers were running over spots so sensitive I thought I was going to die.

I could die like this. I would be happy to die like this, at his hands. In his mouth. I moaned and slipped my fingers over his buzzed hair as he sent another soul-shattering wave of pleasure through my body. "Cooper," I told him, unsure if that word meant anything past a noise of pleasure, a feeling of completion. "Cooper."


To have him like this, pressed beneath me, my body able to feel each and every one of his reactions, my soul ringing with the way he said my name over and over again like it was a song, like it was a chant, like he needed to pray but he could only remember my name.

It was perfect. It was everything. And still, and still he gave me more.

I slid a hand down over his hips and felt his breath catch. There was the briefest moment where I felt the rough hair of his pubes and then I was past, going further down to the soft skin of his thighs, so receptive, so responsive. My fingers brushed lightly along the inner line of his leg and he sighed, opening his legs even as he shook.

Fuck, I was shaking. It was so hard to hold back with him, so hard to keep myself like this, controlled and controlling. But fuck, I thought as I watched him throw his head back and speak my name like a curse, like an invocation.Fuck was it worth it if it was going to get him like this.

"Need you, Cooper," he was saying. I drew a finger up his cock, watching it twitch and wanting to taste it. His fingers were grasping at my sheets, seeking anything to hold onto, trying to find some purchase as I slid him towards where I wanted him. I pressed a kiss to his stomach and he gasped.

"Want you," he said. "Cooper, I want you."

He sounded different, then. I looked up to see him and found him staring down at me with that intensity, that single minded drive that made me feel like he was filling up my stomach with him, my soul with all lot of things I wasn't sure I could name but somehow still recognized. I swallowed, hesitating for only a moment before moving up to kiss him.

He kissed me back, arms wrapping around my body so fiercely I wasn't sure I would be able to get free. But then he pulled back, resting his forehead on mine and staring into my eyes. I let him look, not understanding this moment but knowing that he needed it.

He spoke again, wonder threatening to unravel him even as lust and need wound him up so tight, so knotted. "Want you so bad it hurts."

I paused, ignoring the small whimper that elicited. "Hurt's okay?" I asked, because I had to be sure. Because I couldn't not know. Because this man had come to me covered in bruises and scars and I had promised myself, had promised him, that I would make sure that I would be something good for him. Something better.

But he just pushed his head back into my bed and his cock through my grip, startling a moan out of me. "Hurt's so good," he murmured. "You make this hurt so good."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. My lips dropped another light kiss on his form as I began to move back down to pick up where I had left off.

"But Cooper."

I froze, eyes darting back up to meet bottomless pupils, pits of lust and desire and oh, fuck, what was I getting myself into? "Yeah, Luka?" I asked, hoping my voice sounded more steady than it did to my own ears.

He stared me down like he was searching for something. "You'd better fucking fuck me."

I didn't bother to hide the shiver that put down my spine, letting it run it's course then spilling it over onto his body with a kiss, putting my desire on his skin. "Yeah, Luka," I told him between kisses that sent him writhing, cursing. Falling. "I can do that."

"Fuck," I heard him say. "Fucking finally."

And I smiled as I twisted up hard on his cock and bit his hip bone at the same time, hearing the way that made him gasp, the way that took his breath away.

Fucking finally.


Cooper was everything I had dreamed.

No, he wasn't anything I had dreamed, because I could have never dreamed this. His fingers were more; his lips were ever more; his teeth were the most, and yet somehow, somehow you put that all together and you got Cooper and he was exactly right, exactly everything and yet so, so...

I swear he was tearing me apart and putting me back together every time he touched me, it was that extreme. That's what I thought at first. And then I just stopped thinking, preferring to concentrate on the way his hand felt wrapped around his cock, the way his lips felt against my skin. The way his words felt against my soul.

I could only think now, and only just, because he had left my body to get lube and a condom. "Don't touch yourself," he'd told me as he'd rolled out of bed. "I want you all for me."

Which had left me hard, aching, and twitching in the bed waiting for him. Wanting him.

But as much as I wanted him, I needed touch. My fingers skittered over my hipbones, coming ever closer, dangerously dipping towards my rock hard cock.

"That's technically touching, you know."

I groaned at his voice and forced my hands back to the sheets beside me, wrapping my fingers up in cotton to keep them from my skin. If he didn't come back soon...

The bed creaked as he settled next to me, and I sighed as he fingers again landed on my stomach. "I didn't think you could do it."

"You took longer than you had to," I snapped, but I wasn't mad. I would wait forever for him, if he asked. The more he tortured me the more I loved it.

"Yeah," he said. His voice felt warm against my hipbone. I shuddered as his hair brushed against my cock. "I did."

He bit my skin, not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough that I liked it, hard enough that I arched up into him, moaning, as sparks shot all through my core.

"Besides," he continued as if he had not just ended and begun my world with nothing but his mouth. "I liked watching you there." Another bite; another shower of sparks for my soul. "All naked, all for me. So helpless."

A shudder that had nothing to do with the bite he had gifted me shook down my spine. Wasn't he right? Wasn't I helpless to him? Made helpless by him? Fuck, shouldn't that thought terrify me?

It didn't. For some reason, some weird fucked up, perfectly right feeling that I was in no fucking state to unpack right then, it made me feel so incredibly safe. I sunk into that feeling, sunk into him as he bit the inside of my thigh and made everything in my body come alive.


I watched him arch under my touch and just reveled in him, reveled in the ways he could sound, could look, could be. Let myself have a moment to enjoy the way he looked, the way he tasted.

His cock twitched invitingly next to me. As I watch a drop of precum that had been gather on the head dripped onto his smooth stomach, pooling there. Oh fuck, I thought as another drop immediately began to form. Oh, fuck, I need to get him to do some more of that.

My hand began to reach out, to return to it's place wrapped around his cock. I needed to touch him, needed to drive him crazy, to make him unravel until he was nothing but pieces for me to run my hands through. Too much, my brain told me, but then I did it anyway because I wanted to be too much, because he was too much for me and how the fuck could I even compete with that?

He moaned as I grabbed his cock, or maybe I moaned. I couldn't really tell where he was starting and I was ending at this point and that wasn't great, that wasn't awesome because I needed to be in control, needed to make this good and safe for him but holy fuck did he make me lose my mind when he made noises like that.

"Baby," I crooned, my finger finding it's way between his legs. He gasped as I entered him, a quick bite and my hand on his cock hopefully distracting him from any pain. "Luka."

That was all he needed to hear. He pushed back against my finger, then against two. My hand on his cock was now pressure, holding his pleasure inside as I opened him up for me, made him ready for what we had both been waiting for months.

It was hard to pull away, with the way he was mewling, writhing, gathering and falling all at once. With the way he felt around my fingers. But I wanted to fuck him; no, I needed to make love to him, and I couldn't do that with my fingers inside of him.

At least not this time, I thought wildly. There were a lot of things I wanted to do with Luka. There were a lot of ideas that I was having to shove to the back of my head so I could concentrate on the now, on the here. He made that easy, at least, with how beautiful he looked, how fucking amazing he was, how hard it was to hear anything else but the way he said my name.

"Cooper," he said now as I pulled my fingers from him. "Cooper," and his voice was so needy, so wanting that I nearly dropped the condom which would have been a fucking disaster.

"I've got you," I whispered. I hope he heard me. I needed him to hear me like I heard him. "I've got you."

"Fuck," he commanded, his fingers wrapping around my hips so tight I had to move forward. "Fuck."

I leaned down. I kissed him gently. "Okay," I told him, and then I began to push into him.


Finally, a part of was thinking, I'm sure. And another part of me was thinking yes, yes yes.

But most of me was thinking nothing at all, because what was there to think about? This was Cooper. Thinking didn't factor into this, into us; we were so beyond thinking. And so when he pushed into me, so slow, so fucking careful like everything he had been when all I wanted from him was that first moment of dangerous that I remembered, that sat on my tongue from his kisses, that he had etched onto my soul with his fucking movie reels and so I grabbed him and pulled him into me faster than I should have, maybe, but exactly as fast as I wanted to.

He gasped as he slid into me, a reflection to my exhalation. I waited just a beat before I opened my eyes and glared at him, glared as best I could as the pieces of all the things he had made me. But hadn't I learned to be broken directionally? Hadn't I taught myself to point all my edges in one direction? And so I pointed them all at him, threw them, really, because if someone was in control of my body it wasn't me, as I managed to growl, "Fuck, Cooper.Fuck me."

That seemed to work.

My wrists were in his hand before I had time to think, not that I was thinking anyway. He pulled them up above my head, trapping them there with brutal efficiency as he crushed his lips into mine, capturing me in one of those kisses of his that absolutely fucking devastated me.

"Your wish," he whispered against my lips as he slid out of me nearly all the way, "is my command."

Then he slammed back into me, and I think I fucking screamed.

He fucked me like that, harsh and raw and everything and I needed. One hand stayed on my wrists, holding them tight. The other rested lightly on my chin, so gentle. So careful.

It was that mix of careful and dangerous that finally tripped me, that surprised me right over the fucking edge. He slammed into me so hard, so hard and I loved it, wanted it, but then his finger traced over my chin and I hadn't even known I wanted that softness, that care and that combination was fucking deadly and my brain shortcircuited and I came, went right over that fucking edge and fell, fell so hard for him I knew there was no coming back.


I couldn't stop touching him. Even as a part of me was lost, lost in the lust of this moment, even while I had him pinned and screaming my name and falling apart for me. I couldn't stop just running my fingers over his skin, making sure that he was real. That he was there. That he was safe.

When he came, it was blindingly beautiful. Even if I hadn't been so close already I could have come just from the sight of him arching back, cum splashing up over his chest and stomach and nothing my me, me, me on his lips and fuck.


I stayed still for a moment after, shaking over the small body of Luka. Then I let myself collapse next to him, my breath fast, my heartrate faster.

There was a moment where I knew I should get up and get rid of the condom but honestly I didn't give a shit, trash wasn't important and Luka was everything so I peeled it off and tossed it onto the floor somewhere before I let my arms wrap around the body that lay next to me. His eyes were closed. His heart was pounding.

Luka, I thought, and even in my head his name sounded soft. Better. But I couldn't bring myself to say anything out loud, not just yet, so I simply wrapped myself around him and waited for him to come down to me, knowing that he was flying and hoping that he wouldn't mistake his flight for a fall.


It felt like floating, that time. It felt like the most gentle descent and when I finally made my way to the earth I didn't shatter, I didn't hit hard, cold reality.

I landed, safe and sound, in Cooper's arms.

A sigh pressed out of me at the feeling of gravity, at the safety that brought. The ways this was so different than I had existed before. The things it made me feel, deep inside that had nothing to do with sex.

"You okay?" I heard him ask, like I knew he always would. I flipped my body over and nestled into those arms, those yummy, yummy arms, until my forehead rested on his neck.

"Mhhh," I told him, somehow knowing that would be enough. He traced his fingers up and down my spine, shaking the last of the body-destroying sparks he placed inside of me from my core. I didn't mind them leaving; I knew he could conjure them up with just a motion. A word. A thought. "You?"

He kissed the top of my head and that was all I needed. I burrowed further into his arms, loving the comfort I found there. Loving him.

"You got me all riled up," he was saying. "Got me thinking about things I shouldn't be."

The way he said it, I knew he didn't meanshouldn't. It piqued my interest, even as I bit back a yawn. I was exhausted; today had been long, and emotional. And, at the end, quite physical. "What kinds of things?"

"You," he told the top of my head. I know his fingers picked up that shiver that word sent down my spine. "Maybe some rope. Possibly some other... things."

More shivers. His fingers hesitated and I was quick to respond before he got the wrong idea. "Next time," I told him, hearing the way my speech was burred with sleep and desire. "Definitely next time."

There was a long stretch of silence and I thought he might have fallen asleep, except his fingers never stopped their slow, relaxing movements along my back. And his heart seemed to have picked up speed. I could hear it, from where I lay.

"So there is a next time?" he asked.

He sounded timid I wanted to laugh. "Of course," I told him, looking up into those jade eyes, that beautiful face. I thought, then, about saying something like with sex as good as that, how could I say no? orhow could I resist you? but I wanted it to be more than that because it was, and so I heard myself saying, "I love you."

That face froze. His heart beat faster, then faster still.

"Good," he finally said. Then, "Thank god." Then, finally, "I love you, too," and my body ached to hear it, and my soul closed down over those words like they were afraid they would escape but I just smiled up at him and said, "Well, duh," which made him laugh.

I felt that laugh though the body he held, his arms around me. His heart beating, for me. And I smiled up at him as my heart beat back and felt myself land, really, really land, and knew that this.

This was home.


expect more from our lovers in the future. For now, ta, goodnight, and many stars to light your way. May you emerge from all your fights bloody knuckled and victorious, and may the enemies of love turn away when they see your face.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! Simply amazing. And how perfectly you used words to describe and evoke such emotion. Love love love this story. Just magnificent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How you delivered this story is beyond amazing💖 This is the best story I’ve ever read in this site. I love this so much❤️

LoveSoulLoveSoulabout 2 years ago

I loved every minute of that journey, all I can say is beautiful

Ginger630Ginger630almost 3 years ago

Szia! This was a wonderful story. You have an amazing way with words. I felt what they felt.

And that little big of Hungarian made me smile.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderalmost 3 years ago

This is SO well written, thank you! The love and the pain so real I can taste it. The confusion, the yearning, the falling apart. The gifts in the middle of despair. Wow!

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