Found Ch. 07


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"What time did you get that?"

"A little bit before 9 a.m."

"They were awake I hope."

"Yes they were. They were going to run some errands, but Calen said they would be here."

Not missing a chance to tease, Martin took his chance, "So Calen didn't have to get a restraining order on you yet?"

"Not yet, but they might have to set out a search party for you! Imagine finding a piece of you here and there and everywhere!" Lucas said back sarcastically.

"So many pieces, so little time!" Martin shot back.

"Just drive old man!" Lucas said as he giggled and shook his head. Martin wasn't old at all. He was 43 years old but looked like he should be in his 30s. Lucas just called him old because he was the oldest pack member.

"I am driving!"

After arriving back to Martin's house, people were starting to show up. Lucas sat up in his seat and looked around to see if he could spot Calen. He looked around to see if he could find Calen's truck, but didn't. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and quickly opened the door and slammed it. Obviously annoyed, he wanted Calen here already. It was almost 4 o'clock. "Calm down, he will be here soon Luke."

Both men walked towards the back of the house where everyone was. Lucas looked around, but no Calen. He figured as much since he didn't smell his scent. Just then, he felt some hands on his shoulders. Turning around he saw that it was William.

"What's up man?" William asked.

"Nothing much, just came back from getting ice with Martin. How are you doing?" Lucas asked as he hugged William.

"Doing good. I had a few patients to see today and then took the rest of the day off."

"Speaking of which, how was your date with her?"

"It went good. We had dinner and then we went to listen to a jazz band and danced a little bit." William smiled as he answered Lucas. He had spent the whole night thinking of her after he had dropped her off. The way she looked, the way she was dressed, the way she smelled. William couldn't take his mind off of her. Before he knew it, it was almost 5 a.m. and he needed to be at work in 4 hours.

"Nice!" Lucas said back to him, stilling looking around to see if Calen had shown up.

"Who are you looking for?" William asked.

"Calen. He said he was coming but he isn't here yet."

"Well aren't you all giddy! I just talked to Natalie and they are on their way."

"I wish they would get here already."

"Aww look at you getting all hyper!" William teased.

"Shut up!" Lucas blushed.

"Are you turning red? Is Lucas Jarreau blushing right before my eyes?"

"Yes dammit, I can't help it!" Lucas smiled and gently pushed William. The last few years Lucas and William got real close. When William first joined the back, he was fresh out of college and on his way to Medical school. It was Lucas who showed him the ways of the pack. William was a natural born lycan, such as Lucas, but where he used to live, no one else was like him. It was a tough life for him. His parents didn't know what to make of their lycan son. They themselves weren't lycans and there hadn't been any for many generations. After doing research, William found out that his great great great great great grand father fell in love and married a female lycan. After marrying her, they had four children. None of which had the lycan trait. Because of that, the generations after thought it had disappeared. It wasn't until William turned 13 that he went through his first change. With no guidance from anyone, his parents did whatever they could to help. After meeting with Lucas at a college party, he invited William to join the pack with the permission of Martin. Ever since, they have been like brothers.

"Just chill out bro. If Calen said they were coming then they are coming."

"Easier said than done Big Willy!"

"I told you not to call me that!" William said as he gently shoved Lucas back.

Martin came out with Melania and Nisa, a female lycan, and her husband Eric who was also a lycan. They brought out the meat and some snacks for everyone to munch on as the food gets cooked. Lucas and William headed over to them when something caught Lucas' senses.

Stopping dead in his tracks, Lucas turned around and let out a low guttural growl. "They're coming." William turned around and sniffed the air, he could smell Natalie's scent--they were less than a quarter mile away.

"See, they would of shown up eventually!" William said to Lucas.

Seeing Calen's truck approach, Lucas and William walk towards them. Already, William could see Natalie smiling in his direction. Calen simply nodded and gave a faint smile to Lucas. For a brief second, Lucas almost forgot about his ordeal with Calen and came close to running up towards him and hugging him. His only saving grace was hearing William say "easy" that helped him snap back into reality.

"Glad you guys made it!" Lucas said as he greeted Calen with a handshake.

"Sorry it took us long. We stopped to drop off Miggy at Natalie's parents and then we went to the mall. And as always Natalie lost herself in there." Calen said jokingly.

"They were having sales!" She fired back.

All four headed towards the congregation of people. William put his arm around Natalie's shoulders and she put hers around his waist. Lucas looked over and wished he could do the same with Calen.

"Have they been here long?" Natalie asked.

"About half an hour more or less." Lucas answered back.

"And you?" Natalie asked William.

"Just 15 minutes ago. I had a few patients to see this morning and had to admit one to the hospital."

"Aw, I hope the kid is alright." Calen said.

"He will be. He needs to have his tonsils removed."

Natalie and Calen greeted everyone at the cook out. Lucas and William both introduced them to the other pack members.

"CALEN-NATALIE!" Both turned around to see who it was. It was Lisa. Both gave her a hug and congratulated her on her new grandson.

"How have you all been?"

"We have been good." Answered Natalie.

"That is great to hear. Sorry if I seem a little excited!"

"Oh don't be sorry, you have every right to be excited!" Calen said.

"Look, I have a couple of pictures of him already." All four of them followed Lisa to where she had her purse. She took out a small photo album and handed them over to Natalie and Calen.

"He is so precious!" Natalie said as she flipped through the pictures of Trent Thompson. "Makes me want to have another."

"Just as long as they don't spit up on me I am fine!" Everyone laughed. Calen loves kids. He has a few nieces and nephews of his own and loves spending time with them when he can.

"I just stopped by real quick to greet everyone and say 'hi'. But I am going back to see my grandbaby!"

"Already spoiling him I bet." Calen said.

"Sure am. That's what grannies are for!" Lisa said with a huge smile on her face. After excusing herself, she went up to Martin and said her goodbye to him and soon left the party.

"She is really excited huh?" William asked.

"You should of seen her when she found out her daughter was pregnant. She brought in balloons and doughnuts for everyone. She was humming like crazy." said Calen.

Seeing everyone at the cookout was a nice change from spending 4 hours at the mall with Natalie. He hadn't been to a cookout in awhile. Calen's dad used to have them every Saturday for year, but stopped having them after his grandfather died. Soon after, the family troubles began. Calen shook his head to make the memories stop.

"Hey guys you are just in time!" Martin said, standing next to Marco who was cooking the meat. "The steaks are almost done. How do you like them?"

"We both take them medium." Natalie answered back. Most of the pack liked them the same too. Some, if not most, would think they are them raw, but it wasn't usually the case. Lycans do like the taste of raw meat, but that doesn't mean they don't appreciate a good steak hot off the grill. They are half human after all.

Melania came out from the kitchen holding a tray filled with baked potatoes. Setting them down, she greeted Natalie and Calen and asked them what they liked on them.

"Do you have any Italian dressing Melania?" I like to put some on mine." Calen asked.

"We sure do. I will go and get it with the other dressings for the salad."

"No, I'll go and get it Mel. You have been on your feet long enough." Lucas said as he darted towards the kitchen.

"Thanks sweety."

"So how was your alls day?" Melania asked as she dug around the ice chest to hand Nat and Calen some sodas. She, too, was excited to see Calen at the cook out. Ever since the meeting, Lucas has done nothing but talk about him. Shew as glad that the ordeal between Grant and her brother was settled and didn't have to worry about anything bad happening.

"Its been good. I took Natalie to her parent's house to drop off Miguel and then we did some errands and went to the mall afterwards."

"Sounds like fun."

"It was! They had tons of sales and a new boutique opened up." Natalie said.

"We were there for four hours and came away with two small bags." Moaned Calen.

"Well, that's what girls do Calen! We browse and browse for hours and sometimes only a couple of things will be bought. Natalie, we should go shopping next time."

"We totally should Melania! How about next week?"

"It sounds good to me."

"Yes, please take her. I'll even give you money to do so!" Calen said pleading, teasing his best friend.

"Shush you!" Natalie said back and she playfully pushed Calen.

"Ok here are the salad dressings. And here is the Italian dressing you wanted Calen."

"You expect him to hold onto it until the food comes out?" William teased.

"Uh..." Lucas muttered out. Calen smiled.

Martin called everyone to stand in line. The steaks were done and everything else was ready. William held his and Natalie's plate while they were being served. Calen stood in front of Lucas. There was that faint smell again. He looked around but couldn't place where it was coming from. As quick as the scent came, it left. Lucas breathed in as he stood behind Calen; his scent so strong and so sweet. He wanted to run his fingers through the back of Calen's hair and just breath in deeply. He wanted to touch him badly. Every part of his body was aching and longing to have Calen close to him. He wanted to grab him from behind and just kiss him on the side of the neck. Just to leave a mark on him to claim Calen as his. But he couldn't, not now.

"Are you going to stand there Luke or do you want me to serve you some food?" Nisa asked trying to snap Lucas out of his daze.

"Huh...oh sorry." Lucas said as he walked up to her and held his plate out to be served. Calen looked back to see him and smiled. Lucas smiled back .

"This food smells wonderful!" Natalie said as she took a whiff of the food.

"It really does." Calen added as he took a bite from his steak. "The steak is real good too. What kind of marinade did you use?"

"Marco marinated them in Worcestershire sauce and just seasoned them with salt and pepper." Lucas said, taking a bite from his fork.

"Really, just Worcestershire, salt and pepper?" Calen asked.

"Yup. The sauce really tenderizes the meat better than anything else. Gives it a lot of flavor and makes it real tender to cut."

"I would have never thought of that. My dad used to use Italian dressing on our steaks as a marinade. It tastes good that way too, but by far, this is the best steak I have eaten in a good while." Calen said as he took another bite. Calen loved the way his dad grilled. He would always help him out by preparing the meat, cutting the firewood and help turning the meat on the grill.

"Speaking of which, I've never heard people putting Italian dressing on their baked potatoes before." William said to Calen as he watched him put a glob of dressing on his potato.

"I like the way it tastes. Sometimes I will cut the potato in half and scoop out the insides. Then mix it with heavy cream, butter, salt and pepper and the dressing and put them back into the potato skins. Then finish it off with some parsley." Calen explained.

Lucas jumped on the chance to get those things for Calen, however Calen politely declined but thanked him anyway. Natalie smiled and continued with her food.

"So the lake house you are working on with Lucas, have you gotten any offers for it yet?" William asked.

"So far nothing yet. But I've gotten some calls on when the renovations are going to start and more or less how long its going to take. They're interested but they know me and they wont make any offers until I see fit."

"Ah I see. So they just call, get the info and then call back to see if its ready for an offer?"

"Pretty much. I don't take any kind of offers until we have done at least a weeks worth of work. I've had people try to buy houses from me after a day or two of the company owning it."

"Really? That sounds normal." William asked wanting to know more.

"They think if they buy the house that early on, they will be able to save money if they bypass a company like us to try to do it themselves. Granted, they might know what they are doing, but we have to get permits and sometimes owners don't get them and that's where they start running into trouble."

"Like what?"

"Well permits can be costly, and when a new home buyer or someone who doesn't have experience flipping homes, can get into a lot of trouble if they don't get them. Not only that, the permits allow us to know what major things need to get fixed and working properly. That's where the city and state come in. They inspect and if everything is clear, we can keep on going. If not, we have to fix it right away. That takes time and money and some don't have the means to do that. So they patch things up without having an inspector look first. In the long run, that depreciates the value of the home. Not to mention the costs of repairs that could have been avoided and now they have this huge problem. I have seen it many, many times."

"You have good points there." William asked, impressed with Calen's knowledge. He liked Calen's business side; stern and responsible.

"Plus I like my commissions." Calen said with a laugh.

"Damn right!" Natalie added in.

"When do you all start?"

"Monday morning."

The rest of the conversation consisted of the real estate market. William knew a few doctors who were looking into buying homes out in rural areas and offered to help Calen and Natalie with any leads.

When everyone was done with their meal, Martin stood up and thanked everyone for showing up. "I wanted to have this little gathering to establish not only a working relationship, but a friendship as well. I hope that every month we are able to have get togethers like this!"

After everyone applauded, Martin, Lucas, Marco, Nisa and her husband Eric, went inside the house only to return with plates of brownies and a couple of tubs of vanilla ice cream. Once again everyone stood up and waited in line. Lucas stood behind Calen again. That strong urge to touch Calen was there again. Just a touch, a small one was all he needed for now. As they walked back to their table, Lucas flashed a small smile at Calen. Calen smiled back and turned his head. Right before reaching their tables, Calen stumbled over his own feet and tripped, causing him to drop his dessert plate. Lucas grabbed Calen by the arm and kept him from falling down.

"I've got you." Lucas said. He wanted his small touch and now he has it. He began wondering if it was his fault for Calen's clumsiness. Either way, he wasn't going to complain.

"What the..." Calen said, trying to recover his balance.

"This is getting pitiful! Thank you Lucas." Calen's face turned red with embarrassment. Almost everyone was looking in his direction. This was the third time he has done something stupid in front of Lucas.. What was happening? He didn't understand his clumsiness. Natalie saw the whole thing from her seat. She knew why Calen was acting like this, but she wasn't going to bring it up here.

"Let me go get you another one Calen." Lucas offered.

"No, its ok. I can go get it." Calen managed to mumble out.

"Go sit. I want you to at least taste the dessert before you drop it." Realizing what he said might offend Calen, he smiled and was surprised to see Calen smile back.

"You ok Cal?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just my damn pride is all."

"You didn't hurt yourself?" William asked.

"I'm fine."

Lucas returned with another plate, but this time it had two of everything. "Sorry, we ran out of paper plates so I just put everything on mine. I hope that's ok? If not you can have this plate and I'll get a regular one for me."

"No, its ok, don't get another dish dirty on my account. We can share the same one."

"You sure?" Lucas asked.


"Ok. Maybe you should scoot in a little bit so that you wont drop anything on yourself." Realizing that again he might of offended Calen, he apologized. Calen smile and said it was OK and knew what he meant. Everyone continued eating their desserts and talking amongst themselves. Martin over saw and over heard everything that went on. These two knuckle heads are made for each other he thought. Martin smiled and shook his head. This is going to be a long road for Lucas.

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NonomnismoriarNonomnismoriarabout 1 month ago

Such a damned shame that this story ends here. Thank you, I’ve enjoyed your work cowboi.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This keeps happening! I really get into a story and then? NOTHING. Like the other person said, I hope nothing happened to the writer. Would have loved to read this in its entirety. Great read. Funny too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
what a shame.

I find it so sad, that a great writer did not get to finish this story. I hope that cowboi is ok and nothing tragic happened in his/her life. This story had such great potential.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I don't buy it

Grant said he recognized Calen as his mate because he smelled sweet? It's already been established that a wolf in this story can smell sweet scents on people who are not their actual mates, and the real deal smells like a specific something, not just vaguely sweet.

How does Grant not know this? Why isn't the knowledge of the wolf's motivations not brought into the discussion when they're talking to Grant and Luke? Just, grrr

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Continue please!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Nice story, but you need an editor:

Not should OF, should HAVE.

I have seen the man . . .

I should have seen the man . . .

I would have seen the man . . .

Take the should/could/would out and ask yourself, does "I OF seen the man" make any sense? No. HAVE.

"It's not an uncommon ordeal. It is very rare, but not uncommon."

"Not uncommon" means "common". It cannot be both "very rare" and "common".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great work! Awesome concept.

The story content is very good.

Here's a few observations and tips.

This feels like i am reading a first draft. There are many repeats of concepts and phrases where a second draft would have smoothed them out. There are also contradictions (ie. oldest pack member is alpha yet in previous chapter called in elders to resolve dispute) and not following logic sequences through properly (the argument between the two imprinting lycans over who gets calen - there were many more aspects of that issue to be explored like what calen might want or what future a city lawyer can offer calen etc and having the playboy lawyer act as a catalist for digging into calens past and getting him to open up about so luke can adress those issues and progress into building trust between them. If you want the laywer to be the bad cop of the relationship triangle play that angle or get some characters behind him to back him up or play on the lone wolf side of things.

See the vast possibilities of your scenario and have fun with it!

A good editor. Doing second & third drafts by yourself. Rereading your own work.

Having a concept is good. Comunicating it clearly makes all the difference.

MalecManiacMalecManiacabout 9 years ago

I don't mind the errors in spelling or whatever. It's about the contents of the story. I love it. If finished this could be one of the best werewolve stories on this site. So please, keep writing?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Yet another good story goes unfinished.. so disappointing. Would have liked to see this one all the way out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I guess its a good thing we don't use this site to actually read a completed story.

PaleAngel_90PaleAngel_90over 10 years ago
Wonderful Story,can´t wait to read more

Please tell me that you´ll continue this story,i love it,i can´t wait to read more,keep up the good work!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Jeez. Someone pick up where this person left off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Stop complaing he might be DEAD

Or blind or crippled or depressed or be prgnant.have mercy.we will find someone to finish it.lit should put thst rule after 2 yrs should be continued by a willing member

katofpreykatofpreyabout 11 years ago
Once again

another story never to be completed : (

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