From Jenny to Mei Ch. 19


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Anyway, she didn't need to see his cock - the look in his eyes told her how what she was doing was affecting him. He could maintain composure and still want her and she found his self-control sexy. It built upon Mei's description of him as the master. What could be more suave then sipping champagne on a balcony high above downtown San Francisco while a hot redhead brushed her sodden cunt in his direction.

"Tell me about last night," he said, glancing down at her hand as it pushed her soft, swollen flesh in an oval.

"She totally fucked me."


"First she fucked my mind with that display. I was shocked. I thought it was you, that there were cameras and you were in the basement jerking off. I hated you."


"Then I whipped her, and flogged her and called her a sick, twisted slut."

He grinned. "She liked that."

"Loved it. Then I clamped her nipples and she huffed out an orgasm or two with that fish hook thing in her ass."

"I told her that was too much."

"Loves anal, does she?"

"She's special that way."

She gave him a look of quizzical amusement. "Special that way? What does that mean."

"You know her needs. What do you think it means?"

"Huh. Never liked it myself, or..." she paused to consider that many of her preferences seemed to be shifting, "... haven't, or... I don't know."

She changed technique. Rather than a languid, steady rolling motion she halted her hand, propped the heal of her palm on her trimmed hair and petted her vulva with her long fingers, their red nails complementing the pink of her inner lips.

"She's unique, Philip. I've never know a more sexually awake woman in my life."

"Have you had many?"

"Half a dozen women maybe. Probably fewer. You? I bet you've done lots of girls."

"Probably the same. No more than ten."

"Really? That surprises me."


She gazed with frank disbelief, then let it morph to a smirk. "You're fishing for a complement. You know how hot you are, Philip. Anyway, you're not the type that needs reassurance."

"I'm nothing special. Don't let the money fool you."

"Fuck the money. You're hot. Confidence is arousing and you've got it. And from what Mei Chun tells me, you've got a lot more. You've got reasons to be confident."

He wasn't fond of talking about himself and changed the subject. "How was Otto?"

"Great. Better than I thought it would be. Of course Mei Chun practically burned out the motor and I'm still tender but I've never... I think it might be habit forming."

"Did you try both?"

"What, the anal one? No."

"Right. Probably best to try it with Tim first."

"Right," she said lost in thought. "But you like it, right? Fucking Mei in that tight little hole of hers." She started up her rotation again and pressed her fingers more firmly into her doughy soft, swollen labia, thrilling at an image of Mei getting fucked in the ass.

"I love it. Fuck I love it when she is on her belly and juts that pert little ass in the air and begs me to plow her hard. By the way, you are really turning me on doing that."

He said it at the very moment she had been considering stopping her little show and, as gracefully as possible, bringing what she feared was a disastrous charade to a close.

"Thank you for saying so. I've never..."

"Thank you for trusting me to watch."

"I want you to. I want you... to." 'I want you too,' she thought, 'I want you to fuck me, to want me, to control me like you do her.'

He wasn't a mind reader but when a girl strips seductively and masturbates for his pleasure he figured he was permitted to assume a few things. One was he that was welcome to her body, the other was that she wanted him to engage and show his desire for her. However, he also knew that now was not the time to get physical with Karla. And joining her by jerking off didn't seem the right thing at the moment either. He had an inkling that, even though she said it, was inviting and encouraging it, she didn't really want him to. He thought he might be wrong but staying cool, being the responsible one was what she needed.

"Never done this before, you were going to say?"

"Yeah. But something about the way you are looking at me makes me feel, I don't think, it's the last time."

"Bit of an exhibitionist?"

"If you saw me in my Lycra you'd know."

"Like men looking at your body?"

"Yeah." She closed her eyes and let her chin rise a bit.

"More about last night, please."

"She so fucked with my head like that. Like she was... I don't know, forcing me. Like, tricking me to strike her. She had this need, y'know? This tricky way of looking vulnerable but so hot. Like physically hot and in-control. Like if I didn't flog her again she was going to rip those restraints free and eat me alive. It was such a fucking turn on to watch her swallow the pain and, like, wallow in it and digest it and beg for more.

"Then that vibrator thing."

"She would sell my cock for another one if it broke."

"No offense but I see why."

"Really, that good?" he asked.

"I'd be on my third now if I were using it out here. That thing on that pole between us and me holding her and kissing was just..." She grunted and pushed her hips up. "Was that your idea?"

"Yeah. Thought it would be intimate."

"And with the double thingy inside us. It was the closest I've felt to, like, having a dick."

"Liked it."

"Don't lose that thing."

"Wish you had a dick?"

"Sure. I'd love to. That's probably something you can't give us."

He chuckled.

Her voice changed suddenly. "I love her, Philip. God help me I really do."

"That makes me very happy to hear you say that."

"What about us?"

"I'll be anything you want me to be."

She looked at him appraisingly and wondered, not at his sincerity but at what she wanted him to be for her.

"My lover?"

He waited.

"My fuck-buddy? My master? My business partner that I fool around with on occasion?"

"Once you get things clear in your mind about Tim then yes. All or any or none of those."

"You sound like a guy who's getting all of this," she patted her pussy, "he needs."

"I like you, Karla. Deeply and growing deeper. I want you. I want to make love, to fuck, to lust like I am now. I want to make you scream and claw my skin. I want to fuck you into nirvana like I have Mei. I want my dick so far up your belly it bulges your navel out while Mei's sweet little mouth sucks your clit."

"Uuggghh," she grunted and lifted her hips again.

"I want to giggle with you on the couch and tickle you at movies. I want to catch you and Mei together and spank her for being a naughty girl. I want you to be nurse Karla while we strap Mei down for her treatment."

She felt it approaching in the pit of her vagina.

"I want to be at your wedding and buy you a suite on stilts at a resort in the Seychelles for your honeymoon. I want to be there in the waiting room with the girls while you deliver your first child."

"Oh... Philip!" she said as her knees shot skyward and she rocked side to side on her lower back, her perfectly toned ass swaying before him.

It was an unusual orgasm, one that surprised her in it's intensity.

"Why did you do that?" she asked a moment later.

"Do what?"

She continued to caress herself gently and stare into his eyes.

"Make it so personal."

"You came didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how. I mean picturing you in a waiting room while I'm giving birth is kinda strange."

"Extremely erotic if you ask me. Sex is about love and procreation, after all, and that's the way you want me to love you."

"How do you know?"

"Because you came. And that's fine. If that's how you need me. Like an uncle."

"Eeew. No!"


"An uncle that fucks me?"

"Or whatever."

Despite her protest she knew he was onto something. She had an equal, or near equal, in Tim, and that covered the boyfriend thing. She had Mei Chun for soft snuggling girl love. She wanted the male equivalent of a fuck-friend. Someone she could be tender with, open up to and someone who could pound her solidly for a couple of hours a month. This time that friend would be an older, stinking rich, genuinely nice guy that tied up and beat her lesbian lover. On reflection it sounded ideal.

"You were beautiful," he said.

"Nothing as pretty as a woman in ecstasy, huh?" She stood, tall, slim and striking. She moved around the table and put one foot at his hip. "Let me blow you."


"I'm still horny." She took his hand an placed his fingers on her tummy which put his thumb on her clit.

"Tim?" he asked gently moving around her hot, wet, still unsated clit.

"I'm gonna make it up to him." She was untroubled that her concern with fidelity seemed to be slipping. Just another change, she figured.

He lifted his eyes off of her waist and to her eyes. "How?"

"I dunno. Leave that to me."


"Hand job?"


"Fuck!" She slouched her shoulders and harrumphed at him. "No man has ever... something wrong with me?"

"When you see Tim tonight I don't want the added pressure of having fucked me complicate things."

"Tonight? We're going to do it tonight?"

"Well how were you thinking of explaining this suite to him?" He looked up at her tits. "You've got to tell him about Mei, get him up here and tell him it was a gift from her."

"Not you?"

"How would that look? She's invented a story about her dead uncle in China who left her a boatload of cash. That's for people like Tim and her coworkers. I don't want people to know about my money. Ever."

She looked at him, wondered exactly how much he had, and nodded.


She nodded again, "Never, it's your secret."

"I don't like to threaten Karla, so I won't. What I will say is that if you betray this trust I won't feel the same about you." That was enough. He didn't need to say more and saw it in her eyes.

She sighed. "Tim. What am I going to do about him?"

"Still love him don't you?"

"Yeah, but I'm starting to feel like he's a drag. I feel like I've changed so much in the past week that he's holding me back."

"Hmm," he hummed noncommittally. "What's special about him?"

"I'm beginning to wonder."

He raised an eyebrow.

"No," she said, "that's not fair. He is sweet in his way and he needs me. Loosing me this way wouldn't be right. I'd feel like a total shithead and, in the long run, he has what it takes to be a good husband."

"And what's that?"

"I'm not sure."

Philip didn't object or press the point. Sometimes people's decisions were made on intuition; that was how he selected Mei and he'd been right, so far.

"Anyway, stop talking about Tim." She flounced her hair around her shoulders. "I mean, I'm confused alright. I know what I owe him and I'm not abandoning him. Anyway, it's alright, being with you."

"Why is that?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," she said enigmatically. "Anyway, I know you won't share them and I'm kinda getting pissed that you might share me."

"I have to share you with him don't I?"

"Yeah but..."

He smartly slapped her butt and said, "Go take a shower while I see what the girls are up to. And she took her clothes, entered the suite and went to take a shower.


Mei, head resting on the same pillow as Ai's, ears touching, eyes closed, said, "That was..."

Silence filled the space around them like a bubble of intimacy.

When the moment was right, twenty or so seconds later, Ai contentedly replied with a, "Mmmm."

"I didn't know it could be like that."


"So... like."

"I know."

"Like, I'd always been a dick girl, y'know. Needing something inside but..."

Ai let her think in peace.

"Then Karla introduced me to the whole thing and it was great. I mean, really great. So different. Like... like."

"Wrestling and ballet?"

"Yeah, like I loved the whole wrestling thing. The sweat and the strain and the intrusion. Y'know? Like riding a guy and feeling that pole swabbing me inside. I thought that was the best but with her, and with you, it's a whole different thing."

"Still like wrestling?"

"Of course. I mean, Philip takes the sport and makes it an art form."

"He's lovely."

"He's a bull. When he rises over me and looks in my eyes I just feel my liver quiver. Y'know? Like I'm liquefying inside. Then that fucking! God damn it's like he's invented a whole new way to get me off."

"It's love."

"Damn right it is. Did he tell you about me?"

"Stone cold bitch?"

"Yep. And the worst part is I was proud of it. It still makes me feel horrible. How could I have been so bad, Ai? How could I have done those things?"

Ai was still getting to know Mei Chun so she didn't want to hazard a guess. Anyway, now was time to listen and console. She did, however, turn on the bed to look at her face and give her her complete attention.

"I mean, I hurt them. Really, Ai, I crushed them."

"Jiào wǒ mèimei (Call me little sister)."

Mei changed to Chinese in mid-stream.

"Every one, and the sick thing, the really sick thing was that I wanted to. Philip made me see that."

The change in language made their conversation, as Ai knew it would, an even more intimate confession.

"How could I? How could I have been so bad. So evil?"

"We do things in ignorance, jiějiě. No one hurts another unless it's through ignorance."

"Or unless they want to."

"Even then. If we really knew the pain involved, if we could really feel enough to know the other person we wouldn't hurt even those we hate."

"Are you that good?"

"Oh please. Are you kidding?"

"You seem that good to me and I've only known you for two hours. Most of that with your face between my legs."

"I'm not going to disabuse you." Ai said, moving forward. "You'll have to do that yourself." Her warm lips connected with the soft skin just below Mei's ear.

'Oh my god!' Mei thought, 'how does that feel so good?'

"Anyway," Ai said, pausing the kiss and bringing a warm hand to Mei's breast, "I prefer loving to hating."

That was how their third hour began. It was an hour of the most tender sex Mei had ever had. It was a love ballet. Ai was grace personified. She waisted not a single gesture moving effortlessly between techniques and positions that was a choreography of strokes, kisses, licks and whole body hugs. She always knew the right time to wetly lick a wrist or squeeze her ass cheeks together with a bit of strength. She treated every part of Mei's body equally, spending as much time combing her eyebrows with her thumb as mouthing a nipple. She made love to the whole woman, an experience Mei hadn't even contemplated was possible before. It was an adagio of supple intercourse and Mei's involuntary ecstatic writhing made it a Pas de deux so pure and beautiful that it brought tears to both of their eyes. There were moments of massage, of caress, of kisses and purring into Mei's ear. Her movements were sometimes slow, sometimes fervid, yet always with tender affection and with complete concentration on what would appease Mei's boundless hunger.

Ai would frequently pull back and gaze at Mei and in those moments Mei felt Ai join with her in a way that seemed mystical. The intimacy spooked her a bit as Ai penetrated her with her cinnamon colored eyes, bewitching in their seductive intensity. They seemed to latch on to something within her, to pull at her, to coax, to encourage and stroke her innermost self. And while her eyes were invasive and probing, her calm smile made her visage nearly maternal.

Mei didn't understand. For moments she tried to clear her head to analyze why this girl she didn't know was loving her the way she was but then she would meet those eyes again and feel the warmth of her touch and discard thought.

There weren't peaks as such, no traditional sexual climax until near the end. Rather unlike anything before, Mei felt like she was in a kind gentle maelstrom. There was this exquisite tender moment that transitioned to that wholly new erotic feeling. Then it was off to something unexpected but gloriously fulfilling like having her armpit sucked while the other was scratched and a knee worked against her crotch. Then it would transform with time to Ai grinding her mons into Mei's while gently washing her face with her tongue and telling her how beautiful she was.

When Philip was tender he seemed to be masculine love made manifest. Yet with Ai there was something else, something Philip couldn't offer. Ai was the quintessence of erotic femininity; alien and yet familiar. That fact and Ai's tenderness was so exquisitely peaceful, patient and reassuring it shook her new understanding of what love and sex was. It was exactly what she needed.

The emotion crescendoed when Ai, cradling Mei in an arm, Mei's torso leaning back against her and a pile of pillows, slowly stroked her vagina with two limber fingers, her mouth touching her ear and whispering, "Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself, dàjiě. Philip forgives you. I forgive you." The pressure built within Mei each time she repeated, 'I forgive you' until she could not contain it any longer.

She had never wept and come at the same time and it was a bitter, lovely, scouring, heart wrenching moment of healing absolution that left Mei blubbering in Ai's arms. She rocked her to and fro for a long time after that.

When she regained a semblance of control, Mei said from within Ai's grasp, "If you leave him.. I will..." she wiped her tears with the back of her hand, "hunt you down and kill you."

She looked up into Ai's eyes shimmering with pools of her own tears.

"I told him... " Ai said with a kiss, "his was... (kiss,) the last cock... (kiss,) that would ever grace my insides."

"I love you, Ai," she said, then paused and laughed. "I love your ridiculous perfection." She looked at her and smiled. "Love and hate you. Nǐ biǎo zi (You bitch)! How will he keep me with you around?"

"You'll have to earn it, chāng fù (whore)!"

"Teach me!?"

"Nope. Pointers from time to time, maybe."

"You know what you're signing up for, right?"

"Yep, the love of my life and his girlfriend."

"Handle it?"

"Hell yes. Wouldn't miss a minute."

Mei's phone rang and without looking she knew it was Philip. Their introduction was over and their lives together, united in their love for Philip could now begin.

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JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBabout 2 years ago

Brilliant story kudos

Set your editing software to find every “waisted” and change it to “wasted”, spelling errors really grate.

Jrbradford17Jrbradford17over 4 years ago

WOW! Just incredible story telling. I never want this to end...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Yet Another Stunner

You have brought so many parts of a whole slowly together, as though they are pieces of a puzzle but you cannot see it until they are almost fit together.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another great chapter!

Thanks again for continuing the story! Also, please watch the difference between wonton and wanton. The thought of Karla putting on a wonton display is pretty funny as well, though.

SybawriteSybawriteabout 9 years ago
Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!

I have loved this series. Great plot and characters and the sex scenes are super sexy. Love the Ai character.

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