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Playing around with a married woman can be dangerous.
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You have a lot of time to think when you are sitting on a cot in a jail cell. No TV, no radio or newspapers to distract you, nothing but a wall with names and dates crudely scratched into it. You could spend time wondering what was behind RAMOS 4-12-81 or what the story was that went with I FUCKED MARIE AND HERE I AM, but I didn't. What I thought of mostly was why I was there - what caused me to be sitting in a jail cell. The primary reason was clear enough; another man found me with his wife and decided to get physical over it and it turned out that my game was better than his. The end result was that he was at the hospital emergency room and I was in jail, but the real question was why was I with his woman in the first place? Just what was it in my make up that had put us in my bed?


Any shrink worth his salt will tell you that your problem, whatever it might be, had its roots in something that your parents did. In my case they would have been absolutely right. I was eleven years old at the time. My mom and dad both worked during the day and so the house sat empty from around seven-thirty in the morning until at least five in the evening. It was in the spring, April if I remember right, and I had a bad case of spring fever so I decided to skip school and go home.

If I had walked to school that morning it never would have happened. I would have come down the street to use the front door and I would have seen mom's car parked out front and I wouldn't have gone into the house. But I had ridden my bike to school that day and so when I came home I came down the alley so I could put my bike in the garage. I let myself in the back door and I was halfway up the stairs on the way to my room before I heard the noises. It sounded like some one was hurt. There was a lot of moaning and when I heard it I got scared because no one was supposed to be in the house. But scared or not an eleven year olds curiosity is a strong thing so I slowly moved up the stairs to investigate.

The noise was coming from my parents bedroom and I quietly tip-toed down the hall, ready to turn and flee if necessary, and I peeked around the doorframe and saw my mother on the bed with a man I had never seen before. I knew what they were doing because I had seen some French post cards and some of the older kids had described what I was looking at as fucking. Mom was on her back and her legs were spread in a wide vee and sticking up in the air. She had on all her clothes except for her underpants and the man's pants were off, but he still had on his shirt, shoes and socks. From where I was standing I couldn't see much, but what I did see was enough to stamp something into my brain that has stayed with me these past forty years. My mother was wearing nylons, a garter belt and high heels and the picture of those nylon-covered legs and high heel clad feet has never left me. I have had a nylon, high heel fetish ever since and it was that fetish that put me in the jail cell.


It started when I was laid off from the job that I'd had for twenty-one years. I had to go out and find something else and I finally found a job in the office of a paper company. The first couple of weeks I spent learning my way around and getting to know my new co-workers. There was one co-worker in particular that I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of. Her name was Glenda and besides being a very sexy looking lady overall Glenda wore high heels every day of the week. It didn't matter if she was in a dress, a skirt, slacks or jeans, the shoes were always high heels and I always got a hard on when she walked by my desk. About a month after I started they reorganized the office and Glenda's desk ended up where I got to spend most of the day looking at her legs. It didn't take Glenda long to realize that she had an admirer and it soon became obvious to me that Glenda had some exhibitionist tendencies. She also must have had a touch of evil in her. She rearranged her open front desk so that all I had to do was look up from whatever I was doing and I couldn't miss the display.

Once Glenda knew she had my attention she started to torment me. Her skirts became shorter which had the effect of showing a lot more leg. When sitting at her desk she would open her legs just wide enough to make me wonder if I was going to see the Promised Land. Several times she did open them wide enough to let me see the color of her panties. I knew that she was doing it on purpose, but every time I looked up from enjoying the scenery I would find her looking studiously in another direction. This went on for months and then one morning I glanced over at her and saw that her legs were spread wide and I noticed that she had no panties on. I also noticed that she had a shaved beaver. The sight took my breath away and when I finally was able to tear my eyes away and look up I saw her looking at me with what I can only call an evil grin on her face. It seemed that Glenda wanted to move things onto a higher plane.

Over the next couple of weeks Glenda would flash her pussy at me two or three times a week. If she had been single I would have been after her in a heartbeat, but I just wasn't the kind of guy who goes after another man's wife. Girlfriend or fianc‚e no problem, but wife, no. I did spend a lot of time wondering what her motives were. Did she just like being the exhibitionist, did she get a kick out of teasing me, or was she sending me an invitation? I was still wondering the day she flashed me with her shaved pussy and then, while I watched in stunned disbelief, shoved a battery operated dildo in it. I looked up and she winked at me, licked her lips and then blew a kiss at me. Twenty minutes later she got up and walked over to my desk, "Enjoy the show?"

"It was a little distracting and I'm afraid it probably is going to make me late in turning in this report."

"I should charge admission, but I get so turned on by the looks on your face that I'll settle for asking you your advice."

"My advise about what?"

"Here, take a look at this" and she handed me a catalog. It was from a company called the Leslie Shoe Company from some place in Michigan. "Take a look through it and tell me which style would look the sexiest on me."

I leafed through the small book and saw that Leslie catered to those who wore high heels. Strappy sandals, classic CFMs, high heeled boots, they were all there. I pointed to a shoe that was all thin straps with a five-inch heel and she looked at it and then back at me.

"Funny. I would have bet that you would be a "come fuck me pumps" guy."

"Normally I am, but you have small, sexy feet and I like to see your painted toes. CFMs would cover them up."

"Ooooh, do I detect a trace of kinky here?"

"No, I just know what I like."

"Well okay. Since you are my primary audience and that's what you like, that's what you will get."

Before I could ask her what she meant by "primary audience" she went back to her desk.

The next day Glenda swung by my desk when she got to work. She dropped a magazine in front of me and said, "You like toes so read the story on page 46."

I picked up the magazine and saw that it was an issue of LEG SHOW. I turned to page 46 and saw that the title of the story was "Maude's Toe Sucking Slave." I looked over at Glenda and saw that she was inserting her battery operated toy. She blew me a kiss, spread her legs wide so that I couldn't miss a thing and then she went to work on the pile of papers in front of her on her desk.

It is hard to get any work done when a woman is doing her absolute best to hold your attention, but I did my best and I was able to finish my report by lunchtime. I glanced over at Glenda and made a decision. In all the time I had been with the company there had been no social interaction between Glenda and me. No lunches together, no coffee breaks shared in the break room, and in fact I don't believe that before she showed me her shoe catalog we had exchanged ten words with each other. All that we had going was her teasing of me. I got up from my desk and walked over to hers. She looked up at me and I said, "How about lunch?"

She gave me an appraising glance and then said, "I guess I could do that."

After the waiter took our order Glenda said, "What took you so long?"

"So long to what?"

"To finally get around to asking me out?"

"You're married and I don't usually mess around with another man's woman."

"What's different now?"

"I guess it is pretty much curiosity about what is going on between us at the office."


"Anything else wouldn't mean a thing."

"I have a kinky side that I wasn't aware of until about a year ago. I found a copy of LEG SHOW and after I read it I realized that I was like some of the women that are in the stories and that I wanted some of the same things that they wanted. When I saw the way you looked at my legs and feet I thought that you might be like some of the men in the stories and I began to tease you to see what you would do. You kept looking, but you didn't do anything so I kept escalating to see if I could get to you. When you still didn't do anything I decided to approach you with the shoe catalog. When you mentioned toes yesterday I remembered the toe-sucking story and that's why I dropped the magazine on your desk this morning. Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"A man like the men in the stories."

"I don't know. I've never read any of the stories. What kind of men are they?"


"Kinky how?"

"Toe sucking, leg and feet worshippers, submissive and like that."

"Sorry. My biggest turn ons are heels and hose, pretty feet and great legs, but I don't suck on toes and there isn't a submissive bone in my body. What about your husband?"

Glenda gave a derisive snort, "Him? Melvin? Mr. Twice a Week Missionary Position Only? He got outraged the first time I put on a pair of high heels. He actually made me take them off before letting me leave the house. I have to hide my heels in the trunk of my car. I leave the house in tennis shoes or flats and change after I get here to the parking lot."

Now while I won't chase after a married woman, I won't pass up a free shot at one so I said, "Missionary only huh? Well, maybe I can help you out a little there. I don't know if you would consider it kinky enough to suit you, but I eat pussy, love blow jobs and anal sex and I do make love in positions other than the missionary."

"Is that an invitation?"

"No Glenda. You are the one who has been sending out invitations. All I'm doing is giving an RSVP."

Glenda gave me an unreadable look and was silent for several moments and then she said, "I guess that since I've never done any of those things that they might be considered kinky, but I had really hoped for a toe sucker or a man who would like to do something really weird like maybe pee on me or let me pee on him. But I guess a girl has to take what she can get. When?"

"When what?"

"When can we get kinky?"

"That's up to you. I have no one to answer to, but you have a husband to worry about. You have to pick the time."

"Mel bowls on Tuesdays and Fridays and he goes right from work to the bowling alley. I'll have until ten-thirty on those nights."

"Well then, since tomorrow is Tuesday plan on leaving work with me and we will see what we can do about getting you some kinky."


For someone who had never sucked a cock or had anal sex Glenda took to it like a duck takes to water. By the time she went home that first night her mouth and ass had been well broken in, but what Glenda loved more than anything else was to have her pussy eaten. She had never experienced it before and she absolutely loved it. It was the first thing she wanted to do when we got to my place and the last thing she wanted to do before she left and the fact that I did it after fucking her and with my cum still in her pussy just drove her wild. She was energetic, enthusiastic and willing to try anything and for the next three months we did our best on Tuesdays and Thursdays to fuck each other's brains out. Near the end of the third month Glenda told me that she wouldn't be able to see each other for a while. Winter leagues were over and there would be a few weeks before the summer leagues started up and there was no way she could get away with her husband home.

"The good news lover, is that he loves to bowl and he will be bowling in three leagues this summer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The bad news is that the summer leagues start an hour later than the winter leagues did so I will have to go home after work and fix his dinner and then wait for him to leave."

I wasn't happy about it, but those are the kinds of things that happen when you are playing around with a married woman.

The two weeks drug along and seemed to last forever and it didn't help that Glenda kept me fired up during the day at work with her displays. Finally the two weeks were up, summer leagues had started and the first Monday Glenda showed up at my door she was hot to trot. She was shedding her clothes as she came through the front door and left a trail of them to the bedroom. She dropped down on the bed, "Hurry lover, eat my pussy. It has been too damned long and I'm hotter than hell." As soon as my mouth touched her pussy I knew what was going on and I pulled back and looked up at her. She was looking down at me with an apprehensive look on her face.

"Trying to be a little kinky are we?"

She looked away.

"Don't you think that I should have at least been asked first?"

She still wouldn't look at me.

"When?" I asked.

In a weak voice she said, "Just before he left for the bowling alley."

I was torn between telling her to go home or making her go into the bathroom and douche before we went any farther. It wouldn't be the first time I had eaten a pussy with another man's cum in it, but before I had always known ahead of time and it was my choice. I wasn't all that pleased that Glenda tried to sneak one by me. Again in a weak voice Glenda said, "Please lover, please? I just want to know how it feels."

Well, I had been two weeks without pussy and I already knew that it wouldn't kill me so I bent back down to Glenda's cunt and began to work on it. She went absolutely crazy. She bucked, twisted, ground her pussy against my mouth and screamed as she had orgasm after orgasm. I'd eaten her pussy before, dozens of times, but she had never gone off like that, not even when I ate my own cum out of her. For the rest of the night she was a sex crazy slut and when she finally left me at ten-thirty I was pretty damned exhausted. Just before she left she said, "That was awesome lover. I've never, ever felt like that before. Can I do it again, please?" For sex as good as I'd just had that night I would have eaten her after a gang fuck so I told her yes. I didn't know it, but that yes was going to put me in jail.


For the next two weeks Glenda showed up for our Monday, Wednesday and Friday get togethers with her husband's sperm inside her and she proceeded to go absolute nuts when I ate her out. The rest of our time together she tried to fuck me to death and came damned close to doing it. Monday of the third week is when it all went to hell. Glenda and I had had our usual exhaustive evening and I walked her to the door when she was ready to leave. I opened the door to let her out and found a man standing just outside the door. Glenda's face went pale and she squeaked, "Mel, what are you doing here?"

"Stupid question you fucking whore. He just had a piece of your ass and now I'm going to tear off a piece of his."

He pushed Glenda out of the way and took a swing at me and the fight was on. Glenda was screaming at both of us to stop, one of the neighbors called the cops and there I was, sitting in jail.

They held me over night while they waited to see how badly damaged Glenda's husband was and when it appeared that he would survive they issued me a ticket for disturbing the peace and then turned me loose. I got home to find several suitcases in the middle of the living room floor and Glenda sitting at my kitchen table sipping coffee. She saw me looking at the suitcases and said, "I didn't unpack them on the chance that you might tell me that I can't stay."

"What about hubby dear?"

"We had it out when he got home from the hospital and I packed up and moved out."

It turned out that Mel had gotten suspicious of what Glenda was up to when she started pressuring him for sex every night just before he went bowling so he decided to skip a night and see what she was doing. I wasn't all that keen on setting up housekeeping at my age, especially with a woman fifteen years younger than me, but Glenda was superb pussy and she did love to fuck so I let her stay.

And then things got weird.

After a month of good sex Glenda said to me, "Sweetie, something's missing. We have fun in bed and you are a great lover, but I miss those fantastic orgasms I used to get when you would eat my pussy after Mel had fucked me."

She looked at me expectantly as if waiting for me to say something so I said, "And?"

"Well baby, I was wondering if maybe it would be okay with you if I went once or twice a week and got myself laid so I could come home and you could eat my pussy?"

"Good God no Glenda, it would not be okay with me. Who knows what you might pick up and bring home to me."

"Oh no lover, it wouldn't be like that. It would be safe, I promise."

"And just how would you be able to manage that?"

"Well, Mel wants me back. He keeps calling me at work and so I met him for lunch a couple of times this week. I told him why our getting back together wouldn't work, that I needed five times more sex than I could get from him and I also needed the oral and the anal sex that he would never consider. He says he can change and he wants me to give him a chance."

"So what are you saying, you want to go back to him?"

"Not if he doesn't change. It isn't a simple thing lover. I loved him when I married him and with the exception of sex he was a great husband. He says he still loves me and I guess deep down I still love him, but I will not go back to straight sex in the missionary position. Mel swears he will change and I told him that if he did I would consider coming back home."

"You still haven't spilled what you are after."

"I want to date Mel on the nights he doesn't bowl."

"So, what you are saying to me is that you want to cheat on me with your husband."

"Well yes, I guess that is one way to look at it, but look at the bright side. If I go back to Mel you can go back to living the way you did before I imposed on you."

"Why would I want that?"

"You can't fool me sweetie. You are nervous having me around and it shows. You were happier than a pig in shit when you only had me over two or three nights a week. That won't change lover. I told Mel that I wasn't giving you up. He has his nights out with the boys when he goes bowling and I'll have my nights out with the boys with you."

"Obviously you have a plan."

"Oh I spelled it out for him loud and clear. If he wants me back he has to let me suck his cock, he has to give me anal sex and he has to eat my pussy. That's the biggie. He has to eat my pussy after I've fucked you and he has to be willing to let you keep fucking that pussy."

"And you think he will?"

"I don't know lover, I really don't know."

"When do you want to start this plan of yours?"

"He's outside in his car waiting to see if I come out."


That was six months ago. Glenda saw Mel every Tuesday and Thursday until summer league was over and now she sees him every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday during the winter leagues. So far he has had anal sex with Glenda, and has gotten used to eating her pussy while in a sixty-nine, but he keeps putting her off when she says he has to eat her with me leaking out of her. I don't know if he is just playing Glenda to get steady pussy or if he really wants her back and I don't really care. Regardless of what Glenda thinks I am in no great hurry to go back to living alone. The nights Mel sends her back to me full of his cum are the wildest nights of sex that I've ever had and I'd just as soon that they never stop.

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BSreaderBSreader7 months ago

A true wimp of a man let the bitch go.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Another load of crap.

BSreaderBSreaderalmost 3 years ago
Not into it

Sorry not my cup of tea.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 5 years ago
This is under cover

Gay shit, just fuck Mel and get it over

rfnks2002rfnks2002about 5 years ago

If he likes eat another mans cum he should get it straight from the tap!!!!!!!!!

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

You are running us aren't you Bob? Bob?

boatbummboatbummover 6 years ago

Thanks for a great laughing fit!

Keep those juicy pies hot and creamy for me.... ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I personally find that kind of sexual behavior disgusting, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. And the fact that he was knowingly screwing a married woman didn't

much help me like the story any better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

this is one of your bad one's no stars on this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

omg that was rotten , i puked after reading that crap . Any man that would do that is weird and sick

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well that was just plain nasty

I can't think of many more disgusting acts than eating a pussy filled with another man's cum. EEEEwwwwwww. Absolutely no fun to read this garbage.

chytownchytownover 11 years ago

For sharing.

saratusaratuabout 13 years ago

Actually very screwed up and very uninteresting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Oh that is funny!

I don't know if you meant it that way or not--but when I got to the end I just laughed my self silly. Here is a woman who wants a man on the side and a stay at home husband. The husband finds out life is terrible without his wife around. The boyfriend does not want to be responsible for the MILF. So eventually they end up back the way it was--who says you can't go back again. Very funny


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Say Humiliated bobie - are you really english?

Your fever for helpless males and or pathetic male humiliation seems to indicated an english heritage regarding the self cuckolding virus with the creame pie variant. Perhaps you lived there and become infected?

In any case, it is clear that more and more semi-human readers distain your talented work because as in the wizzard of oz, you need a heart to become more human and less demented in the demeaning of men.

Rather a shame - a waste except for the +/-1% of sick jaded humiliation freaks who love you to pieces.

MarilynmwfMarilynmwfabout 18 years ago
Gave it a 1--there is not anything lower

Which is what it deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Gag a maggot !

Agree with majority here.

Spoiled what had been a fairly decent story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Cream Pie Vomit

What the hell is wrong with you? Eating another man's cum out of a woman's pussy is the most disgusting thing I can think of -as bad as eating dog shit.

Your stories always feature this cream pie eating nonsense. What man could stand to eat another man's cum? You are beyond fucked up.

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Hey don't lump all Americans in that bowl

There are "some" of us who are American's who are just as turned off by some of the sex play in this story as you were! Just because we live here doesn't mean everyone feels that way and is intrested in doing things like that. I can't believe you even suggested that. That doesn't really speak well of folks who make comments like this.

I think Bob as an author may be trying to "Broaden" some of our horizon's. Problem is at 36 mine are already as broad as they are going to get or I will allow them to be. And I think my stomach fliped over about 50 times attempting to read this story. I had to skip a few paragraph's of action just so I could finish the story to know how it ended.

-Writting style and imagery: were fantastic.

-Subject matter: not bad and well thought out.

-Sex scenes and suggested activities: I'll have to get back to you on that after I finish puking up my breakfast.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
something about Americans?

I enjoyed your few stories where the husband developed a spine, see you are reverting to your American roots it appears to be a fascination of of Americans to humiliate or be humiliated her husband should have shot her unless he was getting it somewhere else in which case they would deserve each other.

The story itself was reasonably well written although in my browser your stories tend to go off the right hand end (perhaps my stupidity) or maybe the way they have been formatted but makes reading hard anyway

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