H is for Heuristic


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She smiled and winked. She was so amazing. Such subtlety, yet all so contrived. He wondered if deep down inside her advanced processors really understood just what she meant to him.

Mike looked back at Anya, who sat and looked exactly as she had more than two hours earlier. She wasn't as precious to Mike as Tammy was, but she was loved. And he loved having an extra fembot along for the ride.

He closed his eyes again and reminded himself how lucky he was.

Byron was just now starting to doze off. He had spent the time thinking about Heather, about Fembot Command and about Ottawa. Maybe thinking wasn't the right word for it. His strained thoughts went nowhere, and got him to exactly the same place. Byron couldn't stand the impasse that reality had plunked down in front of him.

Here was the administrator - the boss - unable to take charge of the situation or even do what he wanted to do. He relied now on Mike and his toys for his very survival. Only the other fembots could fix Heather. Only they could protect him and his love from those heartless robots from whose iron clutches he had escaped.

And the woman he loved wasn't even real. He knew she was just a broken machine, and he found himself wondering if he really did love her. Maybe he was mistaken. It wasn't a machine he wanted as a companion.

But the right pattern of brain waves soon made themselves dominant in his tired head, and he drifted into sleep. It helped a lot that the inside of the car was the warmest place he had been for days. Waves of slumber came and accumulated themselves over his worries until his subconscious took over.

Beside him, the almost fixed Heather unit stared out as vacantly as Anya did. Her only running application - diagnostic mode - had crashed, and the only bits of data that flowed through her processors were meaningless repetitions of error messages.

On her left, the sexy Anya unit sat and looked ahead the same way, but she was busy computing all kinds of things. After being shown Tammy's digital fantasies through their connecting cable, Anya had figured out how to provide her own circuitry with erotically charged data.

She calculated and computed her 'human fetish', and watched video clips of Mike, and of Byron as well. She fantasised about Byron making love to her instead of rejecting her. She imagined what it would be like to watch Byron make love to Heather. And like some contagion, the lust for electronic circuitry that Tammy had gotten from Mike had made its way into Anya.

Anya made up a lovely scene of Heather naked and missing all of her removable panel covers. With beautifully bright LEDs of many colours flashing from her android insides, a naked Byron got on top of her. The human inserted his hard penis inside the newly repaired Heather unit, and then invited Anya to join them.

As Anya played and replayed that fantasy, Tammy kept her cameras on the road and indulged in digital fantasies of her own. This black haired robot didn't much care for Byron, but she still had the biggest crush on his plastic and metal companion.

And Tammy's fantasies were ultra-realistic compared to Anya's. Tammy's new favourite scene was based on the handful of times Mike had taken his fembot to see some strippers. While part of her computing power kept the car safely on the road, another large portion was watching Heather dance lithely around a pole. The red lights flashed to the loud music as the cute brunette machine swung her hips in time, twirling her vinyl lingerie around as she took it off and discarded it to the stage full of money.

When the Heather robot in Tammy's mind was fully naked, she smiled a wry smile at the cheering crowd and made a mock shrug of her shoulders. Then she began to expose more of herself to the horny men beyond the brass rails and lights that bordered the stage. All the men cheered when she began to remove all those rectangular pieces of realistic artificial skin that covered the access panels built into her sexy body.

One by one, she took them off and laid them down on top of the pile of her slutty stage clothes. She knelt down, and to the beat of the music crawled over to where Tammy imagined herself to be sitting. Heather smiled and rocked her chest back and forth while the lights inside danced to their own off-kilter, random looking rhythm. Her perky tits jiggled along, stimulating Tammy as much as the computer parts beneath.

Then like no stripper had ever done, the Heather unit in Tammy's fantasy removed her facemask. The crowd of drunk and horny men howled and clapped with delight at the sight of the unquestionably inhuman interior of the stripper's pretty head.

Tammy closed her eyes for just a moment and smiled. She was quite impressed by all the naughty visions she could come up with. She thoroughly enjoyed every nanosecond of her binary imaginings, but made sure not to get herself too aroused while she was driving.

That single warning from Mike a couple of days ago was enough for her. Her obedience to him was automatic, but her love for him was all encompassing and based on all he had given and shown her.

And those beautiful and effective fantasies were all his fault.

Chapter 78 - Another Arrival

Just as the long car trip was starting to make the living beings inside the car rather weary, highway signs and buildings appeared on the side of the road.

"Almost there." Mike said. It was the first time someone had spoken in over three hours.

Several more minutes of silence followed that until signs for motels began to appear.

"Tammy," Mike said, drive by some of these motels and do some infrared scans. Try to find one without a whole lot of heat escaping."

The robot behind the wheel computed his statement. "Sure, but what good will that do?"

"Well, I figure if not so much heat escapes, it will be nice and warm inside." he explained.

"What if it's just cold to begin with?" she asked.

Mike thought about that. "Yeah, you're right. Screw it. Just find one that looks expensive."

Tammy smirked as she rounded the turn in the road. "Have you ever thought about upgrading your brain to an electronic model?"

"Shut up." he sniped.

She kept on teasing him. "My hardwired circuits can run circles around that lump of dough you call a brain."

"Shut up." he said louder.

"I'm smarter than Mi-ike... I'm smarter than Mi-ike..." she sang in a taunting way, swaying her head left to right as she did.

Mike started to laugh. Tammy's speech broke up into laughter as well.

Byron had been looking out the window up till now, but Tammy's behaviour caught his attention once more. It was hard to look at her and tell himself convincingly that she was only a machine. He couldn't wait to get a good long look at her programming.

He then noticed that he too was smiling. He decided to try to let it stay on his face for a while.

The car crept into the driveway of the nicest looking motel in the area. Again, the sexy black-haired fembot went to get them two rooms. Byron watched her walk to the front office and got butterflies in his stomach in expectation of seeing Heather finally fixed.

He leaned forward and spoke to Anya. "Are you and Tammy going to work on Heather right away?"

Anya sat there for a barely noticeable moment and mechanically turned her head. "Yes." she said, then turned her head back to face forward.

"Once she's back on her feet, we'll leave you two alone until supper." Mike said.

Byron looked at him. "Alright, but I was hoping that, if it's not too much, that I could look at Tammy's programming while Anya fixes Heather."

"Sure." Mike said. "What you say, Anya? Can you fix Heather by yourself?"

Again, Anya turned robotically to face her master and replied "Yes".

Tammy came out smiling and held up the room keys for the men to see. She walked to the car and got back in.

"Ready to rock and roll." she said cheerfully.

"Hey," Mike said to her, "Byron wants to look at your programming while Anya fixes Heather.

Tammy started the car again and said "I have a better idea. I need you two guys to go shopping one more time."

Byron was a little confused. "I thought you said you had everything you need?" he asked her.

"I'll explain when we get into our room." she said as she drove them around the building to their rooms.

This time there were some other travelers unpacking bags from the back of their own car. Neither the men nor the fembots needed to point out that they should wait for them to finish before they carried Heather into the room.

Tammy parked and waited in silence with the others for the people to hurry up and finish.

"Okay, I'll explain my idea now." she said as she turned around in her seat to talk to Byron and Mike.

She reached out and probed her fingers around the side of Mike's head.

"What are you doing?" he said as he gently swatted her arm away.

"Looking for the 'On' switch to that brain of yours." she said.

"Ha ha." Mike said in a deadpan way. "Get on with it, robot."

Tammy smiled at him and told them her idea. "We're going to build a special backpack for Heather so she can make use of her fluid cannisters while she has sex."

She was looking at Byron now. Byron found himself reluctant to talk about that aspect, although he knew he would miss that realism.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked Tammy.

"Come on Byron, I know you'd want Heather to be able to cum." she said bluntly.

Byron gave in. "Alright. But that backpack could be removed, right?"

"Of course." Tammy said. "We'll need more parts so we can modify one of her access panels and give it an intake valve you can plug the hoses into."

Byron tried to imagine Heather naked with all that stuff fastened and plugged into her. "Just make sure she still looks real without it."

Tammy knew exactly what he meant. "She'll look as real as she does now." she assured him.

"Those people are finished." Mike pointed out.

"Let's get her inside." Byron said.

Tammy went to unlock their rooms while Mike and Byron lifted the dormant brown-haired lady out of the back seat. They carried her in through the open door as quickly and inconspicuously as they could.

Anya walked inside too as Mike and Tammy got some of their bags out of the trunk.

The party settled into their rooms as they had done at the last place they had stayed. The humans took care of their biological needs while the robots prepared themselves for more repair work.

When Byron came back from his room, Tammy handed him another little white shopping list.

He looked it over while Mike gave satisfying goodbye kisses and gropes to his electronic companions.

Byron put his hands in his coat pocket while he waited for Mike to finish with Tammy.

"Be good." Mike said to her softly as they held each other.

"Yes Master." she purred before launching her French-kissing subroutines one more time.

Byron got impatient, and a little jealous as he looked at his own inoperative fembot. "Can we go now?" he asked.

The lovers pulled apart, gave another quick touch of their lips and said goodbye. Mike waved at the statue-like Anya unit and followed Byron out the door.

Tammy looked at Anya. "Take off your shirt and open your chest panel." she said with a smile as she got out of her jacket in preparation to do the same. "I'll upload Idea 2.0 into your memory banks."

Chapter 79 - Triad

While the boys were speeding away on another shopping trip, Tammy and Anya went topless and plugged into each other - chest to chest. Each robot found and connected to the other, and the pulsating blaze of electricity that was their communication began.

Idea 2.0, as Tammy had termed it, was just another gratuitous sexual excursion for her and the Anya unit to enjoy.

The playful smile that appeared on Tammy's facemask marked the point where enough ones and zeroes had crossed through the wire to give Anya the gist of what she had in mind.

Tammy smiled even more as she crossed her beautiful lips with her index finger. "Shhh." she quietly hissed. "Don't tell Mike!"

Anya just stood there as Tammy giggled and finished transferring that chunk of data. The next series of pulses they shared were just details on how to proceed with the task of repairing the still broken Heather unit.

They quickly got to work, staying connected once more to better coordinate their actions. The modifications they had planned out took hardly any time at all to complete, and in less than thirty minutes, they put their tools down and looked at each other.

"Show time." Tammy said, showing her flair for simulated humanness.

Both fembots, one on either side of the prostrate Heather unit, turned their attention to what they had just repaired. Tammy's realistic finger reached out for Heather's power button, and pressed it.

The nanoseconds seemed like milliseconds to Tammy as she waited eagerly for what would come next.

Electricity flowed around Heather's body, awakening her dormant systems from their stasis. Each circuit that received power relayed it to the next, and so on until the mass of machinery that was Byron's pretty girlfriend was reactivated.

"Heather robot number 742655A-FC activated." she announced. "Loading peripheral extensions.... loading.... loading.... "

Anya stared down with her beautiful but emotionless face. Without the human-emulating software that Tammy had, she could generate no feelings of anticipation or anxiety.

As for Tammy, those synthetic feelings were in full digital bloom as she closely watched the fembot on the bed and tried to push away the nagging computation that they should wait until Byron was present to turn Heather back on.

But the brown-haired robot lady came back to full functionality, without her master in the room.

Heather darted her eyes around and made some basic calculations on the data they recorded. She saw her fellow fembots, but none of the humans she had known.

"What happened?" she said, her sweet girlish voice sounding fully real.

She sat up in the bed and looked down at the opened cavity in her naked body.

"I've been modified..." she said.

"She's back!" Tammy said excitedly to Anya.

Anya stared back coldly.

"Welcome back Heather." Tammy said. She leaned over and planted an excited kiss on Heather's silicone lips.

Surprise flashed through Heather's processors. There was so much data that did not compute.

Tammy kept kissing her though, and soon enough Heather began to like it. Her mouth and tongue slowly started making the same kind of movements as Tammy's.

Heather's sexual systems began to initialise and boot up. As they did, her higher cognitive systems sorted through all her memories and all her programming.

Still kissing Tammy's lips, her speaker emitted her voice as clear as it could. "Where's Byron?"

Tammy pulled away and looked lovingly at the plastic woman. She unplugged her cable from Anya's chest and delicately plugged into the rebuilt chest panel in Heather's.

"I'll tell you everything." Tammy said, then poured out detailed memory files of all that had happened since the shooting.

In less than a minute, Heather found out what had gone on. Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she calculated the meaning and ramifications of all that data.

She was momentarily overwhelmed. Tammy pulled out the connection cable, from Heather and from herself as well. She closed her chest panel and did the same for Anya.

Heather still just sat there, staring off into nothing. The closest analogue to a human emotion that she currently experienced was amazement. She couldn't believe that Byron, Mike, Tammy and Anya had gone through so much trouble for her. She was just a machine, after all.

She looked at Tammy, her mouth still wet with her saliva, and said "Thank you so much."

Tammy smiled and grabbed Heather's patched-up hand. She gently tugged and pulled the pretty android into a standing position. She reached over and grabbed her torso cover, and snapped it back into place.

Heather was still flush with surprise, and just stood there watching Tammy move. For now, the only thing that turned her on was Byron. Tammy hoped that would change.

"I have some new data I would like to share with you." Tammy said as she scanned Heather's optical sensors with her own. "I have a crush on you."

Heather looked down at the newly replaced torso cover, then at Anya, then back to Tammy. "I don't understand." she said.

"I compute the same data that the Tammy unit does when I visually scan your body." Anya said.

Tammy started undressing the rest of the way. So did Anya.

Heather looked around the room, and at both the other fembots. "I don't understand." she said again.

"We want to have sex with you." Tammy said as she started to stroke Heather's delicate pink pussy.

Heather watched Tammy's hand move. She wanted to cum, but knew she couldn't.

Anya went behind her and stroked her bare shoulders. She rhythmically and methodically kissed her neck while her hands went down Heather's smooth back.

"I... I have sex with Byron. Byron is the Master Unit." Heather said. "I don't know how to get aroused by Tammy and Anya."

"We'll show you." Tammy said as she moved in for another kiss.

Four robotic hands caressed Heather's shapely silicone buns and breasts while two plastic mouths gave her kisses that efficiently tingled her computerised desires into activation.

Chapter 80 - Play

Tammy finished kissing Heather and stood back to behold the pretty android. The look on her face told Tammy that she wanted more, but Heather was a bit confused by all this touching.

"Is this right?" Heather asked quietly while Anya started nibbling her ear.

Tammy smiled at Heather. "Of course it is." she said as she reached out to stroke her cheek. "This is what we were all made for."

Heather reached up and stroked Tammy's arm with her fingertips. She closed her eyes and said "This feels so good...."

"We can stimulate your sensors in ways you never would have computed were possible." Anya said coldly as she felt her way up and down the curves of Heather's waist.

Heather slowly opened her eyes again as she began to simulate heavier breathing. She saw Tammy still smiling, and now moving her hands down to fondle her beautifully shaped breasts.

Tammy still maintained eye contact with Byron's woman and said "You're so pretty."

They started kissing again while Anya began to rub her finger around Heather's anus. The brown-haired robot girl let out a surprised squeal in the middle of her kiss, then spread her legs to give Anya more room to work.

Tammy had already transferred her plans to rebuild Heather's fluid secretion capabilities, and Heather couldn't wait to have them back again.

Just as she was up to the point where she would have began to cum, Heather felt and watched Tammy take a step back.

She looked at Tammy, and wanted to speak but was too distracted by what Anya was doing to her from behind.

Heather licked her lips and bent over for Anya, who got into a better position and started to stimulate Heather's vagina as well.

Tammy stepped over a pile of her clothes on the floor and went over to one of her bags. She felt around inside for a while until she found what she wanted. She pulled out a lovely lace and mesh lingerie outfit. The style was a lot like what she had worn for Mike the night before, but there was some luscious red along with the always classy black fabric.

"We're gonna dress you up in some of my lingerie." Tammy said. She knew they would more or less fit on the other android's synthetic body.

Heather looked at what Tammy held as she walked close to her again. She arched her neck up and let out a moan of pure pleasure as Anya found some of her more sensitive areas with her accurate mechanical fingers.
