H is for Heuristic


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Tammy threw the lacey things on the bed and picked out the red and black panties. She turned to Heather and held them up in front of her, then knelt down and got ready to slip them over her legs.

Heather knew just what to do, and foot by foot stepped into the panties. Tammy pulled them up over Heather's smooth, warm, curvaceous legs, and over her sexy feminine hips and buns.

Anya pulled her hand away from Heather's crotch, prompting Heather to turn around and embrace Anya in a fevered kiss.

It seemed she knew how to let these two ladies turn her on after all.

Tammy got the black mesh stockings on to Heather's legs next, taking time to stroke this other woman's sexy curves as she did.

Next came the red and black garter belt and suspenders. Tammy adjusted and fastened while Heather and Anya French kissed - dry plastic mouth to dry plastic mouth.

Tammy gave heather's sexy buns a little spank before slipping the straps of the matching bra over her arms and around her shoulders. Anya pulled back as Tammy spun the now fully aroused robot around so she could fasten the bra from the front.

Heather breathed heavy and could hardly wait for Tammy to finish before grabbing her and starting up another deep kiss.

Tammy giggled as Heather moaned and Anya stood there watching. Tammy leaned back, licked Heather's bottom lip and said "Anya, you get dressed in your white set."

"Yes Tammy." Anya said coldly. She turned and efficiently got herself clad in seductive white lace.

Heather leaned in and raised her leg as she kissed Mike's girlfriend. She rubbed the inside of her thigh against Tammy's as their tongues slipped around in the sweet flow of Tammy's saliva.

Tammy began to perspire a bit. Heather would have too, if she had been capable. When Anya was finished dressing up, looking sexier than humanly possible, she went back over to take over from Tammy.

Anya was wearing white heels now, and brought red and black ones from Tammy's outfit for Heather to wear.

Tammy stook back and watched the other robots interact for a while. Once they were both all dressed up and back into another passionate looking kiss, Tammy just stood there and recorded video for a while, relishing the thought of having those images to enjoy at her leisure.

Then she quickly got over to her bag again and got out her purple satin bra and panties and her black patent leather thigh-high boots. Once she got into those, she put her studded black leather choker around her neck to top off the ensemble.

She rushed back over to join her electronic friends. "Look at us." she said. "I'll bet we're the sexiest women around for miles."

Heather turned away from Anya and looked at Tammy.

"How do I look?" Tammy asked.

"I don't know how to answer that." Heather said truthfully.

Tammy cupped her hands around Heather's face. "You're so beautiful." she said sweetly.

Heather smiled as Tammy detached and removed the face from her head. Heather's LEDs flashed and shone out like urgent signals.

Tammy smiled and asked "Does Byron like to see your circuitry?"

Anya stroked her hands all over Heather's rear end as she formulated an answer.

"I don't think so." Heather said.

"Well, I love to look at it." Tammy said. "It's beautiful."

Anya kept playing with Heather while Tammy put the facemask down on the bed. "Anya, give me your facemask too." Tammy said.

"Yes Tammy." Anya said robotically as she removed the apparatus and handed it to the busty fembot.

Tammy put that mask next to Heather's, then removed her own facemask as well. When she turned back to look at Heather and Anya she said "Now we really are the sexiest women around for miles!"

Chapter 81 - Session 1

Tammy would have smiled had she been wearing that facemask, but instead she just emitted a light little laugh. She grabbed Heather's hand.

"Come with me Heather." she said, and led the other fembot to the washroom.

"Where are we going?" Heather asked as the active circuitry within her head blazed with electronic pulses.

"Fembot Love Lesson #1..." Tammy said, "How to appreciate your own beauty."

Tammy positioned Heather in front of the mirror. "Look at your reflection." she said as she stroked her bare shoulder. "Tell me what you see."

Heather sorted the data that represented Tammy's question through her chipsets several times. "What level of detail would you like in my report?" she asked.

Tammy got even hornier when she heard Heather talk so inhumanly. She was starting to get wet between her legs. "Compute abstractly, like a human would." Tammy said.

Heather computed that statement. "I don't know how." she said.

"Okay, I'll help you out." Tammy said softly into Heather's plastic ear. "Identify the two humanoid devices you see."

That was easy. "I see Heather and Tammy." Heather said with more confidence.

"So, tell me what you see." Tammy said as she pointed her opened head at Heather's.

Heather made some calculations, and quickly responded "I see you and me."

"Very good." Tammy said. She tickled the side of Heather's neck. "Now, what do you feel when you look at our reflection?"

"I'm not programmed to feel." Heather pointed out.

"I know, neither am I, but just summarise your simulated emotional state indices." Tammy suggested.

Heather rolled that statement around in her computerised chest for a while. "My simulated emotional state indices are at null values."

Tammy wasn't expecting that answer. "Why?" she asked as the coloured lights in her head flashed brightly.

"There are no humans present." Heather said simply.

Tammy thought that this must have been a Fembot Command feature. She was right. Only advanced Robot Control models like her and Anya had their simulated emotions running all the time. Still unknown to them, Heather had been the same way once before.

"Can you activate your simulated emotional state indices?" Tammy asked while twirling her finger around a loose curl in Heather's hair.

"Okay." Heather said.

Tammy watched the changing pattern of blinking LEDs inside her friend's head. Tammy could read and understand the information they relayed.

"Now," Tammy said once the additional software was running, "how do you feel?"

"I feel... content. I also feel very aroused." Heather responded.

"Sexually aroused?" Tammy said.


"We're making good progress, robot number 742655A-FC." Tammy said.

She squeezed Heather's sexy buns as more fluid was pumped drop by drop from her own synthetic vagina.

"What's making you sexually aroused?" Tammy asked.

"My sensors..." Heather began to say. She was going to tell the other fembot exactly what processes were making her software engines fire, but she had now caught on to what Tammy was trying to get her to do.

"Your kissed turn me on." Heather said as she turned to face Tammy. "And Anya's. I like the way you touch my body."

"Do you like the fact that none of us are really humans?" Tammy asked.

Heather didn't know what to say. "Should I?" she asked.

"I think that would be SO cool!" Tammy said as she played with Heather's tits through the delicate red fabric that covered them. "I fell in love with you when I found out you were a robot like me."

Heather kept her scanners aimed at the electronic woman in front of her. "Love is hard to compute." she said. "I don't know if I'm doing it right for Byron."

"I think you are." Tammy said as she worked on Heather's hardening nipples. "He loves you very much, so you're doing something right."

"But he's a human." Heather said. "We're just machines."

"We can love in our own way." Tammy said. "Like the way I love you. I get so horny when I look at your body. Especially when I think that you're just like me."

Heather stood there for Tammy as she ran her hands over the smooth fabric that covered her plastic body.

"Nothing gets me more turned-on than a sexy woman who just happens to be a machine." Tammy said as she leaned in close. "I like the way your electronic parts look. I had to masturbate so much when Anya and I were fixing you. Just seeing all that circuitry under your artificial skin gets me so fucking horny!"

Tammy cupped her hand on Heather's crotch, and began to furiously stimulate the ultra-sensitive folds and flowery curves molded into it.

Heather's speaker emitted a breathy moan as she tilted her head back and calculated the data flowing in from her sensors.

"I love the way you look when that human facade is removed." Tammy said as she expertly fondled Heather's realistic pussy. "You don't know how horny all those microchips and circuit boards make me!"

Tammy pressed hard against Heather's hot clit, forcing the other android to lean against the sink counter. Heather let out more moans, increasing in volume and intensity along with the flow of binary data from her crotch to her chest.

"You're so fucking pretty without that silicone mask!" Tammy said excitedly. "Your eyes are so beautiful when the wires connecting them to your optics circuitry is visible... and that speaker looks so hot when I can see it vibrate to your digital voice!"

Heather was close to getting overloaded, but she was loving it.

"I want you to see what beautiful machines we are." Tammy said as she felt Heather's pussy twitch into a fluid-less robot orgasm. "I want to show you that there's nothing sexier than a fembot showing off some circuitry!"

"Oh, Tammy!" Heather cried out as her systems were taken over by the momentary surge of a synthetic orgasm.

"This is love Heather!" Tammy said, almost in song. "This is how robots love!"

Chapter 82 - Session 2

Tammy held her hand against Heather's warm crotch as her electromechanical orgasm swelled and subsided. Tammy wished so much that Heather could get wet now. She couldn't wait to sample her Fembot Command style vaginal juices once the men had brought back the parts for the planned cannister backpack.

Tammy moved her opened head close to Heather's. "That concludes Fembot Love Lesson #1, robot number 742655A-FC." she said while tracing sideways figure-eights on Heather's chest with her fingertip. "Are you ready for Lesson #2?"

"Yes." Heather said through the digitised sounds of her heavy breathing.

Tammy flipped open Heather's chest panel and stepped behind her back. "Go back to the main room Heather." she said. "I wanna watch your buns wiggle in those sexy panties."

"Is that because you like the way my butt looks?" Heather asked as she started walking. "Byron says I have a sexy butt."

"You're learning fast, girl." Tammy said with a laugh as she followed and recorded high definition video of the padded silicone part. "Byron's right. It's good to see that Fembot Command makes their women as sexy as Robot Control does."

"You're making me horny again." Heather said as she turned the corner and walked back between the two beds.

"Now, we can't leave Anya out of this." Tammy said. "All robots need love... at least that's what I compute."

Heather stood there in Tammy's lingerie, facemask off and chest panel open, looking back and forth at Anya and Tammy. "Ummm... okay." she said.

Tammy pulled a connection cable out of her purse and uncoiled it as she walked over to the other androids.

"Fembot Love Lesson #2 - Love is basically the right sequence of ones and zeroes."

Heather turned her robot head to look at Tammy as she opened Anya's chest panel and plugged one end of the cable into her. Then she looked down at her already open chest as Tammy connected her to the other end.

Their respective computer parts worked the way they were designed, and instantly recognised each other as components of the lingerie-clad humanoid form within their optical sensor's field of view.

Tammy stood back and watched. "Anya, bring our pretty new friend to one of those power-draining fembot orgasms."

Anya turned her head stiffly and said "Yes Tammy." Then with her body rigid and straight, her arms to her sides and her LEDs flashing with constant brightness, Anya sent pulse after pulse of measured electricity through the wire into Heather's chest, manipulating her electronic sexual systems from the inside out.

The sudden slam of synthetic pleasure was as strong as anything Heather had ever 'felt', and she stumbled a step back in shock.

"OHHH!" she gasped. Her head swung back as her exposed circuitry faced the ceiling. "OHHHHHHH!!!!" she said loudly with digital delight as Anya flooded all of her sensors all at once with the maximum allowed values.

Anya didn't move at all as she expertly manipulated Heather's entire pleasure response system. Although she appeared so unaffected, the tall olive-skinned machine enjoyed this kind of interaction immensely. She liked nothing better than to bring Tammy to orgasm this way, and watch that human-simulating device appear to lose control over the direct stimulation of her pleasure components.

"OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Heather screamed as another software orgasm made its presence known to her electronic insides. The pleasurable pulses of pure electricity seemed to pervade her entire system like none had before. The beautifully coloured LEDs in her head and in her chest were blinking faster than they ever had, displaying the effects of the sheer power of Anya's well-computed binary data.

Heather trembled, her thighs quivering as her gyroscopic balance system froze up for a moment. She teetered back a short distance and fell into Tammy's arms.

Tammy held her down against her ample bosom, and stood glass eyeball to glass eyeball with the overwhelmed Heather unit.

Heather pumped out the most frantic sounds of heavy breathing she could generate as Anya still stayed completely motionless, attenuating her binary signals until they faded out to nothing.

Tammy's speaker and Heather's were only inches apart as they optically scanned each other. "That... was... AMAZING!" Heather exclaimed.

Tammy sat the still shaking fembot down on the bed. "That concludes Fembot Love Lesson #2." she said. "Write this to your memory files: no one can love you like another fembot can."

Chapter 83 - Session 3

Before Heather's circuitry had enough time to cool down and fit the new flood of data into her hierarchically structured artificial intelligence systems, Tammy was computing more sexy maneuvers in her chest. She sorted through several of her vivid, x-rated fembot fantasies, titillating her own electronic sex drive as she did. What she settled on was something less dependant on their advanced technology, but still quite erotic.

"Okay girls," Tammy said, "we'll need our facemasks back on for Lesson 3."

Heather looked at Tammy for a moment, then swung her opened head to look over at Anya. The tall exotic beauty was in the process of retrieving the masks for her fellow humanoid machines.

Without a word, Anya turned and handed Heather her facemask, then gave the other to Tammy. Both robots fitted and snapped the realistic rubberised components back into place and reintegrated them into their hardware profiles.

Now with that pretty human facade covering the raw electronics of her audio/visual sensor system, Heather looked again at Anya and watched the sexy synthetic woman reattach the device that was her face.

Tammy configured a glowing smile on hers. "We're going to show you what these high-tech lips can do for your sensors, honey." she said to Heather.

Heather couldn't help but smile too. "Okay." she said in her sweet, shy kind of way. "This is fun." she said.

"Anya, you and Heather unplug, then wait for my instructions." Tammy said as she removed her panties.

"Yes Tammy." the logical machine replied. She reached out to Heather's chest and pulled out the cord that had connected their insides.

Heather was already getting horny again in anticipation of something that would appear to involve her lips and the area that Tammy was now uncovering.

"Take off your panties too, girls." Tammy said to the other mechanical ladies. They both temporarily unfastened their suspenders from their stockings and pulled their lacy undies down over their plastic thighs.

"Do you and Anya always do this kind of thing?" Heather asked Tammy.

"Whenever we can." Tammy said cheerfully. "I'm glad we're robots. We can go on forever if we wanted!"

"How does Mike feel about you and Anya having sex together?" Heather asked. "Doesn't he get jealous?"

"Mike LOVES it!" Tammy exclaimed. She hopped up on the bed, landing on her sexy bare ass and spreading her thighs wide. She had the biggest allowable smile on her face now. "He loves us both, and he doesn't just love us because we look like beautiful women. He loves us because we're robots."

"Really?" Heather said as she stared at the neat trapezoid of dark hairs laid in to the silicone covering above Tammy's artificial vagina.

"Our master has a strong sexual fetish for female humanoid robots." Anya said emotionlessly.

"You two are so lucky." Heather said. "I can tell Byron doesn't like it when I remove my panel covers. He says he wishes I were human."

Tammy looked over at Anya. "I think Mike would leave us if we were human!" she said. Tammy laughed while Anya stared blankly back.

Anya looked at Heather. "Our master becomes aroused by facemask removal more than anything else." she said.

"Is that why it was so sexy when we did it?" Heather asked, looking from Anya to Tammy.

"Bingo!" Tammy said, legs still spread and smile still activated.

"Bingo?" Heather said. "I don't understand."

"I meant 'yes, you're right'." Tammy explained. "Okay, back to Lesson 3! Anya, get on your knees at the foot of the bed and start eating out my robot pussy!"

"Yes Tammy." the fembot replied.

She walked past Heather and got on her knees.

"Masturbate while you're licking me." Tammy added.

"Yes Tammy." Anya said as she efficiently began her assigned task.

Heather smiled at the sight. She was indeed learning much.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm!" Tammy moaned as she pumped out her vaginal lubricant. "Okay, Heather unit, straddle my chest and put that cute robot pussy up against my lips."

"Okay!" she said. Her motion systems sprang into action and got her plastic and metal body on top of the mattresses and on top of Tammy. Heather got her pelvis centered, and watched Tammy as she leaned forward and started to give the silicone genitalia an oral workout.

The combined sounds of digital moans of pleasure poured forth from both Heather's and Tammy's high-resolution speakers while the silent Anya unit licked, kissed and masturbated.

The electronic circuitry within all three women did the complicated and intricate mathematics of sexual pleasure, taking up most of their available computing resources.

Tammy's curvy thighs twitched realistically as Anya sucked the soft pink plastic between her legs. The multitude of delicate sensors built into the synthetic skin of her crotch reacted in a way similar to that of a real vagina, sending ones and zeroes that meant sexual stimulation into the android's advanced processor core.

The rise in body heat that came along with that digital arousal was detected by the equally advanced chips within Heather's body, and matched the rise in temperature dictated by her own presets and programs. Even though it was dry and currently not capable of dripping sweet juice into Tammy's mouth, Heather's vagina was ultra realistic and responsive.

Tammy enjoyed the taste of naked silicone as much as she did synthetic cum. It was the machinery responsible for the realness of all that skin that got her aroused the most. Mike had taught her well how to appreciate electronics in human female form.

Tammy listened to the sounds of sucking, licking, kissing, stroking, panting, huffing, squealing and moaning that filled the room. This data was immeasurably more satisfying to her than her fantasies had been.
