Hairy Luann


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The other buttons came easier, until finally I reached the bottom and gently opened up the blouse, which Luann let fall off her shoulders with a gentle shrug.

I have to admit that my first reaction to seeing Luann's breasts was one of shock, although I did my best to remain placid, not wanting her to think I was disappointed. I wasn't disappointed, but I was taken aback.

Luann's breasts were just modest little swells on her chest, barely visible depending on the angle I looked at them. Her nipples were also boyish, with aureolas the size of nickels and pegs not much larger than my own.

My initial reaction was one of shame, as I felt my cock jerk excitedly at the sight of Luann's tiny breasts. The reasoning behind my initial feeling was for obvious reasons, but with every passing second I became more and more aroused. This teenager was no child, as the feeling of her hairy legs against mine reminded me. This 19 year old girl was a woman, and a woman that excited me tremendously.

I leaned over and bent down, covering her right bud with my mouth, and felt the pointy little nipple stiffen against my tongue as I swirled around it. I repeated that treatment with Luann's left breast, and she let out little sighs as I did. Her right hand held my head next to her, and I longed to spin around and look at what I wanted to see most of all.

Instead I just raised my head and kissed Luann briefly on her full lips.

"They're beautiful," I said. "You're beautiful."

"Please don't put it in me," Luann said haltingly as she glanced down at my cock, which was fully engorged, twitching crazily as it grazed against Luann's thick bush. "Not tonight at least."

"I won't," I assured her, even though all it would have taken was a single thrust from where we were positioned. The hair that the head of my tool was rubbing against was very wet and left no doubt as to the location of her opening, no matter how much hair was around it.

"I think I know what you want," Luann whispered.

With that Luann lifted her arms and stretched high, clasping her hands behind her head. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer as her arms came up, and my eyes devoured what that little internet picture had only hinted at.

With arms raised, the impossibly thick tufts of rich brown hair virtually exploded from their hiding places, the deep recesses overflowing with her dense fur.

Perhaps it was the fact that Luann was so slender that made it seem like an even more incredible sight, but I sat there stunned in wide-eyed wonder at the vision of the rich sprays of hair that reached far and wide in a volume I had never imagined possible.

"Do you just like to look?" Luann asked in a voice that made me think that she was trying to make me feel at ease. To let me know that not only it was alright if I wanted to do more than look, she was encouraging it.

My hand came slowly up and gently touched the dark brown forests, and the coarse texture of the growth made my fingers spring back a little. A neutral, not unpleasant aroma wafted from her armpits as my fingers stroked through the rich tufts, not of perfume but a natural scent that was a mix of soap and Luann. The irony of her armpits being relatively dry while sweat poured my body was not lost on me.

"Ticklish?" I asked, and when Luann shook her head in the negative I slid my fingers through the lush forests of fur. I heard Luann's breath catch as my nails raked their way up and down her underarms.

I half expected Luann to be laughing at me, or giving me the look my ex-wife would bless me with when I would do something like this. A mocking glance that revealed the contempt she had for me and my fetish. A look that, as the years passed, eventually took all the enjoyment out of it for me.

Instead, Luann's head was swaying on her shoulders, her eyes rolled back in her head as my fingers explored her treasures. I suddenly realized that Luann wasn't just enduring this. She was enjoying it, and from the looks of it was enjoying it nearly as much as I was!

It was then that I leaned over to her right armpit and softly kissed the hair that sprouted out from it. A glance out of the corner of my eye found Luann still lost in the trance she was in, so I repeated it.

This time my face went deeper into the spray of hair, my lips parting to allow my tongue to probe into the furry recess. I heard Luann gasp at this, and suddenly I felt Luann's other hand clutch the back of my head, pulling me into the lush forest as she wiggled on my lap and moaned.

This was like a dream coming to life before me. Luann was writhing on my lap and breathing heavily while her hand had hold of the hair on the back of my head, encouraging me to keep doing what I was doing.

For that I needed no encouragement. My mouth traveled up and down Luann's underarm; my tongue toyes with the first few hairs that grew on the pale inside of her bicep, my lips kissed their way down through the thickly thatched hollow and down to where the hair finally started to thin out and then stop, down just below the forested recession. I licked, chewed, sucked and kissed without mercy while my fingers caressed and plucked Luann's nipples and rubbed her tiny buds.

When Luann began squirming even wilder on my lip, I felt her hand come off the back of my head and reach down. Luann's fingers grasped my cock as she slid closer to me. For an instant I thought that she was going to put me inside of her, but instead she brought the tip of my dick to the top of her pussy, where she began rubbing it all over her clit.

I fought to keep from cumming myself as Luann screamed out, bucking insanely on my lap while spraying my crotch with her orgasm, and I kept my face buried under her arm as I tried to ignore the sounds she was making that I found so erotic.

Chapter Seven: "How do you want to cum?"

"So nice! So good!" Luann gasped as she smothered me with kisses, her orgasm finally waning after she contorted wildly on my lap for the longest time. "Thank you... thank you... thank you!!!"

I accepted the show of affection with delight, because although Luann was the one that orgasmed, I had indeed enjoyed what I was doing just as much.

"Thank you Luann," I answered. "You're amazing."

Luann smiled as she put her arms around my neck and hugged me before glancing down between our legs.

"You didn't cum?" Luann asked as she looked at my erection swaying inches away from Luann's bush.

"I wasn't sure if.. you know," I replied.

"How do you want to cum, Bruce?" Luann whispered as she nibbled on my earlobe. "Anyway you want, except fucking that is. Have any favorites, or fantasies?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then whispered in Luann's ear. To say I was pleased when she smiled and nodded would be an understatement to say the least.

Working my way up to the headboard, I tried to arrange myself into a comfortable position. Luann grabbed a pillow from beside the bed and had me lay on top of it.

"Comfy?" Luann asked, as I wiggled around for a second.

"Very!" I proclaimed.

"This way you'll be able to watch," Luann explained. "You did want to see, didn't you?"


Luann crawled down between my legs and grabbed my balls, which dangled just beyond the pillow. She bent over and I could feel her take them into her mouth, one after the other, making a loud popping noise after letting each nut out.

"Beautiful balls on you, Bruce," Luann said as she gave my cock a quick lick.

Luann then grabbed my cock around the base with her right hand, smiling a smile that was not mocking or condesending, and slowly lifted her left arm, placing her hand behind her head. Luann leaned over into my crotch and guided my cock into her armpit, sliding the crown slowly along the entire length of her underarm.

"Ooooohh!" I groaned as my entire body spasmed for the sensation of the sensitive head of my penis being raked through the dense, coarse jungle of hair.

"Like that, huh Bruce?" Luann said as her head rolled on her shoulders. "Me too babe. Not as nice as your tongue, but still nice though. Can't believe how hard your cock is!"

I closed my eyes and fought back the urge to orgasm, as Luann began working my cock up and down her armpit, using the crown much like a roll-on deodorant. The rough texture of her pit hair felt exquisite against the head of my dick, which disappeared completely in the forest.

"Don't want you to cum yet," Luann said, and I felt her lips back on my balls, licking them for a second before resuming her earlier position.

Somewhat in control, I watched as Luann went back to rubbing my cock under her arm. I noticed a thin string of pre-cum that my drooling dick was leaving in the fur at the exact moment Luann spotted it.

Luann pulled my dick away and craned her neck over, trying to lick the seed and actually capturing a tiny bit of it before her tongue returned to her mouth.

"Yum!" Luann said as she climbed out from between my legs and came along side of me.

For a minute I feared that it was over, but Luann had other ideas. Leaning over me, she put my cock under her arm and then brought her arm down onto me. I looked down to see the tip of my cock peeking out from under her arm, surrounded by the protruding hair.

Slowly, Luann began rocking her upper torso. My cock slid deep under her arm as she moved closer to me, and then poked way out when she moved away. Although she only moving a few inches each way, the feeling of my cock burrowing through the coarse fur was indescribable.

"Mmmmm... that feels nice," Luann said as she squeezed down tighter on me. "Gee, you can even see my little titties when I'm in the position.

It made me feel bad when Luann put herself down like she did, especially since I thought her breasts looked very nice. So they were really small? So what? The more I looked at them, the more I liked them, and her.

I was making all sorts of weird noises as I struggled to maintain control of myself. The feelings combined with the visual display was testing my willpower, and it must have been obvious that I was going to lose the battle eventually.

"You want to cum yet Bruce?" Luann cooed as she looked over at the head of dick sticking out from under her arm.

"Don't want to," I grunted. "But..."

"I know babe," Luann said, grabbing my cock and lifting her arm back up. "But you look like you're going to burst. Your face is beet red."

Luann lifted her arm and resumed rubbing my cock through her armpit, this time with a lot more pressure. I felt my orgasm surge through me like an electric shock, and then I was cumming. Probably not with the absurd load of cum I had let loose with earlier, but the sensation was the same.

My cock kept spasming in Luann's hand, the ropes of cum squirting into the spray of hair, making it look like garland on a tree, and even after my semen stopped flowing, the tingling sensations continued until I fell backward on the bed.

Luann squeezed the last drops out of me before letting go of my dick and looking over at the mess I had made of her underarm. She leaned over and tried to grab a dangling strand with her tongue. Luann couldn't quite reach, but the sight of her licking her pit hair was exciting enough for me.

She climbed up and cuddled next to me, and I held her tight as I rested my eyes for a minute, letting the evening replay in my mind until I dropped off.

Chapter Eight: Midnight Confessions.

I awoke with a start, as the very unfamiliar sensation of waking up with a hairy leg on top of mine was not something I was used to. Lifting Luann's leg up as gently as I could, I went to the bathroom and relieved myself before hurrying back to bed.

It was two in the morning, and I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to be staying the night or not, but as the street light leaking through the window shades allowed me a glorious view of Luann's naked body, I climbed back in and waited to get thrown out.

It didn't take long for me to get restless, and soon I had my hand on Luann's hip. From there I began sliding my hand down Luann's fuzzy thigh, stopping briefly when she suddenly stirred, before continuing my innocent touching.

I had never seen a woman with leg hair before, and had never fantasized about one either. I'll also admit that I had been taken aback when I first saw Luann's legs, but as the evening went on I became more and more comfortable with the sight and feel.

I let my fingers lightly trace the trail of hair that extended from her magnificent bush to her navel and then continued upwards, gently massaging her little buds, avoiding her nipples which seemed very sensitive.

Luann twitched suddenly and repositioned herself on the bed, her arm sliding up on the pillow, which afforded me the opportunity to cradle my head in the crook of her arm. The wild spray of her armpit hair just inches from my face, I inhaled deeply, taking in the musky odor of her as my cock began to stiffen again against Luann's thigh.

It was about that time that I happened to look over at Luann, and it was a shock to see her staring at me, watching me taking liberties with her as I thought she was sleeping.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked sheepishly.

"Since you got up."


"About what?" Luann asked. "It was sweet watching you. It's very nice to have someone enjoy me like you do, because that's not something I'm used to. I usually repel people."

"Well, people are idiots," I offered before changing the subject. "When did you decide to stop - you know - shaving your body hair?"

"I never completely stopped. The back door I keep clear, for hygiene. I also pluck the hairs that pop up around my alleged breasts when they appear from time to time."

"Please stop that," I asked her.


"They way you keep putting down yourself about the size of your breasts," I said as I ran my finger around the perimeter of her petite aureola. "I've never seen breasts like yours, and I think they're very sexy."

"Really," I added when Luann gave me an upraised eyebrow. "Do you mind me playing with them like this?" I asked as I ran my hand over the little swell.

"It's alright," Luann said. "I like the other things you did to me a lot more."

"You mean like this?" I asked before kissing her from her rib cage to her bicep, returning to those hairy hollows that had such a hold on me.

"Yes," Luann said as her body shuddered. "I'm very sensitive there. When I look at your face buried in my armpit like that, and saw you being so excited and intense looking, it was really very stimulating to me."

"Oh, I thought you were humoring me."

"No way Bruce," Luann said. "Once I became comfortable with the way I am I began to enjoy myself a lot more. Why would you say that?"

"My wife... ex-wife," I said correcting myself. "She was like that."

"Want to tell me about it?" Luann asked. "I love stories."

"Well, when we first got married, I asked her if she would stop shaving under her arms and she did. That was great, although she didn't like me to do - you know - the stuff I did to you. She said it was gross."

"Bummer," Luann threw in.

"I didn't think it was gross, but I loved her, and it wasn't that big a deal to me. Then she started shaving in the summer. Again, I had no problem with it, because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. I imagine that you get a lot of wise-ass comments from jerks."

"You think?" Luann said with a laugh.

"Anyway, it got so that she was making comments all the time about it, telling me how disgusting she felt walking around with hair under her arms even when she was all covered up in winter. Finally, I just told her to do what she wanted, because she had taken all the fun out of it for me anyway.

Then came the final straw for me, when we were at a party, and somebody started talking about that singer, Paula Cole, and all about how she showed up at some award show with hair under her arms. My beloved wife, who had a few drinks in her, announces loudly to everyone about how it was lucky that her husband hadn't seen that because she'd have been stuck cleaning drool off the TV screen."

"Oh geez," Luann said, propping herself up on her elbow.

"Somebody asks my wife what she meant, and she goes on this rant about how I love hairy women, and that I used to beg her to not shave. She's going on and on about how weird she thought that was, and that she finally put her foot down and said no more! All the time, these people are roaring with laughter, and I'm standing there feeling two foot tall.

What made it worse was that one of the guys laughing the loudest was somebody I considered a friend. Somebody who, when those old Madonna photos came out in that magazine, told me that he jerked off when he looked at them. Somebody who, back when I told him that my wife didn't shave her armpits, was babbling about how lucky I was and wished his wife wouldn't shave either."

"Figures," Luann said.

"After that evening, I knew it was over," I said in closing. "I couldn't believe how she had violated my trust in her like that, and making me feel so guilty about something so innocuous as armpit hair. I endured another few months, but for all intents and purposes our marriage ended that night. And here I am."

"I'm glad you are," Luann said. "In answer to your initial question, while growing up I did what every girl is supposed to do. I shaved my legs and armpits religiously, even though after a while it seemed futile because the hair grew so fast that by noon I had five o'clock shadow.

By the time I got out of high school, I was resigned to the fact that I would still be a pimply, flat chested girl no matter what I did with my body hair, so I just decided to let it go. Let people talk, I figure, because they were talking anyway. It wasn't like the boys were lining up around me anyway.

Funny thing was that after that, my complexion started to clear, my blood pressure went down to normal and I wasn't suffering from my skin being raw from constantly shaving. I'm still not a beauty queen and never will be one, but I've discovered that some people find me attractive and desirable. Like you, for instance."

"That's for sure," I admitted.

"That's why I put that picture in my ad," Luann continued. "Guys that see it and are turned off don't have to waste their time or mine because you can see what you're getting into right from the start. Guys that like the way I look for whatever reason, can also see. For the most part, it's worked out well."

"You've met other men?" I asked.

"Yes, I've occassionally dated another man that I met through the website. It seems that I attract older men, because he's about your age."

"Another child of the 60's no doubt," I mumbled, instantly hating my competition.

"Is that it? I guess I was born too late," Luann mused.

"It's not you," I answered. "It's the world's problem. Fashion changes and all that, but I love the courage it takes for a woman to be herself. There's nothing more erotic to me that a woman unashamed to be a woman."

"You certainly do say the right things," Luann said. "And you walk the walk too."

"Does that mean you'll see me again?"

"Of course!" Luann said. "If you want to that is. Look, I know there probably won't be anything serious to come of this, and with school and everything I'm not ready for a serious relationship, but I had a wonderful time tonight."

"Me too," I said, sliding my hand down Luann's stomach, tracing the treasure trail that led from her navel to something I had yet to taste, and as I reached that abundant bush Luann giggled.

"Maybe I'm going to have a wonderful morning too," Luann said as my fingers raked through her lush pubic hair.


Dedicated to all of the delightfully natural women and to the men who appreciate them.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A marvellous short story. Very erotic and very sweet. I like hairy women too. It's a great pity that there aren't many of them around these days. Thanks to the author for a sexy and beautiful story.

Shaglus_ZieglerShaglus_Ziegleralmost 2 years ago

I love hairy women, this woman was divine. Natural rules. I’m lucky in that my wife likes it too. Yum. Very erotic tale. Her giving loving to older men is very erotic. You might like some of my hirsute stories. Five stars and following. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wonderful erotic and sweet story. Wish I would meet such a girl one day, as I just adore hairy girls. There is nothing more sexy than a really hairy girl.

Pelau1956Pelau1956over 4 years ago
Fantastic sincere story

I loved this story, in many ways I could truly identify with all of it. I love the look of women who choose not to shave. I find it beautiful and sexy. I am old enough to have attended college during the early 70's when the women's movement was going on, and some women chose not to shave or wear bras. It was a wonderful and exciting time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice one

Where can I find a hairy muff? I really need one

Sucker4BoobiesSucker4Boobiesalmost 10 years ago
Drove me crazy.

This story was amazing. A part of me wanted to tell Luann so badly that she was beautiful and sexy, but I'm glad that she seems to know that deep down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love pit hair on women

Great story. I convinced wife to stop shaving in winter few yrs ago and it was great for me but we are now estranged. Miss those days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Wonderful story. As a fellow hairy woman lover this really cheered me. Nice to know there are fellow admirers out there!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
a natural woman

I love hairy women and Luann sounds like the perfect woman. Please more stories of hairy women. Perhaps a hairy woman who likes shaved men?

furryfanfurryfanover 16 years agoAuthor
Thanks hair fan!

Keep on licking your lady. It's not tickling that she's feeling. Underarms are an erogenous zone for most women, and when they get used to it, most will find it a turn on. Thanks again and thanks to everyone for your support!

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