Her First Time Ch. 39


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I rolled over and dunked her. Damn right, I was going to call for another bottle... after!

We swam, played, floated, even made out a little. Not much, as there were kids in the pool. At seven sharp, we climbed out, dried off, and headed back to our room to get ready for dinner with Janet. What I was looking forward to... really, really looking forward to, was 'after' dinner. It had been a damned long day of teasing, watching Elle in that outfit flirting with me, even a few other guys. Then that half blow job and I was still on edge from that.

Elle showered and there was no way I could get in with her without my cock finding that nice warm, cuddly spot inside her, so I just waited and suffered. Well, I didn't exactly 'wait', there were teeth to brush, a face to shave, and so on, but it was frustrating, nonetheless.

My heart was going pitter-patter in the shower when it was my turn, my hard dick just aching to be stroked, thinking of Elle just in the other room, putting on her makeup, maybe naked (a guy can hope), which prompted me to hurry a little faster than otherwise.

A man's brain can only think so many things at once. In my case, pretty much all of them involved a naked Elle in various positions, my dick inside her in all of them.

Alas, when I'd gotten out of the shower, dried off, and opened the door, her back was to me, and the hem of her dress just falling down her legs. I guess the consolation was that it was the dress we'd bought the evening before. The gold dress, so like the one Dani had worn that night in Reno; backless, down to where it'd barely be hiding the thong strap... if Elle was wearing the thong. I'd missed knowing by maybe half a second.

She turned, saw me staring, and smiled, "How's it look?"

How's it look! Is she kidding?

She stepped over to the dresser mirror, "Think I could wear this to the bank?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Think the bank would have a run on loan applications," I told her.

There was a thin gold chain around her neck holding it up and a single, thin golden threaded strap tied around her back, the gold lame material barely covering her breasts, not hiding their shape in the least. The uneven hemline was barely below her panty line on one hip, nearly halfway to her knee on the other, barely enough to hide her private parts... if she was careful.

"She said we were going to an adult place, so I thought..."

"Well, you thought perfectly," I told her, "you're beautiful!"

She smiled at the compliment, "Still have my makeup to do, though."

I hadn't even noticed. God, I was looking forward to 'later'!

Elle finished off her outfit with very light makeup, the lipstick Dani had fallen in love with and was suggesting to her friends, Rose Petal Peach, the matching dangling gold earrings, necklace, and bracelet, gold heels, and the perfume we'd bought along with the dress. That perfume alone is just... holy shit sexy! Another one of those 'dream' things come true, along with the lipstick. The sales girl in my dream had recommended it, telling us that neither men nor women could resist it. Well, as far as men were concerned, she was sure as hell right, and when she'd put it on, Elle commented that it was making her horny too, not that that took much for either of us.

Before we left, I told Elle that I needed to at least text Dani. But first, I stood her next to the door, set up my phone pointing at her, set the photo timer, then joined her, pulling her to me with a deep, lingering kiss, much longer than was necessary for the picture. After we reluctantly broke apart, I checked the picture, perfect. I added a short message, 'Enjoying our weekend so far, leaving for dinner with Janet.' Then signed it, 'your loving husband,' and hit send.

We were in the lobby at eight, Janet already there waiting, wearing a low-cut summery dress; moderately sexy, but nothing like Elle's. She watched us approach with a broad smile, "I see you took my suggestion seriously," she said, "I love it, very nice."

Elle did a little curtsy then a quick pirouette, showing off the whole dress to Janet. Once again, I let her ride in front with Janet, it just seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do. "Where we going for dinner?" I asked Janet.

She looked in her mirror, seeing me in the second-row seat, "How much do you know about Alan Ryder?" she asked me.

I laughed, "Not a lot, NFL star receiver, helped Tampa win a Super Bowl, made a lot of money, retired several years ago, now, apparently an actor."

"Didn't you tell me the first time you met him in your dream, you were going to his restaurant's grand opening?"

"Uhh, yeah, are you telling me that was real? He does have a restaurant?"

"Two, the second opened last February, I guess he's quite a chef."

I sat there slack-jawed. February 15th, I'll never forget that date, his grand opening in my dream, the night he fucked Dani, and she spent the rest of the weekend with him. "You, uhh, remember the date of that grand opening?" I asked her

"No, but seems like it was around the middle of the month. My husband and I ate at his first one quite often, and we were excited when he opened a second."

"The fifteenth," I thought to myself, looking out the window

"Yeah, you're probably right," she said. I hadn't realized I'd even said it out loud.

"That was the date... in my dream, the night he'd invited us to his grand opening... the night... the weekend he and Dani..."

Janet swerved, another car nearly hitting us, barely staying in her lane before she caught herself, "... reignited their love affair," finishing my sentence.

I watched Janet's face in the mirror, realizing for the first time, "You were there that night, I remember. You and a guy, guess your husband; big guy, blue shirt; you had on a pink dress. I remember because you were kissing when we walked in. You were sitting by the window, first table on the right from the entrance.

Janet's face took on an 'in awe' look, almost white, "How... do you know that? We were... it's what we were wearing, where we were sitting, Jason leaned over and kissed me, just to tell me he loved me, then it turned into a 'wanna make love' kiss.

I laughed, I'd heard that question so many times over the last few months, "I don't know, no idea, I just... know... so many things." Then thought to ask, "Did you? When you got home?"

She chuckled, "Oh yeah, it was nice too... better than nice."

I smiled, thinking about Janet with her husband.

"Well, that's where we're going for dinner, you probably already know the menu then?" she said.

"Salmon, grilled salmon is his specialty, fried ice cream for dessert, his own recipe," Those were the only two things I knew from the menu, we hadn't even looked.

Janet continued to stare through the mirror, finally averting her eyes when she took the Amherst Street exit off the freeway.

I pictured it in my mind, "Second stop light, turn left, it's right on the corner, Ryder's Bar and Grill," I told Janet.

Two stop lights, about six blocks, there it was on the corner of Amherst and 119th, Ryder's Bar and Grill.

I don't know what would have been crazier; if that night last October, going back to 1987 had been real instead of a coma-induced dream, or the fact that I knew so much of which I should know nothing.

Janet parked, we got out and went inside. I pointed out to Janet the table where she and her husband had been sitting that night, and she nodded. I guess I had truly made a believer out of her that I 'knew things'.

There were no booths, only very well decorated tables; white tablecloths, floral arrangements on each one, silverware and folded, cloth napkins. We were escorted to one overlooking the bay, and very shortly, a smiling waitress introduced herself as Sophia and asked what we'd like to drink. Janet suggested the gin and strawberry lemonade, so that's what both Elle and I ordered.

She brought our drinks and it took a tiny sip to know that it was primarily gin with a little strawberry lemonade for flavoring. That was okay, I needed it. I knew what I was going to do, tell Elle and Janet what had happened that night. I'd told Janet in general terms, but not in detail, Elle not at all, not about that night.

Sophia came back and took our orders, pointing out their special, charcoal grilled salmon with some kind of special sauce. We all three ordered it. Perhaps, this time I'd actually taste it. That night, it could have been the best salmon ever or shoe leather, I didn't know, my mind was so preoccupied.

"That other time with Dani, his grand opening, we sat right over... there," I told them, pointing to the table, probably the one with the best outdoor view. "He had dinner with us, the first time Dani had seen him in thirty-two years. I learned so much more of their brief, high school affair that night, how Dani had lied to her parents when they spent the nights together, she told me how he'd fucked her on the kitchen counter one morning the first time he called her Babygirl.

"And none of this actually happened? Janet asked.

"No, I'd graduated the year before so didn't know him... or her either, for that matter, but after I woke from the coma and was telling Dani some of my dreams, she said that he had a pretty blonde girlfriend named Marci... " I gazed off out the window toward the bay. It wasn't dark yet so there weren't the pretty lights like that other night. "And how jealous she was of him, about the mattress in the back of his truck, and how badly she'd wanted it to be her with him, instead of Marci."

I looked back at Janet, then Elle. God, she was pretty in that dress!

"That night, here, we'd bought a sexy dress in the same store as we found Elle's. Dani hadn't brought anything, she was afraid to wear anything sexy, she told me later, but I'd insisted on buying the dress and her wearing it. I guess even then I knew what would happen and sort of wanted it, but when he saw her... and she saw him that first time, there wasn't any doubt how badly they wanted each other; their hug, the look in both their eyes..."

By then, my drink was gone and Sophia was returning with three plates of the most sumptuous-looking salmon I'd ever seen. We spent the next several minutes savoring every bite. There was a reason this restaurant was full. A reason, too, that an eight-ounce salmon filet would cost nearly forty bucks.

"After their greeting...?" Elle asked, her face full of inquisitiveness... and something else... I don't think it was just the salmon that was causing her to lick her lips the way she was.

"They talked about the old times, reminisced about their short but torrid affair, I learned so much. At one point, Dani had to excuse herself to the ladies' room and I knew why, and it wasn't because she had to pee."

That brought a chuckle from both Janet and Elle and broke the sexual tension that had been building just a bit.

"After dinner," I went on, "Dani tried to extricate us back to our hotel, but I invited Alan up for drinks." I laughed at the stupidity, "You should have seen the look on Dani's face, thinking that I had gone completely insane... and yes, I knew what would happen."

Sophia returned and cleared our plates away, kidding and joking with us the whole time. She certainly knew how to make a meal pleasurable. "Dessert?" she asked.

"I'd like the fried ice cream," I told her. Janet and Elle asked for the same.

"Ahh, Alan's own recipe, you'll love it," she said.

After she left, I explained, "We ordered it that night, too, his comment when we did, he looked into Dani's eyes and said, 'there's only one thing that tastes better.' With Dani's blush, there wasn't much doubt what he was referring to." I looked over at Elle, looking so sexy and beautiful, "He was right, too... about that one thing." She blushed, the same as Dani had that night. As did Janet.

She brought the ice cream, we took a couple bites, and Elle asked, "The hotel room, tell us about that."

I took one more bite, closed my eyes and savored... my memory... that night. "He kissed her, long, deep. She started to tell him that they couldn't... that she was married. But he pulled the knot of the halter behind her neck, letting her dress drop. She hadn't gotten it out, tried again, but he interrupted her, telling her he'd dreamed of doing this a thousand times over the years, how he regretted ever leaving her, then took her breast in his mouth..."

"He undressed her, picked her up and laid her on the bed beside where I was sitting, and undressed himself." I closed my eyes, remembering, "It took a long time, he was so big, before he was all the way inside her. Dani's moans... I'd never heard anything like them before. His words, 'so tight... so hot'. Her orgasm... unlike anything we'd ever had together. Then again, him thrusting into her, Dani's wails continuous, her body's shuddering..."

Our table was silent. When I opened my eyes, Sophia was there, standing, her eyes wide, holding more drinks in her hand. She sat down next to Janet.

I took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling, staring at a very dim light fixture, then looked over at Sophia, her pretty face intently watching mine, "I don't know how long it was but she told him she wanted to make love with him again. She rolled him onto his back, I don't know how big he was, just 'big'. She straddled him, and looked intently into my eyes as she lowered herself onto him, impaling herself... so slowly, inch-by-inch, her pussy swallowing him, that grimace, her eyes clamped shut...until she was... their groins pressed tightly together."

My breathing was coming hard, reliving it all in my mind, knowing that it 'was' going to happen, sooner or later. I didn't know when or exactly how, but happen, it would.

"In case you didn't know," I told Sophia, "I'm talking about your boss, Alan Ryder... and my wife."

"She pulled me to her, holding me, kissing me, rocking up and down, back and forth on him." I couldn't believe I was saying this, to a perfect stranger, yet, much less Elle and Janet. "I felt her orgasm, her body stiffen, her spasms, her lips still on mine, screaming into my mouth."

I felt the sweat on my forehead and daubed it with my napkin. "It hasn't happened yet, but it will, I know. Yet... she'll still be mine, I know that, too." I said.

Sophia slid out of her chair, said she needed to use the restroom. I could imagine why. Both Janet and Elle followed, leaving me alone. I sipped my drink, and ate some more of the ice cream, my dick just about to burst. Janet and Elle's ice cream had barely been touched.

"I didn't know," Elle said, once we were back in Janet's car, "you hadn't told me any of that."

"I know, I hadn't told anyone all the details, not even Dani. That was the first time I said it, maybe not even to myself."

We sat quietly the next several minutes, Janet driving, to where we had no idea.

"Which brings us to why you're here, why I wanted you to come to Tampa, I think you'll know in a few minutes," Janet told us. She was driving through a commercial area, stores, gas stations, restaurants, where I had no recollection at all from my dream. She had me totally flummoxed.

It gradually changed to look more industrial, manufacturing maybe, big parking lots in front of varying businesses. A 'Peterbilt Manufacturing' sign in front of a HUGE building that seemed to go on forever. And then it hit me, holy fucking shit! I knew exactly where we were going, why we were here, why we'd gone to the courthouse that morning, it all came together in an instant, wondering why I hadn't added two and two before this.

I didn't know exactly where it was, but I knew 'what' it was. Janet pulled into a parking lot along with dozens of other cars. We got out, and Janet led us to a simple three-foot door of a big metal building, the kind you'd expect to be a warehouse or some such, except that there weren't any overhead doors.

But this wasn't a warehouse. Janet keyed in a code on the panel alongside the door, and it opened into a small room with a guy sitting behind a desk. Janet showed her ID, and he told us to leave our cell phones. There was a big sign, 'No recording equipment permitted inside, will result in immediate and permanent removal.' The three of us left our cell phones, along with Janet's ID, all bagged and put in a locker, Janet with the key. She gave him a credit card, he gave her a numbered placard to put on our table.

Elle had no idea what we were doing, what the place was. "You've been here before?" I asked Janet.

"Once, I wanted to check it out after what you'd told me, took me a while to track down the place," she said.

"And you found?"

"Guess I was lucky, I was here on the right night."

We went through the big black double-doors that were on an electronic release the attendant, maybe bouncer (he was certainly big enough), controlled.

Inside was a 'gentleman's club', exotic dance, strip club, whatever you wanted to call it, membership and invited guests only from my recollection of my dream. It was not open to the general public, which, I guess, gave it a bit more leeway in the 'entertainment'.

There was a large stage, two 'stripper' poles, one on each side, the center of the stage open, each with a girl dancing in various stages of undress. A hostess led us to a table at the edge of the center of the stage that had a big 'reserved' sign in the middle, apparently for us. There had been only two chairs, apparently, not expecting my guest, Elle. She stole a third from another table and took our drink orders, Janet a Mountain Dew, like at the restaurant, she said she had to drive, Elle and me, gin and coke. We sat watching, along with maybe another hundred-plus. Young and younger, the girls I mean, I'm guessing the girl on the center stage was in her thirties, the other two younger. It wasn't long until one of the girls was naked, dancing around her pole. I'd been to a strip club that one time in my dream, this one, but never in real life. My hardening dick was showing the effects.

Another girl, woman is probably more accurate, replaced the naked girl. There was an announcer giving their names but they were all generic, probably not real names anyway. These girls all acted like they were enjoying themselves, not like I'd expect a bored stripper to act. Another thing, no money changing hands, I'd always expected guys and girls to be at the edge of the stage coaxing the girls on with money. This place didn't seem to have any of that.

And then a name that caught my attention, "Now the girl we've all been waiting for, the beautiful Anna."

Like I knew was going to happen, the woman from the courthouse, the beautiful, sexy attorney, stepped out on the stage, still wearing her same skirt and blouse, her only change, swapping the flat shoes for a pair of sexy heels. She was the only one that carried a microphone, "Good evening, everybody, I hope you are enjoying yourselves... " The place erupted in clapping. When it died down, she went on, "I know we all are! My name is Onna and I am here to enjoy myself as well as hopefully entertain you for a few minutes." That accent! God, that alone was a man-killer, I can't imagine a man alive that could resist it, like catnip to a kitten.

I sat there, slack-jawed; stunned, fuck, this is HER, 'Onna' from my dream! Almost exactly like I knew she'd be, every bit as beautiful, maybe even more so. Even when I'd finally figured out what was happening, I could hardly believe it could actually be. Now, here she is! Jenny and Dani... we have to come back, you gotta see this.

'Onna', the drop-dead, gorgeous, smart attorney, didn't need no pole for a prop, no prop except her gorgeous self. She was the star of this fine establishment, and she knew it, just about the lustiest smile on the sexiest face I'd ever seen. Our table was a couple feet from the stage, and she was at the edge of it, directly in front of us... looking straight at me... unbuttoning her blouse.