Her First Time Ch. 39


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I remembered in my dream, the name Brooklyn Decker popped into my head, that's who 'Onna' resembled, Brooklyn Decker, Sports Illustrated cover girl, except, in my mind anyway, much prettier.

I hadn't even noticed, but there was music playing. She was swaying, her hips gyrating, and in a moment, what seemed like time stopping, her blouse was undone, and she was pulling it open to the sheer, black bra underneath, never taking her eyes from mine. She slipped it off her arms, then carefully folded it and laid it over the back of the chair next to her.

God, I remembered her act from my dream, already nothing like real life! If the perfect woman could be created, there wasn't a shred of doubt in my mind she'd be named, 'Onna'.

There were still two other girls dancing, totally on the periphery. Bombs could be going off on the rest of that stage, I doubt anyone would notice. She reached behind her, pushing her skirt's zipper down, then swiveled her hips, slowly letting it fall. I presumed it was what she'd been wearing in court earlier, the tiniest string thong, her tongue licking her red lips.

I was thinking that Elle and I should have fucked right before meeting Janet, maybe then my dick wouldn't be so friggin' hard, ready to explode.

I'd have liked to take a peek at Elle and Janet, see how they were reacting to this but couldn't pull my eyes away for even a millisecond. She stepped out of her skirt, picked it up, and folded it as she had her blouse, then reached behind herself once again, this time to the clasp of her bra.


I felt like 'Onna' was undressing for me and me alone, the way those hypnotically beautiful blue eyes were boring a hole through mine. She held her left arm over her breasts and unsnapped the bra with her right, letting the straps dangle, slowly turning around, letting us see the rest of that perfect body... and it was fucking perfect, just like I'd imagined she would be, in that courtroom that morning. If I'd had to numerically rank her (how fucking sexist is that!), it would be relatively easy, she'd quite easily rank in the top one of beautiful women I'd seen in my life.

She slowly lowered her arm, letting those tits go free. After what seemed like an eternity, I took a breath, realizing that I'd not been breathing. This 'perfect' woman, perfect face, perfect body, was wearing nothing except her tiny thong and those sexy heels. She stepped back, making a man-melting walk down the stage and back, then to the opposite end, stopping again directly in front of us, once again locking her eyes onto mine.

She stepped forward, down the intermediate step that I hadn't even realized was there, down to the floor directly in front of me, taking my hand in hers, then straddled my lap. I was in... fuck... I can't even say, shocked, bewildered, horny as fuck, you name the emotion, I was probably it.

She leaned forward, letting one of those delectable, very hard nipples tickle my lips. My mouth just naturally opened, but she pulled back, "No, it is forbidden," she said in that sex-screaming accent... the same words she'd used in my dream!

I complied, closing my lips, engrossed in her tickling them. "I understand you had a dream about me," she said. I nodded, about melting into a puddle of maleness. I was afraid to speak, that nipple would have fallen between my lips, 'forbidden'.

She stood, tugging at my hand, "Come," she said, stepping back on that step. What the hell else could I have done, I followed her to the stage, totally oblivious to the rest of the room.

"Take my panties down," she told me.

I panicked, had I heard what I thought? My body froze, she giggled, "You heard me, take my panties off," she repeated.

Once again, I discovered that I hadn't been breathing. I was standing in front of her, and she stepped just slightly to the side, still facing me, "So everyone can see," she explained, taking my hands and placing them on her near-naked hips.

Oh God, Oh God! She meant it. My heart was jackhammering a hole through my chest, and I know that my face had turned bright red, except I didn't know how, with all the blood that coagulated in my nether region.

I knelt in front of her, my hands on that beautiful, soft skin of Anna's hips, imagining what it would be like to pull those strings down her legs. This sure as hell hadn't been in the script in my head, the memory of my dream.

And then my hands moved of their own volition, fingers underneath the elastic string, and pushing down. She spread her legs apart a little, the little triangle of fabric sticking to her dampness, "Better help it along," she said, so two fingers moved inside, her hips doing a little hump when the fingers felt between her completely hairless, smooth lips, "Oh my," she muttered, "it is forbidden... but please... do not stop," in that heart-stopping accent.

Fuck! I didn't know what to do. I knew what I WANTED to do, but was it going too far, way too far? The hell with it, she was guiding this show, and before pulling them down, those fingers slipped up inside her, right to the knuckle. Hot... wet!

"Ohhh," she let out a little moan, apparently forgetting the part about it being 'forbidden', spreading her legs just a bit wider. If all the blood hadn't left my brain before, it sure as hell had by then, all going to one place.

I wiggled my fingers a bit, then slipped them out, soaking wet with her juices, and pulled the little triangle away, then down her legs.

She leaned over, picked them up, and handed them to me, "Here, a souvenir," she said. I took them and couldn't help myself, bringing them to my nose, inhaling the damp scent of her, having completely forgotten that there were probably a hundred or more people watching, including Janet and Elle.

Anna pulled me to my feet, down the step to our table, and told Janet and Elle to come, leading the three of us away, to a back room we soon realized, Anna still completely naked except for her heels.

She closed the door behind us, directed us to sit, then once again straddled my lap. "Now, tell me about this dream," she said. Ohh, I couldn't get over it... that voice!

I began, "Last October, I fell, didn't even know it... "

She took my hands, placing one over each of her breasts, her nipples stretched and hard. I massaged, pinching... "Ohh, that feels so good... go on..."

I was a little distracted! "... was in a coma for four months, dreaming the whole time... "

She was grinding her naked pussy on my groin, it was a freakin' miracle I didn't... you know.

"Sorry," she said, "got a little carried away."

My wife... Daniella... had a big affair with this guy in Tampa..."

"You can tell her his name," Janet interrupted.

"Alan Ryder... she'd known him in high school. In my dream, they'd been high school lovers. Now... lovers again. Everything was so real. We were in Tampa for a week... her with him. He took us to this club... this one," I reiterated, "there was a woman, probably the most beautiful woman we'd ever seen, her name was Anna, 'Onna', she called herself... "

"Oh my, I like this dream," she said, leaning over and pressing a nipple into my lips. This time, she didn't object when I opened my mouth and sucked her nipple in.

Anna groaned as I sucked, pressing herself to me. "And what did this 'Onna' do? Did you talk to her?"

Mmm, I didn't want to talk, my mouth was busy. I took one more hard suck, nearly swallowing her entire tit, then pulled away, "She stripped, then invited us back to a room... this one," I added. "She..." I was distracted by her nibbling on my ear, "danced for us again, told us she was an attorney, just did this for fun... to excite her and her husband... "

"Mmm, isn't it funny how I happen to be an attorney, my name is Onna, and all the girls here do this for the fun and excitement. We never take money, no tips, would spoil the fun. Carol, the girl before me is a nurse; Tammy is a grocery cashier; we even had a doctor joining us for a while. One of the girls, Bree, is an accountant, tonight will only be her second time here. What else did your 'Onna' do?"

"My wife... she was wearing a very sexy dress, mostly see-through, she danced for her... "

"You mean like this?" scooting off my lap and turning to Elle, "this is your Daniella?" she asked.

I shook my head, "My girlfriend, Elle... a lot has happened since I awoke, Elle's one of them... a very pleasant one, I might add."

"Wonderful, well, this 'Onna' loves to dance for beautiful women, I am very 'bi'... and for the record, my husband is out there, he loves to watch. We will go home, maybe not even all the way... and fuck like very horny bunnies... very... stress relief," she said, giggling.

Then she sat on Elle's lap as she had mine, pressing her breasts to Elle's, kissing her on the lips, a long, tongue-swapping kiss.

"I think," Anna said, "you are a very beautiful woman... and with that dress, you know it," rubbing her hands over Elle's breasts. Elle moaned, she'd been horny all day, and Anna had this way of bringing it out of a person, multiplying it by a thousand. Hell, I was living proof of that! My dick had been stone hard ever since Anna walked out on that stage.

She'd switched from kissing to nibbling on Elle's ear. Apparently, she liked ears. I sure as hell wasn't complaining. "I think," she was whispering into Elle's ear, "that you would enjoy taking it off, too."

Almost word-for-word what she'd said to Dani!

Elle's face flushed almost instantaneously, "No... I couldn't!"

"Oh, but you want to, though, don't you?"

I was watching Elle, not breathing, this I hadn't expected. Then I realized... why not? It's exactly what Anna had done with Dani.

Anna was massaging Elle's tit, pinching her nipple, Elle moaning, her face still red with flush.

"Don't you...?" her lips back on Elle's.

"I can't... too old..."

Anna chuckled, "Our age is only a number, one that has no more significance than we give it. How old do you think I am?"

"I don't know, maybe thirty-five?"

"I am forty-seven, no doubt several years older than you."

Janet, Elle, and I all were shocked. I'd have guessed thirty, max, but forty-seven? No way in fucking hell!

And how old did she think Elle was? She was in my class, at least forty-nine. Anna thought she was years younger than her forty-seven, and I could understand why.

Elle was breathing hard when Anna pulled her mouth away, "Yes?" she asked once again.

"Yesss!" she finally moaned out as Anna pushed her dress aside and took a nipple in her mouth.

Anna quickly switched to Elle's other nipple, then looked up at Janet and me, a broad smile on her face, "You may wait at your table, we will be out in a little bit.

What the fuck? Would Elle go through with it? I knew she would, just as Dani had done in my dream. Except that this was real, not just a dream, real as that had seemed, it was still... just a dream.

As Janet and I were leaving them, I told her, "One thing that other 'Onna' did was convince my wife to go on stage with her... same argument, almost word-for-word.

We sat down back at our table, Janet watching me, "Will she go through with it?" she asked me.

I nodded, "Pretty sure, Dani did."

We watched the girl on the center stage, a very pretty, probably thirty-something brunette. I couldn't help but wonder what she did in her real life. The fact that these girls weren't 'dancers', but just girls (women in most cases) having fun getting guys excited makes the show all that much more enticing. I noticed the ring on her finger, making me wonder if her husband was here too. I sure as hell would be if it was my wife. I laughed at myself, guessing that I sort of was. Before she slipped her panties down her legs, her hand spent a little time under them, clearly getting her quite excited. Damn nice tits too. Wonder what her co-workers would think if they knew.

What would Dani's if they knew what she was doing? Which made me wonder if Dani would ever be able to go back to teaching? Will she want to?

There was another girl on after 'Peg' (the announcer thanked 'Peg' when she left the stage), Bree, the accountant Anna had mentioned. I've never seen an accountant who looked quite like her; kinda, sorta like I've never seen a banker quite like Elle before... or a lawyer like Anna. I was just guessing, but most likely Bree doesn't normally wear that micro-skirt to work.

She was gorgeous; red, flowing hair (I'll bet she keeps it in a bun at work), green eyes, green evening gown type dress. She wasn't quite like Anna, but nevertheless, watching her get naked on stage right in front of me and Janet was making the wait for Elle's debut quite enjoyable. Watching these women, knowing they were 'normal' working women that one might run into in any business setting, rather than professional strippers added a whole element to the allure.

She was down to her bra and panties, acting for all the world like she was scared to death but having fun, sort of like riding one of those death-defying amusement rides. She did it though, unsnapped her bra... and damn, the girl had nice tits! She pushed her panties down, sat on the chair that was on the stage, spread her legs, closed her eyes... and her fingers gravitated to herself, spreading her bare lips apart, pressing inside.

It was only a moment until she was biting her bottom lip. Holy fucking shit hot! This little display was on a whole 'nother planet, a few feet from us, her fingers sliding inside her pussy. She sat there, fingers in and out, her face turning into a grimace, moaning, looking for all the world like she was about to... and then she stopped, pulled her fingers out, panting hard, sat there a few moments longer, stood, gathering her clothes, and walked offstage, a little unsteadily. Actually, a lot unsteady.

Hot damn! Had we just seen what we'd just seen? This place is different than I'd ever imagined, hell of a lot different than in my dream.

And then, before my brain had processed Bree, the announcer came back on, "Big hand for Bree, ladies and gentlemen, think she and her boyfriend are going to have a good night tonight?"

"And now for our grand finale, folks, Anna's back and she's found a recruit, her first time anywhere, please welcome Elle."

Grand finale? I checked my watch, damn, quarter-till-one, how time flies when you're having fun. I had no idea it was that late.

But then, Anna led Elle onto the stage, leading her by the hand, just as she'd led Dani, Elle looking like... like she was going to be one of those high divers in Acapulco, diving off those hundred-foot-plus cliffs for the first time. If I'd thought Bree looked scared...

They walked hand-in-hand, just parking themselves about four or five feet off-center, about that far from where Janet and I were sitting. They were close enough that I could hear, "We will take turns, undressing each other. But first..." and Anna kissed Elle, a soft, seductive kiss. Whoever was controlling the lights turned them down low, just a spotlight on Elle and Anna.

As they kissed, it grew in passion, no friggin' question that both were turned on, lips molding together, mouths opening, no doubt tongues exploring. 'Onna' knew how to kiss, and I was guessing there wasn't a guy or girl in the room that wouldn't trade places with Elle in a heartbeat... or with Anna, for that matter.

Anna had changed into a sultry, silky-looking, wrap-around dress, light purple with beautiful roses throughout, something that would be right at home in any nightclub; sexy, but not 'slutty'. Dani has a dress very much like it, held together by two buttons. She pulled away from Elle's lips long enough to whisper in her ear. Elle smiled and undid the first of Anna's buttons, then a second, then a third, letting her dress swing open.

I knew Anna'd taken her clothes off just a short while earlier, but still, that perfect feminine body with all its curves in the right places, not a single bump where one shouldn't be. Brooklyn Decker, eat your heart out! My heart was pounding in anticipation as that dress opened up. She was wearing a light purple bra and bikini panty set under it, now all she was wearing.

Like I said earlier, nothing in the room could have torn my eyes away. Forty-seven freakin' years old!

She turned Elle toward the room, her hands on the choker behind her neck, "You ready?" she asked, the same as 'Onna' had asked Dani that night in my dream.

Elle looked around the room, her eyes seeming to gaze behind Janet and me, locking on someone. I knew what she was doing, 'Onna' had told Dani to fix her eyes on someone who she'd love to have eat her pussy. I presumed Anna had told Elle the same thing.

She nodded, and Anna pulled the bow-knot behind her back, then deftly unsnapped the catch on her gold choker-chain, virtually letting the entire dress float to the floor, pooling at her feet.

Unlike Anna, Elle hadn't been wearing a bra under the thin, gold lame. She was standing on stage in nothing except her golden silk panties, jewelry, gold heels, and that sexy, exotic perfume, breathing deeply, obviously doing her best to maintain some degree of composure.

Like Bree a few minutes earlier, maybe Elle wasn't Anna, but she looked damned good standing there with her nearly naked body on full display, the spotlight shining on her!

Anna reached around Elle, cupping her breasts, massaging them, lifting them, pulling at her nipples, swelling them, kissing her neck. Elle let out a moan, obviously letting her exhibitionist tendencies take full control of her senses, the lust written all over her face in capital letters.

"Are you ready to do mine?" Anna asked her, moving to Elle's side.

Elle was breathing hard, Anna turned her back to her, so that Elle's shaking fingers could unsnap her bra, letting it fall. Anna's tits weren't big, just perfectly proportioned for her figure. And aren't forty-seven-year-old's tits supposed to have at least begun to succumb to the effects of gravity? I know Dani's did; Jenny's not so much because of their small size; Elle's did, although neither Dani or Elle was much. But Anna's? I don't know a lot about tit sizing, but they were a bit bigger than either Dani or Elle and every bit as firm as any twenty-year-old. I knew, had one of them in my mouth, albeit briefly, and then in my hands, not nearly so briefly.

I guess, realistically, I couldn't say that, I don't remember so much what a twenties' tits feel like. There was April, but there's probably some things a dream can't be trusted for. Be that as it may, Anna's tits were... incredible!

All that ruminating and I damned near missed Elle sliding down Anna's panties, baring that smooth pussy once again. Sue me for it if you want, but a male mind can only take in so much at one time. Mine had been consumed with those 'lawyerly' tits.

I closed my eyes for just a moment, remembering... my fingers sliding inside those wet, hot lips just moments earlier, wishing it could have been another part of my anatomy.

And then... Anna's fingers were toying with Elle's tiny panties. Elle was again watching behind us, and I couldn't help but to take a very quick peek, pretty sure of the guy a couple tables back, the grin on his face like he knew something nobody else did. Younger, broad-shouldered, dark brown hair, looked like a baseball player. Why baseball? I have no clue, except that he did. Maybe a firefighter. Yeah, if I was a girl I'd have the hots for the guy too.

All that was taken in in an instant, maybe a second-and-a-half. It was the longest I could force myself to look away from Elle, her panties just starting to be pushed down. I wondered what her banker coworkers would think if they saw her right now? Probably pretty close to the same thing Bree's coworkers... or Anna's would think. Or maybe even Dani's teacher friends when they see her movie.