Horny Little Women


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Suddenly Matthew felt Meg's body spasm and go limp, a little gasp escaping her lips. No time to dwell, suddenly a rogue cloud passed overhead to darken the scene. It was the cue for the pair of sibling voyeurs to hotfoot it away before risking an embarrassing discovery. "Um, sorry..." Matthew began as they traipsed off down the path. "That was wrong."

Meg pushed up on tiptoes to give her younger brother a peck on the cheek before running off ahead with an impish giggle. Lapsing into a childhood his overbearing father had denied, Matthew tore off in pursuit. Gathering up her shoes in hand and lifting the skirt above the thigh, Meg facilitated the sprinted escape, using her knowledge of the forest to thwart her pursuer.

However, his superior speed and stamina ensured that Matthew caught her just before the log. A symbolic crossing, it was the bridge that would take them out of the fantasy world of the forest and back to the mundane reality. Taking Meg in his arms and swinging her around, Matthew craved to prolong the moment just a little longer. The prospect of returning home eventually to his grandparents' terrace in the suburbs and then returning to city life in Manila was heart-wrenching.

As he wrestled with Meg, their limbs tangled and they tumbled to the floor whooping. Little thought for the neat and respectful clothes they wore, grass stains and mud scrapes were unavoidable. Going in for the kill, Matthew straddled his sister and tickled mercilessly at the belly, inducing an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Fortunately – or unfortunately – any further high jinks was curtailed by the arrival of blonde cutie Amy, 'the baby', shooting a curious glance across the stream. "You found him?"

"Yeah I found him," replied Meg, easing Matthew aside and rising to her feet with a smile.

Putting on her shoes once more and taking to the log with arms outstretched in a cruciate pose, Meg hurried to join her sister on the other side. Heel catching a dead slice of bark, a squeal rang out as the eldest sister tottered one way then the other, hands groping thin air before falling sideways and plunging in the waist high water with an undignified splash.

At the water's edge Amy was in stitches, doubled up with pained howls of laughter. Matthew too found it physically impossible to suppress a laugh. From the stream, Meg issued a look that was half pure evil, half bemusement. Hands on hips she pouted and appealed to her brother: "Help me out."

Matthew moved to the stream's edge, stretching to hold out a helpful hand. Yank! The next minute his body was moving forward of its own accord, feet unable to grip on the bank and landing hip high in cool water. Surfacing he blew a fountain of water from his lips. In retaliation for her wickedness, Matthew slashed the water with an arced arm, sending a sheet of water over Meg. As she squealed, his eyes were drawn to the hard nipples that had sprouted and pressed against the wet blouse. Meg grinned before launching a tidal wave of her own, things become messy. Up above them, Amy jumped up and down in sheer glee, her blonde ringlets animated.

So as not to be left out, the youngest sister bolted down the bank and launched herself into their midst, shrieking delightfully as she bombed the surface. The trio made sure to duck and splash each other thoroughly until every stitch of clothing was soaked through. Hauling himself out, Matthew lifted his sisters to the bank in a gentlemanly manner and they walked back bedraggled to the house. "Matthew is so much fun," observed Amy innocently, pressing to his side for warmth.

"Mmm yes he is," responded Meg, her thoughts of a somewhat less innocent nature.

Their mother was waiting for the errant trio. "What on earth...?"

"We had a little accident," offered Meg, eyelashes fluttering innocently.

"We fell in the stream," added Amy.

"Hmm, I can see that...all three of you...?"

Matthew caught sight of gran and grandpa in the background. Looking ready to depart, his heart sank. "You can't go home wet like that, Matthew," the old man scolded.

Matthew offered flustered apologies.

"Maybe Matthew can stay with us tonight?" suggested Amy hopefully, adopting a doe-eyed pose.

Matthew's ears pricked up.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that," mused Hannah. "The first time we meet him and he brings you two back looking like that."

"It was an accident," Meg appealed. "And it wasn't Matthew's fault."

"Oh go on mummy, say Matthew can stay," pleaded Amy. "Please mummy, for my birthday."

Hannah rubbed her nose, giving her long lost son the once over and allowing a smile to restore her pretty features. "So, Matthew would you like to stay a short while?" she enquired, before addressing the girls collectively. "It'll mean you girls having to share."

"That's okay," chipped in Jo, the tomboy, who'd tagged onto the conversation, with lovely little dark-skinned Beth at her shoulder.

The other sisters looked at Jo in surprise as if there were totally out-of-character. Evidently Matthew's charm had melted her stubborn heart. "Say you'll stay with us, Matthew," entreated Amy.

He smiled. "Yes, I'd be honoured too."

Amy clapped her hands together like a seal, which was appropriate given her dripping state.

"Right you three, bathroom," commanded Hannah, playing the matriarch.

Matthew felt his cheeks flush.

"It's okay," said Amy with an aside. "We have three bathrooms. Meg will show you."

As a delighted Amy skipped to the downstairs bathroom, the older girl guided Matthew upstairs to his. She hesitated teasingly at the door before pirouetting and heading off down the landing.

Overjoyed to be rid of the clinging clothes, Matthew stripped and hung them to dry on the hot rail. The steaming bath filled to a third of its capacity, he climbed in among the welcoming suds. Oh that felt so good. It hadn't been the easiest of days, salvaged only by meeting the girls and discovering the joys of the forest.

A ten-minute soak having elapsed, a knock at the door caused him to look up in alarm. "Fresh towels," clarified his mother from outside. "It's okay, I won't peek."

She wandered in, keeping her promise, eyes elsewhere. Just as well, for the lather had receded to a light fringe, exposing Matthew completely. Hannah hung the towels on the hot rail then turned unexpectedly to face her son. Despite the promise of earlier, she did look, eyes lingering longer than was befitting of a young man's mother.

Matthew gulped as she smiled warmly and came to sit on the edge of the bath, overshadowing her long lost son. "You know Matthew, you're the age I first met your father," she mused as her son shuffled uncomfortably in the water. "He was a handsome devil back then. You remind me of him a lot."

The reminder of his father triggered the emotion to rise once more in the bereaved youngster and he found himself suddenly and unexpectedly weeping. "It's okay honey, really it is," she comforted, leaning in to take him into her arms in a display of maternal instinct.

Locked together, her soft hands stroked his back up and down as their cheeks touched. Given the proximity of the pair, a layer of bathwater unavoidably coated the front of Hannah's diaphanous blouse, turning it virtually transparent. Without a bra, the fulsome breasts that compared favourably to Meg's, stuck wetly to the front. As Matthew eased away from her grip he couldn't help but stare, bringing a flush to both their faces. Reaching out, she ruffled his damp hair, lips pursed. "I think we're going to enjoy having you here, Matthew," she mouthed.

And I think I'm going to enjoy it here too, he thought. A surprise rush of blood to the cock caused it to jerk and elevate, the head erupting through the surface. Quick to hide his embarrassment, Matthew flipped over onto his front. "Mmm, just like Jo," Hannah observed. "She likes having her back scrubbed by her mummy too."

Matthew was in no position to argue.

Taking hold of the bar of soap, Hannah dipped her hands in the bath and worked up a thick ball of lather. Leaning over as she perched on the edge of the bath, she massaged the soap into Matthew's strong shoulders repeatedly. Her touch was exquisite and Matthew's eyelids drooped contentedly. He was unable to relax completely, however, on account of the throbbing hard cock beneath him. "Look how wet you've made me..." Hannah observed, unbuttoning the blouse and shaking it clear to unveil a pair of gorgeous orbs that Matthew could just see out of the corner of his eye.

Despite being the unfavourable side of forty, the sag was minimal. And they were natural too, illustrated in the delightful heave and plunge as she jinked. The areolae were big and puffy, housing two enormous and highly sensitive nipples. Hannah placed a hand beneath each, appraising each asset, before lifting the right one to her lips and sucking the swollen nipple long and hard. Matthew could barely believe what he was witnessing. Lowering her skirt and stepping out of the panties, she cocked a leg up and stepped in to the bath, resting over the backs of Matthew's legs, knees supporting her weight in a masseur-type pose.

Matthew rested chin on hands against the back-bath, cock uncomfortable beneath him as his mother's flesh touched his. Soaping up once more, Hannah spread the lather thickly over her expansive tits, causing them to protrude yet further. Tilting forward she began to rub her son's back seductively with the delicious orbs. When Matthew realised what was happening he very nearly came in the bath, his cock stiffening yet further until it was painful. Hannah kept at it for what seemed an eternity, moaning as her sensitive nipples made tracks up and down her son's strong back.

Hands finding his hips, Hannah lifted till his torso was upright. Her tits that were pressed into his back felt like soft warm pillows. Breath racing, her lips traced a line from earlobe to shoulder blade, kissing every part of the manly neck in between. Adjusting his strong buttocks, Matthew felt the taut flesh rub the damp scrub of his mother's pussy.

Supporting him with one hand, the other caressed Matthew's wide manly chest, covered in damp matted hair. Hannah combed her fingers through the forest whilst nuzzling his neck. Lovingly she teased Matthew's nipples with the ball of her thumb, bringing a shudder of pleasure in the inexperienced young man.

Yet it was about to get a whole lot better as, without warning, the hand that had been by his waist moved stealthily across and inside his leg, grazing the cock and weighing the balls in her palm. Matthew groaned as she shifted to take hold of his cock, cradling it like a mother and baby. "Mmm, my darling boy," she enthused, moving the foreskin tenderly up and down to unveil the purple mushroom head beneath.

Matthew glanced down momentarily to see his mother's fist wrapped tightly around his cock and stroking back and forth in a gentle rhythm. Tossing his head back, he let out an impassioned sigh. At the same time Hannah rubbed her pussy into his arse. "Oh baby boy," she whimpered, upping the speed of her ministrations to the bloated member.

Matthew's cock jerked in her fist, blurring as she readily attained optimum speed. This carried on for what seemed like an eternity, Matthew's head swimming. When she did have to let go through wrist numbness, the lovely cock sprang back to thump his belly hard, such was its rigidity. Swapping hands, Hannah wrapped her fingers firmly around the beautifully proportioned appendage, jerking purposefully. "Cum for me, baby boy," she pleaded, their lips brushing as Matthew tilted his head to the side.

They kissed long and deep, lost in one another as Hannah's hand slipped and slid. "cum for me," she reiterated, both rewarded with an orgasm that smashed through Matthew's like a train wreck, a porcine squeal escaping her son's pursed lips.

Matthew fired at the sloped surface of the back-bath, depositing a healthy glob. Her strokes unerring, Hannah induced a second spurt that measured up to any of the previous men in her life's initial efforts. She glowed with the pride of a mother and a lover. Ensuring to drain every last drop of seed, she dunked his numb cock in the soothing water. Pushing up onto the soles of her feet, she kissed the damp crown and slipped out of the bath. "Now if you're a good boy, mummy will come to tuck you in at bedtime," she promised before departing.

She kept her promise too, leaning over her son in the semi-darkness of Jo's room, her heaving breasts almost spilling out of the silken nightgown. Reaching up with a smile, Matthew gave them a good hard squeeze. They compressed like sponge balls, the nipples bloating to his touch. "Oh baby," Hannah breathed as her tits were pawed, squeezed and fondled, lowering further to deliver a goodnight kiss.

Matthew parted his lips, allowing his mother's velveteen tongue to slip inside. They kissed with a passion that stole their breaths. Drawing back for air, Hannah smiled. "Welcome to the family, Matthew."

The tent halfway down the bed did not go unnoticed, eliciting a little grin from the wanton woman. But, as much as he tried to force them open, Matthew's eyelids were wavering and Hannah too knew that her energy was ebbing. It had been a draining day and for now fatigue had drawn a veil over it. But they realised a new one was just an energy boosting night's sleep away.

As she headed back to her bedroom, through the briefly opened door, Matthew heard excited chattering from the girls' bedrooms. His arrival had transformed not only his mother, but all four of her nubile daughters, each in various flushes of womanhood. Matthew sighed contentedly as sleep enveloped his body. Morning couldn't come quick enough.


If you enjoyed this story, please take a moment to say so. And remember to cast your vote separately. I do plan to follow it up, but I'll be inspired to really 'spice things up' if reaction is particularly positive. Any suggestions and observations for future chapters are equally welcome.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He's over a mile away and his sister finds him hiding ?? You act like he comes from the sticks and is not used to wearing nice clothing, Manila is a great city where he would be exposed to culture and fine art. Not a well thought out plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

and we'll written.

You know what...... well

.. I ran into loss of password, and literotica did not assist me

We'll being positive I totally dig this "chapter," who wouldn't?

~ my literotica ID is cudsnuggleat

I am David


cudsnuggleatcudsnuggleatover 5 years ago
Six stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆

You wrote: "a light spray from her cunt that hung momentarily in the air like a sprinkle of perfume."


.Thank you so much, David


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
First time

Today I found yours stories. Very good ones. Congratulations. I'll read all of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Mae-Lin is NOT a filipino name, it's Chinese.

Not all far-Eastern women are Chinese, and no maids in the Philippines are Chinese either; the Chinese are the burgeoning middle-class in the Philippines, they have the money, and most of the businesses and banks, and they don't do manual or domestic work, they hire filipino's for that; if you'd ever been there you might have picked-up on that. Filipino women have SPANISH names, 400 years of Spanish occupation and influence will do that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
OK wait just a minute.

Where the FUCK did you learn how to pace a story's plot?!? This is one of the worst paced, poorly timed, jumbled-together set of scenes out of all the stories i've read here! I was willing to grit my teeth and bear the pompous, self-satisfied, victorian writing style, as long as the story followed an interesting path. But JESUS, man... The path isnt as much convoluted as it is TOTALLY SCHIZOPHRENIC. All that intro and backstory, and then poof- hes fucking mom. Worst pacing ever. What a total waste of character space. This had promise. Go back and re-think your plot line and character interaction developement, and subtext devices.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

brilliant you style of writing is great. just don't rush into sex. tease us a bit cheers

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Hes, fuck all his sisters and Mom, too.

Mother/son and brother/sister, the very best types of incest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good beginning

The story starts well. I'm looking forwards to read the others.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 13 years ago

I have a need to read more after this excellent first chapter

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