How I went from Domme to Slut Ch. 10


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"Looks like pussy is in heat!" One woman said as the dildo was pulled out of me.

I let out a long, slow meow hoping to be rewarded again. Instead dildo was pushed into my mouth allowing me to clean my wetness off it as Goddess Lisa played with my boobs again. She suddenly stopped. I looked up to see her give me a smirk and wink before standing and throwing the dildo with all her might! No one needed to say a word, I was off like a clumsy, bound, uncoordinated shot to get that dildo again! The problem was this time I had no idea where it went. That's when I heard the howling laughter behind me! I turned to see Goddess Lisa still holding it in her hand waving it at me with the most devious of smiles. I'd just fallen for the same trick every dog in the world falls for! I felt like a moron! I didn't have time to dwell, she threw it this time sending it soaring through the air like a purple rocket ship! I may have mumbled something that wasn't a meow half way out there. As I returned with the dildo this time I noticed amber carrying a large circular, pink dog bed and being directed to put it on the patio. I tried to ignore that and focus on getting the dildo back to Goddess.

My reward for fetching changed each time, only once more was the dildo put in my actual pussy, other times my reward was it in my mouth, or something as simple as a pat on the head. Eventually they lost interest in throwing the toy and went back to socializing and taking amber into the house from time to time. Meanwhile I was left to try to get attention. Occasionally my rubbing against people's legs or chairs would garner some attention which was just enough to keep my sexual frustration peaked but little more. When amber came out with my pink water bowl I realized how much all this activity had affected my bladder. In short, I needed not only to pee but had to figure out how to communicate that fact by using only one word!

"Meeeeoowww." I practically whined as I rubbed my head and shoulder against Goddess Lisa's leg.

"What's a matter pussy," she said as her fingers glided over my ass lightly grazing my pussy, "bored sweetie?"

Her touch wasn't helping as I tried a more desperate tone to my meow.

"Are you hungry my sweet pussy?" Thankfully she finally asked a question I could answer! "Hmmm, not hungry, do you want a nap?" Oh this was going to take a while. "You don't need a nap, do you want to play fetch more?" She was killing me with this questioning! "Want to sit and clean yourself?" It was all I could do not to blurt out that I had to pee! "Do you need to go potty?"

FINALLY! "Meow!" I answered with more than just a slight nod yes.

"You're a fucking cat," she belted out condescendingly, "and there's a gigantic green litter box out there for you to pee in!" I didn't know how to respond to that! She wanted me to pee outside on the grass!?! "Make sure you get in that nice sitting position facing this way when you do it too!"

It only took a moment for me to weigh my options. I could wait until my bladder exploded or I could walk my way out into the yard, turn around, and pee with an audience. I doubted my bladder exploding was a valid option, so I made my way off the patio and into the yard. As I turned around I noticed that the women who had previously been ignoring me where now all focused on me! I spread my knees and sat back on my shoes as Goddess Lisa wanted placing my front paws on the ground with the backs of them touching my thighs. Arching my back and closing my eyes I tried to relax as my bladder now had stage fright! It took a moment but soon the relief I felt was almost worth the death by embarrassment I was feeling. Even amber was watching. As I walked back to the patio I noticed Goddess Lisa talking to amber, they talked back and forth for a moment but by the time I got into ear shot they'd stopped.

"Why don't you go take a nap on your bed pussy," Goddess Lisa instructed, "you look tired from all your play time."

I didn't think I was tired, I also didn't believe I'd find a way to fall asleep while essentially naked while outside surrounded by people but somehow, I managed. I woke up briefly once when I went to scratch my nose and poked myself in the eye with the toe of my boot/paw. While I have no idea how long I napped I did feel much better when I woke up to the smell of food on the grill. Amazingly, the idea of trying to stretch my limbs came somewhat naturally as I managed to get back into my standing position on all fours. Seeing this Goddess Lisa rewarded me with another intense teasing of my pussy leaving me desperately short of an actual orgasm.

"You'll be happy to know that amber helped with your dinner pussy." She said as she pointed over toward the two pink bowls by the wall.

"Meow." I replied as thankfully as I could then made my way to my bowls.

In the bottom of the new bowl was a bun-less cheeseburger with ketchup. That was how I liked my burgers and it was cooked on the medium side as I like. Now I just had to figure out how to eat it! Just as I'd done when drinking I lowered myself to my elbows and tried to, as neatly as possible, eat my cheeseburger without getting ketchup all over my face. I was positively famished! After my burger and water, I made my way back to my bed and, as embarrassing as it is to say, wiped my face with my booted hand then licked it clean. Thankfully Goddess Lisa seemed very, very pleased by my actions. During the evening my "pussy duties" continued until such time Goddess Lisa announced she was retiring for the evening.

"Come along pussy." She said as she snapped a 6 foot pink leather leash to my collar.

I meowed in response and attempted to keep up. Goddess Lisa led me upstairs to one of the bedrooms. Her touch and tone at that point became almost loving in nature. Of course, whenever she removed the belts holding my legs I was bound to fall in love with her! The cuffs and boots were removed from my feet first providing me a wonderful opportunity to stretch everything from my hips to my toes while she removed the cuffs and boots from my hands. It felt so wonderful to feel free like that, it was positively refreshing. My hood was removed next leaving me in my collar, knee pads and tail at which point Goddess led me to the adjoining bathroom. The bathroom had a large, step in style shower, a good size tub and the other obvious bathroom features.

"Time to give you a bath," Goddess said with a smile as she walked me by the leash into the shower, "you've been a busy girl today and did a lot of running around."

"Meow!" I yawned realizing just how tired I was.

What followed was a combination of intensely erotic massage and embarrassing shaving session. Thankfully the knee pads were not removed until much later as I remained on my knees for most of the shower. With the shower water running Goddess Lisa removed her tank top, shorts and the two piece that was underneath it.

"I'm going to remove your collar, but you are still limited to being able to meow, understand?"

"Meow." I nodded slightly showing that I understood.

My collar did not go far as Goddess used it to pull me onto my knees before hanging it from a nearby hook. Goddess took out my ponytail then, standing so close I could smell her and feel her body heat against mine, started to wash my hair. It was a very unique and different experience for me as I was still on my knees and , for obvious reasons, feeling totally subservient toward her as I stared upward at her perky breasts and lovely face. Her hands felt wonderful as she massaged my scalp then rinsed out the shampoo. Retrieving a loofa, she washed my face, neck and shoulders before having me get on all fours again.

"Relax yourself." She said before removing my tail.

It was odd to feel empty again but her hands were soon on my back as she washed me just like you would a pet. Although, her hands lingered around my breasts far longer than they would have with an ordinary pet. She stopped at my waist then allowed me to sit like a normal person on the bench in the shower.

"Lay on your back," she said as she stood over me, "only one of us kneels in this relationship!"

I meowed and leaned back laying on the small teak bench.

"Lift your leg." She instructed as she tapped my right leg.

As I lifted my leg she washed it, then holding it with one hand she picked up a razor and began to shave my leg as well. Much like you would a pet, she moved my leg as she needed to be able to shave where she wanted. She also took a hand-held shower head which she not only used to rinse off my legs but while she shaved she pointed it directly at my pussy. It didn't take long before she had me softly moaning and wanting more.

"Put your feet on the floor and spread your legs." she instructed softly.

I did as she said spreading myself for her. While I had amber shave my legs a couple times this was the first time I'd ever had it done by someone dominating me. amber also never shaved my mound like Goddess Lisa was about to do. It was a unique experience as it was both intensely sexual but humiliating at the same time as I was still her "pussy".

"So, where you a good little slut today pussy?" Goddess asked while letting the showerhead tickle my clit.

"Meeeeeooooooowwwwww!" I moaned while I quickly nodded.

"Think you deserve an orgasm?" I wanted to scream yes but I could only meow my response. "For now, hold still," she smirked as she spoke, "you don't want me to miss with this razor do you?" I meowed again thinking of the precariousness of my position. "Now stay still." She said as she pointed the massaging stream of the shower had directly at my clit.

She never moved the water stream from beating away at my clit while she shaved me forcing me to focus on not moving. It was excruciating!

"Tell you what pussy," Goddess Lisa cooed, "you don't have to meow when you cum."

"Thank you, Goddess!" I groaned loudly.

"I said when you cum slut!" she hissed as she slapped my pussy.

"Sorry Goddess!" I winched in pain only to get another slap.

"Stupid slut!" She growled.

"Meoowwwww!" I groaned feeling my pussy and clit burning from her slaps.

Goddess Lisa quickly returned to letting the water beat on my clit causing my hips to buck. She quickly pushed two fingers into my pussy pushing me straight over the edge.

"Ohhhhhhh GOD!" I bellowed as an explosive orgasm ripped through me. "FUCK!"

Thankfully Goddess stopped there first by quickly pulling the water stream away then slowly removing her fingers.

"You do have an awfully bad potty mouth don't you pussy?" She said as she stood up and leaned over me while still between my legs. "I'd clean it out with soap but that would be passé."

As I went to respond with a meow Goddess Lisa pushed her fingers into my mouth. This wonderfully slutty experience had become almost a ritual with the Goddesses. While I'd tasted myself more than a few times prior to finding my submissive side this, the act of having fingers almost forced into my mouth, brought it a big step further. I almost savored the taste as much as the act.

"Greedy slut." Goddess smirked pulling her fingers free.

She turned the shower off then had me sit up on the bench. I waited there, body burning, and legs spread, as she exited the walk in shower then returned with a brush. A panic thought filled my head about corporal punishment. Instead Goddess Lisa lovingly brushed out my long auburn hair. It was amazingly intimate, as if she had instantly become a doting lover. When she was done with my hair she kissed the top of my head then retrieved my knee pads.

"There's a bed on the floor in the other room," she said handing me the knee pads, "if you need to go to the bathroom it's still outside, no litter box for you. Yet."

I meowed my submission while pulling on the knee pads and wondering what she meant by "yet". Once in place I walked out of the bathroom on all fours hearing the shower turning on again as I exited. On the other side of the bed was a large fleece pet bed, the kind several of our dogs had as I grew up. "This will be an adventure!" I thought to myself as I pushed the bed with my hands to see just what kind of a night's sleep I would be getting tonight. I began to wonder to myself if this is why dogs spun in circles before laying down. That would be a question I would have to wait to find the answer for, I was exhausted and lay down as comfortably as I could. At least I wasn't bound in the slut position again! After some time Goddess Lisa emerged from the bathroom wearing a small silky pink robe with lace down the front. It did little to hide her amazing figure.

"Goddess Linda sent me in to see if you needed anything else before I retire Ms. Lisa." amber said as she walked into the room wearing a frilly pair of white boycuts and a matching babydoll with marabou heels.

"Yes sissy," Goddess Lisa answered, "I need a blanket for my pussy." amber's look of confusion led Goddess to laugh. "My kitty," she informed amber while pointing at me, "for her bed."

"Yes Ms. Lisa," amber replied, "I'll get it at once."

amber returned barely a minute later with a fleece blanket which she held up for Goddess Lisa's inspection. Getting the nod of approval amber opened the blanket lowering it so it covered me. amber's grin told me everything, she may be pulling maid duty but at least she had a real bed to sleep in!

"That will do sissy." Goddess Lisa said relieving amber of her duties. "Don't worry pussy," Goddess continued as soon as amber was out of earshot, "she'll be bound in the slut position tonight so she won't be all that comfortable either."

"Meow!" I replied with a grin.

For those of you who don't know the slut position has a sub bound face down, spread eagle on a bed with at least 2 pillows under their hips so their ass is jutting up into the air. Typically, the person attempting to sleep in this position is also gagged and blindfolded as well as relieved of their bottoms. As exhausted as I was the bed I was on felt like an improvement over that position.

"Pussy." Goddess Lisa called out from the bed. "Come up here."

The already tall bed looked towering from where I lay. Thankfully a hope chest was at the foot of it which made climbing up onto the bed a bit easier. As I managed my way onto the bed Goddess Lisa pulled the covers aside revealing her naked body.

"Show me how good you are with that mouth." She said softly. "No, no, keep your back legs under you like a pussy drinking from a bowl of milk."

I did as instructed quickly getting over the fact of my lewd position pointing directly at the door and hall behind me. It didn't matter, soon her hand was holding my head in place. I started slowly, wanting to savor every moment of this, she had been so tender and loving in the shower I wanted to return the favor in spades!

"Ohhhh you are good at this!" She moaned and began to hump my face.

I felt pressure and warmth against my asshole. Unable to move my head I tried to focus on Goddess Lisa who'd now interwoven her fingers into my hair holding me even tighter. A fat dildo invaded my ass causing me to groan loudly. As it pushed in deeper a smaller dildo penetrated my pussy. It had to be one of those double ones they sell where women use the smaller one on their ass, obviously this was being used just the opposite of that. I felt the warmth of hips and hands on my body, it was a strapon! The wearer didn't waste any time and was soon pounding into my body while giving my ass repeated slaps! Goddess Lisa wouldn't be denied and hissed at me to lick her! Both of her hands now pulled me to her body by my hair which also caused them to cover my ears. There was no way of knowing who was assaulting my ass!

"You'd better not cum before me pussy!" Goddess growled.

I did my best to lick her clit as fast as I could, but the hard thrusts rocked my body again and again. Thankfully Goddess Lisa did cum, hard, covering half my face with her wetness as she did. While she climaxed the person ramming my ass did as well. I felt them all but collapse on top of me. Even I managed a small orgasm, it would have been bigger but the person with the strapon stopped before I could fully climax. My pleasure wasn't the point after all though. I didn't dare move until I was directed to by Goddess.

"There you go pussy," she said releasing my hair, "do be careful climbing off the bed."

I gingerly made my way off the bed then contemplated my next move. My bladder would need attention soon, was I going to try to sleep for a bit or just put myself out of my misery now and make my way down the stairs on all fours? I made my way out of the bedroom and down the hallway. Managing the wide oak steps was not easy, I was glad I didn't have the boots on my hands though. As I walked through the living room to the sliding doors I was happy that I was allowed to open it on my own. I couldn't imagine what it would be like having to walk back upstairs to let Goddess Lisa know I couldn't get outside.

The night air was decidedly cooler on my body. Quickly walking off the patio I didn't go far before I turned to face the house and sat the way I'd been instructed. There was no way of knowing who if anyone was watching to make sure I behaved. I took the time to enjoy the night's stars and cool breeze over my bare flesh. Finally empty I made my way back inside and up the stairs where my pussy bed awaited. I was out like a light! Amazingly enough I was able to sleep through the night.

"Good morning pussy." I heard briefly before feeling my head being moved. "That is a good girl!" Goddess Lisa cooed as she pulled my mouth to her pussy causing me to immediately start licking her.

Goddess Lisa quickly started humping my face riding my mouth to an intense orgasm.

"You are so very good at that," she smiled as she recovered from her orgasm, "honestly I will be using your mouth so much more based on your skills!"

"Meow." I answered softly wondering how much that would be.

Not that I minded. Goddess Lisa was tender and loving in every way. I appreciated her intimacy and the amazing affection she'd constantly shown me since becoming her pussy. Goddess Lisa then dressed me the same way as the day before, ballet boots on my feet, cat tail, boots for front paws, legs bound, knee pads, hood and finally my collar.

"Time to go downstairs," she said clipping the leash on my collar, "I'm sure you need to go outside again and it's time for breakfast." I meowed in response, my bladder was full and my stomach was empty!

Negotiating the stairs with boots on my hands was not easy. I felt as if I would somersault down the stairs at any moment. I couldn't imagine going to the ER with a cat's tail in my ass and bruises on my boobs from sliding down the stairs like that. Thankfully I manage to avoid doing just that.

"I know the stairs weren't easy pussy," Goddess Lisa said as she started to massage my pussy, "you were a good girl for not falling down them." Goddess Lisa brought me right to the edge of orgasm then abruptly stopped. "That's enough of a reward for now pussy." She said tugging me forward with the leash.

As we entered the living room I could smell breakfast, and more importantly coffee! Oh, how badly I needed coffee. Instead I was led outside so I could assume the proper position and relieve my bladder. By this point I'd gotten over peeing in public, honestly, I was just happy to have an empty bladder! Goddess Lisa led me back into the house toward the kitchen where amber was wearing 5" heels and a white lace fly away babydoll with matching bottoms. With her make up and blond wig she looked very sexy.

"amber put breakfast in this and coffee the way your roommate likes it in the other one." Goddess Lisa instructed.

It felt odd to be referred to as her roommate. I was her Mistress and we were married after all but it would be tough to convince anyone different based on our current situation. Amber was dressed en femme and I was the house cat to a bunch of Dommes. Two silver bowls were placed on the floor on top of a pink mat. In the bowl on the left was my morning coffee, in the bowl on the right were eggs with bacon and toast.