Humiliated at the Grocery Store


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In the next isle I grabbed the vibrating toothbrush and headed to the female hygiene section where the condoms and lube would be. I began grabbing one of each style of condom when Elmo girl came around the corner, she laughed and told me she was glad I hadn't left yet. I tried to ignore her, I ended up with about ten different condom boxes. I grabbed the three tubes of lube and quickly moved on as Elmo girl's phone rang and she said something about me having a fun night.

I skipped the last few isles and found the milk in the back corner, like with the steak there was no way to prevent people from seeing me here but it appeared no one was looking so I opened the glass door where the milk was stored and bent down. To reach the milk on the bottom shelf, at the very back, while bending at the waist I had to lean so far over I could have touched the ground. In this position my butt was exposed and my shirt was drooping forward completely exposing my breasts. It was really hard to get a carton of milk out from the back with all the other cartons in the way. I spent what seemed like forever getting it out and when I stood up again there was a middle aged man right beside me staring at my chest. I blushed and turned to put my milk carton in the cart and saw a couple people looking at me from a distance.

I glanced over at Josh biting my lip. Again he looked very happy, I just did not get what this did for him, but every time I looked at him he was staring at me with happy hungry eyes.

The middle aged man turned and walked away. I quickly opened the door back up and bent over to grab my second carton of milk. This one took just as long as the last and just as I almost had it out I heard something fall to the floor behind me. I got the milk out, and straitened up to see an older woman a few yards away who was looking over at me, shocked, with her bottle of creamer on the floor. I grabbed my cart and hurried off back to the meat section.

I got to where the sirloins were and made sure no one was looking and immediately bent down at the waist as I was supposed to, in order to get the steaks that were again at the bottom back. I was just as exposed here as I was with the milk, but at least the steak didn't get stuck coming out, so this one actually turned out to be easier. I got two out and was bent over getting the third when I heard a some one say "oh my god!" Followed by a familiar laugh and a familiar voice say "I told you I was telling the truth." I stood up with the steak in hand and turned to see Elmo girl standing behind me with another girl about the same age. This new girl was a little shorter than Elmo girl, she was prettier than her friend though, she had natural looking light brown hair that curled around her face, she had on a tight pair of jeans and a little spaghetti strap with the tootsie pop owl on it, so I'll call her Tootsie. Odd as it may seem, as embarrassed as I was, I actually remember thinking 'wow, I haven't seen that owl in years!' They were asking things like "what are you doing?" And "is this some kind of dare or something?" Tootsie said "you look totally humiliated, why do this to yourself?", but I was too embarrassed to respond. I realized they wouldn't leave me alone so I told myself once I did this one more time I could leave. I quickly bent over grabbed the steak and and stood up again as the girls laughed and talked to each other about why they thought I was doing this.

I turned to Josh to see him texting, I grabbed my phone from my cart as it went off. I was shocked to see the instructions it said

"Hey baby, great job so far! You have no idea how happy you are making me. I have one last thing for you before you check out. Please go put the following things back exactly how you got them: The steaks, rice, flour, soup and milk. Thank you my love."

I looked back at him with tears forming in my eyes. For a moment I thought he was punishing me for something. I actually let myself believe for a moment that he was cruel and mean! A part of me wanted to storm off but I couldn't, I saw in his face that he loved me and that, by doing this I was making him happy, something I was failing at before. So I just accepted this degrading assignment, took a deep breath, and readied myself for more humiliation.

I grabbed one of the steaks and I bent over low to put it back. As I did so Elmo girl said something like "oh my god, she's going at it again!" As I continued putting the steaks back the, girls continued talking about the parts of me they could see and trying to figure out why on earth I would do such a thing! I got done with the steaks just as I gained a couple more on-lookers. Elmo girl was telling them about what she had seen me doing so far. I quickly pushed my cart to the first isle I started on and found the spot for the rice. To my dismay the two girls had started following me.

I grabbed the first huge bag of rice and lifted it out of the cart, this time careful not to let it slip. When I hunched down to put the rice in place I heard Tootsie tell Elmo girl, "look when she hunches you can see her whole tit from the side!" They laughed and my embarrassment started to get the best of me, a single tear slid down my cheek. I got the other bag in place and moved on to the end of the isle where the flour was.

There was no point to look around because the girls were following closely now, and it appeared one or two people from the checkout were starting to glance my way. I grabbed a bag of flour and lifted it high to put it on the shelf, resulting in the girls laughing and a couple shocked remarks from passerby's. They watched as I did this two more times, another tear slid down my cheek at the thought of them looking at me.

I looked to Josh with tear filled eyes and saw him adjust himself, he was starting to grow a bit of a bulge in this pants. This deplorable situation was turning him on! I didn't know what I thought about that, so I just tried my best to get this horrifying shopping assignment completed.

With the last bag up I hurried to the isle with the canned soup, desperately hoping no one would follow.

I got to the spot for the soup and my steps were still there. The two girls came around the corner in time to see me climbing the steps, Elmo girl exclaimed how she had seen this before. I reached the top step and put the first back in its spot all the way in the back, trying to ignore the things they were saying. It didn't work, they were asking why I even wore clothes at all since they could see everything anyway. Elmo girl even offered me $50 to finish whatever I was doing naked. I was so humiliated my eyes filled with tears. I hurried back up the steps with the second can, as a young couple came to see what was going on. I put the can back in its spot receiving a gasp and a "what the hell from the couple?" I caught a sob in my throat and started blinking a lot. Two employees, the boy from earlier, and an older man, joined the group as I rushed down the steps trying to hold back the tears. My heel caught the bottom step in my hurry and I stumbled forward right into Tootsie. I managed to maintain my footing with her help but as I pulled away I noticed my shirt had slid up and bunched over my breasts! People, who seemed genuinely concerned at first began to laugh at me as I stomped and shook my shoulders trying to get my shirt loose. I was full on crying now, but for some reason I still was trying to do this for my husband, so I never touched my shirt to pull it down. The tears were pouring down my cheeks as people slowly stopped laughing and asked why I didn't just pull my shirt down.

I thought the same thing myself, why not just pull my shirt down?! Josh could not blame me if I did, I have been torturing myself for him over the last half an hour, the least he could do is let me fix my damn shirt! I looked over at him again to see him with that stupid happy look on his face and I immediately remembered why I was doing this. My tears dried up a bit and I was ready to finish this by the rules, for Josh, my greatest love!

What I did next, I cannot believe believe myself. I turned to Elmo girl and asked her in a humiliated and stuttering voice if she would pull down my shirt for me? I told her I am not supposed to touch my clothes, no matter what.

Elmo girl was shocked for a second and exclaimed "so this is some kind of bet!?"

I told her it was something like that as she laughed loudly.

She asked me "so no matter what happens you cannot touch your clothes?" As she grabbed my shirt and pulled it all the way up.

People gasped and laughed, one woman even stood up for me telling Elmo girl to "stop torturing the poor confused girl." I just stood there, tears returning to my eyes as I begged "please?!"

Elmo girl finally said "fine, you are lucky I am such a nice girl!" With a giggle. Then she pulled my shirt down in place.

I noticed my crowd had grown significantly and some of them had camera phones pointed at me. This pushed me all the more to get this over with. I hurried and got though the last 4 cans being careful about my footing. Now that people sort of knew why I was doing this, they began to tease me a lot more, Elmo girl was especially relentless. At one point as I was finishing up with the soup she asked if she pulled my skirt down if I would have to walk around without it? I was terrified she was going to do it so I backed up against the isle and stared at her in horror. She just laughed and said "I guess that's a yes!"

I looked over at Josh and saw him laughing a little and staring at me with the most intense expression, later he told me it was lust. I squeezed through the people with my cart. 'Only milk left to put back' I thought to myself with relief, until I remembered how much of a pain the milk was to get out.

I arrived at the milk section with my spectators close behind. I was so ready to be done with this I hurried and grabbed my first milk and, bending at the waist, started trying to get the carton passed all the other milks to the back. Again it seemed to take forever as I frantically tried to get the milk back. People were mocking me and ridiculing me behind me. I almost had my first milk in place but the other cartons kept falling down, getting in my way. As I was fixing this I felt someone grab my skirt, pull it up and tuck it into my waistband! I jerked out of the fridge and turned around, the back of my skirt was pulled up exposing most of my butt, I was stomping furiously to try to get it to fall back down. Everyone was laughing hysterically at my futile attempts, Josh was smiling at me of course.

Elmo girl came up to me and told me it was just a joke and that she would fix it. I stood still as she grabbed my skirt and to my horror, pulled the waistband up and tucked the rest of my skirt into the band!

My entire skirt was now just a roll of material circling my waist. I may as well have just been wearing a thick belt. My shaved crotch and butt were completely exposed. People cheered, laughed, or gasped in shock. Me, I cried, one woman told someone to pull my skirt back down, but no one did. I stood there with my hands over my crotch for a moment not knowing what to do as people laughed and took pictures of me. Josh, looking happier than ever, motioned me to continue and I was horrified! I vowed to never do this kind of thing again!

I grabbed the last milk and shoved it in the fridge and slammed it closed. Josh, looking very amused, motioned me to head to the checkout.

I moved as fast as I could in my heels to the checkout to pay for my items. The cashier a sour middle aged woman mumbled something about a slut and rung up my items. The items I bought were meant to be humiliating but after what I had been through, and standing there virtually bottomless, the sexual suggestions of my purchase didn't phase me. I had a carrot, a cucumber, a vibrating toothbrush, a collection of condoms and 3 tubes of lube. The baggers, were moving especially slow, looking at my exposed butt, they couldn't see more because I had my front pressed against the checkout counter. I paid with my card and as I grabbed my bags Elmo girl came up behind me and fixed my skirt with a laugh. She shoved a piece of paper into one of my bags and begged me, to call her sometime, saying she threw the best parties and hoped I would come to one of them.

I thought to myself 'you must be insane, I would never call you after this!' Little did I know that my husband had other plans for the invitation.

I hurried out the doors to the sound, oddly enough, of clapping. I rushed back to the car and as Josh came up to me I was fully prepared to chew his butt for putting me through that, but he caught me off guard. He grabbed me tightly in his arms and began passionately kissing my lips and groping my body. The bags fell out of my hands onto the ground as I grabbed him and kissed him back, crying again, but this time for joy. Josh opened the door and pushed me in, he grabbed the bags and came around to the drivers seat. We drove about two minutes to a hotel which Josh already had a room purchased.

People stared at me as we rushed to our room but now I didn't care. When we got into our room Josh didn't even remove my clothes before we went at it like rabbits. We made love all afternoon and even woke up in the middle of the night to go at it again. We went at it again in the morning and checked out to head home.

Josh's passion was so strong, and he was so happy that I decided what I went through was more than worth it. I had never been so sexually pleased in my life! I vowed, that if it meant getting this in return I would do anything my husband asked from now on!

On the way home Josh told me he never expected that to go so far, the outfit turned out to be much more revealing than he thought. Also that girl following me around and pulling up my skirt was very unexpected. He told me he thought very much about calling it quits a few times, but I just kept pushing through. He was so happy that I went through all that for him. Then he smiled and pulled out the piece of paper with a phone number on it and said that I would need this, because he wanted that girl to be a part of another adventure of ours! I was so ashamed to think about what things he was thinking up for me next, I just knew I would do anything for another night like last night!

That was my horrifying shopping experience. Though it was torture, and I was sick with fear and humiliation the whole time, the way it pleased my husband and consequently the amazing sex afterward made it all worth it.

There is no plan yet for another horrifying event, Josh is still going on and on about the grocery store, when there is one I will record my humiliation again for you all.

My husband would appreciate very much any comment you could share about my experience or about possible ideas for future endeavors. Please go easy on me, both with ideas for future plans and comments. As I said I am not real experienced with sex, so I might need a little more explanation than most.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Gosh this story got me wet. I'd love my partner to force me to show off my big juicy labia like this

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You need to divorce the geek; hubby needs mental asylum long term hospitalization with daily multiple shock treatments at a max setting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

We never went this far in the general public. I did get her to streak in parks at night and juvenile things like that. I also got her to go to nude beaches with me KNOWING I'd invite a different friend or coworker each time to 'run into' us. One of her favorite times was when she was sleeping as I drove. To stay awake I undid her button front dress. She had removed her bra at the start for home, to be more comfortable. When we got to a rest stop, she left the car practically naked and didn't notice until the wind blew, and her dress blew completely off. At that moment the only thing she had on was panties and shoes. She was mad at first but by the time we drove off she announced it was her favorite of my antics.

Gyna84Gyna84over 1 year ago

OMG you are going way too fast with her. It took me years to feel comfortable naked among clothed people. Sorry but this is not ok.

Gyna84Gyna84over 1 year ago

OMG you are going way too fast with her. It took me years to feel comfortable naked among clothed people. Sorry but this is not ok.

TouchingYourTouchingYourover 1 year ago

I would have loved to seen this myself. I suggest that your husband advertises the next time he wants you humiliated, so we readers can be a part of your embarrassment as well..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Yeah. Right. It would have been more fun if he had let you work your way up to such radical exposure. He threw you into the deep end with no warning. A less radical 1st experience would have allowed you to see if you might enjoy doing this exhibitionist type of sex play. People can enjoy being exhibitionists and even humiliation, but the pleasure should be there for both parties. I don't think your husband deserves so much loyalty as you gave. It WAS a fun read, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not very believable unfortunately! Not even a good fantasy for him or her. Before the police were called a manager would have escorted you out. As for the writing it never started with you cannot touch your clothes and no one would invade some ones space to pull up there blouse or roll up there skirt. The story had potential and then just got stupid. Try again with something half believable

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Jessy69Jessy69about 3 years ago

Très belle histoire d'amour ... J'espère bientôt une suite et pourquoi pas une exhibition à deux (femme et mari) ... peut-être même à trois avec la fille du supermarché ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Now that you have done that for him. You should have him do some thing similar for you.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotabout 4 years ago

What I would recomend is to dump this baby and find a real man. Or maybe find a man for him also.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Her turn next.

Her turn next. She should claim her turn next and have him suck a cock and swallow in a bar with other men and women watching. He could hardly top this obviously having her do the same would hurt his big selfish ego.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I love...

I love the flashing aspect, but don't like the humiliation part. You are a great woman for indulging your husbands fetishes even though it makes you very uncomfortable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I get the love you have for him, but that was a completely horrible situation he put you in, and it did seem abusive as another comment mentioned

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