I Read A Lot Ch. 04


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Work for me has been crazy, what with the whole project going online soon and Amy about to explode into two people. She is convinced that nothing can happen without her involvement and is trying to hold off on delivery until the project is over, even if the baby has to wait until the tenth month to be born. Gabe has been completely understanding of our craziness and sometimes he even brings in dinner for both of us, just to make sure we eat.

That's the real reason to take him on a trip, of course: the amazing part. A year ago, I never would have thought that I would get to share my life with someone. Now I have Gabe and I want to share the whole world with him. We have memories to make.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Anon 1 year ago,

I think you are a bit drunk or lacking focus here, because I don't see any issues with how the story is formatted. There are other stories where they were not proofred before submitting, that I had to double-read often because of it and it didn't happen here.

Snoopysmum21Snoopysmum215 months ago

Loved this story, don’t think I’ve ever given 5 stars to every chapter of a story before, but his story deserved every single one. Beautiful x

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's good but a little confusing at times. I think you need an editor. But the story itself I loved. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Brilliant, moving, believable.

Thank you for an involving experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I read literotica everyday and the last 2 years I have reread this site gay male 1 to Z every page and it's stories like this. I forget the name of some I really like and this is among the best. I couldn't stop reading it to eat or anything else.... Maybe a sequel...

SpookyhstSpookyhstalmost 2 years ago

Awwww I loved this story ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Anon 4 years ago,

You need to get a grip and just stick to watching porn 24/7 or something. Everything about your comment is a massive stretch, especially when you are being that condescending with every comment.

Imagine being such a creep that you only focused on the sex parts, and not the characters. No mention on how the two grow throughout the story, how both of them are quite nervous since they are new on the serious relationship, the supporting characters that are just as interesting the main, etc.

If you think you look smart with these comments, you're not. Instead, you look like someone thinking that they are a sex expert when they are actually alone in life since their personality is just that bad that no one wants to be close to them. Imagine being a dumb assuming that the characters are "both bottoms" when the story plainly states that they did not have a good time before this story started. Sounds like you're projecting your power bottom status and wanting these characters to be just like you.

Don't act like that when you clearly type this while hiding behind the Anon status with no stories on your own to avoid similar criticism. Enjoy being pathetic like this in every story, you're doing great at not adding any constructive feedback.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Have to respond to the two bottoms comment....

I have no idea if that’s true..... maybe two “bottoms” couldn’t figure it out-and I’m not sure about that, but I’m not entirely sure if those two both being so hesitant really means they are both bottoms ( Tom certainly seemed to have some caveman desires and aggressive instincts but i thought for him it was more about how not to get hurt). I thought that was the charm of the story, two incredibly shy or dysfunctional with relationships people finding their way. But I’m not a gay male, so what do I know about bottoms and tops ! I thought it was an incredibly sweet romance

I did think your comment was funny though even if I’m not sure if it’s true.

And, in case the writer ever does read these comments, I wanted it not to be last comment he reads. It was an amazing story and I loved reading it. Character development was great, and the typos oddly enough didn’t affect the flow for me the way other typos have, perhaps because they were more about lack of editing rather than not really knowing rules of grammar or spelling. The kinds of mistakes I make myself so I was right at home :)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You don't have a clue, do you?

Two BOTTOMS meet and fall in love. Then one of them all of a sudden takes charge and becomes a half-descent top. And then on the next page the other bottom does the same. Really?! The guy who *waits* to be touched, *waits* to be kissed toppes somebody? How?? Does he waits to be told what to do, when and how? Nope, he just finds hishim confidence, that was hiding god knows where, and KNOWS what to do without asking. Yea, right. Even for science fiction that would be a stretch.

mfa607mfa607about 6 years ago

Wow! That’s was amazing! Thank you!

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteover 7 years ago

Loved it all. The characters were really well-developed and the unease that Gabe & Tom felt with really getting to know each other was very realistic. I go to this site for the sex and this was definitely more of a romance but it was so good! And then when they got around to it the sex was hot. Hope you will consider writing more even though it has been quite a few years.

kayseakayseaover 8 years ago
Fictional Romance

So right now this story is the fictional romance I'm reading to nurse the quasi-romance I have going on in my own life. Fiction is so much better than real life --at least in this instance. And I read a lot.

FatBottomedGirlFatBottomedGirlover 8 years ago

This made me smile :)

DomXianDomXianover 9 years ago

Probably one of the sweetest stories ever. Even the sex part is so sensual and loving that I felt like squeezing the hell out of this adorable couple! Read this series in one sitting the first time and came back again for a second helping! Wish I could read more stories from you!

thatlowegirlthatlowegirlabout 10 years ago
i'm not a 5-Stars giver often but. . . . .

i loved this story! there were some spelling/grammar boo-boos and 2 sentences that started up and then disappeared before 3 whole words were put together. but i'm OCD. i loved this. so, thank you for writing it and for sharing it with us!

MoonlightSkyMoonlightSkyalmost 11 years ago
So perfect :,]

I loved reading this, it was so well put together and so sexy yet adorable and just all around awesome. I truly love this story , with all my heart.❤

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