Immortal Love Ch. 01


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A shrill pierced the mornings quiet and tranquillity David rushed to his feet as did his sister before covering herself up with her arms at the intense demonic glare of their mother. Fuck!

"You fucking whore!" She spat throwing a swing towards her daughter hidden behind David's muscular body.

David deflected the blow with his body sidestepping into the punch. Their mother grabbed David by the shoulders and brought her knee to his stomach knocking the wind straight from his lungs. He crumpled to the floor only to see their mother land another punch to her daughters face knocking her to the floor in a naked crying mess. She brought her leg back ready to kick her daughter in the face when David managed to create an energy barrier between the two women. Their mother booted the barrier with a bone crunching force and screamed out when her toes impacted the invisible wall.

"You miserable tramp!" She sneered at her daughter reaching behind her back and pulling out a long meat carving knife.

The deadly metal glistened in the sun reflecting the sun's rays off the silver. She thrust the knife down to her daughter's naked chest and cackled like a madwoman as the sharp blade pierced her skin digging down to her daughter's heart.

Ashleigh's scream was the worst noise ever for David as he watched his mother pull out a kitchen knife and plunge it at his sister. Caught totally by surprise he watched in horror knowing he could never stop her as the knife split her skin splashing her deep red blood over the ground and her perfect naked body. He screamed out wishing he could stop the scene in front of his eyes.

Then he sighed in relief when he saw his mother's eyes bulge in horror that her daughter was still alive. Despite having inches of metal moments ago buried in her chest Ashleigh sobbed and cried like a baby clutching at the red wound between her breasts.

Taught never to hit a woman David swung the first punch in his life at his mother's head. And with a deafening crunch he watched as his mother collapsed to the floor as the knife dropped from her grasp. He ran to his sister. He wrapped his arms around her naked, muddy and bloodied body and comforted her despite knowing nothing himself.

She should be dead, he told himself afraid that saying it out loud would cause it to happen. How was it possible? How could someone survive being stabbed through the heart?

The wound that moments ago had been spilling blood all around had stopped and closed, nothing, not even a scar remained.

He kissed her wet lips, salty by the flow of her tears.

He watched as his mother sat up from her spot, revived from her unconsciousness she wore a snarl on her face that displayed all her hate for them both. "You sick, twisted, disgusting cunts!" She snarled.

She spat at them both coating them both in a large volume of red liquid -- blood. David sat beside his sister not willing to move away from her as their mother started mumbling, cursing them both. David's own lips started moving countering whatever their mother had planned.

Ashleigh watched in wide eyed terror as their mother sat on the ground as she was covered in two people's blood sat beside her brother. There was obviously a magic battle going on, her brother, his hands glowing in the blood red they usually do, their mother, her hands glowing a turquoise colour.

She was too afraid to talk -- besides talking during a curse can knock a person off and she really didn't want to distract her brother.

The knife at her feet began to glow black as did the blood coating both their bodies. Without warning the knife sped forward at Ashleigh's heart piercing her once more. Ashleigh let out another scream as the cursed knife cut through her skin and to her heart, the burning heat of the curse spreading through her veins until it felt as if her whole body would ignite. She cried and sobbed as the heat grew and the pain intensified, then it stopped. She looked at her brother who was staring back at her, his face masked in fear and pain. She placed a hand on his cheek and leaned forward to kiss as did he. But he met only air; she was gone by his side.

David had never felt sorrow like it in his life, he clung desperately to the heart bond linking their bodies but that too had gone. Ashleigh was no more, his love was gone...

Anger clouded his vision. Looking out his eyes he saw nothing but the colour red, no trees, no mother no Ashleigh... only red remained.

He heard an agonising scream but not of his sister -- his mother. With his vision clouded he could only guess what was happening... his anger must have overpowered his magic and attacked who he thought was to blame.

He listened to the cries and shrieks of his mother, not a feeling of sadness for her passed him, he felt anger, no sadness, nothing...pure serenity -- the state where emotions do not flow.

Then it all stopped. Slowly the colour red receded from his vision shrinking like the picture on an old television, had they been around, and shapes and colours took its place. Trees, dirt, a poorly constructed shelter, a once burned out fire, a pile of clothes thrown against a tree, a slab of cooked meat skewered by a thick wooden stake. He searched for his mother, she too had gone. But in her place on the ground remained a circle of burned clothes. She too had left him. Dead.

Chapter 10: Life if wandering around

The year 2010...


David ran through the woods where he had lived for years. Much of the world had changed but the land around had stayed the same, lost in the past as the world advanced. Running forward he pushed his limbs to their max chasing down his prey. He skipped past an uprooted tree and past a misplaced boulder. He could see the mountain cat speeding ahead, all four legs pushing the animal from its pursuer. He could hear the laboured breathing of the cat as it slowly depleted its energy. His vision blurred, his head thumped, his heart no longer batted in his chest and his limbs ached for release of running.

The animal gracefully jumped up from the muddy floor of the woods to a stone rock platform never stopping to catch its breath as it continued running. David followed suit, running hard he leaped onto the same platform before returning to the hunt. Pushing himself more than he dared to in the past he became a mere meter from the beast ahead, its tail swinging in the fast flowing wind. David saw the rock cave ahead, thousands of years of erosion cutting into the face of the cliff ahead leaving a hollow void where something once stood. So much in common...

The beast reached inside the cave before collapsing to the floor panting furiously as it lay on its side. Seconds away David ran into the dark cave chamber.

"Almost had you then." He smiled leaning down and patting the animal on the stomach.

He too slumped to the floor leaning back against the cold rock breathing heavily from the days exercise.

"You're getting old." He panted to the collapsed cat which gave a small screech in reply.

He chuckled, "Yeah I know, I'm already old."

Slowly the animal recovered and sat up facing David, it roared baring all its teeth.

"Fine here you go." He chuckled reaching into his trouser pocket and fetching out a chunk of blood red meat, "You win."

The animal greedily wolfed down the meat before lying back down besides David purring happily as a domestic house cat. David scratched it stomach and rubbed its head, smiling.

He led a peaceful life now, free from the clutches of heartache, every Sunday he would come to the woods where he once lived and loved and become one with nature once again.

Although time has always tried, David never let his immortality be his downfall, almost a thousand years living and he was in better shape than ever. But something was still missing from his life... Ashleigh.

Pushing back his feelings David looked down at his heart, for about 1000 years it had not beaten once. The once glowing ball of light and fine line of pink had gone. He was all alone in the world -- a true curse. He felt the animals head nudge his hand, carefully he stroked the animal's nose; it had taken almost three years to train the beast to like him. Though not a single scar marked his flawless skin he had endured many pains, biting, scratching, breakages, but nothing hurt more than the loss of his sister -- Ashleigh -- it hurt every time.

He saw the mountain cat lift its large head off the floor and look out the mouth of the cavern, his fingertips crackled with red energy in the event of an unwelcome visitor, his whole body died down when he saw a large bird land meters from the mouth on the rocky ground bobbing its head as it walked around.

He chuckled silently. "I'm not going to get it, you want it; you kill it."

The cat growled lazily before flopping its head back to the hard cold floor.

He sighed, "You're lazy Simba." Though not an accurate name for the animal, Simba was a lion, while his best friend was a mountain cat -- a jaguar of type -- the name did him justice because as the fictional cartoon lion his friend too was smart, loyal and brave.

"Remember when you were young? You used to run circles around me, begging me to chase you and play with you." He smiled back at the thought of their time together; although he often ventured out into the major world he always found peace amongst the trees, "You're not even paying attention to me are you?" The cat growled lazily again, he chuckled.

"Well, unlike you I can't stay here all day." He grunted standing up using the cold rock wall for support. "You come?" He asked.

The large cat growled and stood up shaking its fur of the debris from the floor. "Let's go home." He said.

The cat and he walked side by side together weaving between the trees. Although not native to the land, the cat had been bought by the local zoo and escaped, David remembered the first time he met the cub, the zoo never even knew he had been born let alone missing, David had reared the animal himself, catching meat for them both and training it to be the best hunter.

Finally the odd duo reached their house. Although not with the best memories in the world David didn't have the strength to leave it, it was his house -- filled with many memories of he and his sister. When the winter had come last year it ruined the badly rotting wooden roof and David had repaired it with fresh wood from the surrounding trees.

He remembered the spot amongst the trees where he and his sister first made love together, again, happy memories but always followed by bad. And even though the land now was more overgrown and new trees had grown surrounding the spot where they had laid that night still remained, with a little help thanks to David's magic to stop anything growing.

The door to their quaint little hut was never locked, after all who would want to break into the house in the middle of wooded area and nothing of value inside. The cat immediately trotted to its favourite resting spot beside the now cold fireplace. With no electricity David used magic to set some water to boil and sat on the large leather couch facing the cold fireplace, a ball of orange fire flew from his pointing fingers and set the fire to the wooden logs inside. A restful life indeed.

David woke during the night, his face flushed with heat and wet by sweat. His eyes burned and it hurt to even breathe in despite his erratic breathing. His hair was matted to his head and his clothes stuck to his body. The whole air surrounding cackled with static and wild energy. It was just a dream, he told himself repeatedly, though it never helped to calm his nerves.

For the centuries David had woken each night from a nightmare replaying in his sleep. Every time it was the same and every time he woke only to find it was a dream... but it wasn't, it had been real.

Like the day it happened David recalled sitting in the woods amongst the trees with his sister, they had made love for the first time the previous night, it had been wondrous for them both and he loved how he had made his sister feel special, he loved how she hugged him, even just to touch her once more would be a gift. But then it had all gone to hell and back, his mother had turned up in the woods, how had she found them?

He hated the way her eyes burned with hatred for them both, but he hated that she hated his sister more than him. He cried in his sleep when their mother struck his sister, if she had never touched her and only hit him he would have hated her less. He remembered the cold fury and ice in her soul as she wielded the knife intent on killing his love. Why did she even have the knife? Had she set out before to kill her? Them?

He remembered feeling helpless and begging no as she plunged the weapon into his love's heart. And as a cruel twist he always thanked that she hadn't died that night, at least not fully anyway.

But then the nightmare takes it turn, he always remembers his mother spitting blood at them both joining the curse she had laid down more than hundreds of years ago.

He remembers he sheer fear in his sisters eyes and the cold gaze of his mother's as he tries in vain to counter the curse, but like then and always, he fails.

And as always he wakes up remembering the look on his sister's face as they try to kiss one last time before she disappears from him. She tried to smile, she tried to make it look as if everything was going to be okay; but he always saw the look of panic and fear in her eyes. He hated it, he wanted to die -- to join her while she died -- but he never found out how.

With legs of concrete he stopped across the landing and into the small bathroom. Relieving himself and splashing his face of cold water David wanted to remove all his memories, he wanted to cast a spell like his sister had hundreds of years ago and just forget everything that happened. But he couldn't. He had tried many times, but no matter how much energy he had pent up inside his body, his mind would never close.

With careless thoughts he trotted down the stairs, who would care if he fell down the stairs, he couldn't die that was for certain and years of understanding that fact made him even less careful of danger. Sure he felt pain like everyone else and falling down the stairs would hurt, but after the initial tumble his body would heal and it would become like it never happened.

The front door of the house was open, Simba must have gone out for the night, he thought to himself and mumbled. He peeked into the darkness of the woods, whatever was out there was more than welcome into the house, thought it was less likely to leave. He closed the door.

The once burning fire had been extinguished before bed and all that lay in the fireplace now were the skeletonized remains of charred wooden logs, ash and soot. Much like that of his mother... or so he believed. No body had been found...

The night his mother vanished he had never felt anger like such before. It had been consuming like a poison reaching into a man's mind and growing. Worst it had been addictive. He had revelled in the feeling, he enjoyed the feeling and when it was over he felt nothing.

He sat on the couch and stared at the black stones inside. No colour. He could start another fire; it would only be as simple as a click of his fingers. Hundreds of years training his magic meant no longer did he have to spend time looking for energy, just focus on what he wanted and boom... it happens. If only Ashleigh were there to learn, he thought.

Though the house did have no electricity it wasn't completely lost to the modern world, standing on the fire mantle stood proudly a miniature grandfather clock he had bought when on a trip 50 years ago. It worked on the principle of a pendulum that needed swinging every couple of years. He even had a glow in the dark alarm clock upstairs on his bedside table.

He got up from the couch and checked the door again, sometimes Simba has the habit of leaving the house to do his wild business and then return for sleep. The coast was clear.

He stepped out into the cold night, the cold air bringing back more memories -- it was cold the night they made love, but their bodies entwined together meant that they would never freeze.

David wished he could endure a thousand cold nights if it just meant one more with his sister, with tears streaming down his face he walked out into the trees of the dead dark night.

He had no plan where to go, he just walked, like the time with his sister -- didn't have a care in the world they had run away to be together, never caring where they ended up they made home amongst the trees and dirt where they had laid.

He listened to the noises of the night, the howling of the wind, the rusting of the trees, and the distant chirping of crickets. At times nature could be beautiful. Most of the time nature can be cruel.

He stepped over a fallen tree log and carried on into the pitch black of the woods. North, that seemed right, he headed north... to who knows what... to who knew where... he followed his feet and they headed north.

Finally he stopped walking. He hadn't stared at the moon in 200 years. It was the story of him and his sister, the moon loved the sun but they could never be around at the same time, except when they crossed paths in the rarest of events.

A thin line of clouds drifted past for a moment shielding the moon behind obscurity.

He looked around at where he stood. And fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face his eyes instantly recognising the now collapsed pile of thick branches and twigs nestled between two trees, the smoked patch of earth where nothing grew but something died.

He wept and fell to the floor curling in the foetal position. Why couldn't he die?

And for the first time in 1000 years he felt his heart beat...

And the familiar pink light burst forth from his chest heading east...

To be continued...

Book 2: Cold Fire... (Immortal love series)

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kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

This was freaking amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Good story but it was never finished

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
LOVE IT❣️❣️❣️

This is by far the best story I've read here!!! Please continue and if you could please make it into a book!! 😍 Will be waiting patiently for the rest...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
your not very smart are you

if you had written this whole story out in rough draft form BEFORE posting any of it the readers would have to wait for you to get over your brain fart. delete this chapter and wait until the whole story is ready for editing then post it a chapter at a time THE WAY YOU SHOULD HAVE.

reader018reader018over 11 years ago
Very interesting

Would like to read more of this! It's a very good start

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