Incubus Ch. 04


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Britt was momentarily distracted by the question. "She died when I was a newborn. I never knew her."

Kat nodded as though the information confirmed something.

"What does my mother have to do with this?"

Kat waved the question aside. "I'm afraid your ancestry is why you can't sustain Damian."

"My ancestry?"

Kat pursed her lips and remained silent for several long minutes. Finally she said, "Because you're one of us."

Britt felt a chill to her core.

"You're a halfling, a cambion."

"A what?"

"As far as we can tell, your father was an incubus."

* * *

Britt spent the rest of the drive in a dazed silence. A cambion. She tried to wrap her head around it.

She had been raised by her grandparents after her mother's death in a car accident. Britt had long wondered at the absence of photographs of her father and that he was never spoken of. She had grown up with a sense of otherness that her domestic situation didn't explain. Orphaned, being raised by her grandparents, attractive in a way that intimidated the boys and aroused jealousy in the girls, she grew up into someone who existed on the margins of any social circle that tolerated her. With Kat's revelation, something clicked into place. Instinctively, she knew that Kat spoke the truth. Her mother had taken the secret of Britt's father to her grave. Until now.

"...and that's why you can't sustain him -- the demonic part of you has awakened. It's Damian's misfortune that he found you. Unfortunately, now that you're bound, he can't fulfill his role. He's fixated on you and you attract his projections."

Britt finally found her voice. "Can I stop? I'm sure you can help me stop."

"You've tried not thinking about him, right? And you know that you can't not think about something."

They turned off the gravel road and onto narrow path that was concealed within a screen of trees. They emerged into a clearing in which a farmhouse sat, lit by the golden rays of the setting sun. The farmhouse appeared to be well over one hundred years old. It was built of stone and a covered porch ran the length of the building's face. Dark red shutters flanked the windows on the ground and upper floors and two small triangular windows appeared just below the apex of the roof on either side of the chimney.

To the left of the house stood a barn and a large shed, to the right a dense forest.

"Welcome to our home," said Kat.

Britt said nothing, but had to shake her head at the incongruity of demons calling this bucolic setting home.

They entered the house, which echoed with the sounds of Kat's heels on the stone floor.

"Where's Damian?" she asked.

Kat listened for a moment. "He's on the grounds somewhere. He usually comes back by sunrise."

Britt stood uncertainly in the threshold as the upheaval of the last few weeks bore down on her. She was a cambion. She turned the concept over in her mind. Perhaps it explained the explosiveness of her few meetings with Damian, her irrational desire for him. She wondered whether her mother's own demon lover had instilled in her these same feelings. For the first time in her life, she felt a connection with her mother. Both had been caught up in a world in which they did not belong. Had she given herself willingly or had she been coerced? Who was her father? Was there a connection between their relationship and her death? Britt felt a chill. Her mother was Britt's age when she had died. What were the circumstances? Was Britt herself on the same road?

Kat dropped her bag on a table by the front door and wrapped an arm around Britt's shoulders. "Worrying won't help anything."

How can I not? Britt thought.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

Britt shook her head. She wandered to a livingroom furnished with what her untrained eye recognized as priceless antiques. She curled up in a leather armchair and wrapped her arms around her legs. She felt like an awkward child next to the unconscious elegance of Kat. One more way in which she was way out of her element.

"Look around. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to whatever you want. I'm going upstairs. I need to prepare for when Damian returns."

"Do I need to do anything?" asked Britt apprehensively.

Kat thought for a moment. "I don't know. There's no playbook for what we're about to do. You can join me or stay here, as you wish. I won't be long."

Britt opted to stay where she was, grateful for some privacy and the time to work through what she'd learned.

After what seemed to be more than half an hour of listening to the old farmhouse settling onto its foundations for the night, Britt rose and tentatively climbed the stairs. More than anything, she needed the comfort of another, even if that other was a succubus.

The hallway was dark but for a sliver of light seeping out from the edge of a door that was ajar.

She knocked tentatively but received no answer.

With her fingertips she pushed the door open.

It was a spacious bedroom, complete with a massive canopy bed and ancient furnishings and rugs. But it was not the room that drew Britt's attention.

Kat stood naked in the middle of the bedroom, arms outstretched and head thrown back. She glowed with an impossible inner light that radiated raw power and beauty. Gleaming white wings stretched out on either side of her, as wide as she was tall, the thin membrane rippling in unseen breezes. Her ample breasts rose and fell in time with her steady breathing. She was lean and perfect. Her taut midsection moved shallowly beneath the vault of her ribs. Toned legs, slightly apart, descended from a pubic crown from which a golden ring glittered.

Britt's breath caught in her chest. Kat appeared to be every inch an angel.

She shattered the illusion by levelling her gaze at Britt, revealing a pair of ivory horns that spiralled up from the crown of her head to rounded points. A tail appeared from behind. It wound itself around her torso, sliding in a seductive caress from her breast to the curve of her hip.

Britt forgot her sickness and her heart ached at the singular beauty before her.

Kat smiled and rather than feeling dread, Britt's heart soared. She belonged here.

Britt approached slowly and entered the aura of light that surrounded the succubus. She immediately felt warmth, comfort, and peace. The disquiet of the last few weeks fell away and the churning of her insides stilled.

Kat placed her hands on Britt's shoulders and gazed into her eyes. Her hands slid down Britt's arms to the hem of her sweater. Britt lifted her arms in invitation and the sweater rose and was discarded. Her pants and undergarments followed, and soon Britt stood before Kat, naked and surprisingly unashamed.

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the succubus. Kat's wings closed elegantly around her, a cocoon of wing and flesh. They stood, breast to breast, the length of their bodies touching. Of their own accord, Britt's hands wound around Kat's waist and slid up until they nestled between her back and wings.

I could melt here. The thought drifted through Britt's consciousness and was gone.

"Are you okay?"


"There's a cure," whispered Kat. "For you and Damian."


Kat hesitated.

"What is it?"

Kat loosened her grip on Britt and whispered into her ear. "This isn't an easy thing, Britt. You need to allow him to take you."

"He already has," said Britt, flashing back to that afternoon in her office, the passion, the heat. His hasty departure when....

"You mean?"

Kat nodded.

"I saw what it did. It burned holes in my desk."

"I can help. I can mitigate the effects. I can dilute it."

Britt cringed. Dilution wasn't the same as negation. "How? What's involved?"

Kat closed her eyes and said nothing while her fingers traced the rise on either side of Britt's spine. Britt wondered how much Kat wasn't telling her. "You'll be bound to me," said Kat finally.

There was more. Britt could tell. "What else?"

"You'll lose some of the things that make you human...."


"But you'll gain some things too," continued Kat. "A longer life, resistance to disease...."

"A tail?"

"No," said Kat.




"And some aptitudes that have lain dormant may awaken."

"Like what?"

"There's no way of knowing."

Britt held firmly to Kat, comforted by her warmth in the coldness of what confronted her.

"So what will I lose?"

Kat hesitated, biting her lip. "You'll never have a family, for example."

Britt's mind reeled. A family had never factored into her vision of the future, but having the choice taken away was another matter.

"Please understand, your dual nature would likely result in... unpredictable children. That you grew into a balanced, healthy woman is itself a miracle."

"So not having children qualifies as what? A blessing?"

"In a word, yes."

Kat's hands stroked Britt's flanks and something -- Kat's tail perhaps -- slid lightly up the inside of Britt's thigh.

They stood cocooned for several long minutes, taking unhurried comfort in their closeness.

She turned the thought around in her mind. The notion of foregoing parenthood did not trouble her as much as that of being bound to Kat and Damian. What would that life be like?

"There's no option, is there?" asked Britt.


Britt turned her head to the smoothness of Kat's neck and lightly brushed her lips against the skin. She hadn't been planning to do anything of the sort, but it felt right.

"How can you mitigate the effects?"

Kat's wings and arms released their hold on Britt slightly and Britt leaned back.

"You know," Kat whispered.

I don't know anything, thought Britt. She nuzzled in more closely and her hands trailed down Kat's strong back to the perfect curve of her buttocks.

"Just listen."

Britt lowered her head and tentatively brushed her cheek against the soft curve of Kat's breast, feeling Kat's nipple harden slightly against her face.

Britt kissed one breast and then the other -- chaste kisses and soft strokes of her hand. Despite never having done anything of the sort before, this intimacy felt like the most natural thing in the world. She took a hardened nipple in her mouth and ran her tongue over it. She sucked it gently at first, and then with more force. An indescribable flavor flooded her mouth. She swallowed and a momentary light-headedness nearly brought her to her knees. When she recovered, she eagerly moved to the other breast and repeated the actions.

A moan rumbled in Kat's throat.

With her hands flat against Kat's back, Britt lowered herself farther still, kissing a trail from Kat's breasts to her pubic mound, until she rested on her knees between Kat's spread legs.

Britt pressed her nose against Kat and inhaled deeply. A subtle scent, heady and irresistibly female, rose to her nostrils and quickened her heart. Britt felt that light-headedness again and drew back. Her eyes fell upon the ring that adorned Kat's clitoris and recognized it as a twin to her own.

Britt took the ring into her mouth and with her tongue explored the spot where metal pierced flesh. Kat's scent, arousing and beguiling, teased some distant memory.

Britt`s hands reached between Kat`s legs, curled around the velvet swell of her buttocks and found the base of her tail. Her fingers stroked its length. Kat stiffened and then relaxed.

Kat's hands held Britt's head as if in benediction. Britt's tongue slowly traced the contours of Kat's feminine geography, flitting into folds and teasing the soft pink flesh.

The tail guided Britt's hands to her opening,

Britt stroked Kat's glistening labia with her fingertips and inserted first one finger and then another. Kat tightened around them in welcome. Britt removed them and set their tips on her tongue, savoring Kat's essence.

At that taste, something loosened inside of Britt.

She wrapped her arms around Kat's hips, placed her hands flat on her shapely ass and pulled her closer.

Her tongue moved more insistently now, movements accompanied by throaty moans from above.

Britt drank Kat in and a pleasant numbing warmth spread through her stomach, not unlike the warmth caused by strong spirits.

Britt sucked Kat's clitoris into her mouth and ran her tongue over it.

Kat stiffened and her breaths came in short bursts.

"Oh God," she gasped.

A tremor wracked Kat`s body and she grasped Britt`s head more tightly, pressing her pelvis against it.

Britt thrust her tongue into Kat and lapped up the fluid that now flowed freely. Britt revelled in the intoxicating headiness of it, the calm that settled in the pit of her stomach.

Kat held Britt in place until the tremors ceased. A long sigh signalled fulfillment. Kat then took Britt's hand and helped her to her feet.

Britt smiled dreamily. "So that's how succubi inoculate cambions?" asked Britt.

"More fun than needles," Kat murmured.

"I don't know what came over me. I've never done anything like that before."

Kat placed her fingers beneath Britt's chin and raised her head. They touched lips and Britt returned the embrace. At length, she said, "There's no need to apologize. Sometimes our bodies and not our minds write the story. Sometimes our bodies know what to do."

* * *

Britt must have dozed. She was startled awake by the whisper of her name.

Kat stood by the bedroom window. The glow of the rising sun at the horizon lightened the yard in front of the house and threw the sleek lines of Kat's body in sharp relief.

"Britt, come here."

Britt approached the window, wrapped an arm around Kat and pulled aside the curtain.

"There, by the oak tree. Do you see him?"

Britt could barely make out the shadow of a man, hunkered down by the trunk.

"Yes." Britt's voice quavered and the ring at her breast tingled for the first time in many days.

"He has seen us."

Britt's heart leapt to her throat.

The figure outside stood and detached itself from the shadow of the tree. Britt could discern horns. Something was wrong though. The figure lacked definition, as though his edges were bleeding into the surroundings, like water color on wet paper. Even as her stomach fluttered nervously at the sight, her heart leapt.

Kat guided Britt to the center of the room and took her face in her hands.

"Remember," said Kat. "I'm here with you. You're not alone."

To Britt, these words provided little comfort. Usually people said that you weren't alone right before they abandoned you.

Kat turned Britt around so that they were both facing the door. Britt felt Kat's breasts pressed into her back and her hands on the soft hollow on either side of the pubic mound.

Kat's wings closed lightly around them. Britt wasn't sure if this was protection or restraint.

At that moment, the door to the bedroom opened, framing the bare-chested figure of Damian.

No one spoke. In addition to his blurred edges, Britt saw that Damian appeared washed out, hinting at transparency. Despite the loss of definition, Damian cast a striking figure. His horns glinted. Black hair fell over his forehead, curtaining eyes that smouldered red.

Britt drank in the sight of him. Lean and tightly muscled, he exuded strength and purpose.

He approached the two women, wrapped in the white cocoon of Kat's wings, and stopped inches from them.

His breath rasped out from between slightly parted lips. "Britt," he whispered.

Demon or not, she yearned for him.

Britt reached out from beneath Kat's wings and undid the button of Damian's jeans. Trembling fingers lowered the zipper and the jeans fell to the floor.

Damian licked his lips and his tail whipped back and forth, mesmerizing Britt with its movements. He said nothing as he placed a hand on the screen of wing that covered Britt's right breast. The nipple ring blazed and Damian smiled, as though recognizing something pleasant but dimly remembered.

Kat tightened her grip on Britt, even as Britt silently begged to be released. She wanted him. Wanted to heal him however she could.

Kat slowly backed away from Damian, still holding Britt, until they reached the bed. Damian remained motionless, observing them with molten eyes, his organ rising like a scythe from a nest of dark hair.

Kat sat on the edge of the bed with Britt on her lap. At length, she lay back, holding Britt tightly to her.

Kat spread her legs and whispered, "Do this. Please."

Reluctantly, Britt spread her legs as well, exposing her most vulnerable parts to Damian. Desire warred with fear. Kat's arms locked just beneath Britt's breasts and her wings tightened around them both.

Britt felt more vulnerable than she ever had before.

An unnatural silence blanketed the bedroom, as though the world held its breath. Britt could feel Kat's slow breaths and the steady beat of her heart.

"That's it," whispered Kat. "Shhh."

Britt relaxed in the warmth of Kat beneath her and the wings around her.

Her breath hitched at a tingling sensation on that part of her that was exposed. She attempted to close her legs but was unable to. Whether because of Kat or Damian, she didn't know.

The tingle intensified and grew substance between her open legs.

Kat felt it too, for she unconsciously tightened her grasp around Britt. She whispered softly in Britt's ear, "In the name of the Master, bind Britt to us."

It felt as though an electrified instrument thrust into Britt at that moment. She gasped as a wild charge erupted from her cunt to the top of her head.

Kat continued. "And in the name of the Master, let us reside in her dwelling place and she in ours. Let her accept us as we accept her."

The current was alive within her, suffusing her body with a charge unlike anything she'd ever felt before. It was an excruciating pleasure and her body writhed uncontrollably in Kat's grasp as Damian repeatedly thrust himself into her. Muscles deep within her throbbed and twitched and her breath came in short gasps.

As suddenly as the current started, it stopped, leaving an expectant hum in its wake.

Britt lay atop Kat, panting and spent.

She felt a pressure between her legs, but this time without the explosive electricity.

At that moment, Kat let loose an anguished cry.

What was happening? wondered Britt.

Soon, Kat relaxed and her arms and wings withdrew from Britt and lay limp on the bed.

Damian slammed into Britt once again, hard and brutal. Again, Britt's core exploded in a mad thrumming of electricity. Through the delicious anguish, she glimpsed Damian, face contorted beneath gleaming horns.

"In the name of the Master..."

Britt arched her back and came, even as Damian pummelled her. Muscles spasmed around Damian as she widened her legs for him.

She fell limp against Kat when he withdrew. Again, Damian thrust himself into Kat. Britt reached behind to stroke Kat's face as her body stiffened. While Britt's pain was tempered by pleasure, she knew instinctively that the same could not be said for Kat.

Later, she could not tell how many cycles she and Kat had endured. Three or four? Dozens? She didn't know.

By the end, both she and Kat were sobbing, beyond any reasonable capacity to react.

The last thing Britt remembered was a kiss on the forehead before Damian stiffened and cried out, an animal howl that married release with remorse. A searing pain exploded within her, a blaze in the center of her being. After that, she knew no more.


I hope you have enjoyed this installment. Please let me know what you think. Your comments help keep me motivated.


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sopharoonessopharoonesover 7 years ago

im enjoying the story become more than just an erotic lit piece: the connection between the three characters and a history to incubi/succubi thats compelling even though there isnt much yet. cheers!

jiskittenjiskittenover 13 years ago

As suspected, another great installment!

DaniellekittenDaniellekittenover 14 years ago

Everything was so real, it's like I was there watching instead of reading. You are a true master of the art. Keep it up!

silenceup2nogoodsilenceup2nogoodover 14 years ago

Now I want more...(evil grin)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hope theres more!!!??


barepussloverbarepussloverover 14 years ago

Left wanting more - is this it?

NamedayNamedayover 14 years ago

the ending left me questioning....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Amazing, more needed

Terrific writing and subject matter. Very hot all around, please take it further.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Oh My Gosh!!!

It was great!!!More is needed!!!!Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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