Inside the Garden Shed Ch. 16


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Zoe was biting her bottom lip -- always a good sign with her -- Gary would liked to have helped but clearly that was not on the cards. Fast finger action on the clitoris, a spreading and then closing of legs and the most ecstatic look on Zoe's face. Once again Gary wished he had brought his camera. Not only Zoe in the throes of orgasm but he would quite like to have caught his cock ejaculating over the strawberries -- an odd but challenging shot! And of course Gary was very close to doing that, his fingers moving as he watched Zoe come.

"That was nice, Gary, really nice. Better to have had you fucking me but there we are. We don't do that now. Shall I finish you off Gary, would you like that."

Would Gary? Would he rather Zoe's hand took control? Would he rather fingers, so recently in Zoe's pretty sex, take him in hand? Fingers still very wet and slippery from Zoe. He sighed with contentment as he was held and his foreskin manipulated.

"Come on Gary, fill the bowl with your man cream like little Zoe did for you."

Gary was never going to fill the bowl. He might produce in quantity but there were limits and it was nowhere at all near a bowl full. Nowhere near but nonetheless his ejaculation was prolific, splashing thickly across the strawberries. It would have been quite a sight for someone looking through the kitchen window. An unbelievable sight -- kinky not the word for it -- as great spurts of creamy cum dropped hot onto the shiny red fruit.

Hardly had Gary finished and Zoe was picking up her spoon.

"Mmmm, lovely and warm, such a contrast. Sweet, juicy and cool: Salty, thick and warm. Yes, best caught still warm."

It was on her lips -- his cum -- and there at the table was his neighbour happily eating strawberry after strawberry with his special garnish splashed across them.

"Would you like one?"

It was on the spoon and already offered. Gary bent and ate. As he had thought before the combination did work -- strange but true!

The bowl finished and Zoe rather theatrically smacking her lips. "That was good but all gone." She looked from one side to the other as if seeing if she was not being watched and then bent and licked a final drop of semen off the end of Gary's limp penis. A lovely little rasp of her tongue.

She giggled, "Mmmm, I don't think anyone saw me touching!" She opened her legs again as if in invitation. "Well, Gary are you going to fuck me now? I really am very slippery and wet!" Her eyes dropped to his limp cock. "Oh dear, looks like you've missed your chance!"

"I'll come back later."

"No, Gary, now or not."

Gary sighed, "Not then."

"Oh what a pity."

Toast and marmalade with coffee was a bit of an anti-climax to it all. It had been quite a breakfast but it was lovely to sit naked with Zoe and just talk

Summer time -- a happy time as always, though Gary could have done without the grey rainy days of an English summer but there again there were good days and there was also Zara back from uni. A whole year of her three year degree course already over. Tempus fugit indeed! Not the school girl any more but the bright, keen undergraduate. Gary had not forgotten about her -- that was a bit unlikely -- but he had not seen her that summer until he popped around to see Zoe one fine morning.

As usual he had been called over the garden fence and he had walked around as he was -- which was unclothed as usual. He was looking forward to his morning milk. He was sure it was doing him good!

Sauntering down the garden path he was paying more attention to the plants than what was at the top of the garden and instead of it being Zoe standing or sitting there or in the kitchen there was a familiar pair of girls.

"Aren't you pleased to see me?" Zara was very deliberately looking at Gary's cock.

"It's OK," laughed Zoe, "he doesn't always seem to appreciate seeing me either!"

"Hello, Zara, lovely to see you and how are you?"

A kiss on both cheeks but then Zara dropped to her knees and kissed his penis right on the end.

"I'm good and how is the little man today?"

Well, that answered a question Gary had been thinking about for months but had not yet formed as it had happened so quickly -- was he still going to have sexual relations with Zara. The answer seemed a very clear YES!

"We're fine," said Gary and as if to confirm it up came Gary's cock to a full erection -- for him.

Zara's hand was on it, stroking it, pulling back the skin to reveal the shiny head and cupping his balls. "Isn't it sweet? I love it to bits, so different from..." She laughed a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry Gary, you know what I mean. It is different but great. Isn't it Zoe?"

"Certainly is."

Gary had not missed the 'Mr Roldern' thing had been dropped. Zara was growing up.

"Have you been keeping him well exercised? I wouldn't want to think Gary doesn't cum like he used to. I'm looking forward to seeing that again!"

They sat and talked over coffee, wide ranging talk without the sexual element. It could have been any set of people talking if one had not been completely naked; the girls taking it in turn to hold Charlie who was very much there and as wide awake as anything. Even Gary held him.

Lovely for Gary to sit and drink coffee with two pretty girls. He was very happy to be naked with two clothed girls especially with the prospect of sex, at least with young Zara.

"How's Iain?"

Zara looked at Zoe, Zoe looked at Zara. "Bit out of date there," said Zoe, "things move on."


"You are two behind there, Gary. It's Tony now."


"He's a big lad," said Zoe, "Zara's shown me the photos."

A photograph was passed. Undoubtedly Tony was big. At least 6' 6" and with a build to match. Of course Gary could not help but imagine Zara and him in bed together. The contrast of her fairness and his dark skin would be interesting to say the least. He wondered about the size of his penis. Gary was acutely conscious of just how small his was. Still, it did all the right things and if Zara found it 'sweet' then he was not going to complain!

It was obvious Charlie was getting fractious and Zoe put him to her breast. Zara watching with interest as the bra was unclipped and Charlie latched on.

"What's it feel like? Is nursing nice?"

The conversation got very girly and Gary's mind wandered thinking of Tony and Zara at it, the interesting contrast of light and dark. He would like to see that!

It is funny to watch a contented baby literally fall off the breast fast asleep, looking just a little bloated! Zoe went to put Charlie down.

"So you are back for the summer?"

"Well I'm here for a bit, then Tony's coming down and we are off to France for a week and a bit; then I'm up to his place and back for the last week or so of the hols."

"Hotel in France?"

"No camping by the sea; sand, sea and sex -- I hope! Isn't Charlie a poppet. You did so well there. Zoe's so happy."

"If it was me. Might have been Tom."

"Doubt it. You'd have washed him away in any case with all your stuff. I mean Tony's got a great big cock. Yeah really long -- and thick like you - but when he comes he just dribbles. I think Tom is a bit like that -- well Zoe says... more than dribbles perhaps, but you! Fuck, Gary, you're like a geyser going off!"

"And that's sweet is it?"

"No, that's fucking sexy. It's your cock which is so sweet. Lovely little thing -- ever so sweet -- but deceptive. I love it to bits -- I do - so don't feel sorry for yourself or anything. We can fuck again before I go away can't we?"

"Of course, whenever you like. Several times would be nice!"

"I can see you are pleased to see me now!"

"Gary's pleased to see anything in a skirt -- or out of it." Zoe had come back.

"What have you guys been doing? Proper sex or are you back watching each other?" Zara was clearly interested.

"Just watching really," replied Zoe, "I really get enough sex with Tom but Charlie's a thirsty little fellow but he doesn't empty me, Zara. It's the same with a lot of the young mums and they have to express and use a breast pump."

"Yes...? Does Gary watch or something?"

"Something. He helps me out."

"Yes...? Oh, he doesn't. No not really!"

Once again Zoe undid her blouse and bra as she sat. "Come on Gary."

"She does get very full," he said apologetically before kneeling and latching on.

Perhaps almost without thinking he felt Zoe's hand cup his balls. She often did that as he sucked. The milk was flowing easily. It was good.

"Is it nice?"

Zoe looked at Zara, do you want to try?"

"Err, yeah, why not?"

"In a cup or..."

"In for a penny: in for a pound."

Tentatively Zara edged forward. Strange for both women. There was no question that it was a sexual action. Zoe leaning back in her chair. Gary coming off to watch. Zara's lips paused inches from the nipple, "I've never done anything like this."

"Oh, come, Zara, I expect you have."

"Yeah, but not recently! This feels awfully odd."

"Natural really."

Gary was watching.

"What, sucking another woman's tits?" Her hand touched as she felt the firmness and then she took the nipple tentatively between her lips and began to suck.

"Ooh no, Zara, take more of the breast in, push it up to the roof of your mouth and then gently use your lips."

Zara came away looking a bit surprised. "Ooh, it's sweet and so warm. Um yes."

"Come on, Try again, Zara, do it properly and drink some more otherwise Gary will have to."

"I feel a bit odd doing this." But Zara returned to her nipple.

Zoe smiled and stroked Zara's hair as she drank. Zara's eyes were closed and she looked rather content.

Gary turned back to his nipple and for the first time Zoe felt both her breasts being sucked at once -- like having twins!

How nice to have two of your best friends drinking your milk at your breast. Her hands rested on their two heads. But it was sexual.

Zoe's legs moved; her friends could not see but it was clear she was getting worked up in a sexual way. She had helped Gary to orgasm quite a few times in the recent weeks but not let him help her but now she remembered her pregnancy craving for semen. There had been no bar to touching then. Perhaps, yes perhaps, it would be nice now to share Gary's cock with Zara. Each sucking on the big nipple and sharing his cum. Passing the ejaculating cock politely from one to the other. There was after all plenty of it when it came. A sisterly sharing of a man's milk.


"Yes Zoe?"

"Shall we share Gary?"

"What do you mean Zoe?"

"Shall we suck him in turns until..."

"Oh yes, please! I've been thinking about that for weeks. I just love the way he cums."

"OK then."

"Is it like musical chairs. Only one gets the prize?"

"You mean, Zara?"

"Yeah, when Gary comes."

"I'm sure we can share that too -- if we are quick!"

"It's lovely but it all comes at once!"

"And doesn't he!" Giggled Zoe as she patted Gary's still suckling head.

"I mean, it'd be nice if he came slowly -- but still all the quantity; imagine it just dribbled like your milk -- well I know it spurts a bit but you know what I mean -- we could pass it from one to the other and just drink, lovely hot creamy cum gently oozing out from Gary's cock; you suck a bit and then I suck a bit, all smooth, thick and salty."

"Zara, you are being ridiculous!"

"I know but..."

"You'd have Gary coming for five or ten minutes. Poor man would be exhausted! Think how sore his balls would be. We'd have to gently bathe them in cool water, lay them on a soft towel and make a fuss of him and them!"

Gary mentally shook his head. The idea of these two women happily sharing his penis as he just kept coming sounded simply marvellous but just not what happened. His orgasm lasted ten seconds at best and he thought that was only because he produced so much cum. He imagined it was shorter for other men. To imagine himself lying helpless for five minutes as he just came and came, slowly oozing; his balls aching with the slow release and the girls lapping him up was more than an exciting idea. The pleasure of coming for five or ten minutes as two girls did wonderful things to his erogenous zones was an unbelievable idea! Working him to get more man milk!

"We can each suck a ball together though."

"Yeah, there's two of those at least! Pity the male of the species can't do two orgasms, one from each ball. Would be so sensible. First the right goes off and then a little later he gets to fire the left and only then does he go all limp. Much better for the female of the species, you'd know you're running out of time, one has fired -- but there's still time and stiffness -- to come!"

Gary could not have agreed more but it just wasn't like that. Fantastic idea though, a double shot penis! Would he have control over which ball came first -- not that it was really, anatomically like that, but the idea was fun.

"Suck a little more, Zara, and then we'll start on Gary."

It was Gary's turn to lie back on his chair and let his friends drink his 'milk.' Lovely to lie with hands behind his head and just watch the two girls at work. They did not actually kiss -- that was not really their scene -- but if you are licking up one side of an erection and your friend is licking up the other there is only one knob and it was fairly inevitable that their tongues would touch. It was an erotic sight to Gary but once they had got over the first touch, with a fit of the giggles, it ceased to worry them. And they did what Zoe had suggested -- and it was certainly funny to see the two girls just below his penis each with one of his balls in their mouths -- right in with their lips almost closed around the lax scrotal skin -- talk about being in a vulnerable position!

"Gary tell us when you are about to come so we can take turns sucking you."

"Will do!"

The twin tongues played on, it was all very like two girls sharing an ice cream -- indeed he said so as their tongues lightly licked his fraenum -- one to each side.

"Well, girls, here I go."

Gary had done what he was told and warned them: the girls though had not decided who was to have first dibs.

"Zara, you have first suck."

"No, after you Zoe."

"It's you who... Oh!"

It was all a bit late. Gary's ejaculation fountained up between them, neither ready to receive the 'milk'. Zoe grabbed the erection and pointed it at Zara but before she had her mouth over the knob it went off again. The whole thing became a complete shambles, Gary ejaculating freely everywhere. The two girls were a complete mess; it was in their hair, down their shirts, on their faces but luckily a little on their lips.

"We were meant to be drinking that!"

"Well, I got some."

"So did I -- there's always so much but that did not exactly go to plan at all!

"Better luck next time," said Gary.

"Next time?" said Zoe.

"Yes please," he replied!

It was naughty -- very naughty -- they had drunk from each other. Well, not actually from Zara but perhaps one day...

The end of the summer. It would not be long now before the weather got colder. Already Zara had headed back to university. The day though was sunny and still hot enough for a naked gardener to work. Gary sat in his shed, his warm, sun heated, fertiliser smelling shed; comfortably seated on his old chair looking down the garden; naked of course and with his balls hanging over the lip of the wooden chair as was his wont. He was in reflective mood. A lot had happened recently in his life and it had been good. It was not that he had started a new relationship - not a new girlfriend - but he had enjoyed sexual relations nonetheless in a way that had surprised and, he very quickly admitted, he had enjoyed immensely and, moreover, it had done wonders for his self confidence and esteem. 'She' had been so disparaging about his cock but Zoe and Zara had been quite the opposite. They had appreciated length was not everything, had relished what he had - many times! It had not been just a dream - though it had been so like his garden shed fantasies coming to life! His stumpy, thick cock grew at the memories, his thighs opening a little wider as he felt the foreskin rolling over his big knob. Had it all been just a dream?

No, it certainly had not! There had been a lot of sex that summer and the one before. Not actually intercourse with Zoe that summer but most definitely intercourse with Zara -- quite a few times in fact and she had even slept with him thrice! And what was more, and this was a prospect for the Autumn, Zoe wanted to be pregnant again. That would mean more work for the working man...

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DevilbobyDevilboby12 months ago

And so I have completed this series of inside the garden shed. Loved it and now I shall return to the open door series that I interrupted to belatedly read this after advise from the author thoroughly enjoyed all the related series so far I'm rather jealous of the inhabitants of the square as the inhabitants of my little square are not as generous of spirit as Zoe and Zara or Gary not heard much about Melanie yet other than her nude sun bathing habits in her garden. Anyway tempus fugit as someone once said. As I said before dear author five stars all the way.

HardBenHardBenalmost 7 years ago
What a Fabulous Series

Brilliantly written. Descriptive and totally erotic - exploring many fantasies (some quite unusual) but ALL of them a sheer delight.

Great stuff DrMaxc

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

hope for more chapters

Lucky3Lucky3over 7 years ago
Lovely read

Thoroughly enjoyed all the chapters such a nice relaxed read and a little naughty too

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very pleasant

What a wonderfully nice range of fantasies these 16 chapters contain! No nastinesses, and no need of any to support the hot action. Never less than 4stars, and 5 for about half of them. Thanks Dr Max for your creative efforts!

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