Into the Vampire's Lair Ch. 09


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"So, who do you think would make my dear son a good wife?"asked Aramis, jolting her out from her thoughts.

"Shouldn't he be the one to choose for himself?"

"Ah, but he already has," said Aramis with a smile. "You already know that."

Amber raised an eyebrow at his knowing look.

"But you're still pushing forward with the announcement?" she asked wearily.

"I suppose it is inevitable my dear. This ball was arranged for that sole purpose and everyone has been looking forward to this announcement for centuries."

Amber gave him a weak smile. Deep inside her, she kept hearing a strange sound that seemed to resonate with sadness but she couldn't understand why. She knew that Draven loved her and that perhaps in the past she might have loved him back but right now? She didn't know anything about him other than his name and the fact that he's going to get married tonight.

The time period from yesterday when he brought her here to this moment of the equinox was certainly not enough for her to know him... much less fall in love with him.

This arranged marriage was the best for both of them. She'd rather be alone for the rest of her life than be trapped here as his mistress.

"My dear, it seems you are lost in thought," said Aramis softly. Amber raised her eyes to look at him and saw that despite his comment, he seemed lost in his own thoughts too. His eyes were watching the way Draven moved from woman to woman, with the grace and politeness of a gentleman but none of the passion of a man looking for a betrothed.

"It is time," he said after a while. "Come, let us find my two sons and prepare to make the announcements."

After they found Alaron, the three of them walked towards the orchestra where a small podium had been arranged for the announcement to be made. Draven was already standing there, waiting for them.

Amber wanted to scream "No!" with every step she took behind Aramis but restrained herself. She could hear Draven's thoughts becoming clearer and louder the closer she got to him and every single one of them were painful to hear. When they finally reached his side, Amber allowed herself one look at his face and instantly regretted it.

He was smiling but it never reached his eyes for they were void of emotions or recognition; refusing to settle on her; skimming past to prevent a betrayal of his true feelings inside. Amber wanted to say something but she didn't want to shout her concern over the din of music and chatter. When she tried to speak to him in her mind, she found that he had put up some sort of barrier between them.

It hurt that he was trying to distance himself from her but she knew it was necessary. No crying or sudden outbursts of emotions could be tolerated in front of such an upper class audience. The realization humbled her and made her desperate to leave. She may be dressed in fine material and expensive jewels but none of them were hers; she didn't belong here and most important of all, it made her feel like a cheap imitation of the woman Draven needed but did not want.

She knew what needed to be done. Once Aramis has announced the betrothed's name, she will make arrangements to leave. She will not stay here a second longer and drive them both towards their insanity.

Aramis must have sensed her distress for he laid a gentle hand at her elbow as a warning for her to stay in place. When she began to relax, he tugged her gently away from his sons.

"Have you chosen someone?" he whispered.

"I don't know how or where to begin..." she admitted.

"Alright then, let's put it this way. If you were to choose one woman in this room that would be suitable say for a friend, who would it be and why?"

Amber bit her lips slightly as she concentrated on the faces around the room. "For a friend you say? Like for yourself perhaps?"

"If it helps you choose," he replied with a shrug.

Amber didn't reply him. She didn't want to be anybody's mistress and Aramis knew that. So she was going to find for Draven a nice woman whom he would hopefully come to love and then she'll ask Aramis for permission to leave.

Her eyes continued to roam around the room, glossing over the faces and bodies of the countless beautiful women until her eyes rested on a tall willowy woman standing alone. She was dressed elegantly in an off shouldered burgundy dress that trailed a little behind her when she walked.

"Is that lady over there married?" asked Amber curiously. "She doesn't look like she wants to be here."

"Your exact sentiments I recall," mused Aramis before he followed her gaze to the woman in question and his smile vanished.

Dame Josephine. His first thought was that it had been so long since he had seen the woman that he couldn't even recognize her at first. Had she come here alone? Or perhaps she had brought her children with her?

"Pardon me for a minute my dear, I'd like to have a word with her. Why don't you ask Alaron to keep you company?" he said suddenly, leaving her to walk towards the woman in question.


"Dame Josephine," greeted Aramis in what sounded almost like a whisper. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Ah, Lord Culzean... of course you didn't know because you didn't invite me," she replied sweetly.

"Are you here alone?" he inquired suspiciously.

"I have every right to go wherever I wish --alone or otherwise."

"Of course. I did not mean any disrespect."

"Is that your way of asking me if I'm married?" she asked coldly, stifling a laugh when she saw him narrowing his eyes.

"It is not my place to inquire such details. I was merely wondering if perhaps you came to introduce a daughter... or two to my son."

He watched her eyes ablaze with fire at his reply but her lips smiled sweetly at him.

"I wouldn't think that'd be appropriate now would it Aramis?" she replied with a demure laugh.

"Then why are you here Josephine?"

There was a long pause before her eyes fluttered to meet his.

"To see my only child choose his bride of course."

Cold eyes tried to outstare the other.

"He is not your child," replied Aramis through clenched teeth. "If you remember, you turned him over to my custody five hundred years ago."

She waved her hand nonchalantly as though she didn't recall that fact. Turning lazily to look at him, she replied, "I don't think it was called 'custody' in that era was it? As I recall, it was, 'I, Josephine Blythe Draefend hereby grant Lord Culzean the purchase of this property for which I honourably, peacefully and freely render'."

He was still glaring at her when she gave a smiled, "Stop baring your decrepit old teeth at me."

When he said nothing, she continued, "We should discuss about our son's situation with that delicious little werewolf he kept eyeing the whole night."

"That is no longer any of your business Josephine. I'll have an escort for you to leave."

Her smile faltered slightly; almost barely. Flicking a stray tendril from her face, she turned away sharply from him and walked towards the exit. Aramis was almost relieved when he saw her leaving until he realized that she might actually be going towards Draven. Growling, he stormed the room to find his son. There was no way he was letting Draven meet that cold hearted, vicious woman... so he'd better get to him before she does.


In the meantime, Amber found herself suddenly abandoned when Aramis left her side,. The realization annoyed her for she could see a few men coming towards her, possibly wanting to have a dance. Shuddering slightly, Amber realized that this was probably the best time to make her escape. She already told Aramis her choice and she didn't want to be here a second longer...

She inched closer towards one of the patio doors, hoping that it would lead her straight outside. But before she could exit, she sensed someone coming towards her.

"Dance with me," she heard him say and then felt a hand wound around her waist. She was about to snap at the man when he twirled her forward and she came face to face with her partner.


He had pulled her away from the main ballroom to an adjacent balcony, giving them privacy for the first time that night but Amber knew these were just stolen moments before the grand announcement. She had chosen someone for him... he was no longer hers.

"I want to leave now," he whispered desperately.

"You can't do that... this ball is for you," she whispered back.

"I can't stand the thoughts that are flying around in the room."

"What thoughts?"

"I can hear those bastards wanting to rip off... whatever's left of this skimpy thing you're wearing."


She could hear him growl almost possessively and it made her smile. Jealous?


Amber suddenly stopped mid step and stared at Draven. Didn't they have this conversation before? Flashes of white walls and antiseptic smells came flooding her mind. Draven was telling her to put on his shirt... but why? God... her head was spinning. It doesn't matter, she told herself. She had chosen someone for him; relinquishing whatever hold she had over him.

"Amber?" his voice was full of worry and concern as he led her away towards one of the chairs. "Do you want to lie down for a while?"

Not the hospital bed...

Draven stiffened at her response. Was she remembering things?

"Is... your memory coming back?" he dared himself to ask, not wanting to sound too hopeful.

Amber smiled weakly at him. "Maybe. Just flashes now and then." But not enough to make her remember what they were before.

"Tell me what you saw." It wasn't a command but a gentle request. He leaned her body against his, waiting for her answer.

"We were in a hospital... and you asked me to put on your shirt. Why?"

Draven fingered her hair between his fingers and smiled, "Because you were naked and nobody else can look at you that way except me."

The possessiveness in his words sent an unexplained whimper deep within her. "Why was I naked?"

He considered telling her that she had just shifted back into human form but he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Just remembering the hospital had staggered her.

"What do you think happens between a naked man and a naked woman alone on a bed?" he asked instead.

She blushed; the heat flushing against her milky skin. Draven swore he would have taken her against the railing of the balcony right that moment if they had been alone.

"You're... thinking dirty thoughts," she accused with such an innocent voice that Draven almost choked back on his laughter.

Rubbing his knuckles against her cheek, he teased, "Want to know how dirty?" Like maybe I'll tear off that little thong you're wearing under that dress, wrap those legs around me and pound into you so hard against that railing over there.

This time she turned a shade of red close to that of her dress and tried to push him away but his arms around her were too strong. Grinning, he dropped his hand for the first time that night to touch her plump ass and froze.

"Why... are you not wearing anything?" he wasn't grinning anymore.

Amber was too stunned from his touch that she didn't respond at first. Then narrowing her eyes, she tried to be brave; remembering that this man was not hers to have... so she said, "This is my body. I can do what I want with it."

He gave out a growl that would make a wolf proud. "No, this is my body."

Something snapped inside Amber. She thrilled at the idea of being claimed...

"Why didn't you ask me to wear my own clothes?" she asked suddenly.

Too distracted this time with lust, he blurted out, "Because you just shifted back from wolf."

Her eyes widen at his admission. Wolf?

Amber closed her eyes and caught a pair of blue eyes flashing in front of her --they looked like hers but she knew they were not. She had seen those eyes before hadn't she? Her mind started to push for more answers, desperately trying to chase after that image but nothing. The effort was starting to give her headaches.

"Amber sweetheart? Oh god...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shock your mind like that," exclaimed Draven in panic. Holding her close, he turned his head towards the ballroom and made a mental plea for his brother.

Within the minute, Alaron was coming towards them.

"Hey, what's up bro?" he said jovially but stopped the moment he saw Amber. "Is she going to be alright?"

"Yes. I'm taking her upstairs. Just... keep an eye out on things here for me okay? Let Father know where I am if he asks."

"Of cou..." but he was immediately cut off for their father had found them and was currently gripping Draven by the wrist.

"Podium, now," was all he said.

The moment Draven lost his grip over Amber; Alaron quickly took her hands to steady her.

"Will you be alright?" he asked in alarm.

Her smile was faltering, but he could tell she was trying her best to walk.

"Yes, I'm fine," she said weakly. "We better go... your father wants to make the announcement because I've chosen a wife for Draven..."

Alaron was appalled at her words. Did she just say she chose a wife for her own mate? How sick was that? He wanted to desperately argue with her but one look at her face caused him to change his mind. She didn't look like she could even hold herself together for the next five minutes.

Bracing her against him, he guided her to the podium and was about to lead her towards Draven when she shook her head.

"Stand with me on your father's side. Just slightly behind his spotlight." Alaron rolled his eyes but did as she instructed. He argued with the women in his life on principle but not when they were not at their hundred percent.

With his back facing them, Aramis appeared not to have noticed the two standing behind him but suddenly he turned around; gave both of them a once over and frowned.

"Brace her slightly with your hand on her back," he said in whisper only meant for Alaron's ears. Then turning to Amber, he smiled. "We'll be done soon. Be strong."

Amber barely had the strength to nod for her heart was thudding so loudly in her head that she could feel the pressure at the back of her eyes. She barely registered when Aramis's started making his announcement.

"It seems the time has come for me to make a toast." The orchestra had already stopped playing and Aramis's voice seemed to echo across the room, causing everyone to pause and pay him attention.

A few waiters began filing through the crowd, passing out blood-filled wine glasses.

"To my eldest son, heir to the title and my replacement on the Council," he toasted, raising his own glass up high. Everyone did the same but murmurs of excitement scattered across the room. "It seemed not too long ago that we saw the union of my own beloved granddaughter and today I am happy announce another joyous union."

Aramis turned slightly to beam at Draven but his son did not smile back but instead looked down on the floor.

I wish it didn't have to be this way...

Even though she was weak, Amber managed a quick glance at Draven's face.

"Promise me you'll be happy," she whispered, aware that Aramis was holding her elbow as though trying to steady her. She heard him saying something into the microphone but everything was slowly turning black...

"To the future Lord and Lady Culzean," announced Aramis, one hand still firm on Amber's elbow as the other reached out for Draven's hand.

Unfortunately Draven was looking up with confusion. "Father?" he whispered, looking around for the Pureblood that his father had chosen.

Take her hand before I change my mind

Confusion was still apparent on his face but Draven turned to reach out for the only hand he wanted to hold at the moment but the sight of her body slumped against Alaron's caused panic bells to ring in his ears. He quickly moved towards Amber and clutched her close.

Murmurs erupted everywhere but then slowly the guests started clapping. Draven tried to block them out but there were just too many thoughts running amok in the room.

Some were shocked, some were appalled... a few of the female Vampires were cursing in their heads and the males... well; their thoughts of 'heating things up' with Amber were thrown out the window.

"Father..." his eyes looked fearfully towards Aramis. "Something's wrong..."

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canndcanndabout 13 years ago

I've come to love Aramis :) You did a wonderful job of showing the emotions boiling in all those in the room. I felt like I was at the ball watching the characters. I really am enjoying the maturing Alaron is doing. The part with Pearl was so sweet. And the tender moment between Alaron and his dad was great. So well done!

mikothebabymikothebabyabout 13 years ago

just awesome. You always leave me wanting more. So please more - ASAP - can not get enough of this story.

shortydeeshortydeeabout 13 years ago
You are So Bad

That was just great. Please teel us what changed his father's mind. I hope her Alpha does not kill him.....LOL

MizTMizTabout 13 years ago
As Always

I'm left sitting here saying "She didn't just stop there did she?" You have never ended a chapter w/o me wanting more. Now I have to wait to see if Amber is going to wake w/all her memory or if we still have to wait. And what is the deal w/Draven's mother. Aramis certainly wasn't happy to see her. Is it because of her that Aramis decided that Draven should marry for love? See so many questions that only by reading the next chapter will I get some answers.

As always I await your next chapter. As always I add this chapter to my favs. As always you get 5 stars. As always.......a fan

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

this twist is fascinating... i hope all of the relationships can be salvaged.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I read the chapter on you blog and I must say, this new twist here is amazing. ..

packanimalspackanimalsabout 13 years ago

I had been wondering how you were going to get those two together. This was not what I thought might happen. Though it does present a whole host of scenes which could be quite fun. GOOD JOB and keep it coming.

maria40maria40about 13 years ago

you are sooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 13 years ago

It looks like Draven gets his were after all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

lost in the story and realised I'd reached the last page on the last word... a cliffhanger awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww please please say the next ch. is soon... like 2moro?

apollonaapollonaabout 13 years ago

I swear you said somewhere that chapter 10 was to follow straight away! This is killing me! Okay, okay. Cool heads prevailing. Bribery.

I read somewhere that it works with some authors. We've already established that I won't be preparing any cookies. I'm just not skilled in such endeavours. But how about a steak??!!! Yes! That oughta do it!

You're too far away for me to cook you one (as if I could manage that without burning down the house anyway LOL) So how about I send you a voucher? Huh? huh? What do you reckon? Awesome idea huh? Skillz? I gots 'em. Will that get the next chapter out faster?

Oh dear... what if you don't like steak... shit! Throw me a bone here, will ya! LOL

5 stars, author. So very entertaining! Thank you for your efforts.

willieonewillieoneabout 13 years ago
Yes! Yes! Love it!

Love this chapter now need the rest!

catman71catman71about 13 years ago
yes . i like

and after reading everything, a thought occurred, aramis my not want amber and draven to mate, but if he hurts amber, fiona will come down on his head, and that is the one person i think he has to fear, along with his sons, for they would stand with her in a fight, and if memory serves, fiona is more dangerous than any pureblood

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
the blend

love how you blended the two drafts from your blog. I was wondering if you were going to use a little of both, but looks like you intertwine them with each other superbly. Bravo my dear.


nonnienonnieabout 13 years ago

YES YES YES!!! Old man aint a hard ass as he lead on! I had been wondering how she would learn that she was really a wolf and then Draven lets it slip out that she is. Now I'm wondering if the memories are more then she can handle with passing out! Cant wait for the next ch I found some cookies it that helps :)

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