Is Smoking Really the Cause?

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Are we being conned by the anti-smoking campaign?
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I have come to wonder if all the hubbub about smoking and second hand smoke is justified. Let's look at the facts; now I am not going to throw a bunch of numbers out there because anyone can make statistics work in their favor, I just want to open a few eyes. No I am not a scientist nor have I done any experiments to back my claim; it is just a little thing I have come up with.

My grandmother was 95 when she died. She smoked two packs of cigs a day until the day she died. She didn't die of lung cancer in fact she didn't die of cancer at all. I just wonder why one person like my grandmother can smoke two packs of these supposedly cancer causing agents and not get cancer yet others claim even if they have never smoked that it was cigarettes that made them get cancer.

Can inhaling toxic fumes cause cancer? More than likely and I do believe that some people have actually acquired cancer from smoking. I just find it hard to believe that it is smoking that is killing all the people the anti-smoking campaigns claim.

Just less then half the population in North America were smokers in the 70's, present day the last I had read it is somewhere in the mid teens for percentage. Cancers of the magnitude we have seen in recent years were not around then but now all of a sudden the evil cigarette is blamed for it all. Once again I am not saying it isn't the cause of some of the cancers out there but I find it hard to believe it is responsible for all the ones they claim.

Let us try a little experiment I have thought up. First go buy a carton of smokes and smoke one after another until the whole carton is gone. What do you think might happen if you did this? If you are a smoker my guess is you would probably quit because it would be pretty disgusting. If you are a nonsmoker it would probably make you sick to your stomach. Would you get cancer? I doubt it highly. Would you die right there? Well maybe from the stench of cigarette smoke. Just kidding, although it might be sickening and disgusting the likelihood of death isn't even fathomable.

Now part two of the experiment. Take a hose and attach it to your tail pipe (don't really do this). Once it is attached start your car and try smoking the hose. What do you think might happen now? That is right you would be dead as a fucking doornail.

Smoking has been on the decline since the 80s yet cancer rates are going up. They used to say smoking would kill you but when nonsmokers started getting some of the cancers smokers were getting all of a sudden out comes the "secondhand" theories. There are even some people that believe it can be transferred on clothing and they get it that way. (Incredible!)

So can anyone tell me if the amount of smokers have decreased and the ability to smoke in different places like, bars, stores, work and other areas of the like have been criminalized how can the amount of cancer still be on the rise?

How about this for an answer; Cars are the actual cause for this problem. But since the government is controlled by lobbyists that makes it an issue that will never be touched. The only increase in the world that actually lets out toxic fumes that are accessible to pretty much everyone on the planet is exhaust from cars. If you tried my little experiment above (this would make you possibly the dumbest person on the planet!) You know just how dangerous those fumes are!

So in closing I can not for one second believe half the ads on the television and radio and on packs of smokes saying that cigarettes are the cause of all these horrible things. Are they bad? Of course they are we have been told that since we were children that it wasn't good to smoke. Are they disgusting? Yes, I don't like the smell of the smoke on my clothes after I have gone out to a bar or party. Can they cause lung disease and cancer? Probably but I don't think on the grand scale the scare hounds are trying to convince us all exists.

I believe there are many causes for these cancers and diseases; cars exhaust being the prime one. But that is too much money for the government to lose. So just think about all the ads you have seen and the Truth campaigns and look around you next time you are out and see just how many people smoke compared to the amount of cars on the street. I bet there are plenty of more vehicles.

Anyway I stress again please don't really do my experiment it was just tongue and cheek but I imagine you got the point. Take care I am off to light up a cancer stick.

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mikeswivesmikeswivesalmost 3 years ago

Looks like dirtyjoe69 stopped publishing shortly after this essay. Hope smoking did not do him in. He was/is a remarkably varied and inventive author and I wish he would find his way back.

But, concerning smoking, he has a legitimate question, but I think there is more than one answer. These are my observations.

1. As he says, smoking does cause cancer, but maybe not as much as "statistics" suggest.

2. The second hand smoke issue is dubious and while it can cause cancer, you would be hard pressd to get a serious estimate of how many cancers it does cause. Not zero, but the actal hard data is nonexistant or never actually stated.

3. Smoking and second hand smoke cause other serious problems with COPD being the elephant in the room. I think COPD may be enough reason to ban smoking.

4. Medical statistics are horribly inaccuate and official designation of cause of death is often wrong or ignores the complication of multiple contributing factors. (Diabetes, for instance can provide a stimulus for cancer as it compromises the immune system.)

5. Lots of other chemicals cause or facilitate cancer but the doctors and the lobbyists are happy to stay away from blaming corporations and the failure of goverment oversight of our food, workplace and household/garden chemicals.

6. I would point out that 40+ years ago, a lot of folks died of other causes at earlier ages before cancer (from smoking or any source) could get them. Example: Heart attacks for late middle-age men were much more often fatal in the 1950-1970 period but these people live longer now to die of something else.

7. I would also point out that many of the cancer "cures" are bogus since many cancers are treated when they would not have developed to become a problem. There are a lot of women with mastectomies and men with prostate surgery for cancer that would have gone unnoticed decades earlier and never developed to be a problem. (Some cures are real but most just suck our money and insurance money into the big fat feeding trough of the medical machine.)

It does not take much reading of the medical and scientific literature to realize medice is a business first and an occasional health improvement is only lucky frindge benefit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Tobacco is the great American scapegoat. What about all the steroids and chemicals that are fed to the meat and veggies we eat, what about all the plastic being used for everything. Plastic (petroleum) pcb's, known to cause cancer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I do smoke but I agree with you, totally' now we have another chemical added to our smokes to make them go out when we aren't puffing on them, it doesn't seem to work when you put them in an ashtray they will continue to burn down to nothing. I am sure that in the future we will find that this chemical is a cancer causing agent, thanks libs.

I just wish other people would not stress about my smoking and start worrying about their fat and alcoholism, that is killing more people than cigarettes. If all the smokers quit there would be a big void in the tax system to the tune of several million dollars a day, how do you think uncle sam would make that up??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

you made a point that I have believed for a long time. I am a smoker of more than fifty years and altho I would be the first one to tell anyone they shouldn't start smoking I do not believe that it is the absoulete killer that the people who think they should tell you what you are supposed to do say it is. most of my family smoked as I was growing up and even the ones that didn't were always close around smoking. My grandparents,aunts and uncles, cousins,and parents all lived to ripe old ages (from 75 to 100 yrs old). my mother is still alive at the age of 85 and still getting around nicely , thank you. I just wanted to say thank you for saying the truth much better than I could.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Nobody is claiming...

...that smoking does not kill, or that it is in any way good for you. The point (which is actually fairly well made) is that there is likely more to all of the cancers and other diseases than governments/big businesses are encouraging us to see.

Yes, smoking is bad. Yes, it can kill you (although there is evidence to suggest that there is a genetic factor that plays a role in whether a smoker will get cancer or not). Is it the sole cause of all of our lung cancer? Doubtful. It is A cause of lung cancer.

The more important point, I think, is to look at EVERY scrap of information with a critical eye. Do not accept claims as truth without investigating it for yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Them's the breaks!

Some people seem to be immune to the dangers of tobacco, notably our Natives, but I do believe it is harmful. How many doctors do you see smoking today? Used to be that most of them smoked. I've read that it isn't the tobacco but the sugar used in curing the stuff fhat's fhe problem. At least the Canadian government hasn't made the stuff illegal, and they do tax the shit out of it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Highly amusing...

and quite a worthwhile read, both for the tongue-in-cheek tone and the simple correlations of truth.

thebulletthebulletover 17 years ago
Very interesting, but stupid

If a person wants to smoke, fine by me. There are a million different ways to kill oneself. Smoking is only one of them. But don't include me in your personal suicide plans. I've got enough to worry about without inhaling someone else's poison.

The author obviously knows little or nothing about the real dangers of smoking, and even less about the hazards of second hand smoke. The Environmental Protection Agency - a government agency run by an extreme conservative - classifies 2nd hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen.

Smoke all you want to. Stick it up your ass, inject it into your lungs. I don't give a shit. But keep it the hell away from me.

And yes, anecdotally one can find instances like your 95 year old grandmother who smokes every day, and does a pint of moonshine too. The moonshine is probably protecting her from the smoke. Statistics refer to averages accross a population, not individual instances.

BTW, the expression is "tongue-in-cheek", not "tongue and cheek".

The author's refusal to believe bad news is a quintessentially American response: "My opinion is as good as anyone else's, no matter how informed they are, no matter how stupid I am."

What a great country

asiaprofasiaprofover 17 years ago
A half-truth is more dangerous than a lie.

your seemingly plausible argument holds no water since:

a) attempt to generalise from 1 or a few cases ignores contributions of other factors

b) causal factors of death due to 2 types of inhalations being different completely vitiate the pseudo-mind-experiment you have suggested

c) effects of delayed results of prior smoking have been ignored

d) no congnisance is taken of the fact that the tobacco lobby, while less vocal is at least as strong as the car lobby

e) your personal disclaimer of being a non-smoker is irrelevant to the claims made

i guess such comments are the price to be paid for freedom of speech - an invaluable gift of the USA to the rest of the world

that said however, this same piece shows exactly how such freedom can be abused - in a less believable way this time, but often dangerously so by the media to justify the otherwise unjustifiable by manipulating the imperfectly logical mind of John and Jane Doe.

TJsLilAngelTJsLilAngelover 17 years ago
Good Point

I think the main thing that really made me think was Smoking percentage going down as Cancer percentage goes up. That's really something to consider. I don't think smoking should be encouraged, but maybe some of the money that goes to "Truth" ads and the like should instead be used to educate the population on the dangers of pesticides, preservatives, exhaust, and prescription drugs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the real problem

A lot of what you said is crude but does make sense. I'm one of those idiots that firmly believe in choice. I think there should be places where smokers can go and enjoy a smoke. There also should be places where non smokers can go and not be troubled with other peoples bad habits. Maybe that solution is too difficult for the do gooders to grasp.

I feel a need to warn the do gooders that they are starting a ball rolling that just may roll over them. By advocating more government interference in our personal lives, they could be opening a floodgate. Already obesity has been targeted by a new group of do gooders. Now fat non-smokers think that is to much government interference but the smoking bans are Ok.

What will be next? Methodist wanting bans on Catholics? Vegetarians wanting a ban on meat? Non-drivers wanting a ban on all motorized vehicles? Conservatives wanting to ban liberals? Each one of these groups could easily come up with their own scientific data to support their positions and prove beyond doubt that it is for the public good.

I applaud Dirty Joe for bringing this up. It was an interesting commentary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Amazing the reaction you got from all these people.....who are addicted to porn......especially loved the

holier than thou crowd..smoking is unethical???? Amazing the ignorance.......since the scientists have discovered cancer causing genes........the food us fat Americans eat etc....environment factors etc etc...

you are a very good author...KEEP IT UP.....and yup I am enjoying my Marlboro.....ahhhhhhhh

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

smoking in public places is unethical. When you light up in public, you make a choice for everyone around you, which is undemocratic. Even if more than half would say it is okay, you would still actively oppress the minority.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Please Explain II

What the fuck were you smoking when you wrote this festering pile of crap?!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Why is this relevant to Literotica?

Please explain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
There's some truth to the review.

Does it really matter people? We are all going to die from something, might as well make it something you enjoy doing. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You freely admit that you are making your 'facts' up as you spew along, and expect anyone to listen?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Perfect put

I find that you have nailed it perfectly; after all there are a lot more cancer causing agents in the emissions from the internal combusting engine than in normal tobacco,

as for the, sorry for the choice of words im not a natural English speaking guy, ''conspirator theory'' I think its more of a common lack of guts from all of us to accept the consequences of our lifestyle choices !

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Demagoguery is just as dangerous as cigarettes!

Many on the ‘cigarette advocacy’ side who could not respond to the merit of the critique of their advocacy, found variety of ways to continue talking but without saying anything to the merit. Here are three of the techniques:


Most favorable maneuver (if quite transparent) by cornered debaters when they have no relevant counter argument. ‘Yes, cigarettes may be dangerous, but what about Industrial fumes; pollution of the seas etc.’ Why not talk about the increased death toll caused by accidents? That’s a good subject too!


A second vise to avoid the horrible “I may be wrong” point is by using qualifiers which seem to concede the opposing point, but in fact diminis it by simply asserting A MUCH WEAKER argument. It typically sounds like: It MAY be true that cigarettes COULD be unhealthy, but…” Hey! You have just ‘lowered’ the probability! Before you proceed, please share with us what you have found beyond ANECDOTAL evidence, which could disprove the current accepted understanding of both the scientific and the health communities reg. the very strong connection between cigarette smoking and health. I am talking Longitudinal; double blind tests which have been done over large samples and replicated numerous times.

3. THE 100% PROOF

Another diversion is setting artificial standards of proof.”Unless you have 100 percent proof it could be something else”. It’s hard to imagine, but even here this was seriously argued. Obviously, (unless you deal with Mathematical proofs), in Experimental science you ALWAYS deal with probabilities. WE all live our lives with probabilities. If we waited for 100% proofs we would stay at home and die. High probability is all we need. Now give me a high probability that cigarettes are safe.

Be warned – demagoguery could be as dangerous to your health as cigarettes!

To the original writer: For you, it may be an intellectual joke, but for naïve young teens, even pseudo serious arguments could be an added excuse on the way to what even you MAY admit May lead them to an early grave.

hellraiser69hellraiser69over 17 years ago
Lets get real

Smoking is a like drugs and booze. I used drugs and drank a quart of Brandy a day. You may not believe it. I also worked 12 to 14 hours a day. I did this for over 20 years. I worked a dusty enviroment. I had one lung go bad a age of 42. The cause according to the VA doctor was smoking. I have COPD. I drank and used drugs until at the age of 46 I just stopped. No reason, I just guess I didn't enjoy it anymore. I don't think smoking caused the COPD. It didn't help it. After at that I still can't quit smoking. Its worse then any drug,its legal.

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