Mary Ellen's Pussy

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I get lucky with a woman I secretly admired.
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I couldn't believe it. I was staring right at Mary Ellen's spread open pussy. She was naked and had her legs apart on the bed while my eyes feasted on the sight from a foot away. She had two vertical pussy lips on each side of the slit of her vulva. I couldn't see her vagina opening, but it was there. Her smooth thighs were cream colored and smooth to my touch. I gently moved my lips over one soft thigh, then the other, stopping at the depression between the top of her legs and her pussy lips. The rosebud of her anus was dark pink and responded to being touched by my finger. She had a pink clitoris that peeked out from between the folds. I flicked it with my tongue and she lifted her hips to help me nibble on it. Her blonde pussy hair was neatly trimmed, but was curly and in disarray from being tangled in my fingers. Above her pussy was her flat stomach and a sexy navel. The two soft mounds of her breasts were peaked by two lovely nipples. I ran my finger over the hard nubs and fondled her warm flesh. I was seeing every bit of her anatomy, up close. Having intercourse with a woman is intimate, but making love to her pussy is even more so. There were no secrets about her body. Nothing was hidden from my touch and my tongue.

I rubbed my nose in her soft pubic hair and smelled her perfume. She, like many women, habitually sprayed her scent on her bush, inviting someone to run their nose through to relish her aroma. I licked her clitoris more vigorously and she arched her back, beginning on her journey to an orgasm. I followed by pulling her lips apart to see the opening to her glistening vagina. My tongue licked around the hole and probed inside her. I licked the rim of her opening while I ran my fingernail over her puckered anus. She continued to come on my face. I put my entire mouth on her cunt and sloppily tongued all over it, sucking in her juices and stimulating her to continue to come. She tensed her muscles and put her hands behind my head to pull me into her cunt. Her legs wrapped around my neck and gripped me like a vise. She moved her hips, rubbing herself on my captured face. I had trouble breathing. She was smothering me with her cunt and pouring her female juices into my mouth. She jerked and arched and tightened around me and again spurted her cum all over me. Then, she relaxed a bit and I came up for breath. She was not done, she was merely recovering from one orgasm and getting ready for another.

Getting Mary Ellen into bed had been pure fantasy to me. She was possibly the best-looking woman in town, married to a former jock who had become a very successful businessman. Neither she nor her husband had ever done anything more than politely say hello to me, although she was very nice. She was smart and personable and had a magnificent body. She'd been some sort of beauty queen and an athlete and was in wonderful shape. She had long blonde hair, a tight waist, prominent breasts and a tight ass that jiggled when she walked. I occasionally allowed myself to visualize what she would look-like naked.

We both worked for the same company; I'd been there for about ten years. She was a few years older and had been there longer. I was just one of the accountants in the office and was putting in my time, without much career ambition. I had dated a number of women, but was not with anyone in particular. I guess a few of the ladies in the office, who I had dated, spoke of me in an affectionate manner, a nice guy, but not someone they'd want to hook-up with for more than a few months. I was a decent lover, at least I thought so. I worked out regularly at my health club and played soccer in a local amateur league. I had a group of friends that I met up with on weekends and we went to ball games and such. My life was relatively straightforward and pleasant.

The fact that Mary Ellen was very attractive helped our business when she would make presentations and meet with clients. She was the manager of our audit section and met with clients over a multi-state region. I loved watching her walk around with her shapely legs and her tight skirts. She had a nice set of tits, which were usually covered by blouses that accented their presence. Occasionally, there was the slightest outline of her nipples. I tried to be discreet, but would invariably stop what I was doing when she walked around. She was very nice, always polite. She knew my name and we would share pleasantries during the day.

Her husband, on the other hand was a real prick. He thought he was special, like his shit didn't stink. The arrogant asshole wouldn't acknowledge any man who was junior to him. He had led another department in the firm, so I didn't see him that much, thankfully. He did seem to be a ladies-man, flirting with the young women who seemed to like his good looks and athletic build. I disliked the guy; I thought he was a complete asshole. We'd never clashed or anything, but we'd never spoken more than a few words either. I was jealous of the bastard for having Mary Ellen. Why did such a douche-bag get to have such a wonderful woman. I was glad when he took another job and left our company.

As one of the more senior accountants, I drew the assignment to work with Mary Ellen on new clients' audits a few months ago. Many of them were very complicated because some of the firms we were auditing were on the verge of bankruptcy. We collected troves of financial reports, put two laptops in a small conference room and would go through it all. I think I impressed her with some of the things I found and the conclusions I suggested. She said she was impressed, anyway. We spent a lot of time together. We'd work on our other assignments in the morning and then get together in the afternoon. Occasionally, the two of us would work into the evening a bit. Sometimes we would order-in from some take-out dinner. We got to know each other better and better. She was easy to talk to and I tried to be a good listener.

Often, when we were working late, Mary Ellen would change into more comfortable clothes. At first, she would do so in the ladies' room, but she eventually began to change in the small conference room where we worked. She would turn her back to me, unbutton her blouse, then remove it. I looked away, acting like a gentleman, but I could see her sexy back with her black bra straps. She became more casual about changing and would also remove her panty-hose while sitting on a chair across from me. I couldn't see under the table, but my imagination ran wild, thinking about Mary Ellen's pussy, covered only by her panties, just a few feet away. A few times, she donned a t-shirt and then removed her bra underneath it. I was treated to the spectacle of her breasts jiggling under the shirt while I was trying to concentrate on work. From her smiles, I knew she knew what she was doing to me.

I had to relieve the tension and many nights, I jacked-off thinking about her. I made it a point to avoid inappropriate comments and I tried to be careful about being caught looking at Mary Ellen's body. I just kept quiet, thinking that there were two possible outcomes if I said something about her sexy appearance;

She would stop changing into casual clothes.

Or, I would be accused of sexual harassment and lose my job.

There was a third possibility that I hadn't considered.

I learned a lot about Mary Ellen. Beneath her seemingly perfect marriage, there were troubles. She wanted to have children, but he didn't; he considered them an expensive nuisance. They both were career-oriented, but he was aiming for bigger things and a few months earlier had taken a job with another firm that was headquartered out of town. Since then, they had been limited to visiting each other on weekends. As time had gone on, they were both working so hard that the five-hour drives to see one-another became less frequent, decreasing to once or twice a month. He was travelling frequently and focused on his career. I got the impression that she was definitely not satisfied with the way life was going. With her husband out of town, Mary Ellen was lonely. She had been devoted to him and didn't have any close friends that she could talk to.

She came back from one weekend, distraught over her visit to her husband. Over Chinese take-out, I was able to get her to open up a bit and hint that her husband was no longer very responsive for sex. She suspected he was fooling around. About a week later, she took a phone call while we were working and came back very upset, on the verge of tears. She had a friend of hers follow her husband where he was living and learned that he was sleeping with another woman during the week. Mary Ellen had suspected it due to some different perfume scents and some unusual neatness in his apartment as opposed to his usual sloppy habits. She was really upset and left for the day. But she went home to her empty house, with nobody to talk to but her cat.

Over the next few weeks, she began to confide in me more and trust that I would keep things to myself. She didn't trust anyone else in the office, many of whom were her potential professional competitors. We worked together for many hours on the audits so I was the most available person for her to talk to. I was pleasantly surprised with my good fortune. Mary Ellen was not only nice to look at, she was interesting to talk with, despite her marital troubles. We talked about a variety of things; her personal problems were not always the main topic of conversation.

Mary Ellen eventually confronted her husband and they had a big fight. She told him she wanted a divorce, which caused him to reconsider what he was doing. He said he would change his attitude and told her he had dropped the other woman, after admitting he had lied about her. He was begging Mary Ellen to stay with him but she had been disillusioned. What a dumb-shit, I thought. She's a real goddess and he was losing her.

Then, one day when we were working late, she took a phone call from him as we were about to finish for the evening. He was insisting that she come to see him the coming weekend. He said he was too busy to visit her. He also wanted her to quit her job and come live with him. Now he was talking about having kids, but she wasn't convinced that he was sincere. She was sobbing. She said he had heard about her working late with me and actually accused her of sleeping with me. She had lost her trust in her husband, a difficult thing to regain once it's lost.

She was crying so I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She stood up and moved into me, so I put my arms around her, friendly-like. I didn't know what to tell her. Had I been her, I wouldn't have married the asshole in the first place and I certainly would've thrown him out on his ass. She surprised me a little when she seemed to relax into my arms. When I looked down at her, she had the look on her face like she might want to be kissed. I took a chance and moved closer and got the desired response when she nuzzled against me. Our lips met and we kissed, lightly at first, but then again with increasing passion. She pressed her body against mine. I was aroused, of course and I knew she could feel my prick against her belly. After a few minutes, I felt her hand in my groin, on my cock. She needed comfort and was being as aggressive as I was.

I leaned her back on the conference table and pulled her blouse up, reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She raised her arms and I pulled both garments up her arms and off. I finally gazed at those marvelous breasts that had tantalized me for so long. She pulled my shirt and tee shirt over my head as well. I moved my face down to lick her nipples and nuzzle the warm flesh of her breasts, something I had never considered to be a possibility. Her dark pink nipples were just wonderful and I sucked them into my mouth, one, then the other. While I was doing that, I had pulled her skirt up and put my hand on her panty-covered ass. She was undoing my belt and searching for the button to undo my pants. I stepped back to give her access. She reached through my undershorts and grabbed my prick. Things were moving fast; we were both hot and eager for each other. I was leaning between her legs and she was pulling me into her, my bare prick was pressing against her crotch.

I lifted her onto the table. I reached under her skirt; my hands gripped her panties. I took a step back to pull them down her legs to remove them. The pale skin of her thighs framed my first view of Mary Ellen's pussy. Her golden pubic hair formed a triangle above the tight slit of her hidden treasures.

I took in the sight of her bare vulva, then stepped forward and slid my cock into her warm and tight opening. My prick slid right in. She was wet and ready for me. It was absolutely fantastic to feel my penis inside her. It felt better than I had imagined. We kissed again and I began to thrust into her with a purposeful rhythm. Her legs and her arms wrapped around me and soon I could feel the sensation of her orgasm on my cock. I responded by shooting my semen up into her. She was calming down, but I continued to hold her, enjoying the unexpected pleasure for as long as I could. It had happened so fast. My head was swimming, I had just been inside Mary Ellen's pussy. She was still naked, holding me in her arms.

"God, I needed that." She said.

I said, "Wow. That was unexpected but fantastic."

She said, "I've been wanting you for a few weeks and have been waiting for you to make a move."

I said, "I didn't realize that."

She said, "You've missed a lot of signals."

I guess I had.

She continued, "I've almost stripped naked for you when I change into comfortable clothes. At first, I was just getting comfortable, but I enjoyed seeing you reaction when my titties bounced around in my shirts."

Then, she said, "I've never fooled around on my marriage before, but I don't believe in my husband or love him anymore."

I asked, "Do you want to go to your place or mine?" Hoping she wanted to continue our love making.

"Yours." She said. "I'm tired of going home to an empty house."

That started a torrid affair. We went to my condo and screwed like rabbits through the night. I made love to her three times that night. We couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. I was fascinated by her wonderful tits. I decided I was in love with her pink areolas and nipples on her milky-white breasts. She went down on me and gave me a fantastic blow-job. I returned the favor my eating her marvelous pussy. She really did had have a wonderful pussy.

We hadn't talked about protection. My dick was inside her, bareback. I presumed she was on the pill. She wasn't.

She had left her car at work, so I drove her to her place so she could put on fresh clothes for the coming work day. She invited me in and, we screwed in her bed too and were both late for work. I dropped her off at the front door and drove around a while to lessen suspicions.

After a day or two, I think most of the people in the office realized we were involved. Many had suspected it before we did. When I came in to work, the look on the other guys' faces was a boost to my ego. I had bedded the most desirable woman in the office, someone who seemed to be beyond being seduced. I had cuckolded the asshole who was her husband. I was walking-on-air. Mary Ellen and her pussy were mine.

The ensuing weekend, Mary Ellen cancelled her trip to visit her husband and spent the entire time in bed with me in my apartment. That's where I began the story, eating her wonderful pussy and exploring her most intimate features.

Mary Ellen had her creamy thighs around my head. She had come all over my face and was ready for my cock. I moved up on top of her and looked at the expression on her beautiful face as she felt me sliding into her. It felt so wonderful inside her. Her pussy was amazing and she had a way of gripping my cock with her internal muscles that brought me to orgasm. We made love for quite a while, then I ejaculated and she joined me with an orgasm of her own. That was only the first episode of a weekend of passionate love-making. It was the best I've ever had and she said she had never enjoyed sex so much. I realized how lucky I was. We had more that sex, though, we had connected and enjoyed being with each other regardless of what we were doing.

To summarize what happened after our initial liaisons, we did begin a long affair. As I've said, I didn't ask about birth control; she wasn't using anything. She got pregnant with my baby, probably that first weekend.

She had to deal with whether to let her husband know and if she did, would she pretend that it was his baby. She decided to not tell him and ask for a quick divorce. They moved quickly through the legal challenges once she told him that she was no longer in love with him and was living with someone else. When he learned she was pregnant, it pissed-him-off, but it also severely bruised his ego to find himself not only a cuckold, but another man had knocked-up his wife. He was an asshole about it, but the divorce proceeded quickly. They sold their house and split the proceeds. There was no alimony requested and no kids or pets to consider.

Mary Ellen moved in with me and went on maternity leave after six months. She has no intention of coming back to work. I've asked her to marry me and she has agreed, but we've decided to wait until after our little girl is born. We'll take her on our honeymoon. Things sure have changed from a generation or two ago.

I was promoted, not to her position, but one step lower. With what I make, we can live comfortably in my condo. Life is good.

I just finished this tale and I'm looking at Mary Ellen lying naked on the bed. She looks wonderful with her fabulous tits resting on her big belly and with her legs spread to show me the most beautiful pussy in the world. I'm about to dive in and eat her until she comes. Life is really good, I not only have Mary Ellen's pussy, I have Mary Ellen too.

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fredbrownfredbrown1 day ago

A pleasant little story. sure is different than the ones I usually read but it leaves me feeling good. Thanks ......

goatman96goatman9626 days ago

Gotta hand it to you: That first paragraph was a heck of a way to grab the reader"s attention. Ain't no red blooded male going to put the story down after that paragraph. Really great --- and thanks

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