Jillian Needs a Man


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She managed to get his cock free of his pants and wrapped her fingers around it. Jillian's heart skipped a beat as she realized what a monster she was holding. She'd known from before that he was well endowed but this was insane, he was bigger than her vibrator! He was at least a full eight inches long and thick, her fingers didn't quite encircle him. There was a split second of second thought but that went away when she realized that she was being taken. She could handle that thing because Steve was going to make her handle it.

Jillian hadn't realized how long she'd been holding her breath until he mercifully broke his lips from hers and let her drag a breath into her burning lungs. There was no rest for him though. One by one the buttons protecting her breasts from his lips were being undone and in the mean time he was kissing along her neck starting just beneath her ear then traveling the full length of her neck to ton her shoulder, across the hollow of her throat and then down the center of her chest. Steve yanked the top of her dress down but only half way down pinning her arms at her sides. She was trapped, helpless to do anything but moan and squirm as his lips moved to her breasts.

Steve took his time with her breasts kissing and licking over every single inch but avoiding her nipples. It was maddening because it was purposeful and it made Jillian want to scream as she tried to twist her body so he'd touch them but he refused. "My nipples." That seemed to be enough for him, his hands went to one and his lips wrapped around the other and Jillian shouted finally while his lips.

That only lasted for a few blissful seconds before his lips returned to hers and it felt like he was sucking the air directly out of her. Everything that she had she was submitting freely to this man and he was taking it. Jillian wriggled slightly as he pulled the bottom half of her dress up. He could easily have undressed her but instead he kept her trapped, in her clothing but completely indecent. The only thing that he wasn't so kind with were here panties. He didn't bother to remove them properly, he ripped them over her left hip and folded them over.

The earlier fear that she had came back. He was going to shove himself into her and it was more than she could handle. That thing would tear her in two. She couldn't she wouldn't it was . . . His lips were kissing down along her thighs now nipping at the sensitive flesh there and he was teasing her again. Making her squirm trying to get him to kiss her on the lips but he wasn't going to every time it felt like he might he diverted away to her belly or anyplace but where she wanted his lips. "Please lick my pussy." Those words somehow felt right even though she'd never said them before, not to any man. "No."

What did he mean no? He wasn't going to do that for her, he was going to bring her to the edge of this precipice and he refused to push her. He couldn't do her that tiny favor of pushing her instead he was going to let her rest at the edge as he drove her to madness with his taunting tongue? Was he really going to do that to her? "No." He repeated himself sensing her disbelief at the entire situation.

Steve didn't ask for permission. He didn't even bother to do the polite thing and warn her before he slammed his cock into her. It should have taken at least a dozen strokes to get that monstrous organ into her but he did it in a single mind searing slash that left her too breathless to scream. She was just frozen in place as that thing impaled her and for a moment she wasn't sure what she should do. Part of her wanted more than anything to get the invader out of her body but another part of her knew that was just impossible, that it was trapped inside her and there was nothing she could do about it, not even if she wanted to. In the end Jillian remained still trying to control her breathing until the pain passed.

The pain did pass. It only took a few minutes for the pain to pass and for the burning pain that it had started to turn into a different sort of burning. A kind that could only be extinguished by a man, a real man. For a half second her thoughts flashed to her husband. The man boy only crowded her thoughts for a moment then she was back into reality and in reality there was only one thing that mattered. That one thing was Steve. Steve was the only thing that mattered in the world. She was thinking just enough about her husband to know that he didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was him. Steve. Steve's big hard long cock pushing into her.

That was the focus point of the entire world while he was inside her. She couldn't feel anything else, she wasn't even aware of the world she was just aware of that thing pushing in and out of her. Filling her in a way she'd never been filled in her entire life. She didn't even know that some of the places he was grinding against existed until he discovered them.

Steve wrapped his arms around her Jillian and lifted her easily up off the ground guiding her legs around his waist. Standing he bounced her up and down on his cock letting her weight drive her down farther than she'd been before. Jillian howled until a kiss silenced her. It suddenly seemed so lewd that his tongue was in her mouth, that he was penetrating her from both ends of her body at once and she couldn't stop him, not even if she wanted to. Her arms were still pinned helpless at her sides. He was using her body for whatever he wanted. It was easy for him and it turned her on so much that she could feel her body reacting to him. To a man. It felt like this might be the first time a man had ever touched her body and she could do nothing but yield to him writhing on his hook.

An orgasm slammed into Jillian like a fist knocking the air from her lungs and nearly doubling her over forcing her closer to Steve's body. She couldn't scream but she wanted to, the sound just couldn't escape her throat without any air. Her entire body went rigid. For a brief moment of bliss induced insanity she wondered if this was what death felt like. The world was white and her body was stiff and there was nothing else. Nothing at all.

Steve yanked her back out of that void and into reality. Reality was that Jillian was on her hands and knees with Steve behind her fucking her like some kind of beast. Their hips were crashing together almost loud enough to drown out her constant moans. Sweat was beginning to drip down his magnificent chest making him seem to glow in under the lights. Jillian's own body was glowing as well. Steve continued hammering away at her but something was changing. The steady rhythm was getting lost in small bursts of rapid sex followed by a few slow deep thrusts then he was back to full speed. "Don't!" Jillian realized her situation a moment late and Steve pushed all the way into her, as deep as his manhood could reach and flooded Jillian with his cum. It was like a hose going off inside her, more cum than she could handle and was oozing down her thigh when he pulled out of her.

Jillian smiled staying in the same position, her ass pushed up in the air and her head resting on her arms. Jillian wasn't sure if she didn't want to move yet or if she simply couldn't. Other than a dull ache and sudden feeling of being hollow, not empty but hollow like Steve had taken something that would never be returned to her, something that was his now to take or to give. Other than that strange sensation she couldn't feel anything beneath her waist. She was just numb. "That was incredible." She finally managed to whisper.

"Was?" Steve gripping her by the ankles and twisting her onto her back and then folding her in half so only her shoulders, head and the tips of her toes were touching the ground and he entered her again this time letting his weight drive him into her. Jillian was too awed to move, her husband would be worthless for hours after an orgasm, this man had barely hadn't even needed to catch his breath. It was also the first time Jillian had been in that position. She'd seen girls in porn do it before, it was called a piledriver and on screen it always looked awkward and a little painful but it wasn't. It was pure bliss. He was somehow getting deeper, stretching her farther with that weapon.

After a few minutes of that position Steve pulled Jillian up, without pulling out into his lap forcing her to ride him. He didn't have to say a single word, his eyes locking with hers was enough to convey the message and Jillian worked her hips, churned them over his cock trying every trick she'd ever learned to get him to cum. She had to make him cum again but he was holding her hips keeping her from going too fast. Steve was taking his time and there was nothing she could do but enjoy herself.

Steve finally pulled the Jillian's dress down freeing her arms just as he twisted her around cupping her breasts in his hands. His lips were back to work on her shoulders tasting her sweat and forcing her body to dance to his commands. Jillian had never had two orgasms in the same night but she new what was coming, she recognized that knot growing in her belly and twisting it way down to the tips of her toes and back up again. He was getting close too. She knew and she didn't care. He'd already came inside her she had already betrayed everything in her life.

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WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Unfinished story gets 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Finish the damn story. You get a “1” until you do. Can’t stand lazy writers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

why not finish the story. I feel betrayed and got no closure. there has to be more

jrunneril06jrunneril06over 10 years ago

Wow! Great story and well written. Thanks but how about some more.....

MrVdogMrVdogalmost 12 years ago

I do hope Jillian is honest enough to divorce her weenie hubby and find what she really wants...

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