Just Once, Never Again

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My effort of Kalimaxos tale.
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"Dear Rick,

I'm a coward. And by the time you read this, you will know that I am also breaking our vows with Trey. But before you pass judgment on me, think about you and Diedre in Iraq. I have no proof, but I am almost positive that you and she had sex in Iraq.

How do I know? Well, you have yourself and the Army to blame for that. Remember how I helped you study for your classes when you switched to Army Intelligence Branch from flying? Part of that was the interrogation and interview class. If you remember, people who lie look away when questioned and if they are guilty.

And you, my dear husband, did just that not once, but three times when I brought her up. You are a terrible liar, Rick. But then I am no better. When Trey first put his hands on me, I never told you. Maybe I should have. And perhaps I should have had an affair or affairs during all those years that I was home alone and lonely while you were off playing soldier.

Lord knows I got hit on enough. Often by your own "friends" when you were out in the field or deployed. I was even tempted once when you were in fuckin Korea for so long. It was the only time I questioned being married to you. When I met you in Hawai at the six-month mark, you were smug and dismissed my home issues.

Our kids needed two parents Rick. I tried to be both mom and dad, but I am not you. Only you are you. And I needed my husband's touch, dammit! But I resisted being hit on and stayed true to you. Lord knows it was not easy.

Then you went off to Iraq, and your darling Diedre Kline came home before you did. The bitch came to visit me, and with a smug look, she told me that she "took care" of you over there and then walked off before I could ask what she meant. But when you came back, I knew precisely what she meant. Any doubts I had you cleared for me when you looked away in shame, Rick.

I know two wrongs don't make a right, Rick. I also know that there is a chance you and her did nothing. In which case, I am the first cheater here with Trey. But I don't think I am. I think you did it. Maybe you did before or not. Perhaps it was the first time or not. But I am done being the dutiful wife waiting at home and being chaste for her war hero.

When Leslie told me she had the hots for you, I talked to both her and Vincent about it. He admitted he lets her have men. They have an open marriage. It would appear that I won't have breaking up their marriage on my conscience. Just that I cheated on you.

So, here is the gist of this situation we are in. I go on this trip, and during my absence, I am not your wife, and you are not my husband. You have a six-week hall pass, and I am giving myself one as well.

The way I see it, if you and I still love one another, we will get past this when I see you on my return. If we don't, it will hurt, and I will mourn what you and I had and lost. But I can't see us being married and not doing this.

Know this. I was not seduced by Trey or forced into it. I am doing this by my own choice and free will. I don't love him, but I do find him attractive. He will be nothing but a memory when I return if you will still have me. What I do with him after you divorce me... well, that won't matter then, will it?

Know this Rick Weston. You have been and still are the love of my life. Even after you broke my heart, I still love you. It has been a privilege being your wife and mother of your children. But after all these years, I need a vacation from "us."

Leslie is more than willing to fuck your brains out until I return. Vincent would pay you to let him watch. But that is your choice and decision to make. I would suggest you fuck her until she is crosseyed and babbling. I know she will not leave Vincent for you. He lets her fuck many men. I doubt she wants to give that up.

I'll leave you with one thought, Rick:

"If you love someone, set them free. And let them come back to you."

I'll be back in six weeks.

Love you always and forever


PS. Leslie was supposed to get tested for STDs before she came over for her first time. Make sure she shows you that. Trey and I were both tested before we left. I will get tested for you before my return and not touch him or anyone else until you and I meet. Then I will show you my STD test. Please have one done a week before I return and abstain as well. If you and I are to make a go of it after my return, this will be our first sign of trust.

I have reserved a room for us at the Ambassador Hotel near the airport. If you still want me meet me there two hours after my flight is due back. I plan on going there alone after my arrival. Please don't come to the airport when my flight lands. Please don't make a scene. Either take me back or walk away.

I plan on seeing you at the hotel. I'll be waiting for you in the lobby."

When I finish reading it, I noticed Leslie was at the kitchen island filling her glass again.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I will be," I replied.

She nodded and came back with the bottle and her filled glass. Sitting next to me this time, she refilled my glass and turned to look at me with those doe-like eyes.

"So, Rick? What do we do?"

This is the end of Kalaximos's scene setting, what follows is my vision of what happens next.

I imagine we have all experienced this, time slowing in moments of extreme stress, such as a car accident and we all know it is not time slowing, but your mind speeding up. In physical terms it is like an engine racing after taken out of gear anyway, my mind raced asking questions and coming up with answers to some of them.

I know my wife was off doing the bastard doctor.

I know she thinks it will be okay for her to do what she is doing because a, she suspects that Diedre and me were banging each other stupid when we were in Korea and if she was wrong she is hoping to salve her conscience by laying on a woman for me to lay.

Yes, I think that's how she sees it, a fair trade.

I look at Leslie, I can't deny she is gorgeous and she has just told me she wants to fuck me while Marcy is off fucking doctor slime. They both think I would be a fool to turn her down.

She moves toward me and reaches for me. Instinctively I jump back, away from her reach and say "No!"

She looks at me, I see emotions flicker through her mind, surprise, disbelief and finally anger. "What, you're turning me down, I don't believe you, wait, I know... you just need some time, as I said, Marcy was supposed to have told you of our arrangement before she left."

"Leslie, you are a beautiful woman to look at, but I am not going to do what you and Marcy and probably Vinnie all decided. I think you should just leave."

She looks at me, she is still smiling, but her eyes betray her, she is really pissed off that I have not succumbed to her charms. She begins to turn away, then looking back at at me she says, "You know where I live if you change your mind."

As soon as she is out of the door I close it and for some reason I turn the key and lock it. Any other day I would have watched her perfectly shaped bottom wiggle its way along the path to the road; today. I am just glad she is gone.

Taking a deep breath, I turn away from the door, pour myself a coffee take the notepad from the drawer and sit to devise a plan.

It takes a few hours and a few more cups of coffee but eventually I have a list of things to do.

  1. Finances
  2. Make arrangements to sell the house
  3. Contact Deirdre
  4. Intel
  5. Get fitter
  6. Arrange divorce
  7. Look for new home
  8. Make arrangements to move
  9. R

Once the list is finished, I know I have a plan, I write down her expected return date and a short while after all the money that is in our account is now in mine only. Next I contact a realtor and arrange for one of their agents to come and look over the house, I agree to an appointment at 18;00 hours.

I call the contact number I have for Deirdre and leave a message for her to get in touch ASAP and then I begin to get the place presentable to show the realtor.

It doesn't take long, between us we keep the house clean and orderly, so all I really had to do was the normal housework for the day. The next job is to start divorce proceedings, I have decided to go for the cheaper on-line option, if she will not go along with that I can then get a lawyer involved.

The realtor arrived bang on time, he measured, photographed and took notes for over two hours, we agreed a price, I told him I would be going away for a couple of weeks and gave him a set of keys for the house. We shook hands and he left, coincidently just in time for Diedre to call.

To be honest, I had not expected her call for at least another two days. I brought her up to speed and told her what I needed from her. Any other time, any other reason she would have mocked me for running to my sister for help, but to day there is no banter, no jokes and she is all business and readily agrees to make the necessary arrangements and then she asks a question that possibly shines a whole new light on the situation,

"So your cuck buddies slut, has she enjoyed the docs charms."

"That my dear is a damned good question one I will make sure I have an answer to and I mean soon, very soon."

I glance at the clock out of habit, but I already know it is past 21:00 hrs, I wonder if it is too late to call on the slut and her cuck.

I decide it is too late, besides I want to talk to the freaks not join a queue for sloppy fifteenth's and decide to go over tomorrow afternoon. Instead, I put on a full kit including boots and a full backpack and head out for a run.

I get in just under two hours later and after showering grabbed a sandwich and a beer before heading up to bed.

I arise at 05:00 as is normal and am out for another run by 05:20. taking a slightly longer route, I am not back until just after 07:30. I shower, dress and have breakfast, I clean up afterwards and am making myself a coffee when the slut knocks on the back door.

"Hey Rick, how are you feeling now you have had time to process things? Are you ready to play?

I look at her and wonder why someone so beautiful has to be such a slut, I should have been prepared for this, but I wasn't. I was however, saved by the bell. The bell being my phone, I look before I answer and see it is the realtor. I quickly excuse myself, telling her I have to take it and walk into the lounge as I accept the call.

It's good news, really good news. A family wants to move to the area, they have been trying to find somewhere suitable for a few months but my home is the first the woman has seen that checks all the boxes. We agree that they come to view it this afternoon at 14:30 before ending the call and returning to the slut in my kitchen.

I enter the kitchen to find Leslie sitting at the table, in front of her she has a coffee that she must have made herself and a folded piece of paper. Pushing the paper towards me she asks, "Well big boy Rick, are we going to play?"

"I thought I would come over this afternoon and talk it over, if that is okay with you and Vincent?"

Her lips spread into a wide smile, a smile that until yesterday I had thought was one of the sexiest and sultry smiles I had ever seen on a woman, now all I see is an open maw seething with disease and filth. "That'll be great honey, you know you won't regret it... anything you want I can do, anything and everything."

"What about if I want something you aren't prepared to give."

"If that happens, you are seriously deranged and need help," she giggles.

"We'll see... can I take your cup?"

She passes it and I put the two mugs to be washed.

"I'll get going then... unless."

Ignoring her not so subtle offer, I reply, "I will see you after I have done what I need to get done,so I will see you and Vincent later.

"Okay... later," she agrees and then she has gone.

As soon as she is gone I get a bottle of Bulleit from the closet and take three pills from a secret safe I have in the garage, two small and white, one a capsule coloured green. I take the white ones and break open the green and doctor the bourbon with the contents and set it aside, then I arrange for a small buffet lunch to be delivered and then spend about three hours on the interwebs looking for a new home, I quite fancy a place in the Louisiana countryside and make enquiries about six of them that should fulfil my needs.

The realtor arrives, again bang on time, accompanied by a family by the name of Powell, a young couple in their mid twenties with three kids, they also have two boys and a girl, Jack John and Jane Two hours later the house is sold, as the, "For sale," post, had not yet been put up I asked the realtor to wait until I had moved out in five weeks before putting up the, "Sold," post.

After they leave, I pack up the leftovers to take with me including the bottle of Bulleit and clear everything up before heading over to the freaks.

I am halfway across the road when I hear a woman call my name, I look in the direction of the voice and see Genevieve Shaw.

"Hey Genny," I reply with a smile.

"You going over to the Neilson's?"

"Uhh, yeah, are you coming?"

"No I have the kids to watch, besides I don't think Leslie would like me there."

I must have looked puzzled because she says, "Don't try and be coy, I know what's planned, what you're going to be doing with her and what you are letting Marcy do, I really am surprised though,I thought you were better than that."

I guess my expression did not change as she continued. "Give it up Rick, I was there when they started planning Marcy's trip and I know about your sick life."

"You know about this?"

"Yeah and it disgusts me, so go have your fun, just don't bother thinking about getting me involved in that degenerate so-called lifestyle."

My expression must have changed, her tone certainly does. "You didn't know did you? You weren't part of their plan, well other than being Leslie's playmate."

"You're right, I did not know anything about what my w... Marcy had planned, nor did I know anything about her arranging a slut for me to salve her conscience. At the moment, despite your accusation, I have not despoiled my vows."

"Apart from that f buddy you had that she knows about."

"Actually, that was nothing near to what I now know she has been sayi..."

"Mommy, mommy Gary's being mean." Interrupts her daughter Gayle, with urgency.

"I'll let you get on," I say with a smile, "I do feel that I would like to speak with you, offer a defence before I am shot by firing squad and buried, but I do not wish you to become a victim of neighbourhood gossip perhaps I can call around after, unless it is too late."

"Sorry, I have to go to see what the boys are doing, but please, do call round when you've finished with them."

I smile finding out that she share my opinion of our neighbours and tell her I will see her later.

Getting to the Neilsons, I can hear them in the back yard, I go to the side gate and call out to announce my presence. Vincent invites me to enter. Opening the gate I am rewarded with the sight of Leslie in the briefest bikini I have ever seen, she turns and wiggles her bottom and then bends over. I can't help my reaction, I'm a red blooded male and cannot stop myself from looking, the strap of her thong disappears between her pussy lips reminding me of strippers I have seen in Bangkok.

Jumping up from his seat he readily takes my offerings saying , "Hey Buddy, grab yourself a beer and come sit and enjoy the view, can I pour the bullet? I love that stuff, I dunno about you, but I find Jim, Jack and Wild Turkey leave a funny taste, you know what I mean.?"

The view can only be the display Leslie is putting on and to be honest the gyrations and poses she is achieving to display her charms would give even those most experienced strippers a run for their money, so I do as he asks.

Most people hear the word "Intelligence," and immediately think of James Bond or some other Hollywood super spy, the reality is, Intelligence actually means the gathering of information, in practice using any available means to get the information needed. Electronic monitoring is no doubt in today's world a major source of such knowledge, but the old fashioned, subtle questioning is still useful for other sorts of information gathering, especially when the subjects are not aware that they are being interrogated.

He slams down his first glass of the Bulleit and pours himself another before returning to his seat, I smile knowing the contents of the white pills I have taken will negate the effects of the contents of the green. He is on his third glass when Leslie stops dancing and comes over to join us, or rather me. She takes my glass and drains it as she sits on my lap, then passes me hers to drink. I doubt she suspects that her drink is drugged, I suspect she is just trying something to enhance the intimacy.

The afternoon turns into evening and we have talked and talked and apart from her sitting on my lap, I have been able to resist her advances and wandering hands and have found out a lot.

It turns out that Marcy had popped over to see Leslie one day and heard Leslie with one of her paramours, she had thought it was Vincent, but as she turned to walk away he came around the side of the house. Marcy had initially been shocked, especially at how unperturbed Vincent seemed by what was happening, but Vincent asked her if she wanted to watch with him. Curious, she agreed and that was the second time she met the good doctor, the first being the day before, at the hospital.

After that, it was only a matter of time, Marcy became almost obsessed with the "lifestyle," as my two companions keep referring to their immoral pastime and wanted to talk about nothing else. The only thing I had trouble believing was that Marcy had managed to keep all this hidden from me. It seems that while she was helping me through my education, she learned the lessons better than I and that enabled her to join in with their shenanigans about three months ago and a few times since, and when the opportunity for her and the good doctor to get away for two months arose she jumped at the chance, agreeing to it without asking me until it was too late, but hoping to get me on board with it. True, Leslie had done nothing to encourage my wife, aside from being a slut, but she did even less to discourage her with the intent of getting her hooks in me and me inside her, even though it seems Marcy did lie when she tried to reassure me about the docs size and talent.

The liquid from the green capsules has a secondary effect other than the loosening of tongues, without the white pills to counteract it, if mixed with alcohol, it slowly works as a sedative, usually taking about three hours to induce slumber. I helped Leslie put Vincent to bed serenaded by Leslie telling me that Vincent will be upset that he has missed me deflowering her. Deflowering, really? What is it the Brit's say, she's had more pricks than a second hand dartboard. Thankfully she succumbed to sleep, I placed her on her bed next to her husband and after making sure everything was put where it needed to be, I locked up the house and headed to see Genny.

Genevieve Shaw is an enigma, almost the opposite of her near namesake, Jennifer Harshley, Jenny, with her plastic titties, is beautiful, well manicured, always wearing tight revealing clothes and film star make up and walks around as if she hasn't a care in the world. Genny on the other hand, has no visible breasts or figure, but that may be because everything I have seen he wear is loose, if not too big for her. Her hair is lank and lifeless, she has a ruddy complexion and looks as if she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders.