Just Once, Never Again


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"Shh, Your problems are far greater than mine, and you are having to balance your problems with your responsibilities, me, all I have to do is console myself for marrying a cheating wh... a woman I am now seeking a divorce from. I know I have already said as much, but helping you is therapeutic, if it were not for you and your beautiful children I would no doubt feel totally useless and devoid of purpose."

She squeezes my hand and says, "I will try to be there more for you."

"You don't need to worry about me, just look after your children, yourself and if you will, my house." She leans forwards a little and her mouth opens a little, I almost begin to think she is about to kiss me when she suddenly stands and says, "it's been a long day, I am as worn out as the kids and the wine has gone straight to my head, I think I had better turn in. Goodnight Rick, sleep well."

I would be lying if I said a kiss from her would be wonderful, but it may have just been my imagination and I can not deny I am feeling very attracted to her now.

The next few days I spend with the four of them and we do another couple of day trips to some nearby places suitable for the kids, Genevieve is disappointed when I tell her I will be going away for a couple of days to see a few old army buddies. I do ask her that when I return she give me a definitive answer to my request for a housekeeper.

Despite the fact I am telling them I will only be gone for a couple of days, the kids are tearful when I say goodbye, again it may be my imagination but I think I see a tear in Genevieve's eyes too.

I drive to a barn that is only about ten miles from my house, inside is a car, Dee had given me the car at the hotel. I swap the vehicles, leaving my jeep in the barn and drive to a small airfield that again is not too far away. There, I meet up with and get a ride from a helo, this takes me to an airbase that I will not identify, there I board an air transport that will get me to my destination. I am just getting myself strapped in when I hear a familiar voice shouting over the warming engines.

"Hey grandad, is your heart up to having a beautiful sexy woman sitting beside you?"

"I would welcome her, when do you think she is going to arrive?"


"Bitch!" I say with a grin, "what are you doing here?"

"Community service, I got 30 hours having to help the old and senile."

"Does that mean you'll wipe my arse?"

"You know me Rick."

"Yeah you're more likely to fold me in half and make me lick it clean."

The engines increase their speed and the plane begins to taxi, soon it is airborne and we can unstrap.

"Do not get involved, I am going to do what I am going to do and that is it." I say firmly.

"You got it, I'm just gonna be there to watch your six. That new lady of yours seems nice."

If anybody else had said something about someone I knew they had not met I would wonder why, with Dee, I know not to ask.

Some time into the flight, Dee checks her watch, stands and says, nearly time to leave, she walks to the rear of the plane and pulls out a pack and throws it to me. "It's Portuguese, no real difference to the chutes you're used to." I pull it on and strap it to me as she does the same. A few minutes longer and the ready light glows and the back door opens, a short while later the light changes and we run out of the back of the plane.

We freefall as long as we can and our chutes open with almost simultaneous pops and we glide to a small clearing near to a larger clearing with tents and vehicles. Landing, without a word we roll up our chutes, unstrap ourselves and run for the cover of the jungle. We wait and listen for any activity or sign that we had been observed and then bury our chutes.

As soon as we are both ready, we make our way to the camp, if I had not already known which tent the doc and his whore was in, I would now know, I would just have had to follow the noises of her having sex, so much for a weeks abstinence before coming home... bitch. I am surprised that aside from several people having sex or being drunk, there is little if any medical activities. We creep around to their tent and wait for the noise to stop. He is from the sounds of it a one pump chump. He is soon asleep after he has finished using the hole, I have to smile as I hear her tending to an unfulfilled filling, so much for the write up Leslie had given the doc.

Eventually we hear the docs whore fall asleep, we give it another ten minutes to make sure and cut our way into the tent. I pull out a prepared syringe and holding her head with my hand positioned over her eyes, I inject her neck and release her confident she will not wake for six hours, the doc, I punch him in the face, twice to make sure he is out. I then zip tie his limbs and gag him.

I start to drag him out but Dee signals me to carry him, so we carry him out of the tent to the cover of the jungle and then I throw him over my shoulder and take him deeper into the jungle.

I have with me a length of 304 stainless steel cable that I have put an eye in one end so I can put a loop in the end that will pull tight. I also have a couple of fittings to clamp two pieces of cable together. I run the cable over a strong low branch leaving the eyed end dangling, I run the other end around a nearby tree and fit the clamps in place, loose but in place.

He is awake when I get back to him, his eyes a wide with fear, muffled noises come from behind the gag. I am sure he is begging for his life, possibly offering me money or a ride on his whore.

I thread a fold of cable through the eye giving me a steel noose and slip it over his cock and balls.

Picking up a piece of wood from a broken branch, I walk to the other end and pull out a small spanner. I wrap the cable around the branch and pull. He tries hard to scream, even before he leaves the floor, I pull until he is about a yard from the ground and then as I had practised in the swamps, tighten the clamps and walk back to the slowly spinning asshole.

I catch his head and stop him spinning and speak the first words I have said since leaving the plane. "I very much doubt you will be doing any fucking ever again, but if you do you might want to make sure she is not married first. Now, I can leave you like this with your only help of survival being if you are found or if your cock and balls rip off and you bleed to death, OR," I pause, perhaps I am enjoying this far too much, "I can leave you with the tools to escape and survive. Now nod your head if you want me to leave the tools. He nodded his head and regretted it immediately. The motion has set him swinging. I do not stop him. "At the base of the trunk of this tree you are dangling from, there is a pack to cauterise a severe wound and a loaded flare gun. Soon, I will cut your bonds and hand you this knife. Now you might think about trying to hurt me with it and true you could throw it at me, but I doubt you could throw it hard enough or be accurate enough to do me much damage, what you would do is lose the only real chance to survive this. You are a doctor, a surgeon, under oath to cause no harm. I consider the pain I have and am still feeling and the pain my wife will soon be feeling as harm. The pain you are feeling is also the harm that you have caused by breaking your oath. I cut the zip ties around his hands and feet, set him spinning and put the knife on his chest and dash to the cover of the jungle.

Whether he will cut off his family jewels before he is found by a search party or a hungry whatever, I neither know or care, they are probably no use by now anyway. My mission is complete, returning home and getting away with it are just bonuses.

We hack our way to a small airfield where a small airplane is waiting to take us to meet another heavy transport plane that will take us home.

It goes without a hitch, Dee is fucking amazing, I owe her for this big time and I already owe her my life, more than once.

I watch the 737 land and taxi to the disembarkation point and then go to another 4th floor room to watch the passengers come through customs and into the baggage area. I watch as a very tired and despondent Marcy all but stumbles her way through the gates to collect her luggage. I can see her looking around, as if searching for somebody, surely it can't be me, she had specifically asked that I not be there to greet her. Her head is downcast, I cannot actually see her tears but I know they are there.

After gathering her cases, I watch as she makes her way out of the hotel, I wonder whether she will actually go to the Ambassador or whether she will go straight to where she thinks she still lives.

I make my way to the Ambassador, she is there, as she promised, but I can see she does not expect to see me, her eyes are devoid of hope, all I can see is regret and fear.

The good doctor was found on the first day, he did the one thing I had not accounted for, he managed to cut off the gag. He called out for help and he was heard and help did come, unfortunately not soon enough to save his genitals.

Me, I was accused, of course I was accused, he knew it was me and the knife I left, it was one out of our kitchen set, a knife I know Marcy would recognise, so she knows it was me too. The thing is, there was absolutely no way of proving I had left the state never mind the country, nothing to prove I had been in South America.

The police raided the house just as we were packing, all they took was a knife set which they returned to us the same day as it did not match the knife found with doctor eunuch and the set was complete. Genevieve also insisted that she had been with me all night, on that night and the next.

Marcy had waited for me in the foyer of the hotel for several hours before she gave up, the next day she met up with the new owners of our old house, for some reason this upset her. I suppose being told how nice a couple me and the woman he assumed was my wife are and how nice our three children are.

She also gets no joy or support from Leslie and Vincent, now they know the full story they feel used and that Marcy is nothing but a cheating slut. Go figure, a slut is okay as long as she doesn't cheat.

Marcy tried to talk to the kids, but the only thing either did when hearing her voice was recite some of the words from her letter, "I'm a coward. And by the time you read this, you will know that I am also breaking our vows with Trey. But before you pass judgment on me, I know two wrongs don't make a right, But after all these years, I need a vacation from us. I am done being the dutiful wife waiting at home and being chaste for her war hero. Please don't make a scene. If you love someone, set them free. And let them come back to you. Either take me back or walk away."

When they told me what they said to her I couldn't help but wonder whether she liked being on the receiving end of those words, she certainly didn't respect them as she tried for months to talk to me, when she managed to find me I had to get a restraining order to stop her telephoning and visiting me with her incessant pleas for forgiveness and reconciliation.

I did take that huge house on, Genny did not ever become my paid housekeeper, when we got to Louisiana she moved into my bedroom and a year later we were married, two months after that she gave birth to a girl, we called her Deirdre. Since then she has gven me two boys. David and Derek. Her mother moved into the room that would have been Genny's, after a young, a too young girl turned up pregnant and accused Genny's father of being the father. A DNA test after the child was born, ensured a custodial sentence, a divorce and his name on a certain list in his near future.

Dee did retire and she married her lover of the last twelve years, a lovely woman called Martha, I and a turkey baster, are the father of their four kids.

As for doctor dickless, he overdosed two months after returning to the US.

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arnowolarnowol3 months ago

Great story, 5 stars for it!

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

Great work on Dr Trey, but Marci should have been hanging right beside him.

dgfergiedgfergie5 months ago

Agreed. vindictive and unhinged, too much? I don't think so. The ex deserved a bit more punishment though. It's just a story folks and there are people in this world that need punishment befitting the crime. We need term limits for our crooks in DC and abolishment of all lobbyists. Any politician that does not fulfill his or her campaign promise should lost the offer they obtained beaus they lied on their resume. 5 stars

Lowrider2020Lowrider20205 months ago

You get all five stars for a job well done.

BAnde53507BAnde535078 months ago

Entirely too vindictive, and a bit unhinged.

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