Just Once, Never Again


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The house is quiet and dark, I assume she has retired for the night, I turn around and started to head home.

"Rick," I hear a whisper, turning to the whisper I see Genny with her head sticking out from the side of her house, "Come around the back please."

Quietly I do as she asks and walk down the pathway to her back yard.

I see her looking at me accusingly, I grin and reassure her that my honour is intact, I do resist the urge to tell her to "suck it and see."

"Okay," I say as I take the seat she offers. "Well Genny, you wanted to know so ask away."

"Really? You will tell me everything.

"I can only tell you what I know, but I will be honest, I promise you that. Now, ask away."

"First, I want to know about your indiscretion, Marcy has not told me much about it other than she is certain you did betray her.

"Fine, I will tell you what I know, I cannot tell you exactly what happened as I do not remember."

"You don't remember? I find that hard to believe."

"Perhaps you may have less doubt when you hear my side. I will tell you what I know and then what I have been told, so here goes, I along with five other operatives were riding in the back of an APC, that is an armoured personnel carrier and we were attacked. The next thing I know for sure is awakening in a bed four days later. Two days after that Dee... um the only other survivor of the attack, came to visit. She was upset, not with me, but at herself, she thought and still thinks that she took advantage of me."

"D... my colleague had lusted after me for... let's just say some time," I pause and look at Genny, I can see that she is dubious about the veracity of my tale so far. "It seems that after we were hit, the vehicle was totalled, four of the rear passengers were killed, either outright or died shortly afterwards. I was unconscious, my leg broken in several places and my head was in no better condition. My friend escaped serious damage, but please bear in mind we had just been blown up and she administered first aid until rescue came.

Back at base, I was attended to and put into a side office, I believe to keep me quiet and calm. She came to visit me, just before I was helo'd out to a better hospital. Mash units work miracles, but field hospitals are not the best places to recover in.

Now you have to remember, that she had been severely jangled and had also been given drugs for the pain, so she was not thinking as clearly as she would normally. She hugged me and so she told me just moved her hand and touched me there accidentally and that is what led to more. What she did not know is that apparently, often an erection is a result of some head injuries and she could feel that I was, umm, suffering that effect and she thought I was about to die, so she decided to help me go with a smile on my face and proceeded to umm perform oral sex. She tells me I moaned Marcy's name several times and reached for her, umm lady parts and she took that to mean I was fully conscious and inserted my fingers and used them to umm achieve her own climax and that, as far as I know is the truth.

"But she told me that this woman, Deirdre, I think she said her name was, came to see her and told her that she had taken care of me while you were with her and Marcy thought that meant you had been having an affair."

"I rather think saving my life, not only there, but many times in battle counts as looking after me, don't you?" she nods her agreement and I continue, There was never an affair, only one fucked up, sorry messed up situation that I do not remember, so I ask you, as an independent judge, was I unfaithful? Because I don't know, and she doesn't believe me."

"That's true."

"Honestly, as far as I know, every word of it."

"If that is true, why did Deirdre tell you?"

"Because she apologised before I knew there was anything to apologise for and before she knew that I did not remember it happening."

"I can see why Marcy says she doesn't believe you," she says.

For some reason I feel sadder that she said that, than when Marcy said it, and then she says, "but I do, it is too far-fetched not to be true."

I broke into a grin and before either of us were fully aware of it I had taken her in my arms and was kissing her. I started to recoil as soon as I was aware of what I was doing but she started kissing me back and would not release my head."S,Sorry," we say almost in unison and then giggle, again together.

"So that's my story, now, will you please tell me what you know?" As I say it I feel my eyelids getting heavy, I check my watch and see that I should get going, the white pills are wearing off and whether I want to or not, I will spark out within the next ten minutes. "But that is going to have to wait, can I visit tomorrow?

"Yes of course, I'll be glad of the company." she replies with the most charming smile.

I get home with minutes to spare, I wake up at 07:10, late for me, to discover I had only managed to get one shoe off. I feel terrible, I knew when I took the white pills I would feel rough, but how rough has been lost to time, either that or my older body is not coping with the after effects very well.

Shower, coffee, Percocet and something in my belly are what I need and an hour later I feel no better so I go for a run to sweat the chemicals out of my body. I run for half an hour before my headache goes and a further quarter hour before the tiger in my belly stops sharpening its claws, I head home via a more direct route.

Feeling much better, I shower again and put on some clean clothes and then start getting the tent, sleeping bag and such together, any other things I think I will need for the next few weeks. I have everything laid out on my bed when the doorbell rings.

Opening the door, I find Genny, she tells me her mother has the kids and she would like to tell me what she knows about my errant wife. I invite her in and we go to the kitchen, I offer her a drink and she asks for water. I offer her a glass but she says she is happy with the bottle, I get myself a soda and sit opposite her and say, "go ahead it's your show."

She seems to find something of interest in the water bottle and stares into it for a while without speaking and then, still looking into the bottle she says, "After you left last night I had a good long think about everything I saw and heard and what Marcy and Leslie told me and now I have put it all together I am ashamed that I did not even attempt to warn you."

"But you were convinced I was an adulterer and besides you hardly know me, you are Marcy's friend. It is no surprise that you had her six, shit..."


"Marcy told you that Deirdre came to her and told her that she had looked after me, correct?"

"Yes, that was what she told me."

"Deirdre would never say that, I mean she would say that but she would not phrase it like that, she would have said that she had my six. That's military speak, meaning she had my back. So no need to feel guilty, this is Marcy's doing not yours. Please continue."

Her eyes continue staring into the bottle as if it is a crystal ball as she begins speaking again, "It was a couple or so months back, I saw Marcy leave Leslie's house and well, it looked like she had been enjoying herself if you know what I mean?"

"Rode hard and put away wet?"

She blushes and nods her head saying, "Yes, that's exactly it, anyway, the next morning after mom took the kids I went over, I mean came over here and I was going to give her what for, that was when she told me about your umm... indiscretion. She then told me that you had a similar arrangement to the Nielson's but more discrete and less often. After that, her and Leslie seemed to take me into their confidence, over the next few weeks I was told every time Marcy played as she likes to say, I think it was twice a week. I was there when they started talking about her trip away and how they were going to get Leslie to keep you occupied and then I started getting the feeling that they were wanting me to get involved and I all but stopped seeing them about three weeks ago so I can't tell you much more."

"No, that is more than enough, the more I know, the less surprises for me."

She is quiet again for a minute and then sats, I must get going, I have to get back before mom returns and then I'll have to get their evening meal ready."

Purely to make conversation, I ask, "that's nice, what are you having?"

"What? Oh, nothing special, just mac and cheese." She tries to hide it, but there is a subtle look of shame in her eyes.

Briefly I wonder what the cause of the shame is and then it hits me. Genevieve is, or would be very pretty if she were not so pale and thin. Her clothing is always old and worn and yet her kids are always in good clothes and seem to be fit and healthy. I wonder if she is eating properly or whether most of the food she buys goes to the kids and before I could stop myself I say, "I asked because I hate eating alone and was thinking about popping down to McDoggles and thought maybe you and the kids would like to join me."

"Mr Weston, I told you I was not going to be part of that sick wife swapping stuff and I resent the implication."

"Whoa! Hang on one god-damned minute," I say in my best John Wayne impersonation, "I told you that I also do not want any of this and I am sorry if I have offended you, but I offered to take you and your children for a burger, I did not, or will I ever ask for anything from you save the information that you have given me. So if that is the way you feel then perhaps I should say good day to you and show you out."

"Sorry, sorry it's just I have a lot going on with my life at the moment," she sobs.

I take her in my arms and only then do I realise how thin she is, she feels so fragile I actually feel concerned she will break, "You really have no idea of how much help you have given me. Now let me reciprocate, sit down take a breath and tell me and I will help if I can."

"No, no, I can't, I have to catch a bus, I have to go see about renting an apartment."

"Rent an apartment, but you have a house here."

"The landlord has sold the house and is kicking us out at the end of the week, oh god I can't believe I've put the kids in such a position."

"Oh Genny, I am so sorry, I didn't know."

"So you cannot help, I am just going to have to do what I need to do, to survive."

"I'll tell you what, tell me where and when your appointment is with the realtor and I'll take you there."

"It's not a realtor, it's just a man that's renting out an apartment."


"Over on twelfth and fifteenth."

"You cannot be serious, you cannot take your kids there."

"It's either that or we are out in the street."

"No, I will not allow that. You can move in here for a month, sorry but it cannot be any longer, I sold the place yesterday and I am moving out of state. It will however give you a little time to find somewhere else better."

"No, I can't impose on you like that."

"Honestly, it's no imposition, I am going to look for a new place tomorrow and will probably be gone for most of the time you are here. In the meantime you can help me run down the food in the house so I don;'t have to transport it halfway over the country."

"You're serious aren't you."

"I am."

"You want something in return don't you."

"No! I do not want anything from you, other than to see you and your children somewhere safe. I have already said I will not ask you for anything and that will not change."

With tears streaming down her face, thank you, but I don't know if I can afford..."

"Stop there! It will cost you nothing, zero, nada. Now I am going to fix myself some lunch and I would like you to join me."

"You're not giving me any choice are you?" she sniffles.

"I am not going to force you, you have every right to refuse."

I open a can of beef and vegetable soup and put it in a pot to microwave and put a loaf of bread on the table along with some butter. I add two spoons and two knives and two small plates before the microwave goes ping. I give the soup a stir and then another minute and then pour it into two mugs.

She is just sitting staring at the bread, so I take the initiative and cut her a slice and spread butter on it and do the same for myself. I break my bread and dip it into my soup encouraging her to do the same. Tentatively, she follows suit, but once she starts, she scarves it down quickly.

I wait until she has finished and ask her if she wants anything else, which she refuses. I collect the dirty dishes etc. and give them a rinse over in the sink and leave them to dry on the drainer. As I am doing this, she asks, "What should I do now?"

"That is entirely up to you, but if you want to get your things packed to move over, I'll help you bring it over when I get back."

"When... I mean are you goi..."

I'm just going out for a little shopping, anything you need while I am gone?"

"No, nothing... really."

"Okay, while I am gone, please explore. It will be easy to see which is my room, the bed is covered in stuff I need to put in the jeep, the other rooms are yours for the taking, two have queen size beds the other has two singles, I'll leave it up to you as to who goes where. If your Mom and the kids get back before I do, feel free to invite her in for a drink whatever, treat everything as if it is yours.

I leave her sitting at the table and go out to get some things I had not planned getting until I came back from my house hunting and training, and a few other things that until today I had not thought I would want.

It takes a little longer than I expected and when I get back there are three kids watching TV and a suspicious older woman sitting in my kitchen.

"Hello, you must be Genny's Mom."

"And you must be the man that she is shacking up with," she says with obvious disapproval, "I think you should be ashamed of yourself preying on a young woman that has had a run of bad luck."

"Excuse me madam, I have told your daughter and I am now telling you, I am making no demands of your daughter, especially what your caustic mind is imagining. I extended my offer as soon as I knew of her plight, my only regret is that in five weeks the new owners will be moving in. In the mean time I am hoping she can use the extra time to find a suitable home for her and your grandchildren."

"Caustic, you think I am caustic?" she says curtly, I am about to defend myself when I see the twinkle in her eye. Grinning I reply saying, "No, just your mind, the rest of you seems perfectly nice."

"She giggles and says, "It's no good, I can't keep it up Thank you young man for aiding my daughter."

"I take it back, your eyesight is obviously defective too, perhaps that caustic mind of yours has eaten away some of your optic nerve."

"If we're talking nerve boy, you've got more than enough for both of us. Good day sir, a pleasure to meet you, my name is Greta."

"I am sure that meeting you has given me far more pleasure than you could possibly have gotten from meeting me."

"Goddammit, I was just beginning to like you and you go and ruin it by being ridiculously charming."

"Fine, you old bat, I'll leave you to your misery and unwarranted suspicions."

"Hahahaha, good save, yes I think we will get along, can I ask a favour of you?"

"That would depend on what it is."

"Can you get the skinny bitch to eat more."

"I am hoping that she will, but I am off tomorrow probably for about three weeks,so I am afraid she will have to fend for herself while I am away."

She looks around, somewhat furtively and then whispers, I think she will eat better because you have the food, the poor girl was starving herself and the little help we could give was not enough."

"What's her and the kids favourite meal?"

"The kids love almost any junk food pizza, burgers, fish sticks and stuff, Gen likes almost everything, especially seafood and spicy, she loves spicey."

"Girl after my own heart, now while she's gone, do you know who is sleeping where?"She starts to tell him, pointing her finger in vague directions when he says, "perhaps you can show me."

She walks to the bedrooms, the boys are in the twin beds and Gayle and her mother are in one of the queen beds leaving one room vacant. Rick places a GI Joe on each of the boys beds and a Barbie doll on the one Gayle is sleeping in.

"Thank you, I better get over to help Genny carry her things over, please help yourself to anything you or the kids want, okay."

She nods her head and he turns and leaves her.

Collecting a stack of boxes he has just bought, he walks over to the house and taps on the door to Genny's and she soon opens it, "Please, let me bring things to the door for you to take."

I get the impression that because our furniture is expensive and mostly new, she is ashamed of what she has and I try to reassure her, "Genny, you do not have to be worried about what your place looks like, I grew up one of four kids with a single Mom, we had it hard and Mom did her best, but no matter what, people thought our house was shabby, so I have been there and done that, I promise you I will not think badly of you, now show me what you've got ready for me."

Shabby, certainly describes her home, the carpeting is threadbare in places, most of the furniture is old and worn; yet meticulously clean and there are no foul smells, I say, "Genny, you should be proud of your home, there is nothing for you to be ashamed of, you look after your home better than you do your yard, my Mom was no where near as good at keeping the place clean and her idea of gardening was watching Monty Don on the TV.."

She smiles a thank you and we begin putting the piles of clothes she has gotten ready into boxes. I cannot help but notice, the boys clothes are neatly folded, hers are just bundled together.

When we have finished with the clothing I tell her any furniture and other things she wants to keep, can go in the garage, anything else I will take to the dump tomorrow before I leave.

We wash up and then with her mothers support, I manage to cajole Genny to agreeing to letting me take them to McDoggles, I also invite Greta, she declines saying she has to get back to her husband, I tell her they can both join us if she wants to fetch him, again she declines I notice Genny stiffen at the mention of her father for some reason.

The kids are awe struck, it seems they have never been to any fast food restaurant and the toys in the "merry meals" are beyond their wildest expectations, I can hardly wait for when they discover their gifts.

When we get home, they are dog tired and Genny gets them ready for bed as soon as they go to their rooms I can here squeals of delight as they find their gifts. All three come running to me saying thank you, thank you, thank you. Gayle gives me a hug with tears in her eyes, the boys are quick to follow her lead. It takes them a while to get settled, but once they are Genny launches into me. "You had no right to buy those for them on top of everything else, I... we are not a charity."

"I'm sorr..."

"It's no good being sorry, I'm thinking I shouldn't have..

"Stop!" I say forcefully, "I am sorry you are upset with what I thought would be something to distract them from the upset that comes with a move. I am sorry you feel that I am thinking you are a charity case, but in a way, I am glad you feel like that because that means you are not taking advantage of me, so I would be grateful if you would get off your high horse and accept that at least for now you are not living in an area full of hookers and drug addicts. Right, lecture over, would you like a drink, there's wine, beer, soda, water, juice and if you want it some milk so you can make a shake."

She bursts into tears and begins apologising, I try to reassure her and end up holding her quivering body until she stops sobbing. "I'm sorry, but I am having trouble accepting that a man is being nice just for the sake of it, men always want something from women and we both know what that is."