Just This Once

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A brother finds his brother's wife to be more than a friend.
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"Hey, Mel, does the rabbit go around the tree, or down the..." I was struggling to tie my tie, an activity I hated only slightly less than pulling weeds. I hated to ask my older brother for help with this, but he was the Banker and I was the fireman.

"Really? Jesus, Marcus. You'd think you'd never worn a suit before." Mel was busy running around his spacious bedroom gathering everything that he needed.

"I got it, Mel," Carrie said. Carrie was Mel's wife. Soon to be ex if he didn't wise up and knock off being like my dad the work-a-holic. She was stunning and curvy and funny and... well, he'd be fucking it up if he let her get away. Carrie came over and in less than twenty seconds had my tie tied, straightened, and a tie tack in place. She'd obviously helped Mel a time or two.

We were meeting our dad's new wife (number 3) and dad wanted us to make a good impression, so I flew down and was staying in Mel's Pool House. Yeah, motherfucker was rich enough to have a pool house with the degree dad bought him, while I paid my own tuition to the community college for Paramedic school. I guess dad liked my full ride Lacrosse scholarship, but hated the way I pissed it away being a jock and graduating with a useless BS in liberal arts, so no school money for me.

A few lean years got my head on straight, and after mom died, I went to fire college and joined up. I didn't have any hard feelings for dad, in fact he'd basically made me grow up, and for that I was grateful. I felt like I owed him to come support him and his new wife. Despite the fact that I kept in good shape and did well with the ladies, I still couldn't manage to get one to come all the way to Portland to schmooze the new step monster.

I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. A lean twenty something guy in a well fitting suit, great hair and, well, ridiculous shoes. The guy where I bought my suit said they were great and even wore a pair. I had to admit they were comfortable, but man, so not my style.

I walked down to the kitchen while Mel fought with his pocket square in front of the bathroom mirror. I wanted to say something, but I refrained.

I opened a beer and took a long pull before closing the door of the fridge. Carrie was standing there with a huge grin looking stunning in a nearly painted on looking "Little black dress". It had a very open back, but long sleeves and a plunging neckline.

"Mind?" she asked, reaching for my beer.

I smiled back and whispered, "This is just about the only way I'll be able to stomach seeing dad pine over some chick 20 years younger than he is," and handed it over.

She took a long drink and handed it back. "Yeah, me too," she whispered. Carrie had always been an enigma. Mel's friends said he'd "Out Punted His Coverage", but with me, she was a cool chick. We'd shared dinners waiting for Mel, and beers watching Major League Lacrosse matches. I'd played with many of the guys, so I had to watch like a true fan, but she'd only picked it up after we'd watched a game and enjoyed the pace. She was hooked after that.

She reached again for the bottle after I took another drink. "The Outlaws are playing those Punks from Boston tomorrow," she whispered. "Mel usually does payroll review on Monday, so we could catch it at O'Donnals." I handed her the bottle and she took another big drink.

"Yeah, I'm here all weekend. Plane leaves Sunday night, so yeah, Lacrosse it is. O'Donnal is the only guy in Portland who even knows what it is, and that's only because his grand kid plays for Florida."

She handed the beer back and I finished it. "Oh yeah?" she whispered, "I always wondered why the beer sales were better when Florida was on. I always figured it was because that's where he was going to snow bird." We both laughed. I loved how it made her eyes light up. I liked being a funny guy, but with a woman like Carrie, you just wanted to see her happy all the time.

"What's so funny? And a beer? You think Gloretta will be that bad?" Mel looked all business.

"Holy actual shit!" I exclaimed. "Gloretta?" Mel broke character and began laughing causing us to fall into laughter again. I'd never heard her full name.

Composing himself, he pulled the small flask from his inside jacket pocket and took a long pull. "Yup. Gloretta Muriel Abelton. The hits just keep coming."

"Wait," I said. "When dad marries her..." My voice trailed off, a huge smile cutting my face in half.

Mel nodded. "Gloretta Muriel Cunningham. GMC just like the trucks." There was more laughter and this time Mel passed around the flask.

The whole dinner was like that. Exchanged glances, and stifled laughter, culminating in side splitting laughter when we finally made it out to Mel's car. I helped Carrie pour Mel into the back of the Lincoln and drove the rest of the way home. Carrie said Mel had tangled with the rest of the flask on top of all the wine that was being poured. He'd handled it well, but with Mel he was either a fun drunk, or asleep. He'd been plenty of the former, right before he became the latter.

Dad was happy we were mostly respectable and even cracked a smile when we suggested Gloretta ("please call me Gloria") keep her last name. Carrie and I chatted as I drove and I realized I missed having a girlfriend. It'd been a while mainly because I was putting so much into being a good firefighter and going to Paramedic school that I really didn't take the time. I spent most of what I did have at the firehouse or studying. Not too many available chicks there.

I drug Mel upstairs and planted him on the bed. Carrie said she could manage from there and bid me good night.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a 6 pack of beer and the rest of my subway sandwich from earlier in the day and walked out to the Pool house.

The little pool house was quite nice and suited me just fine. I fired up my laptop and caught up on the latest Draft drama for the Lacrosse league and then switched it to a Netflix movie.

Beer in hand, I sat on the couch and watched the dirty girls of Orange is the New Black while I picked at my soggy sandwich. Several minutes into a especially good scene, I paused it and went to my lugage to retrieve the little bottle of Lube and my Tenga egg. A lonely guy needs help sometimes, and these girls were going to help me out. I stripped down and laid a towel onto the couch before I sat down. I drained some lube into the little silicone egg and unpaused the show. It didn't take too much time and I was hard as a nail again. I popped the little white egg over my hard glans and moved it slowly and softly. My eyes closed, I wasn't even watching the video any more. I teased myself for a few minutes before I stopped and rested my hands at my sides, not eager for the journey to be over this soon.

In my minds eye, I saw Carrie in that turquoise bikini from last year and my cock stiffened even more somehow. God how I wanted her, but... way, way out of my... everything.

"Is that what I need to do to get a look at that thing? Start having sex with women in front of you?"

I jumped up, shocked from my bliss, knocking the empty beer and sandwich alike onto the floor and the egg off of my penis. I grabbed the closest thing to cover myself with and lamented immediately the fact that now I would have to figure how to get lube out of the keys of my laptop.

She stood behind the couch in a black bra, panties and garters, her stockinged feet deep into the sheepskin rug behind the couch. She had a bottle of wine in one hand, and two glasses in the other. A sexy smile crept across her face. "Looks like I won't need the wine to get what I want."

"Carrie, what, I mean, Uh, But..." I stammered.

She sat her cargo down onto a small table near the couch and walked toward me, I retreated until I was stopped by a wall. She didn't stop until she was so very close.

"For an incredibly sexy man, you aren't being very suave. You should be pulling ass every night you go out." She was so close that I could smell the alcohol on her breath. She reached up and ran her right hand across my chest, letting the hair glide through her fingers. She looked from my chest to my face and smiled. "I'm glad you keep this fuzz. You have the body to be one of those Model types, but I much prefer sharing my body with a Man." With the last word she leaned in and kissed me. It was soft, barely there and sexy as hell, much like her clothing.

I hardened against the laptop, a strange feeling to be sure.

"Carrie, what if Mel comes down. I'd be so fucked."

Her hand ran down my thigh and cupped my scrotum with a velvety soft touch. She moved her mouth next to my ear. "I'm here now, and you will be so fucked," she said in a breathy whisper. She took my ear lobe in my mouth and suckled it.

A switch in my head flipped. It was the one marked "In case of Erotic Emergency". Deep down I knew Mel was out of it. No one tangles with 3 bottles of wine and a flask of single malt without hibernating for a day. Carrie wasn't so much of a to do box to check, she was more like a mountain I've admired from afar. Something I'd love to climb, but scared just the same because of what would happen if I did. I was sure you were supposed to have the hots for your older brother's girl, and she was no exception. The opportunity was presenting it's self, and I tried to live without regrets.

I sat the laptop down and scooped her up, kissing her passionately. I had an arm behind her back and one under her legs. We walked past the couch and I laid her onto the sheepskin rug, taking my place beside her. She reached up to the gas fireplace we were next to and grabbed a remote. I looked at her quizzically and with a couple button pushes, the lights were off except for what was coming from the now lit gas fireplace. The flickering light danced on her barely clothed skin, and I drank it all in with my eyes. Her heavy breasts were barely contained in black lace and her hips, clearly designed for grabbing onto, looked somehow even more curvy with her laying on her side. I must admit that it was the stockings that got me most though. I am a leg man, through and through and hers were some of the best I'd ever seen. Full, strong thighs and lean well muscled calves wrapped in garters and stockings... Gods.

I ran my hands over them reverently like the alter to her sex that they were. She turned onto her back and propped her self up with one if the pillows I'd knocked down.

Gingerly, I unclasped the garters from the stockings and gently teased them down her legs. A maneuver I'd only seen on videos on the internet, but I wanted what was within, so I was motivated. Now naked, I rubbed their length and kneaded the muscle under the smooth skin.

"You know, there's a saying," I said. "Every time a woman shaves her legs and doesn't get laid, a unicorn Dies."

She laughed her wonderful full laughter with me. I never stopped touching her leg. "Then I guess it's good I came down here, you know, for the relief of unicorn kind."

I leaned over and kissed her again deeply. Sated for the moment by her lips, I moved to the other leg and performed the same ritual. It was heavenly, but I was conflicted. Part of me felt that I should hurry up and get to the fucking, lest we get caught. The rest of me wanted to make sure that if this was my one and only chance, it would be memorable for both of us for positive reasons.

I looked to her and she smiled. Her breath was as quickened as mine was, and I hoped for the same reasons. In many ways she had more to lose than I did. She sat up and we kissed again, holding each other close. My hands ran over her back, and I undid her bra with one hand, the other tangled in her hair, kneading her scalp. Her hands traced every muscle on my back, kneading the skin as she went.

She placed her hand on my chest and pushed me onto my back. The sheepskin rug was truly heavenly, something I'd never be able to mention to my brother. Abruptly she leaned over me and took my length into her hot mouth. I moaned and my hips moved to meet her, involuntarily. Her bra had fallen off, and her breasts hung pendulous, swaying ever so slightly with her movements. There isn't a more sexy sight in all the world. Maybe I was a breast man after all.

She alternated her hands, each taking a turn holding her up. One would rub my legs, up to my inner thigh and stroke me a few times while she sucked on me, then she would switch and the other hand would rub my chest, tease my nipples then move down my stomach and stroke me a few times while she sucked. It was incredible. I'd been with my share of girls, but this was in a different league entirely.

"You are so beautiful," I managed between moans. She stopped and looked at me with an evil grin, "You're pretty hot yourself."

She resumed her work, concentrating less on the up and down, and more with working her tongue side to side on just the underside while her hand rubbed and caressed my balls. It was like something I'd never felt. Her hand moved slightly, and she began teasing the opening my my butt. I liked my ass being played with, but I'd yet to find a girl that would help a guy out. It was a "In the privacy of my own home" thing. Here, I had to stop her from making me cum.

"Oh god, stop," I hissed as her finger barely found it's way inside.

"Mmm," I could feel the wound around my penis as she removed the offending finger and stopped her tongue work. "Good boy. I like teasing you."

"God, you are incredible." I was out of breath and covered in sweat.

She resumed her work and in just a few moments I had to have her stop again.

"Oh, that's wonderful. I could feel the head getting even bigger. Fuck that's sexy."

I lay there trying to get my breath, only to feel that wonderful mouth and finger resume their torture. Only seconds later, it was too much. "Ssstopp..." I begged.

"No." was her terse reply and I came like I have never before, grunting, moaning, and thrashing about. She popped myself out of her mouth and rubbed my cock on her chest, ropes of cum covering those magnificent breasts while she stroked me.

Utterly spent, she smiled and sat up. "I've wanted that thing in my mouth ever since we went to the Caribbean last year."

I lay there, sweating and in absolute bliss. "You had an amazing Turquoise bikini. I remember it. I wanted in it. You're one of my favorite fantasies when I'm alone." She gave me a playful stroke. I was still hard. She moved beside me, lifted a leg over, and straddled my waist.

"Condom?" I asked, suddenly concerned with, uh, long term consequences.

"Tubal,"she said with a smile. "And so much for fantasies, you can get inside these right now, for real." She moved her thong to one side and guided me in. She was so wet, I glided in to the hilt with ease, lubricated by her need and saliva. She closed her eyes as I slid in and moaned a long low moan.

"God I've wanted this, she said. Slowly she moved her hips back and forth moving me inside her. "Every time we chat on the phone, I see you in those board shorts."

She switched and moved side to side in little moves, a motion I hadn't ever felt.

I was fixated on her breasts. "I can't believe these are in my face like this." I kneaded them, slick with my cum and her sweat. It was dirty and sexy and... This would be a memory for a long time.

She began to move back and forth again and I took the opportunity to reach down where we met and toy with her clit with my thumb. She threw her head back, "Oh... Mmmm.." Her movements got more abrupt but slower. She was driving herself onto me, grinding hard.

"Don't you cum," I ordered. "Tease yourself." She continued to grind. I was still in recovery mode, so it felt great, but I wasn't close. She was moving slowly enough that I could feel the ripples and movements as I slid in her.

Suddenly she stopped moving, "Oh.. Sstop." I did as directed and stopped with my thumb. After a few seconds, I resumed, slowly and teasingly. Her hips jerked involuntarily and that in turn drove her onto my cock. "Stop, stop, stop." she hissed with more urgency. I could feel her squeezing me.

I smiled, pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. We kissed for several moments, my hands roaming all over her back and ass. I rolled her over without warning. Oh how I'd wanted to get between these legs for so long. I sat up, still buried in her. I resumed moving slowly and in long strokes, her legs pulled up and apart.

I ran my hands along the inside of her thighs and over her stomach and breasts. One hand stayed on breast duty and teased first one then the other nipple. I loved making them hard and feeling the rough flesh around them. I pinched and rolled them in my fingers and kneaded the luscious flesh of her breasts, one then the other as I continued my slow thrusting. She closed her eyes and moaned, alternating between lifting her breasts to my hands and meeting my thrusts with her hips. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, then closed her eyes again, a very blissful look on her face writhing in the pleasure.

I moved my other thumb to her button as I thrust. It began to tease her, running in circles around it, or over it, or up and down. Her hips moved even more now, and finally I was rewarded with, "Stop," coming from her lips.

I began to move even faster, a steady clap, clap coming from where our bodies met in lust. I was getting close, but not as close as she was. I was fucking little mews from her mouth until finally a sexy "Ooohhhh, Yeah... Ungh..." came from her lips as she came hard, quivering. I gave her a few more strokes then stopped, buried deep within her as her muscles convulsed around me. My thumb followed suit, rubbing then just resting on her. She held her hands out and I collapsed onto her, kissing and caressing.

After a little while of kissing she said, "Did you come again?"

"No, that was for you." I smiled.

She smiled back with half closed eye lids. "Hop up," she said. Grudgingly, I did so as did she. My penis swung comically as I stood there. She dropped her panties and garter onto the floor. She was magnificent.

"Here, see if this works," she said, turning around and bending at her hips onto the back of the couch.

The view was to die for, and if caught, I likely would but I'd die with a smile.

I grabbed a hip with one hand, and with the other, drug myself up and down through her folds. It was delicious. Carefully, I aimed myself at her opening and entered her in one motion. We were both still slick with her fluids and we made that wet slap sound when I was in all the way.

"Fuck me, Marc. Give me that dick." God, did this woman know all my weaknesses? I couldn't get the girls I dated to talk dirty, but she obviously knew what she wanted. Women are so much better than girls.

I started thrusting with aplomb. Deep, hard thrusts that started when I was almost out, and ended when my balls slapped against her mons. I could feel my cock-head moving in her. I swear I could even feel the barely rough patch of her G-spot, something I think I was slamming against as I moved.

"Yeah..." she hissed. "Like that. Take it baby." Her heart shaped ass tapered perfectly to her sexy body. I watched as I disappeared into her, and on the out stroke the skin of her pussy followed, like she didn't want me to leave. I'd never seen something so sexy. Suddenly, something changed.

"You like that?" She said in a breathy tone.

"God, what are you doing?" The feeling of my cock was somehow even better from time to time.

"Squeezing you." She laughed and thrust her hips back.

"Thank you... Dr Kegal," I said between thrusts.

I ran my hands onto her hips and back to her ass, and suddenly the whole situation became too much. Fuck teasing myself, I wanted to cum.

I sped up my long strokes, pulling little moans from her with every thrust. I felt her hand down where we met and suddenly she was thrusting back as hard as I was thrusting forward.